View Full Version : E3 Wrap Up

07-16-2008, 04:17 PM
For all the gamers on zilvia here's what games to look forward to in the future from E3.

Console wars heat up for 2008: Sony impresses, Microsoft surprises, Nintendo disappoints

by Mike Smith
In the two days leading up to the year's biggest video games trade show, E3, it's become something of a tradition that the competing console manufacturers face off in a series of lavish press conferences. Now that 2008's round of announcements, demonstrations, trailers, and posturing are over, which console came out on top?

Despite rumors of price cuts, Microsoft opted to expand the hard drive of its mid-range offering instead of delivering any real savings to consumers. All the same, the 360's Dashboard interface is undergoing a serious overhaul this year, and looks to be coming out cleaner, with more downloadable games, and including custom avatars that are, not to mince words, a complete rip-off of Nintendo's Miis. ("Where else could you get an avatar creation system but on Xbox Live?" one developer commented. We have no idea.) On-demand movie and TV programming courtesy of Netflix will expand the 360's already bulging video abilities, and a new motion-sensing microphone controller will deliver new horrors to the terrifying world of karaoke games.

Sony put together a similar performance, shuffling its PS3 package offerings to little real effect (although you might pick up a bargain as retailers clear stock of the older lines). It's also expanding its video offerings by offering online movie rentals from an impressive portfolio of studios -- and you can take them on the road on your PSP, too. Unlike Microsoft's offerings, which have a vague "fall" ETA, Sony's new online features should be available by the time you read this.

That wasn't all, though. Sony's press conference rolled out a set of game trailers that had fans cheering: a new God of War game on PS3, a vast-looking massive action game named MAG, and a couple of promising superhero games: one massively-multiplayer title based on the DC superhero universe, and one futuristic, open-city game from the Sly Cooper studio. It's a great selection, and one that leaves Microsoft's roster of Gears of War 2 (http://videogames.yahoo.com/xbox360/gears-of-war-2/) and Fable II (http://videogames.yahoo.com/gamemain?cid=1951332574) looking a little tired.

Mind you, that wasn't the end of the software story. Although the Sony execs weren't visibly injured, Microsoft's press conference delivered them a metaphorical punch to the gut: the absolutely huge Final Fantasy series is no longer a PlayStation exclusive. Final Fantasy XIII will be coming to the 360, and unless you count the oddball, massively-multiplayer XI (we don't) it's the first time any of the modern Final Fantasy games have gone cross-platform. If nothing else dropped jaws at the Microsoft do, this announcement sure did.

In contrast, it was hard to dodge the grumbling on the way out of the Nintendo event. Where were the classic franchises we all know and love? Where, for that matter, was Mario? Nintendo fans had to make do with a new Animal Crossing title, and an oh-so-vague mention of a Grand Theft Auto game on the DS handheld. Accessories like the MotionPlus controller plug-in and the WiiSpeak microphone (pictured below) are all very well, but don't we have enough bits of plastic cluttering up our houses already?

Which, naturally, is Nintendo's modus operandi since the release of the Wii. For every disgruntled Nintendo hardcore fan, there's a whole houseful of delighted non-gamers enthused at the thought of getting together to play music without needing a bunch of instruments or, you know, any skill. But can Nintendo really deliver a music game experience that's as compelling as Rock Band (http://videogames.yahoo.com/xbox360/rock-band/)?

Perhaps, perhaps not. Either way, this year's E3, so far, belongs to Sony -- and if you're still on the fence about which new system you're going to spring for, your decision just got a whole lot tougher.
E3 2008 Videos Game Trailer

List includes:

God Of War 3
Final Fantasy 13
Halo Wars
Fable 2
Resident Evil 5 *GAMEPLAY TRAILER*

The 1UP Show E3 2008 Day 1 Special

Its about 15 min long and they talk about E3 and all the releases then the last 15 min you get to see Cliff Bleszinski demos Gears of War 2 which looks insane


07-16-2008, 04:25 PM
final fantasy 13 looks too good

07-16-2008, 04:25 PM
All sequels.


Resident Evil is the only one I'll buy.

07-16-2008, 04:44 PM
im going to buy a ps3 for God of war 3, i am addicted to those games damnit!

07-16-2008, 06:41 PM
has E3 already happened this year :ugh:

i know anime expo did...:keke:

07-16-2008, 07:26 PM
for those who seen the 08 e3 on g4... who looks hotter olivia mun or morgan web?

07-16-2008, 07:53 PM
olivia munn for sure.


for some reason morgan tries to act too "cutesy" now. oh well. shes ok looking.

as for e3, i was watching gameplay of fable 2 and thats looks like fun co-op mode!

07-16-2008, 10:50 PM
for some reason morgan tries to act too "cutesy" now. oh well. shes ok looking

At least she's not a crazy man beater like she used to be. I feel sorry for the Sess, they made him go through a lot of shit.

Xandy Boosts
07-16-2008, 11:12 PM
did i hear this right? final fantasy 13 in US will be on 360 and not ps3???

