View Full Version : Enlisted Navy jobs?

07-08-2008, 07:44 PM
Alright sailors, my university fun has been cut short to two years for now anyway. I've decided to join the Navy Reserve to get some more funds to continue my studies. I have enough units to enter as an E-3 but I still have no real directions to what job I really want. I was looking into the CT jobs and the IS. I just want some Navy heads to tell me what you do in each job, the pros and cons, which job sucks, which job is good, and all that stuff. I got a 94 on the ASVAB and 110 on the DLAB by the way.

The Reserve also have limited jobs, so I can't pick all those active duty ones. It also doesn't matter if its hard to rank up in the job, I'm planning to be commissioned after two years or so when I get my Bachelors anyway. And yes, I will go active after that.

Thanks in advance.

07-08-2008, 10:02 PM
Finish school. You'll regret not doing so.

Just do school then join.

07-08-2008, 10:34 PM
I agree. Do eeeet and finish school first.

07-09-2008, 12:46 AM
i just finish watching Carrier . .its movie/series about life ona carrier i think nimihts . . it was really good. . gave me a new perspective towards sailors:D

07-09-2008, 01:13 AM
The best job in the Navy is.......

** drum roll**

Navy Hospital Corpsman.

The best job if you want to do a variety of high speed low drag stuff.

You can be with the Marines, SEALs, Seabees, hospital, hospital ship, Swcc (people who give rides to seals into combat zones and ops), and everywhere unit needs a Corpsman. You get respect if your squared away and get treated really well.

Oh yeah recon and force recon.

But since you want to be a spook (ct) then I don't know what to say.

If you know mandarin Chinese then they'll love you as a CT.

Stuck in a office all day, fuck that.

07-09-2008, 04:53 AM
corpsman up.
mr jack is right.
if you are into combat and stuff
join the seals or recon
i was a corpsman for the seals for a month for training june of 05.
the best ever.
there's a lot of n.e.c(navy classification code) in the rate corpsman.
so basically you are not stuck doing one job.

with that asvab score, you should be getting a nuclear job.
their bunos is pretty high. same thing being a seals.
you should read into navy times.
right now navy need seals sailors.
so basically the graduation rate went up for seals
right now they have program that you go to chicago for 6-8 weeks long before you go to buds here in coronado.

look for a rate that could benefit you in the long run.
i came in undesignated(i didnt have a spicific rate).
and after doing that for 3 yrs i cross rated into corpsman.

07-09-2008, 05:28 AM
Finish school. You'll regret not doing so.

Just do school then join.

take out some loans

do whatever it takes

07-09-2008, 05:51 AM
The best job in the Navy is.......

** drum roll**

Navy Hospital Corpsman.

The best job if you want to do a variety of high speed low drag stuff.

You can be with the Marines, SEALs, Seabees, hospital, hospital ship, Swcc (people who give rides to seals into combat zones and ops), and everywhere unit needs a Corpsman. You get respect if your squared away and get treated really well.

Oh yeah recon and force recon.

But since you want to be a spook (ct) then I don't know what to say.

If you know mandarin Chinese then they'll love you as a CT.

Stuck in a office all day, fuck that.

I'm a CT (well IT i was force merged/converted)... i love sitting in ac all day... fine by me... being in the field is just not for everyone. And you can still do alot of special programs. I have to agree that you should TRY to finish school before you come in. If you cannot, then i'd come in w/ the plan to finish school in one of many officer programs. I being a blue shirt/enlisted respect officers a hell of a lot more if they where in my shoes at one point of time, not some fucking green/wet behind the ears dude who graduated highschool AFTER me and wants to tell me how to do my job and he just joined the navy (airforce/army/marines)... hate that shit... i'm in the process of starting an officer program now..

Good luck.
It's not all bad, but its not for everyone either.


