View Full Version : Lame ass bs

12-14-2002, 11:29 PM
Anyways, we decided to go shoot some pool. On the way there we stop at a mcdonalds. There were 3 of us. As we are eating, a group of blacks walk in. about 5 guys and 4-5 girls. All the time we are there they keep looking at us, and u could easily guess, the moment we leave they'll start picking on us. We didn't really cared cuz we prolly could take em. So 5 minutes later we get up an leave and as i'm out of the door, one of them shouts "i like your jacket" to me (there is nothing on it, but an Exploited patch). I ignore him. So the asshole shouts again, "i said i like your jacket". I turn around, look at him, but don't say anything. He is like "oooo, that's it" and he gets up and follows us out along with another guy. As we are out of their, the guy pushes me in the back and says "we got a problem here?". There is a white ford focus nearby. so when he says that the doors open and 4-5 other guys come out. Now i'm kinda scared. So instead of hitting his ugly face, i had to say "we are fine" turn around and walk to my car. as i get in, he gets in front of my car. I said "get away from my car. i'm leaving". So he is like "make me". So i floored it and hit him. Then tried to make it out of the parking lot. but there was traffic so i had to kinda stop to let the cars by. That was like 2 seconds, but the bastards got to the car and started banging on the windows and doors. So now i got a fuckin dent in my car. Not too big, but decent to be corrected (prolly can do it myself). I turned right away at the next available parking lot and called the cops, but the bastards fled right away that there was no point of calling anyone. Nobody in mcdonalds knows them. I didn't remember the licsence plate of the car. Is there any fuckin way to find them and make em pay for the damage?

So now i'm extremely pissed. And not as much at the dent in my car, but at my inability to do anything cuz there were just too fuckin many of them. I'd prolly take each of them one on one, but pretty sure they wouldn't be following rules as a group.....


PS. If it was my will, id kill every single on of those guys. They are the sore of the US, and one of the reasons why i don't like this country.

Side note to self: drive over to sports authority and get a baseball bat, a glove and a baseball.


drift into a curb
12-15-2002, 02:08 AM
hahah You sure did deserve what you got.  If a person compliments you, the least you could say is thanks.  That would have just make things alot easier..  Either way, quit crying cuz you got bitched.  Stuff like that happens all the time.

12-15-2002, 02:19 AM
I'm black, and other than the use of the words "blackie" and "negro", i take absolutely no offense to your post. Its stuid ass black people like that that give the rest of us a bad name. They're always trying to f*** with people to show their masculinity or some sh**. I'm f****n' tired of it myself.
Its embarrassing/humiliating to be associated with dip sh**s like that. They're all f****n' low life pieces of sh** that need to get their asses kicked. <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sneaky.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':pissed:'> <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/mad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':angry:'>

Sense the tension?.......I'm so sick of these low lifes, its not even funny........dumb ass M.F.'s

I'm really sorry that that happened to you. Thats really messed up, at least you got one of 'em. Too bad you didnt run him over.....would have been one less idiot to worry about. Just watch your choice of words.

p.s. i need to go to an anger management class!!!

drift freaq
12-15-2002, 02:19 AM
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">PS. If anyone thinks this post is racist towards blacks.... i don't really give a shit. I don't decriminate based on race. I disciminate based on groups of people. This was one of those groups. If it was my will, id kill every single on of them. They are the sore of the US, and one of the reasons why i don't like this country.
</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

straight up dude you call yourself not racist towards blacks. That may be true your straight up racist period .
you don't like this country then leave. I personally don't want your type living here. you contribute to the problem as much as the people your complaining about.
Two wrongs do not make a right and you are showing the same behavior they showed towards you.
Guess what you gotta learn when to walk away from things. You also have to learn how to conduct yourself in hostile situations or areas.
I am Italian american and I can walk through south central and the brothers will say hi to me. Why ? Because I know how to carry myself in a non threatening way .
maybe you should learn that and you won't run into these kind of confrontations.
if you put out violent attitude and hostility you will attract it.
judging by your post you had a bad attitude to start .
they probably sensed that and reacted to it.