07-16-2008, 11:16 PM
no it will be on both

Xandy Boosts
07-16-2008, 11:43 PM

it will be on ps3 in japan

everywhere else xbox360

07-16-2008, 11:47 PM

well isn't ps3 not region restricted

07-16-2008, 11:52 PM
I'm pretty sure SquareEnix said (at their press conference that followed the MS one) they wouldn't begin "porting" FF13 to the 360 until they began English localization. In other words, FF13 is only being developed on the PS3 right now, when it is done a port for the 360 will be made.ughh yeah? charac

and the designers are doing something right :D


Xandy Boosts
07-17-2008, 01:22 AM
Yeah I saw the trailer :hs: Looking forward to it no matter what system its on...

Vision Garage
07-17-2008, 01:27 AM
haha that picture looks like ur avatar! Plus 1 for you!

07-17-2008, 02:47 AM
Stupid ass EA didn't participate in E3 this year. They had their own preview day here (which we weren't allowed to attend) where they showed Rock Band 2 and some others.

I swear this company is so gay. They didn't participate because they didn't want to pay for the booth or whatever the fuck they give you when you're part of the convention.

Vision Garage
07-17-2008, 02:49 AM
Damn cheapskates. With the rise in the gaming industry I wouldve figured they would want to promote all their new games!

07-17-2008, 05:59 AM
Stupid ass EA didn't participate in E3 this year. They had their own preview day here (which we weren't allowed to attend) where they showed Rock Band 2 and some others.

I swear this company is so gay. They didn't participate because they didn't want to pay for the booth or whatever the fuck they give you when you're part of the convention.

Ive seen rockband two and that game looks so much sicker then the first. I also got my game informer like two days ago and say that there will be a part two to dead rising that should make exit speed happy lol

07-17-2008, 08:17 AM
Nintendo did dissapoint me this year. Although, with all the hating, they showed the type of software and hardware that is going to fly off shelves. So for more hardcore folks like myself, it lacked, but for moms, and their children everywhere they are going to love Nintendo even more.

What wasn't mentioned during their conference or in that article is that Shigeru Miyamoto said that they ARE working on a new Zelda Wii game, a sequel to Mario Galaxy, and a sequel to New Super Mario Bros for DS.

Those titles get me excited. I suppose we'll here more about those next year this time.

MS, and Sony, were disappointing to me too actually.

The only game that was announced this week that I'm looking forward to is GTA DS.

07-17-2008, 09:10 AM
Nintendo did dissapoint me this year. Although, with all the hating, they showed the type of software and hardware that is going to fly off shelves. So for more hardcore folks like myself, it lacked, but for moms, and their children everywhere they are going to love Nintendo even more.

What wasn't mentioned during their conference or in that article is that Shigeru Miyamoto said that they ARE working on a new Zelda Wii game, a sequel to Mario Galaxy, and a sequel to New Super Mario Bros for DS.

Those titles get me excited. I suppose we'll here more about those next year this time.

MS, and Sony, were disappointing to me too actually.

The only game that was announced this week that I'm looking forward to is GTA DS.

I know i was so disappointed as well nintendo let me down i really thought they would have some new cool games but there wasnt anything that wow me.

Microsoft was alil better i do like the who new netflix sync with your xbox i think thats pretty cool. But in the games department the only one that i thought was good is gears.

Sony i think had the best show i mean droping the price on teh ps3 thats just crazy and all the new games coming out like God Of War thats gonna be crazy but i still cant wait for HOME

07-18-2008, 12:17 AM

if i was that skinny white dude on that show i would royally tear that ass up

07-18-2008, 06:12 PM
I'm sure he has.


07-18-2008, 06:42 PM


( o Y o ) ftw

07-18-2008, 07:15 PM
I've met her before, along with her twin sister.

She's a fucking monster too me.

Not so much as her sister.

..she was bitchy too.

..and Munn's brother is into drifting, I think he has Silvia converted coupe.

07-19-2008, 12:17 AM
^ wait morgan has a twin sister or the other girl? both are rather nice imo and could get the dick quick

but yea, E3 seems to be all about the sequels this year. sure I am going to get a few of those sequels but I am missin the huge "oh shit" new premieres of past E3's. but hell who I kiddin, I am ready for gears 2, fable 2 FF 13, and all the other kickass sequels.

Also is it me, or does it seem like alot of the big budget games are goin PS3/Xbox 360 these days. I mean all the GTA's and metal gears on ps2 came to xbox, but only after they were old and crusty to ps2 owners. Final fantasy has been ps exclusive since they released 7 on the first one, (11 doesnt count, neither does crystal chronicles) now its on the 360? Persoanlly i think that is lame as hell.

07-19-2008, 01:14 AM
Fuck ff13. Idk why but I can never finish them anymore. I lose too much interest.

and God of War for the Ps3? I dont think they can really come up with anymore storyline ideas but ok, as long as the gameplay is still kickass.