07-09-2008, 06:20 AM
if you think you can join the reserves now and stay a weekend warrior (i.e., not deploy) until you graduate, you're kidding yourself. now the navy might be different because their mission isn't as tasked right now but don't be suprised when they send you to the persian gulf in the middle of a semester.

again, not sure about the navy, but getting an officer slot is more that just raising your hand and saying "i have a diploma now, i want to be an officer." you may have to fight for a slot and wait a few years. being reserves for that time won't make it any easier. there are programs that are setup with commissioning as your final result and they pay for school. some research will be necessary, but ROTC or transfering to any of the academies could be an option. even if your school doesn't have Navy ROTC, you might be able to go to Army or AF ROTC and commission into the Navy. i know you can do that from the AF academy.

FYI, from what i've heard, ensigns get shit on. they're treated like dirt for the first year or two. the army and AF aren't bad.

I being a blue shirt/enlisted respect officers a hell of a lot more if they where in my shoes at one point of time, not some fucking green/wet behind the ears dude who graduated highschool AFTER me and wants to tell me how to do my job and he just joined the navy (airforce/army/marines)... hate that shit...

any officer that does that is not a good officer. you have the specific training to do the job, we (you probably already figured out already i'm an AF officer) have broad training in the career field and in management. i do my best to give the guys the tools they need to do the job and stay out of the way.

07-09-2008, 06:40 AM
Finish school. You'll regret not doing so.

Just do school then join.

great fuckin advice!!

the more you procrasinate on going to school the harder it is to go back. and joining the armed services will def prolong finishing school

07-09-2008, 07:11 AM
any officer that does that is not a good officer. you have the specific training to do the job, we (you probably already figured out already i'm an AF officer) have broad training in the career field and in management. i do my best to give the guys the tools they need to do the job and stay out of the way.

I've had maybe 50% of the officer's (junior officers) that I've worked for who did that. I believe that's how it should be done as well. But everyone as there own way of 'managing'. Some people's methods just suck haha. But if its anything I've learned from being a supervisor is one leading style does not work w/ everyone. Sometime's you have to change it up.

07-09-2008, 07:16 AM
Joining the Military for College Money, is like joining the UFC to get a free mouth guard.

There are other ways to go about affording college.

You should only join the Military if it is what you truly want to do with your life.

07-09-2008, 10:12 AM
UCSD has the NROTC program which I haven't really researched on. Maybe I'll just apply for that and continue going here. I also automatically become an officer after completing it too so no waiting in line for me later on. And plus six years active duty obligation isn't bad.

I was just thinking of joining the enlisted ranks because I just wanted to get my shit straight. I sort of know what I'm expecting since my grandpa and four uncles, all who atleast serve for 20 years, have told me what its like. They're all old school though so there's no point really asking them about the new tech jobs. Hell, my grandpa was a boatswain and one of my uncles worked the boiler room, both retired as MCs. They all think that the miltary has gone soft to the point that they all call them pussies. Compared what they've gone through, I think I'll have it easier. We'll see after my two brothers and my cousin come back from CTI and HM schooling, maybe then I'll decide.

It's a tradition. I'm just taking it further.

07-09-2008, 10:40 AM
They all think that the miltary has gone soft to the point that they all call them pussies. Compared what they've gone through, I think I'll have it easier.

Very true statement.

Hell, it has gotten more relaxed in my short 10 year career than I can believe sometimes. The media needs to keep their noses out of it and let us build troops how we see fit. Bleeding heart luberal piss ants fuck up everything.

07-09-2008, 11:03 AM
^^^Yeah, it's one of those things that people think isn't true, but it really is. I hear what my grandfather had to go through for his training (not to mention deployments) with the airborne and special operations during the 2ndWW and know a lot of the training methods and treatment wouldn't fly today (IE: Live fire at ALL times). Usually at least one or two guys would be killed or badly injured in training.

Finish school then join.

In that 2-3 years I'm sure you can figure on a job you'd be interested in.

07-09-2008, 11:06 AM
I hate officers.

Yeah that's right I fucking said it.

Unless your a mustang.

One of my SgtMaj once told me.

"Doc, do you know what's the worst thing you could hear out of a 2nd LT's mouth?"

"Well based on my experience."


Enlisted run the show, I don't know what officers are good for except setting up dog and pony shows to make themselves look better.

If your an officer and your offended. Good.

07-09-2008, 11:23 AM
I hate officers.

Yeah that's right I fucking said it.

