View Full Version : WTB: 240, Mr2(aw11)

07-06-2008, 02:37 AM
CAR HAS TO BE MANUAL. alright well im looking or either a 240 s13 or s14. rather be a s13 hatch. Or a 1st gen Mr2 (mine was stolen : [ ) ya or any rwd nissan or toyota or even rx7. mainly need a car to get back to jdm. no dmv bs. ive already paid 250 for back registration fees and dealed with a lean sale that took like a year on my old 240, dont wanna go through that stuff again so ya in the 1000 - 2500ish range. LET ME KNOW W.E YOU HAVE! O i also have a 85 lincoln town car that ill put in on a trade plus cash or something.