View Full Version : super awesome. we pay for shit like this.
07-15-2008, 02:12 PM
Lawmakers Target Chinese-Made Flags
WASHINGTON (July 15) - The American flag has many labels: Stars and stripes. Old Glory. And sometimes, made in China.
Congress can't halt the flow of Chinese-made flags, but lawmakers can try to control where they are flown. The House declared Monday that any flag flown on federal property should be made in the U.S.A.
The House declared in a non-binding resolution passed Monday that any flag flown on federal property -- like post offices and courthouses -- should be made in the U.S.A. Only U.S.-made flags fly over the nation's Capitol.
"It's not a major problem facing the nation," admitted Rep. Bob Filner, D-Calif. "But it's an irritant."
Chinese-made flags seemed to pop up everywhere after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. People rushed to show their sense of patriotism by buying American flags, and U.S. manufacturers couldn't keep up with demand.
Foreign imports of American flags, worth around $1 million annually at the time, surged to nearly $52 million in the weeks that followed.
Then as demand subsided, lawmakers took action, requiring the Defense Department to buy American-made textiles and the Veterans Affairs Department to use American-made flags for burials.
And in the city where Congress meets, only U.S.-made flags fly over the nation's Capitol.
Still, more than 8,000 other federal buildings - courthouses, post offices, border stations, office buildings, among others - are under no such obligation.
Filner, chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, wanted to force the government to buy only American-made flags. "But we were told that this mandatory stuff runs into trade agreements," the eight-term congressman said.
That is because the U.S. has gone to great pains to hammer out trade deals with other countries and can't impose new limits after the fact.
His solution was a nonbinding "sense of Congress" resolution that cleared the House on Monday. It doesn't have any teeth, he admitted, but it's a start.
In the meantime, state governments are beginning to weigh in. A new law in Minnesota says all flags sold in the state must be made in the U.S., with violations subject to a fine of up to $1,000 and jail time of up to 90 days. The industry says similar measures have cropped up in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida.
The country's flag makers can easily make enough flags for the government, said Michael Liberman, president of Valley Forge Flag Co. in Wyomissing, Pa.
"That would be a very, very small part of our domestic demand; there's no problem with that," he said. "Right after Sept. 11, the U.S. flag industry couldn't keep up with demand. But that only occurred for probably four or five months."
It's not just the government - several retail chains have decided to buy American-made flags. Liberman's company sells flags to Ace Hardware, Target and Lowe's. But he's had trouble selling flags to some retailers.
"Others have not had a problem selling flags saying they are made in China or made in Korea," he said. "We're constantly trying to convince them there is a difference in quality and usability."
Vision Garage
07-15-2008, 02:19 PM
Now the prices of flags will inflate since the chinese market has been cut. GO CONGRESS. You guys fuck up the shit that needs the least amount of attention. Why dont we stop all exports from all nations. GO USA!
07-15-2008, 02:32 PM
wow... who cares who makes them it a FLAGGGGG a piece of material... its what it MEANS to you thats important not who makes it... if ur against buying other-country made american flags you have to against knock off bodykits knock off wheels and pirated cds and dvds... or decals of a company made by someone in a decal shop instead of buying them from the original copy... or some dumb things like that
who cares who makes them... like i said its what it MEANS for you that you should care... thats my point of view...
i know being PATRIOTIC is one things i understand but theres a line between PATRIOTISM AND IDIOTISM and most of the times it happens to be a flag that makes people act all stupid if they burn a flag everyone gets all mad but if they burn a homosexual or muslam or who cares something that has prejudice at this moment everybody makes more deal about the piece of material being burned than a living human being...
i know im gonna get burned for this in someway or neg rep... really thats my point of view...
instead of wasting that money for deciding that dumb thing about flags they could use it for other problems like education, helping things that are being prejudiced at, schools, public help, public services... but no they decide to pay thousans of dollars (Cause each and everyone who had to sit down and 'think' to make that decision gets a paycheck worth more than what we make each month) for irrelevant things like this when they are SO many things that need more attention than this...