Unless your a mustang.

One of my SgtMaj once told me.

"Doc, do you know what's the worst thing you could hear out of a 2nd LT's mouth?"

"Well based on my experience."


Enlisted run the show, I don't know what officers are good for except setting up dog and pony shows to make themselves look better.

If your an officer and your offended. Good.


In all fairness though, I don't think you could say that would be true of ALL officers in all branches, especially ones in positions to see action (infantry etc.) or were enlisted at one point. My grandfather spent 5 years enlisted and then got a battlefield comission to 2ndLT and eventually made it a career.

I've toyed with the idea of possibly going back to the military as an officer when I graduate.

07-09-2008, 11:28 AM
Hence I said mustangs.

Which are officers with prior enlisted years.

Or those that crossed the street.

I think I'm going to neg rep cdlong until he's in the red.


07-09-2008, 11:38 AM
For some reason I skipped right over that part right down to the bottom.

Well now everyone knows what it is. lol

If I decide to go for officer in a couple years remind me to not tell you ok? You'll destroy my rep for it me thinks.

07-09-2008, 01:04 PM
Sign up to become an officer

They have programs available to help pay for college. Go talk to an ****officer**** recruiter.

07-09-2008, 01:16 PM
Hence I said mustangs.

Which are officers with prior enlisted years.

Or those that crossed the street.

I think I'm going to neg rep cdlong until he's in the red.


Doc, a true "Mustang" was a SNCO before crossing the street.

The actual leadership they gained becomming Staff is what makes them better Officers.

Here is my basic take on Officers from time working with them:

You little slip of paper from "Whatever State University" means you get to sit in the cockpit and work the controls of a mulit-million dollar piece of machinary.

Meanwhile, a highschool diploma is more than enough to keep that multi-million dollar piece of shit operating.

I have had Marines out on the flight line in 100+ degree temperatures working for hours to get a plane ready for flight, only to have an Officer turn down the flight because the Air Conditioning isn't working on the aircraft.

Yeah, Officers are great. :rolleyes:

07-09-2008, 01:33 PM
What is the definition of a "Mustang?"
The NMA has committed a lot time into researching the definition of a "Mustang" Officer and the best combined definition from several sources is an Officer promoting from the ranks of Navy enlisted personnel with no interruption in their active duty status. It is also accepted the Mustang Officer normally was a career intended enlisted member of the Navy having earned one or more Good Conduct Medals prior to commissioning.


In the Navy I was told as long as its a prior enlisted regardless of rank.

07-09-2008, 01:37 PM
Well "Mustang" is typically used for all Enlisted to Comissioned transfers, but as far as the Corps goes, I've always been told a true "Stang" was a Staff NCO before the transfer.

Po-Tah -Toe

07-09-2008, 01:54 PM
Thus is the reason why you guys are the department of the Navy.

And not the ones making the decisions.


07-09-2008, 02:18 PM
Thus is the reason why you guys are the department of the Navy.

Yeah, it's called the "Men's Department".


07-09-2008, 02:23 PM
As I was typing that out I knew you were going to say that too.

So obvious.

07-09-2008, 02:31 PM
Yeah, it's called the "Men's Department".


:bowrofl: i just wrode a gator on my last deployment and it was hilarious cuz my doc buddies would talk shit about their 1sgt's all day... then when a navy guy said something about a marine hm2 would go apeshit on him lmao...

gator navy is pretty fun... floating around for a month to help a country in horrible shape but their dumbass gov won't let ya help...not fun.. sorry end rant


someone said earlier there ARE 'officer' recruiters, they'll let u know everything you need/what programs you can do/look to do, etc.

07-09-2008, 02:53 PM
I remember deploying with my marine unit on an LSD for a 3 month deployment.

Just because we were FMF corpsman with the marines they treated us like marines.

I had to stand in the marine line for chow, ship store, and bathrooms.

Just because I wore cammies.

Even though it said U.S. Navy on my service tag.

It was fine with me though.

Once I jumped to the navy side of the chow line since there was no one there and my marines practically tackled me to the ground and hauled my ass back to their side.

