View Full Version : Electrical problem?

07-15-2008, 06:01 PM
I was driving the other day when out of NOWHERE my car died... Now all

of my electronics that should work while my car is in the ON position will

not work. Example: My seat belts won't retract, my radio won't turn on,

my fuel pump doesn't kick in, and my starter will not turn over.. NO it is

not the battery, my headlights, dome lights and inside lights still work, my

cluster lights still work, as do my hazzards. I tested it and it has steady

12v past two days it hasn't lost voltage. I checked ALL my fuses in the

driverside kick panel, they were all fine. I checked ALL my fuses in the

fusebox behind the battery, the ENG CONT was partially burnt, replaced it

and still no difference. I checked all of my grounds, and I also made sure

all of my connections are good at my battery. I even replaced the ignition

switch. STILL nothing works.. Please help I'm out of ideas.

s13 Ka24de

07-15-2008, 09:32 PM
in the meantime, document each thing that does not work, check your FSM in the electrical wiring section, and find out what all of these devices have in common, Maybe a junction became unplugged. I am too tired tonight to do this for you, but today as I was wiring my reverse lamp switch in, I noticed that from the sensor on the tranny, to the tail light, there are more than 10 connections from harness to harness, there is bound to be some connection that is not properly fastned or something.

07-15-2008, 09:36 PM
Check alternator and grounds.

07-15-2008, 10:16 PM
Check alternator and grounds.

Theres nothing that points to my alternator. Its new plus my battery stay charged. I checked all of my grounds.