12-15-2002, 02:30 AM
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (drift freaq @ Dec. 15 2002,03:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I am Italian american and I can walk through south central and the brothers will say hi to me. Why ? Because I know how to carry myself in a non threatening way .
maybe you should learn that and you won't run into these kind of confrontations.</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>
that depends on the type of brother. I'm black and I've grown up around crap like that. If they wanna mess with you, thery're going to regardless.

12-15-2002, 03:26 AM
uhhh i was robbed at gun point by 2 black guys before while i was with a black friend they kept callin me stoopit puerto rican (which im not). that didnt make me curse and swear as much as you. yeah i called em dumb mofos and shit.

point is every race has its idiots coming on here using a term like that is stoopit imho i dont care if you wanna hear it or not. like drift freaq said you dont like it here leave.........

I am from a place much worse than the us and i know where i would wanna live..........After all I didnt join the Marines for nothing. this country isn't the greatest but it sure is a hell whole lotta better than alot of places.

Now getting back to racial tensions, i get double stereotyped #1 cause i look latino so first im judged as being some puerto rican thug, then when people know what i am i get classified as a terrorist for being from the middle east. do i walk around bitch and moan? nope. i deal with it and stay away from idiots.

your case coulda happened with another white group doing that to you, it coulda been an asian gang. so grow up. I love all cltures especially women of ethnicity........


now back to me ruling ZILVIA! <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/baaa.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':baaa:'>

12-15-2002, 03:44 AM
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (camppain @ Dec. 15 2002,05:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I love all cltures especially women of ethnicity........

MMMMMMMMM women</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

12-15-2002, 08:29 AM
All that cause you didn't feel like saying "thanks"

12-15-2002, 08:49 AM
Now you guys don't get it. It wouldn't really matter if i said thanx or not. Those people were looking for trouble and no matter what i did they'd walk out and start shit. I didn't give him a hatefull look or anything just looked at him and said nothing.

And the reason i don't like this country is cuz that if i had a knife and slashed one of them, i'd be the one to go to jail. And that you are only able to carry a gun after you are 21.... where i'm from i'd prolly be able to shoot every single one of them and get away with that.

12-15-2002, 09:21 AM
It's not a matter of color, it's a matter of how and where the person was raised.

A good friend of mine is black. She speaks proper English and doesn't act like an idiot.

While as on the other hand, living near the ghetto, I encounter the type of people you are talking about all the time.

It seems to me as though they blame their ignorance on the fact that their great grandparents were slaves and were opressed. They think that because of what was done to them in the past, they need to show that they have power now.
EVERY FVCKING race and ethnicity has been opressed sometime in history.

hell, look at the Japanese in the 40's and 50's. Look at the Cambodians with the Khmer Rouge regime. Look at Jews with the Holocaust. Enough said. Everyone has gone through the same shit. It is up to to rise above that.

It pisses me off when ghetto fvckers roam the street liek they own the place. It seems to be a contest as to who can be the loudest and dumbest looking.

12-15-2002, 09:25 AM
Oh, and you saying thanks would not have stopped them from acting as they did. Trust me, I've seen it happen too many times. They use it as a ploy to get you to answer then they begin to fvck with you.

You did the right thing by ignoring them. He came at you, it would have been self defense. I would have ran his ass over.

Not a racist but I am prejudice. <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

There is a difference.

12-15-2002, 11:02 AM
i don't think they weren't complimenting his jacket. they probably wanted it. that's what people usually say when they want something. some guys said the same thing about my cousin's car. he just said...ya i know... they then proceeded to beat his ass to the ground.

don't let 10 bad apples spoil the whole bunch. and i hope you really don't mean that if you had a knife you would kill all of them. it would be one thing if your life was threatened and they pulled out a weapon, but i don't think killing someone because they harassed you and pushed would be the solution.

so you're going to let 10 black people who don't represent the whole race,ruin your outlook on the entire country? think about all the white people who have pissed you off. (i see you've edited that part)

12-15-2002, 11:31 AM
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (whateverjames @ Dec. 15 2002,12:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i don't think they weren't complimenting his jacket. they probably wanted it. that's what people usually say when they want something. some guys said the same thing about my cousin's car. he just said...ya i know... they then proceeded to beat his ass to the ground.