Good times

07-09-2008, 02:57 PM
I figured you purposely set me up for that Jack.
That joke never gets old. :keke:

07-09-2008, 03:00 PM
Go into the CT/IT rates. I could have been a CTR instead I picked MM and have regretted it ever since, But if you only doing reserve its not a big deal.


07-09-2008, 03:25 PM
Doc, a true "Mustang" was a SNCO before crossing the street.

The actual leadership they gained becomming Staff is what makes them better Officers.

Here is my basic take on Officers from time working with them:

You little slip of paper from "Whatever State University" means you get to sit in the cockpit and work the controls of a mulit-million dollar piece of machinary.

Meanwhile, a highschool diploma is more than enough to keep that multi-million dollar piece of shit operating.

I have had Marines out on the flight line in 100+ degree temperatures working for hours to get a plane ready for flight, only to have an Officer turn down the flight because the Air Conditioning isn't working on the aircraft.

Yeah, Officers are great. :rolleyes:


His response should have been a big fucking "Thanks and good work!!! and now it's my turn to go to do my job"

Fuck the AC not working. They busted their asses to get you in the air, not keep you comfy cool while you're in the air.

Story like that makes me consider going in for officer after uni just a little more. Officers are management, but also leaders. Best leaders lead by example. In the military that's AKA getting dirty and busting your ass right beside your enlisted men whenever possible IMHO.

07-09-2008, 05:43 PM
And plus six years active duty obligation isn't bad.

"you mean you promise me to pay me a decent amount with regular promotions and raises for 6 years for doing a cool job? where's the downside again?" that's how i see it.

I hate officers.

Yeah that's right I fucking said it.

Unless your a mustang.

Enlisted run the show, I don't know what officers are good for except setting up dog and pony shows to make themselves look better.

If your an officer and your offended. Good.

if you think that's all officers do, good. like i said, enlisted get the job done, officers just give them the tools to do it. if you think money, personnel and materials just show up, fine.

i'm more offended that you can't spell "you're" properly. it's not like i haven't heard the jokes before. and at first i thought you were being knowledgeable and nice because the 51FW is nicknamed the mustangs. FYI, one of the worst officers i know was prior enlisted.

Hence I said mustangs.

Which are officers with prior enlisted years.

Or those that crossed the street.

I think I'm going to neg rep cdlong until he's in the red.


thanks :( i'm just giving you the same crap you're giving me. it wouldn't take too much to make me red anyway.

You little slip of paper from "Whatever State University" means you get to sit in the cockpit and work the controls of a mulit-million dollar piece of machinary.

Meanwhile, a highschool diploma is more than enough to keep that multi-million dollar piece of shit operating.

I have had Marines out on the flight line in 100+ degree temperatures working for hours to get a plane ready for flight, only to have an Officer turn down the flight because the Air Conditioning isn't working on the aircraft.

Yeah, Officers are great. :rolleyes:

don't get me started on pilots... AF pilots should be warrant officers. some pilots just do it to fly and want to stay in a cockpit their entire career. we should let them, considering the training it takes and there's no need to waste that 4 years on college level basket weaving when they could be flying. some want to take on leadership roles. the former could be warrants, the latter could be officers.

my career field (civil engineer) requires a technical degree because i actually have a use for it. talk bad about officers all you want, but i know my role.

a note about the AC not working in a jet, consider sitting in a small box for hours surrounded by electronics and jet engines with the sun beating down on you wearing a helmet and full suit with no AC while someone could start shooting at you. 100 degrees would be nice.

07-09-2008, 05:55 PM
Oh if it were a combat mission, or something important along those lines, certainly, by all means, lets get you a bird with Air Conditioning.

But I was working at a training squadron. This was just a "I need XX number of flight hours this month to get flight pay" type of deal. Yet, there we were, day in and day out. Making birds flyable on a non-stop schedule because of the high profile of the V22 in the media. Birds HAD to fly and HAD to look good. Many a night I came in at 1500 and went home at 0800 the following morning.

I don't "hate" pilots, by any means. Most of them are nice guys. I just don't see where that degree is doing them much good.