07-15-2008, 02:43 PM
Now the prices of flags will inflate since the chinese market has been cut. GO CONGRESS. You guys fuck up the shit that needs the least amount of attention. Why dont we stop all exports from all nations. GO USA!
yeah, really. way to go congress! for paying attention to the things that REALLY matter to our country.
seriously though, the 'MADE IN CHINA' tags are so small that you wouldn't even see them when the flags are flown!
so this is how tax payers' money is well-spent: a bunch of old cocktards with nothing else to do, arguing over which flags to fly over their offices.
07-15-2008, 02:46 PM
Now the prices of flags will inflate since the chinese market has been cut. GO CONGRESS. You guys fuck up the shit that needs the least amount of attention. Why dont we stop all exports from all nations. GO USA!
Exactly how fucking hard is it to peel off the made in china sticker??
They can do all this shit but not give bush the chance to lower gas prices what a bunch of dicks
07-15-2008, 02:49 PM
if ur against buying other-country made american flags you have to against knock off bodykits knock off wheels and pirated cds and dvds... or decals of a company made by someone in a decal shop instead of buying them from the original copy... or some dumb things like that
I, personally, AM against all those things, AND I believe US Flags SHOULD be produced in America.
Now, while this might not be the most important issue Congress needs to worry about right now, I don't see it as a complete waste.
07-15-2008, 03:01 PM
wow... who cares who makes them it a FLAGGGGG a piece of material... its what it MEANS to you thats important not who makes it... if ur against buying other-country made american flags you have to against knock off bodykits knock off wheels and pirated cds and dvds... or decals of a company made by someone in a decal shop instead of buying them from the original copy... or some dumb things like that
who cares who makes them... like i said its what it MEANS for you that you should care... thats my point of view...
i know being PATRIOTIC is one things i understand but theres a line between PATRIOTISM AND IDIOTISM and most of the times it happens to be a flag that makes people act all stupid if they burn a flag everyone gets all mad but if they burn a homosexual or muslam or who cares something that has prejudice at this moment everybody makes more deal about the piece of material being burned than a living human being...
i know im gonna get burned for this in someway or neg rep... really thats my point of view...
instead of wasting that money for deciding that dumb thing about flags they could use it for other problems like education, helping things that are being prejudiced at, schools, public help, public services... but no they decide to pay thousans of dollars (Cause each and everyone who had to sit down and 'think' to make that decision gets a paycheck worth more than what we make each month) for irrelevant things like this when they are SO many things that need more attention than this...
its true, it is what it means , but what it means is also part of why chinese made flags are wrong. its a symbol and a promise. " i pledge allegeince to the flag, of The United States of America" look up the word allegience. its a symbol of revolution and self sustainability, and a promise of protection and rights, to betray that is like buying canadian beer. lol just kidding, but still if your gonna buy a flag, dont be a homo, just shell out the extra dough. support the home land. as far as buying knock offs, and boot leg media, the people behind that crap are only in it for the money. if you at the store to but tomatos, one sign says "grown in usa" another says "grown in mexico" the mexican ones are 5 cents cheaper, which would you buy?
07-15-2008, 03:02 PM
I, personally, AM against all those things, AND I believe US Flags SHOULD be produced in America.
Now, while this might not be the most important issue Congress needs to worry about right now, I don't see it as a complete waste.
it would be ideal if all american flags were produced here in america. but do we as americans really need a law that threatens us with $1000 fine and/or 3 months in jail because the flag we fly was made somewhere else? what's next? they gonna make it illegal for me to have a union jack sticker on my car because its not patriotic enough?
this law isnt worth the paper it was printed on. and i'd be willing to bet the paper wasnt made in america either.
07-15-2008, 03:07 PM
if you at the store to but tomatos, one sign says "grown in usa" another says "grown in mexico" the mexican ones are 5 cents cheaper, which would you buy?
The ones that taste better :-/
07-15-2008, 03:51 PM
People rushed to show their sense of patriotism by buying American flags, and U.S. manufacturers couldn't keep up with demand.
i havent seen any flags up other than the ones in post offices, banks, etc.
07-15-2008, 04:17 PM
On the bright side...its gonna help keep $$$ into OUR economy, not overseas...
What you guys need to realize is lil shit like these adds up. We buy US only flags, thats less shit to import. $52M isnt exactly chump change to be pumping into the crappy US economy...
07-15-2008, 04:42 PM
if you at the store to but tomatos, one sign says "grown in usa" another says "grown in mexico" the mexican ones are 5 cents cheaper, which would you buy?
The Mexican ones because they don't use cancer-causing pesticides and growth hormones.
The Chinese made American flags are probably of better quality haha.
Omarius Maximus
07-15-2008, 04:44 PM
Ahhh yes...more overly patriotic stupidity. Excellent. I'm surprised war on terrah wasn't mentioned at all...
07-15-2008, 05:04 PM
I, personally, AM against all those things, AND I believe US Flags SHOULD be produced in America.
Now, while this might not be the most important issue Congress needs to worry about right now, I don't see it as a complete waste.
thats why im trying to say if ur against one things you should be against things that are the same thing... (i said it cause i talk each and everyday with people who make no sense they talk about something whe they themselve are culprit of what they are talking, i didnt mean it to sound all like you are a dumbass if u own any of those stuff...)
to each country its own desicions but right now theres more important things than who produces flags...
its true, it is what it means , but what it means is also part of why chinese made flags are wrong. its a symbol and a promise. " i pledge allegeince to the flag, of The United States of America" look up the word allegience. its a symbol of revolution and self sustainability, and a promise of protection and rights, to betray that is like buying canadian beer. lol just kidding, but still if your gonna buy a flag, dont be a homo, just shell out the extra dough. support the home land. as far as buying knock offs, and boot leg media, the people behind that crap are only in it for the money. if you at the store to but tomatos, one sign says "grown in usa" another says "grown in mexico" the mexican ones are 5 cents cheaper, which would you buy?
to tell you the truth i never look at PRICE as my desicion i look at who makes the better quality stuff... and i know that maybe american made flags are made better than other nations american flags but ok does it really have to go to congress to make THAT desicion?
i know what all of you are saying and i totally respect your ideas they are not dumb or stupid or anything i think theyre very strong and are respectable what im trying to say is that... does congress have to actually waste money and time on THESE desicions instead of things that could have MORE care for the country or for the people...
07-15-2008, 05:11 PM
I read about it this morning.
I believe that the flags flown on government properties should be made in the USA.
That's my opinion.
I remember someone not taking colors seriously one day on base and he got screamed at by one of the instructors.
The instructor said something that I will never forget.
"People bled and died for the American flag, at the very least you can do is to just stand there and take a minute out of your life to salute it."
07-15-2008, 05:15 PM
it would be ideal if all american flags were produced here in america. but do we as americans really need a law that threatens us with $1000 fine and/or 3 months in jail because the flag we fly was made somewhere else? what's next? they gonna make it illegal for me to have a union jack sticker on my car because its not patriotic enough?
this law isnt worth the paper it was printed on. and i'd be willing to bet the paper wasnt made in america either.
yeah thats my opinion also flags should be made by the COUNTRY who owns/uses the flag not other countries thats like (as an example) blitz making stuff greedy makes... not fair... but like sw20racer said in the above post... does there actually have to be a law or something to control something as idiotic as this...
oh and fliprayzin240sx DOES make a point... cause that money would help the economy in someway but if youre going to do it for the ECONOMY say its unfair but its to help the country in its economy dont use patriotic blabber so close minded people say "america FUCK YEAH" (haha)...
this time they didnt mention anything about patriotism or terrorism like they always do, but you should watch that everytime congress want to PRESS something onto the people it uses senseless patriotism or fake terrorism to make people give them the reason...
07-15-2008, 05:19 PM
I read about it this morning.
I believe that the flags flown on government properties should be made in the USA.
That's my opinion.
I remember someone not taking colors seriously one day on base and he got screamed at by one of the instructors.
The instructor said something that I will never forget.
"People bled and died for the American flag, at the very least you can do is to just stand there and take a minute out of your life to salute it."
very true, im not saying what he said is wrong or dumb, its the truth but in my opinion we should salute the people who DIED for it... not the actual flag...
you know what i mean? we salute the flag as a simbol like people kiss a picture of some saint/god as a simbol to theyre faith not cause they actual pray to the picture... when you salute the flag i think we should all know we arent saluting a piece of textile or saluting colors with meaning... we are saluting the people who have died or made good things because they love theyre country...
at least thats what i think...
i just hope people understand what im trying to say and not get it in a wrong way...
