View Full Version : where does the tachometer signal come from?

07-07-2008, 06:33 PM
is the original point on the ecu or is there another place on the motor an sr20det that is?
Ive been checking this fsm for awhile now and am so lost. Can i get a signal off another wire without getting the msd tach signal pickup?

07-07-2008, 09:45 PM
What are you trying to do?

07-07-2008, 09:53 PM
I have a stewart warner aftermarket tach that was tied into the yellow with red wire on the ecu and it just recently stopped working and the stock tach also obviously. I feel that the ecu pin is no good and now im lokking for a new rpm source.

07-07-2008, 09:54 PM
Crank angle sensor (I had mine hooked up like this. I believe it's the white wire, maybe white with a black stripe...)