"Why isn't my radio working?"
-"It's turned off, Sir"

"I think we need a new generator, this one shut off on me when I was winding down."
-"The generators are suppose to fall off line below XX RPM, Sir."
"Well, check it out anyway"
-"Yes Sir"

"Why can't I test the FCS? (Flight Control System)"
-"Because you are pressing the ECS (Environmental Control System) key, Sir. Try the button above that one."

I can go on and on.

It probably wouldn't upset me so much if I didn't see my guys disrespected on a regular basis, after busting their ass to try to fix things.

Meh, it's all part of the job.

Many times, a well Educated Enlisted is a better leader and a more dangerous warrior than any Commissioned Officer could hope to be.

07-09-2008, 06:02 PM
Another thing I hate about officers.

Inability to take a joke.

Correcting my your and you're

Who cares its the Internet.

Didn't know I was writing a paper for my English class.

07-09-2008, 10:24 PM
:wavey: i'm good, i know it was a joke, at least partly.

it's two key strokes, hardly something that will affect your day but will keep you from looking like an idiot in front of the whole world.

07-10-2008, 09:09 AM
To the OP, you want to join the Navy and you want to know what jobs are good and what aren't well that's all based on someones perspective really.

Honestly MrMeph gave you the soundest advice possible FINISH SCHOOL but undoubtedly you're going to do what you're going to do and no one will be able to tell you otherwise thats the nature of life.

CT is a broad stroke of the pen there's techs, operators, collectors, linguists and the latest and greatest network specialist. As for IT's while the rating looks good on paper but in reality leaves a lot to be desired.

In regards to how the reserves get treated in the USN, there's this wonderful program (insert sarcasm here) called Individual Augmentee commonly called IA where-in the USN (send the sailors to the army to fill in a spot where a soldier is needed. I could go on & on about the politics of this one but in my humble and thoroughly uneducated opinion this program looks to me like an attempt to justify spending money on a Navy during a large scale land-war kind of a "Hey look were helping see, don't cut out budget" so yeah we fill those jobs (they last 6-18 months) with a mix of active duty & reserve so you've always got a shot at that if you're unlucky.

Mustangs, well we've pretty much got LDO's, CWO's, STA-21's and prior enlisted. I'm not going to nuke this out but as it's been said the text book definition is anyone who has been prior enlisted and becomes and officer is a mustang. The title Mustang is normally one of respect and while it's true some Junior officer may have been in the navy for all of 8months and while in A school converted to the officer ranks it will undoubtedly get them nothing but clowned for claiming to actually be a Mustang.

The important thing is to pick a rate you're going to enjoy doing because you're going to be commited to whatever you take so why not share with us what you like to do? That way maybe some of the experienced folks can give you more tailored feedback vice derail this thread talking about the finer nuances of the military.

..so uh yeah I typed more than I planned :loco: guess it's good to be back on zilvia

07-10-2008, 09:48 AM
Do the time, go to school. THEN go in. I had some bad ass officers, that I still keep in touch with to this day. Yes, there are some that are dicks...but at least with my job, they had a mutual respect for me and what I did, so I guess we were treated a little better. All in all, no matter when you go in, no matter when you are commissioned, NEVER treat enlisted like crap. They are the ones that determine your fitrep. Anyhow... I would say go with something that is in the field you are wanting to be an officer in. If you want to fly, do something in aviation. Just remember, you are STILL gonna have to do boot camp, a-school, training, 2 weeks a year min. ect. As a few others have stated, talk to an officer recruiter.

The navy will even pay off your college loans after you join. Just go talk to them and find out about it.

07-10-2008, 12:34 PM
Honestly MrMeph gave you the soundest advice possible FINISH SCHOOL but undoubtedly you're going to do what you're going to do and no one will be able to tell you otherwise thats the nature of life.

guess it's good to be back on zilvia

Holy crap it's Shaun!
OP - listen to this guy - he's been in the Navy for a few millenia. :keke:

07-11-2008, 02:27 AM
Holy crap it's Shaun!
OP - listen to this guy - he's been in the Navy for a few millenia. :keke:

Yeah it's like just the other day I remember sails & wooden ships....:mrmeph: