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Evil S14
12-19-2002, 03:19 PM
www.msnbc.com/news/847251.asp?0cv=KB10 (Newsweek)
:eek: :mad:
i hate media

12-19-2002, 03:23 PM
Links not working.

12-19-2002, 03:24 PM
Dag. I wish people wouldn't freaking jump on bandwagons. Kinda cliche.
I had to C&P it ca18.

12-19-2002, 03:29 PM
Wheres that "hello and welcome to last week" sticker when u need it?

12-19-2002, 03:33 PM
Here is the link:


Damn...with the $30,000 he put into that car, he could have had a badass 240.

I just wonder....why? :confused:

12-19-2002, 03:36 PM
my favorite parts:

And how about some neon? No, lots of neon. Neon trim on the seats. Neon runners on the undercarriage. Neon rings on the exhaust pipes.

Neon, for example, is embraced only by the newbies. Among hard-core tuners, neon is ... well, it’s tacky. Now, a demon-red Hyundai Tiburon with robotic-looking ground effects, euro tails and finished off with a Japanese aluminum wing? That is hot


12-19-2002, 03:42 PM
That is just disgusting. The Fast and the Furious OwNZ Joo!
Cavaliers....Tiburons...can't they do better than that? No mention of a 240 though...that's good.

12-19-2002, 03:45 PM
that's got to be one of the worst articles i've read... and whomever made the "welcome to last week comment", man... u couldn't be more dead-on, cept I guess it's more accurately, "welcome to 2000".

Good god, "Tuners". I consider tuners, people who actually know how their engine works! People who can adjust every fiber of their PowerFC. Jesus. Replace everywhere you see the word "Tuner" in that article with the word "ricer", and you've got a good article. Ugh.
<--end rant-->

12-19-2002, 04:01 PM
That has to be a joke :(

12-19-2002, 04:01 PM
i think that article actually made me lose knowlegde...but i also like how it said hardcore tuners dis like neon and love the tiburon with all the jdm accessorys...boy they hit that one dead one:D :D boy all i need now is some euro tails and find a wing from a 747 and im set...

12-19-2002, 04:18 PM
So the tuner circuit has largely turned into an esthetic competition. The current craze is for hard-to-get exterior parts

To newsweek tuner = ricer :(

12-19-2002, 04:46 PM
guys, come on... that link has been posted yesterday in the Off-Topic section!

12-19-2002, 04:49 PM
Reading that, I thinkg the average Newsweek reader would think just as poorly of those "tuners" as I do.

And who the hell uses "esthetic"? - the tacky American misspelling.

12-20-2002, 11:27 AM
Whenever someone posts something, people love to say "oh that's old"

Hell I never saw it, so.. I'll be the first to say. Thanks for posting!!! Now, all I need on my S14 is special fenders, lights and wheels, and I'll have a rad ride!!!!

This stuff makes baby jesus cry!! And that kid looks like a f-ing TOOL, I mean. . he looks like the kid locally that drives a POS Hyundai, and claims to be the "best rally drive in the city." Considering we have no rally drivers here.. hey maybe so!!!

Also, he claims it has a "Spoon engine in there"
Which one you ask? We did too. His response "I don't know... but it's in there!"


12-20-2002, 03:08 PM
Well, Ok. That was....enlightning ::I guess::

What I think is funny is how a lot of ricers mod their cars so they can be "unique" but take all their ideas from someone else's car or mag. If you want to be unique w/ your car you almost have to not mod it leave it stock and take it to car shows....Now that's unique:D

12-20-2002, 03:10 PM
If you want to be unique w/ your car you almost have to not mod it leave it stock and take it to car shows....Now that's unique:D [/B]

no its not. many of the cars "modified" are still stock still owned by some old lady or man!

damn, that means my mom is more orginal 'tuner' then i am hahahaha...

12-20-2002, 03:14 PM
that's just plain sad.

12-20-2002, 08:11 PM
i printed this article and took a **** on it, **** rice, thats all i can say


12-20-2002, 09:05 PM
There's no way this tool put that much money into that turd.
Look at it... I mean, there's no high dollar item anywhere.

Man that article is just sad... Hey, I wanna get the Japanese tails for my car because they have a "bigger reflector" wtf. .

12-21-2002, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by wheres_da_cheese
i printed this article and took a **** on it, **** rice, thats all i can say


yeah, that pretty much sums it up.