View Full Version : Oil Drilling Blocked....Can't even vote on it

07-16-2008, 06:32 PM

Pelosi Maneuvers to Block Drilling Votes
July 14, 2008
By Steven T. Dennis
Roll Call Staff

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) appears intent on preventing votes on opening more areas to offshore drilling despite the stirrings of a revolt by rank-and-file Democrats after months of concerted efforts by House Republicans.

When Democratic leaders’ latest legislative response to rising gas prices comes to the floor this week, it will be on the suspension calendar, Pelosi told reporters.

The suspension calendar has become the Democratic leaders’ favorite weapon for jamming Republicans who either must capitulate or be blamed for blocking popular-sounding bills. And for Democrats, it’s all done without having to deal with difficult votes on pesky amendments such as oil drilling or gun control.

It worked perfectly on the recent Medicare “doctors’ fix” when House Republicans deserted their leadership en masse. And last week, Democrats inserted a gun provision into a suspension bill, which passed by voice vote, avoiding a tough vote for their Members.

Using the tactic on energy legislation helps Pelosi sidestep amendments on opening up land to offshore drilling — amendments that could pass as gas prices soar and public opinions polls show overwhelming support for the idea.

Democrats spent the week after the July Fourth recess with a shift to pro-drilling rhetoric after months of press conferences where they ridiculed the idea.

But the rhetorical shift wasn’t matched by much in the way of policy, as Pelosi has maintained that no new acres be opened for drilling along the East Coast, West Coast, portions of the Gulf Coast or in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Pelosi said Democrats still don’t want to drill in those “pristine environmental areas” but instead want to spur development in land already open to drilling, by threatening to yank leases from oil companies and urging the Bush administration to speed leasing in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve. Pelosi also sought to relieve pressure by urging Bush to sell off some of the 700 million-barrel Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

But considering that dozens of Democrats support drilling in ANWR and are likely to back an expansion of drilling offshore if given an opportunity, Pelosi would risk losing control of the issue if she allowed open votes on the floor.

Pelosi dismissed the polls.

“The American people want the price of oil to come down. They don’t know ANWR from NPRA,” she said, referring to the 20 million-acre National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, which is Democrats’ new favorite site to drill.

She also defended using suspensions.

“We are trying to get our job done around here, and we work very hard to build consensus, and when we get it, we like to just move forward with it, as we did on the Medicare bill, as we did with the SPR bill, the list goes on and on. But it is not about a tool. It is about the legislative process and how we get a job done.”

Michael Steel, spokesman for House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), said the latest Democratic package appeared to be “nothing more than political cover. It is a way for them to claim they are for more domestic energy production when they aren’t.”

The geology of the National Petroleum Reserve will require a far more disruptive set of oil wells than ANWR, Steel said, where a far smaller footprint would suffice.

“They are actually backing a policy that is far more damaging to the environment than the one we’re backing,” Steel said.

“Democrats alleging that they are putting massive bills on the suspension calendar because they’ve reached consensus is as laughable as it is offensive,” added Antonia Ferrier, spokeswoman for House Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.). “What are they afraid of? This is hardly the kind of open government the Democrats talked a lot about before taking the control.”

Pelosi said Republicans were perpetrating a hoax by suggesting that opening up more land for drilling would reduce gas prices.

“Why aren’t they drilling on nearly or over 80 million acres? Why are they saying we don’t have the equipment to do it, but let us drill in pristine environmental areas? Because it is a hoax, it is subterfuge. It is a decoy to take your attention away from the fact their policies have produced $4-a-gallon gasoline.”

But the tight rein leadership is keeping on oil votes may not last, dissident Democrats predict.

Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii), who announced a pro-drilling bipartisan working group with Rep. John Peterson (R-Pa.) that will meet this week, ripped both parties’ leaders as a “mutual accusation society” and predicted that dozens of rank-and-file Members want to support increased drilling as part of a Member-driven energy independence package.

“We’re going to save this Congress from itself,” Abercrombie said. “The public is not interested in Republicans versus Democrats on the energy issue. ... They are assigning blame to the Congress.”

“The point here is to put together a comprehensive bill that we can get broad support for and show the public we’re really trying to do something,” Abercrombie said. “We can stop the hemorrhaging of dollars leaving the U.S.”

Rep. Gene Green (D-Texas), a supporter of opening up more land on and offshore, said Democratic leaders are shifting how they talk about the issue but not what they plan to do about it.

“They are now talking that they want to drill, but they want to drill on the current property,” he said. “So much of that land is not productive. We need to be able to lease where there is resources.”

Green said he hoped the Senate might cut a deal that would spur the House into action.

“I think that will make the House more flexible,” he said.

Meanwhile, oil prices continued to rise relentlessly.

At her press conference, Pelosi appeared to take credit for cutting oil prices by nearly $10 a barrel because of the suspension of oil purchases for the strategic reserves.

But by the end of the week, oil prices soared to new records, closing in on $150.

07-16-2008, 10:44 PM
I bet no one wants to read all that.

Surprisingly for once I can see where both sides are coming from on this one. Personally I think as the largest consumer of fossil fuels we have a responsibility to produce at least part of what we use. It will only help our economy if the feds hold domestic oil to domestic prices. Most likely we will drill more here and the fuel mongers will charge the same as OPEC just because they can so in the end we just end up with less fuel of our own for the same price.

Oil companies should be held to a responsible amount of profit the same as any other HUGE business. I'm tempted to say fuck OPEC but if my only cash cow was gasoline I would milk it too. Some where between the socialist ideals that most of us share and reality are gas prices that are reasonable for both sides.

Obviously this is all my opinion(which I am NOT forcing on you) so there is no need for repping just because you don't agree with my view.

07-16-2008, 10:48 PM
Fucking Nancy Pelosi fucks us over again!

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-16-2008, 11:07 PM
and this is why we can't have anyone on the far right or far left become president. They only speak for a select few. Liberal for president!!!!! Or at the very least a moderate republican (like myself but found myself voting democrat the past 3 elections)

07-16-2008, 11:10 PM
Wow, as it is were already 65% dependent on foreign fuels iirc. imho the oil companies pretty much have us where they want us. They're just throwing excuse after excuse for the sky rocketing oil prices.

07-16-2008, 11:10 PM
I hate that bitch. She is an example of a career politician at their worst. Do some of ya'll understand the difference between profit and profit margin. Yes oil company profits are greater than ever but their profit margin(the amount they actually make after all their costs and taxes are factored in) is pretty much the same as ever. The government takes over double in taxes what the oil companies make off of every gallon of gas anyway. You can thank the Dems and Pelosi for that.

07-16-2008, 11:13 PM

this was the ad at the bottom of the page

coincidentally i have never seen this one before

07-17-2008, 12:09 AM
Last I checked their profit margins are higher than ever.

07-17-2008, 08:10 AM
I hate that bitch. She is an example of a career politician at their worst. Do some of ya'll understand the difference between profit and profit margin. Yes oil company profits are greater than ever but their profit margin(the amount they actually make after all their costs and taxes are factored in) is pretty much the same as ever. The government takes over double in taxes what the oil companies make off of every gallon of gas anyway. You can thank the Dems and Pelosi for that.

Pelosi is a fucking cunt and needs to die in a fire :w00t: Perfect example of a woman on a power trip (there is nothing wrong with a woman in charge, just the abuse of power). She's just letting everyone know she's in charge with her blatent cock blocking on issues the public want resolved. Both sides are equally guilty though. I'm so sick of republicans and democrats whoring themselves out to the corporations.

07-17-2008, 08:15 AM
Last I checked their profit margins are higher than ever.

They are. That is why this whole thing is bs. If the cost of getting the oil was really that inflated then the cost at the pump would rise to compensate and the profits would remain the same not quadrupal and set records. We are being pwned :Owned:

07-17-2008, 08:33 AM
This should be a state matter. If a Californian politician has objections, the Fed has to listen.

The fact that she's an idiot stands, but it must also be considered that the states ultimately get to decide.

07-17-2008, 09:18 AM
WTF is going on? I love how they say drilling won't deliver any oil for 10 years. How long do you think alternative energy will take? At least 20 years.

$5.00 gasoline - coming soon


Dems try to spur oil exploration on available land
Associated Press
July 17, 2008

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Seeking to blunt GOP efforts to permit oil exploration off Atlantic and Pacific coasts, House Democrats are pushing legislation they say would spur oil drilling on already available lands in Alaska, the West and the western Gulf of Mexico.

Republicans scoffed that the so-called Drill Act -- imposing a tougher "use it or lose it" rule on leases already held by oil companies -- would do little to boost oil exploration, saying current policies are aimed at the same goal. A vote was set for Thursday.

On the eve of the vote, the Interior Department issued a major new lease in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve, known as NPR-A. The Democratic bill would require a more active Interior Department leasing program on the reserve, which is located to the west of the off-limits Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, the subject of a long-standing battle between environmentalists and the oil lobby.

"Democrats brought forth their 'Use It or Lose It' bill without knowing it was already the law of the land," said GOP Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo. "Today we're reminded that the majority's efforts to 'unlock' NPR-A are about as necessary as passing a bill ordering the sun to rise."

The oil lease proposal is an effort by Democrats to counter a push by congressional Republicans to lift a long-standing drilling ban on most offshore U.S. waters.

With gasoline prices exceeding $4 per gallon, public opinion on energy issues is shifting in favor of a more permissive stance on drilling, even though the idea of opening the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, or the eastern Gulf off Florida's beaches to oil and gas companies has been long seen as a nonstarter.

Democrats are scrambling to appear pro-drilling -- hence the "Drill Act" title for Thursday's bill -- even as their leaders appear dead set against reversing the long-standing drilling bans along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

Democrats say the industry should first go after oil and natural gas in areas where they hold leases. They also say Republicans are simply seeking political advantage with a pro-drilling plan that won't deliver new U.S. oil for another decade or so, and that the GOP's fixation on drilling is a smoke screen for the Bush administration's inability to prevent the sharp spike in gasoline prices.

"The administration's responsibility was to protect the American people from this kind of gouging, and they did nothing," said Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn. "So today they're trying to deflect the very legitimate criticism of, 'What did you do on the watch?'"

In the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., unveiled a bill this week aimed at curbing speculation in the oil markets that Democrats say has contributed to the rapid rise in the price of oil. Action could begin this week.

Republicans hope to use the bill as a vehicle for votes on further offshore exploration, among other pro-energy production measures.

Copyright 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

07-17-2008, 09:44 AM
The other side of the coin for the drilling/gas problem is that no one is talking about the war now. Bush has completely won.

07-17-2008, 10:14 AM
They are. That is why this whole thing is bs. If the cost of getting the oil was really that inflated then the cost at the pump would rise to compensate and the profits would remain the same not quadrupal and set records. We are being pwned :Owned:

I know right, I saw an oil exec on the cbs new saying they barely get anything since inflation was so high. Hmm record high gas prices, oil companies have record high profits hmmm......I suppose they hope people wont notice. My thing is, its liket his, the oil companies are makin butt loads of cash, so why would they lower prices? The governemnt is able to take in more money due to taxes since we spend alot more on fuel, to add to that some powerful government people may have stakes in oil, so high prices equals :bigok: to them. So until the economic bubble bursts and the mighty invisble hand comes to bitch slap the oil companies, we will indeed be gettin owned:Ownedd: