View Full Version : Dont park like an asshole... I'll park next to you. PICS

07-04-2008, 02:51 PM
I hate inconsiderate people who take up two spaces. Luckily my work vehicle is not exactly beautiful... Recently i found a GREAT spot right by the entrance. HAD to take it.

In other situations friends and i have climed out of sunroofs and windows just to proove a point to people who feel they are more important and deserve two spots.

Long story short... My friend and i wanted to see how they would get back in the car. To our horror it was a pregnant broad!!! She seemed puzzled with how she was going to get her preg ass into the drivers side. She started taking the car apart to make room. Took off the headrest and started moving the rear seats. At this point i started feeling bad so right before she started climbing in i just hopped in the truck and took off.



karl wasabi
07-04-2008, 02:59 PM
hahaha. I do the same thing. It's like, seriously, learn how to park. Gahh, it pisses me off.

At least you weren't a complete asshole and made the pregnant lady climb through the back of her car. hahahah.

07-04-2008, 03:08 PM
lmao. Omg the first picture i thought u had straight rubbed against her car because your fender is super BULGY.

07-04-2008, 03:11 PM
Don't feel bad. I park in the expectant mothers spots at Baby's R Us. Simply the fact that that there a 25+ spots in the lot labeled that and 4 handicapped. Park with 5 open spaces around me and some preger has the nerve to yell at me. I then inform her that the signs are to get her fat ass to buy more crap there by being coilded by them.

But down here most people that park like assholes have swamper trucks that would do damage to my DD. But you do rarely get the Rich Bitch/Bastard in their MB/BMW/Lex... that parks worse then that and then it's game on.

07-04-2008, 03:20 PM
Speaking of handicapped spots, are there seriously that many handicapped people out there?
Wherever I go the handicapped spots are almost always empty. I can care less when it's a big parking lot at the mall or somewhere, but when a gas station has 8 spots and 3 of them have to be for handicapped people, that's just kind of dumb.
For example there's a park with a playground close to here, with 4 parking spots, 2 of which are handicapped. I've never seen a vehicle in those two spots, but there are always cars that have to park in the street.

07-04-2008, 03:22 PM
and they say asians are the worse drivers... you ever see an asian community praking lot?? the tiniest lot ever and full of recently late model cars lol

07-04-2008, 03:34 PM
I remember when I worked by a Best Buy...there'd always be at least 3 punk bitches parked in 2 or 3 spots (sometimes 4) and they're all blaring some Ja Rule and they have "type R spec super turbonos SE-R spec V Gt-R Vspec II" banners...I just wish they'd die.

I remember one time there was a yellow S4 and I was parked by it, but they guy took up 2 spots so I looked at his car and he walked up yellow "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH MY CAR" so I stared at him, scratched my ass, then touched his car...and parked across the lot lol. He guy even dressed like a prick to match his attention whore paintjob

07-04-2008, 04:02 PM
lol classic!

07-04-2008, 04:11 PM
Pregnant or not, do you really have to take 2-spaces? in lot with a lot of spaces, i say who cares, but if it's full that's unforgivably inconsiderate. Before you say pregnant women need more room, a friend of mine is a 350-400 lb jolly fat dude. he drives a toyota previa van uses 1 parking spot just fine. if my fat friend can do it, so can the preganant ladies.

07-04-2008, 04:53 PM
du ma

Mr. Jesse
07-04-2008, 05:39 PM
I used to do that shit all the time in my pos exploder. Some hummer would be in a "compact spot" and i'd be like "me too!!!" good shit.

i miss that thing. window's were stuck down, so we'd 'dukes of hazzard' that thing everywhere we went. but then one day the transfer case dropped out while "driving" good times.

07-04-2008, 05:46 PM
imagine if she gave birth while straining to get into her car, you can say youve helped bring a child to the world, haha

07-04-2008, 05:52 PM
does your fat friend have a 20 pound baby punching and kicking inside his stomach?

07-04-2008, 06:34 PM
lol i hope u dont go to glendale gallera cuz EVERYONE park like shit. its like they are blind and cant see the damn line! it's not hard to take 30sec to move the car into the damn spot. too bad i have no beater =/

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-04-2008, 06:54 PM
the funniest thing is that you said that your truck has a sunroof. I don't know why I find it funny, I just do.

07-04-2008, 07:04 PM
Nice Work Dude!!

07-04-2008, 07:10 PM
wow. hopefully she learned her lesson.

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-04-2008, 07:23 PM
you should have popped her tires and then uncontrollably jumped her and stole her identity. Now THAT would be thread worthy.

07-04-2008, 08:29 PM
does your fat friend have a 20 pound baby punching and kicking inside his stomach?

how does that justify the need to take 2 spaces? I don't see how being preganat means you have to open the door all the way to get in your car. Personally I'm not very convinced (at this pt at least) by the implication here that somehow because your pregnant, using 2 spaces is somehow some kind of necessity. But if you have any evidence of why it should be otherwise, then I'm all ears. Otherwise, its all a matter of casual speculation either way.

07-04-2008, 09:43 PM
Wouldn't you park with more room on the drivers side and the pass side on the line. Not the Drivers side like she did? She doesn't need room, she just can't drive.

07-04-2008, 11:15 PM
Exactly .

((sr)) kelly
07-04-2008, 11:18 PM
LMFAOOOOOOOO... i thought you scraped down him in the first pic hahah

07-04-2008, 11:21 PM
my friends and i used to do that in HS to teachers we didnt like

we would fold our mirrors in and park as close as humanly possible on either side of whatever teachers vehicle

we were never lucky enough to get to see how they got in their cars, it wasnt through the door though lol.

07-05-2008, 12:50 AM
sad that it was a pregnant lady but otherwise good stuff. i hate inconsiderate pricks that takes up 2 or 3 spaces...

07-05-2008, 02:02 AM
this says classic all over it......double the priceless moments

"the look on the owner's face who can't get into their car"

"the look on the person's face who purposely parked extremely close to the pregnant woman's car"

07-05-2008, 05:36 AM
I hate inconsiderate people who take up two spaces

I normally take up 2 spaces front to back, not side to side, if I can't find a single space big enough for my truck to fit in. Dodge Ram quad cab with 8' bed. If I do that then I usually park far away as a courtesy.

Will people still block me in?:confused:

07-05-2008, 05:44 AM
^ you got a big ass truck. i think people will understand...thats better than having your trucks rear end sticking out where people drive.

i love how people share the same passion as me. i cant fucking stand when people go park, and they are like in a hurry to go in or somthing so they take up way across the line. i park as close as i can to the driver door.

although one time i wrote "learn 2 park asshole" on their window in window marker that my buddy gave me hahahahah oh man that was great.

07-05-2008, 07:57 AM
I normally take up 2 spaces front to back, not side to side, if I can't find a single space big enough for my truck to fit in. Dodge Ram quad cab with 8' bed. If I do that then I usually park far away as a courtesy.

Will people still block me in?:confused:

NO. I respect people like that. If you did it in the front of the lot by the entrance it would be a different story. I actually like seeing people park far away... I think "nice to see SOMEONE still respect their car"

07-05-2008, 09:15 AM
thats hilarious Those people piss me off to no end. though sucks it turned out to be a pregnant chick.

07-05-2008, 09:23 AM
NO. I respect people like that. If you did it in the front of the lot by the entrance it would be a different story. I actually like seeing people park far away... I think "nice to see SOMEONE still respect their car"

I have seen cars that park far away and completely within one spot still get boxed in.

I talked to some people who like to box these types of cars in, and their rationale is that they don't like elitists with nice cars and are afraid to mingle with the rest of the population.

I personally think this kind of boxing in is not nice. I have no problem with people who park far away from everybody else. I do the same thing. I just don't like getting door dings and fender benders.

07-05-2008, 09:32 AM
I hate when you park clean, and theres empty spaces left and right of you, and when you return to your car, some douche parks like right next to you, like really close..Makes you think that they probably dont give a fuck and just slam their door open into your car.

People need to be more respectful.

07-05-2008, 09:55 AM
LMFAOOOOOOOO... i thought you scraped down him in the first pic hahah

i thought the same.

good stuff.

07-05-2008, 10:24 AM
No matter how far away I park some douchebag always still decides to park next to me. Even with like 30 open spaces around me.

07-05-2008, 11:48 AM
that is awesome...I love it. :) Pregnant or not...no cause for bad parking. NOW if that woman had a baby, and a baby seat to get in and out...that would be fucked up (if she was parked within the lines) because they are a royal PIA to get into the backseats with plenty of room.

07-05-2008, 04:16 PM
A habit I picked up in Japan is back parking. Thats how I park the beater wherever I go now. I get dirty looks like "what you can't nose in park like the rest of us?"

07-05-2008, 05:20 PM
well i think a bunch of you are wrong

first of all she did not take up 2 spots if she did you would have not been able to fit your pos truck in their, maby a street bike.

to me this is just the typical woman that cant drive parked over the line

and the fact that she was prego i would call you an asshole but you did not know she was.

07-05-2008, 09:44 PM
well i think a bunch of you are wrong

first of all she did not take up 2 spots if she did you would have not been able to fit your pos truck in their, maby a street bike.

to me this is just the typical woman that cant drive parked over the line

and the fact that she was prego i would call you an asshole but you did not know she was.

She did take up two spaces. Look at the picture. I'll break it down real simple....

Parking in between two lines = taking up one spot
Parking ON one of the two lines you are supposed to be in = you tried and suck

Parking WELL OVER the limit line leaving your car well in the spot next to it= TAKING TWO SPOTS.

07-05-2008, 10:12 PM
You should do this at Life Plaza in Diamond Bar, theirs SOOO many people that park crooked there, some are just horrible, like they didn't try to park it decent.

C. Senor
07-05-2008, 10:42 PM
lol...this reminds me. couple weeks ago i was in long beach and this dude in a van just let his door go (on purpose) and hit the car next to him. the other car was well in one spot, but people these days are just effin douche bags.

i love parking real close to people so they cant get in their cars. it's funny.

07-05-2008, 10:50 PM
does your fat friend have a 20 pound baby punching and kicking inside his stomach?if anyone has a 20lb baby in their stomach, then that baby is about twice as big as it should be.

i can have a big dump that i'm holding, and that'll be the same weight as a damn baby :keke:

07-05-2008, 11:54 PM
This post gave me a good laugh. I hate it when people take up 2 spaces as well.

07-06-2008, 12:41 AM
i hate those people.

in high school my friends and i would trap each other every day. they all had trucks and i had my 240, so i always got fucked, then i started leaving my sunroof open and i went out one day to find my car parked in the school cop's spot.

07-06-2008, 02:51 PM

i print those out and put them on people's cars for fun.


07-06-2008, 03:14 PM
An acquaintance of mine drives a Ferrari and doesn't park like an asshole.

People ask him why he doesn't park like that all saying "Cars like that, people understand"

He just says "If I can afford the car, I can afford to fix it"

I only park like that if there's a shit ton of open spaces, then I put my car in plain sight but still far from the crowd. More to prevent anyone trying anything. Cars get broken into quite often around these parts. :-/

Nismo ZJ
07-06-2008, 03:27 PM

They must have been afraid of big trucks in the Home Depot parking lot, but still unacceptable.

07-06-2008, 05:03 PM
its moments liek these that i dont mind having shitty paint... if ur douch and parked well over my line ill still open the door...

one time this fuck parked just as i was going towards my car and shit was hell close...i aske dhim nicely to move the vehicle out so i could leave, he decides to reply " give me a couple minutes chubby wubby'' that = fail on his part...now he's driving around with a nice 10'' in dent about 1 1/2'' deep on his passenger side:wiggle:

07-06-2008, 06:04 PM
and they say asians are the worse drivers... you ever see an asian community praking lot?? the tiniest lot ever and full of recently late model cars lol

nick hogan's not asian. :keke:

anyway, i blocked in my old co-worker one time but i did driver to driver. so i ended up getting out the passenger side; i fail.

07-06-2008, 06:28 PM
i used to drive a dual rear tire truck and parking was a pain in the ass but when u drive a truck like this u have to take up to spaces. But when u have a little honda element you need to take 1 space.

If you have to take up 2 spaces go to the back of the parking lot.

07-07-2008, 01:19 AM
haha you's a beast +1

07-07-2008, 08:42 AM
One day, I am going to walk up to someone's car parked across two spaces and kick a massive dent in the driver's door. Seriously.

I don't care if it's in the back of the lot where no one parks, no big deal. If you're really too lazy or too inept to fit your Suburban/H2/whatever in one space, do it far away from where the rest of the driving populace puts their vehicles. If you're in the third spot from the front of the store? Parked squarely on top of a dividing line? I don't care what you're driving, you deserve a fucking dent in your door.

Or at least a sign on the windshield, big black marker on posterboard, I'M A HUGE DOUCHEBAG.