07-15-2008, 05:24 PM
The instructor said something that I will never forget.
...and a good point he made. Sadly, too many people take their freedom for granted (myself included), and we're letting it get taken from us little by little.
While it may seem like a trivial decision to make, I do agree with it. No other nation should produce our colors. I'm also for stimulating our economy.
People don't realize that a good percentage of this gas pricing is due to our horrifically weak dollar and a lack of confidence in other countries in our money and economy. They're right to be concerned. China stopped valuing their currency based on the US Dollar a few years ago because they knew it'd be plummeting. I'm not saying I'm against buying anything foreign-produced, but we need to become more independent. Our corporations are driving this country's economy to an early grave.
07-15-2008, 05:45 PM
I, personally, AM against all those things, AND I believe US Flags SHOULD be produced in America.
Now, while this might not be the most important issue Congress needs to worry about right now, I don't see it as a complete waste.
agreed, this is one thing that shouldn't be made in china.
but i don't really think that there should be anything on record forcing it.
07-15-2008, 05:51 PM
We should have a party burning chinese made american flags
07-15-2008, 06:05 PM
I think people that drive new Hyundai's that are completly decked out with american flags/stickers more ignorant that people who buy Chinese made flags.
07-15-2008, 06:28 PM
good thing i don't own a flag, and probably never will.
I don't see a problem with what was said in the article. They want to use American Flags made in the USA. Its a decision to use American made flags. They're not banning foreign made flags, or taxing them, or anything like that.
The only problem I see is with Minnesota's law is that usually when government tries to step into business they cause problems. Usually it results in a price ceiling ( or price floor ( and does not allow for market equilibrium ( My economics classes have taught me this.
07-15-2008, 10:09 PM
I would still get an american flag if it's made in china.
07-15-2008, 10:48 PM
I don't see a problem with what was said in the article. They want to use American Flags made in the USA. Its a decision to use American made flags. They're not banning foreign made flags, or taxing them, or anything like that.
The only problem I see is with Minnesota's law is that usually when government tries to step into business they cause problems. Usually it results in a price ceiling ( or price floor ( and does not allow for market equilibrium ( My economics classes have taught me this.
dude. they are going to fine people $1000+ and/or 90 days in jail over which country A PIECE OF CLOTH was made in. and you're talking about price ceilings and price floors?
the thing is it just starts off like this, and only gets worse. and the fact that it started so strongly doesnt bode long do you think it will be before everywhere has some ultra patriotic boner over american made american flags? and they will say "hmm, they let us actually get away this shit?! lets see what else we can get away with!"
you do understand it is officially worse to have a chinese made american flag than to get busted with an ounce of weed in my pocket? shit i cant even smoke the flag. it just sits there flappin in the breeze. 50 feet in the air. where you couldnt tell if it was chinese or american or a hologram.
07-15-2008, 11:15 PM
next thing you know they'll be banning foreign cars because of their difference in "quality and usability":loco:
07-15-2008, 11:21 PM
we can build a wall around the whole country! have a moat of napalm on the outside! all we gotta do after than is drill alaska into the sea so we dont have to rely on those dirty foreigners' oil! yeehaw. :cj: :down:
07-16-2008, 12:16 AM
Lawmakers Target Chinese-Made Flags
Chinese-made flags seemed to pop up everywhere after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. People rushed to show their sense of patriotism by buying American flags, and U.S. manufacturers couldn't keep up with demand.
Maybe they would keep up with demand if they would stop sending US jobs to other countries. Fuck-tards.
07-16-2008, 12:33 AM
A United States flag made in China is like eating sushi made by a sushi restaurant owned by non-japanese's not the same.
Some things should be left sacred.
07-16-2008, 01:02 AM
we can build a wall around the whole country! have a moat of napalm on the outside! all we gotta do after than is drill alaska into the sea so we dont have to rely on those dirty foreigners' oil! yeehaw. :cj: :down:
i like the way you think, but let's conserve petroleum and fill the moat with pungee pits from tony hawk pro skater instead of napalm.
dude. they are going to fine people $1000+ and/or 90 days in jail over which country A PIECE OF CLOTH was made in. and you're talking about price ceilings and price floors.
In Minnesota. I don't live there, so they can pass whatever stupid laws they want. The citizens and taxpayers of Minnesota let this law pass in their state.
07-16-2008, 01:27 AM
haha... now aint this some shit... who gives a flying fuck
Vision Garage
07-16-2008, 10:09 AM
Thats it. Imma put a made in china flag on my car!!!!
07-16-2008, 10:02 PM
Thats it. Imma put a made in china flag on my car!!!!
fuck that! im gonna drive around with a CHINESE FLAG! even tho im not chinese!:2f2f:
sesame seed balls FTW!!!!
jus kidding:keke:
07-17-2008, 06:40 PM
to the person who neg repped me: good thing you should move. being unpatriotic is soooooo trendy. FAGGOT.
becuase i dont buy an american flag you automatically assume im not patriotic? you're prolly one of those losers who ran out and bought a shit load after 9/11. hell after 9/11 everyone and there mom was patriotic. i have my own opinions on the government and the way the country is run. and there is not much i can really do about that, besides myself going into politics but since this is a captialist society everything revolves around the almighty dollar so in the end my political persuits would mean JACK. calling me unpatriotic becuase i choose not to buy a flag? its a fucking peice of cloth! like what other people said its the meaning behind the flag not the flag itself.
how about you just start attackign all the immigrants who come to america, they must not be patriotic too if they left there country right? all the asian pride and emxican pride and african american pride everything all of that. if they're so proud why the fuck did they leave? im not racist at all im just using this as a point. calling me unpatriotic and to move is on the same level as calling immigrants unpatriotic for leaving there country. dont give me that "better opportunity" bullshit there are billions of people who DONT live in america who do just fine in the game of life.
the only reason i would ever move out of the us is to live in a country that isnt so strict on cars. britain or austraila would be nice. at least there they didnt get shafted when it comes to nice cars. specially speaking nissans... anyways point being is screw you for neg repping when you dont know me. at least have the balls to leave your name on the rep. coward.
07-17-2008, 07:06 PM
wow so much more things in life to worry about then a flag and where its produced. The good ol us of a.
07-17-2008, 07:16 PM
to the person who neg repped me: good thing you should move. being unpatriotic is soooooo trendy. FAGGOT.
becuase i dont buy an american flag you automatically assume im not patriotic? you're prolly one of those losers who ran out and bought a shit load after 9/11. hell after 9/11 everyone and there mom was patriotic. i have my own opinions on the government and the way the country is run. and there is not much i can really do about that, besides myself going into politics but since this is a captialist society everything revolves around the almighty dollar so in the end my political persuits would mean JACK. calling me unpatriotic becuase i choose not to buy a flag? its a fucking peice of cloth! like what other people said its the meaning behind the flag not the flag itself.
how about you just start attackign all the immigrants who come to america, they must not be patriotic too if they left there country right? all the asian pride and emxican pride and african american pride everything all of that. if they're so proud why the fuck did they leave? im not racist at all im just using this as a point. calling me unpatriotic and to move is on the same level as calling immigrants unpatriotic for leaving there country. dont give me that "better opportunity" bullshit there are billions of people who DONT live in america who do just fine in the game of life.
the only reason i would ever move out of the us is to live in a country that isnt so strict on cars. britain or austraila would be nice. at least there they didnt get shafted when it comes to nice cars. specially speaking nissans... anyways point being is screw you for neg repping when you dont know me. at least have the balls to leave your name on the rep. coward.
at least you got repped bad for someone speaking his mind... i got bad rep for being 'cheap' LMAO!!... i would care to know why...
07-17-2008, 07:18 PM
makes sense really, even tho it does sound silly, but yah country flags are pretty special. Also you shouldnt let one touch the ground etc. Isnt there like a rule that if it touches the ground, you gotta get rid of it or something?
Stop the importing of flags, and lets put up flag plants, that will give more jobs to teh economy!!
07-17-2008, 11:45 PM
I only own one flag, and it was given - not purchased. A little gold sticker reading CHINA would be a slap in the face to the people remembered by these pieces of cloth.
Whether or not you agree, I feel that the flag represents our country and its history, which would be discredited by supporting anyone else to manufacture it.
07-17-2008, 11:54 PM
We need to have a global government already.
countries are so last millennium
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