07-07-2008, 09:11 AM
A few months back me and some friends went to Red Robin to grab something to eat.We see two open spots, front row parking.Theres a white range rover in front of us and it proceeds to park in one of the two parking spots,however, she couldnt drive her car and parks all up in the other spot.My bf rolls down the window and asks her
"are you really gonna park like that?"
the girl responds, "gasp, uhhh yea!!!" and walks away
so we park behind her and get outdoor patio seating.but before sitting my buddies all take a turn spitting on her door handle.With our great outdoor patio seats we were able to watch her reaction as she opened her car door and screamed out yuck,nasty, and a bunch of other nasty things!!!! hahaha.Gross it may be but seriously she didnt have to be stuck up and think she owns the lot!!!

07-07-2008, 09:19 AM
the girl responds, "gasp, uhhh yea!!!" and walks away
so we park behind her and get outdoor patio seating.but before sitting my buddies all take a turn spitting on her door handle

ok so she's a twat and deserved to have her shit blocked in, not gonna lie though, if for some ungodly reason i somehow ever take up two spots and i catch someone "spitting" on my car...i probably would resort to physical violence. that was def a coward thing to do.

07-07-2008, 09:25 AM
ok so she's a twat and deserved to have her shit blocked in, not gonna lie though, if for some ungodly reason i somehow ever take up two spots and i catch someone "spitting" on my car...i probably would resort to physical violence. that was def a coward thing to do.

She deserved it.she didnt park like that on accident.she knew we were waiting right behind her. she was just a snob and thought she was sooo cute that she didnt have to move.like i said it was pretty gross but what can you do.they thought it be a lesson to her.i know i woulda been pissed too if that happened to me.spit is gross

07-07-2008, 09:32 AM
I was at the irvine meet early sitting in a truck i rented to haul an engine some guy parks right next to me in an open ass parking lot to go to a store that had parking right up front. Not only does he cross his parking line he hits my truck since his dumbass parked so close and kept hitting it as he squeezed out his door. He sees me sitting inside makes no motion to say sorry and goes off.
I repark my truck in my spot without crossing the lines making it impossible for him to get into his suv. I stand outside and wait for him to get back. He loads his groceries then trys to squeeze between my truck and his car. Realizes its impossible and goes around the driver side to get in. ALL WHILE im staring straight at him. Takes 5 minutes for him to reverse when he could have pulled forward and out. As he reversed i walked towards the front of his car and kept following it as he backed up. The whole entire time he totally acted like i didnt exist. I could tell he was nervous. The kicker is he was a like a 30 something year old guy and didnt look retarded. A simple sorry would have been fine.

07-07-2008, 09:45 AM
I have crappy paint on my car, so I can care less about people parking close to me. However i have been urked before when I was sitting in my car and the passenger of another car dings my door, just looks at me, and walks away...i'm like "wtf?"

A habit I picked up in Japan is back parking. Thats how I park the beater wherever I go now. I get dirty looks like "what you can't nose in park like the rest of us?"

I do it all the time...i usually urk people behind me when they see I'm switching to reverse really quick.

07-07-2008, 09:56 AM
I still don't under stand why people cannot open their doors and with out swinging it to ding peoples cars.

07-07-2008, 10:19 AM
I really hate it when people take out their aggression on nice cars.
I used to park my XK towards the back of the lot, but would always get boxed in. The worse was when a mom in her Volvo wagon parked super close to my car, and smiled when her kid kicked his door open into my rear fender.

Now I always park it as close as I can get to the entrance, and don't have anyone box it in anymore, and haven't gotten any fresh door dings. (I've only got two at this point, one on each rear fender. :( )

07-07-2008, 10:26 AM
I still don't under stand why people cannot open their doors and with out swinging it to ding peoples cars.


07-07-2008, 10:28 AM
Anyone have that picture of Mickey Mouse flipping the bird and asking for a can opener to get the car out, but with more colorful language?

07-07-2008, 10:49 AM
I have crappy paint on my car, so I can care less about people parking close to me. However i have been urked before when I was sitting in my car and the passenger of another car dings my door, just looks at me, and walks away...i'm like "wtf?"

Oh man, that drives me C R A Z Y. I will stait up call them on it. I dont care if they are fucking pamela anderson or some ultimate fighter....i HAVE to call those assholes out. Usually they are SUPER nice and apologetic and make me feel like an asshole..lol. But every now and then you get the dick who deserves that ding in return.

07-07-2008, 12:09 PM
I was in SoCal this past weekend (disneyland, hotel, j-town LA, palm springs outlet, + 5 malls) and I do notice a lot of ppl actually park right on the line on the driver side or took up two spaces. It is probably a domino effect where one does it so everyone does too.

When I return home, everyone park perfectly within the line (went to the movies and 2 shopping area).