don't let 10 bad apples spoil the whole bunch. and i hope you really don't mean that if you had a knife you would kill all of them. it would be one thing if your life was threatened and they pulled out a weapon, but i don't think killing someone because they harassed you and pushed would be the solution.

so you're going to let 10 black people who don't represent the whole race,ruin your outlook on the entire country? think about all the white people who have pissed you off. (i see you've edited that part)</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>
It doesn't spoil my view of the country. It's just that i hate being powerless against this bs. Back where i'm from, this shit used to happen all the time. But it would only happen for a reason, not spontaneously just cuz they liked my jacket or something. Everyone knew that you could have a weapon (yeah it's reaaaally easy to have one there, and u don't really need any licsence or shit). So the conflicts would be tried to be kept to a minimum.

10 people don't represent the whole race. I know that. That's why i said that i discriminate on groups of people not races. And the fact why this make me not like this country, is cuz this shit happens all the time, and you still aren't allowed to carry a weapon(well not me for one) to protect yourself against this. Just seems like a dumb law to me. Every country has this shit happen, but then in most you are allowed to deal with it yerself any way you want, and u have a chance to get ruled in your favor. The world would be just better if none of these gangs would exist.... they are useless for anything anyways.

12-15-2002, 11:34 AM
Tell me something guys, you think this is acceptable?

Better a racist and a trouble making thug IMO.

Tell me, if you see a certian type of person act a certian way all your life, why think that other people of that type somewhere else won't act that way? Racism isn't heratige, it's simply something that happens when you get fucked with repeatedly by certian groups all your life.

Now you don't see kreator putting on a white robe and killing people randomly do you? So who's wrong here, the ones starting trouble or the one mad about getting fucked with?

I know some damn cool black people around, and there are some very cool black people on this forum. But I've got to admit that I'm a bit bitter against the race for the things I've seen and the ways I've been treated. And when I say that I don't mean everytime I see a black person I have bad feelings toward them, that would be stupid. &nbsp;Just that I'm quick to see them as "just another one of those people" if they are acting dumb or whatever. &nbsp;They may be great people who are just having fun and goofing off, well sorry but your "brothers" ruined it for you and I just can't get past that.

Edited: hopefully to claify my point...

12-15-2002, 11:57 AM
i don't think it's better to be a racist than a thug. if you are one of the two, you're heading down the wrong road either way. and racism is passed down. i know because my family tries to force that bullshit on me and they get irritated because i won't accept it.

edit: what i mean is, it is possible that it can be passed down through the family, but it's also possible to choose not to be that way.

12-15-2002, 12:00 PM
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (whateverjames @ Dec. 14 2002,2:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i don't think it's better to be a racist than a thug. if you are one of the two, you're heading down the wrong road either way. and racism is passed down. i know because my family tries to force that bullshit on me and they get irritated because i won't accept it.</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>
What I was trying to say was better to have bad thoughts than bad actions...not that either were a good thing.

12-15-2002, 12:06 PM
ahh i see.

12-15-2002, 01:19 PM
bad thoughts will eventually lead to bad actions.

so being some racist ass hick, or a black man who is oppressed by the "MAN" as opposed to being some thug who deals drugs, shoots people and steals shit is no diferent.

both those types of people impose their way of life and thoughts on others.

Don't let shit change you and make an excuse for it. please! Like i said I've been robbed at gunpoint, I've been chased by gangs i've been looked at like i was gonna rob or kill every white person on the street, ive seen old white ladies cross the street when they see me just walking, i've been harrassed by cops, been praised for my actions by cops also..... I can go on and on.

in any country thier is some sort of person that won't like you. on these boards there are people that dont like you and vice versa. killing someone is not the answer, yes some ignorant people need to die that really infect the gene pool. and that goes to any color or creed.

As I always say...............


The Honorable Campalonious Monk lll has spoken.

12-15-2002, 10:07 PM
ummm...I don't really have much to add, as I think a lot of really good points have been made. &nbsp;All I would like to say is this:

Everyone needs to get out there and LEARN more. &nbsp;Once you understand the reason for people's feelings of oppression, you being to understand why they still feel it. &nbsp;And DSC, what you're talking about is not uncommon. &nbsp;And that's why black people (and other groups) still feel oppressed. &nbsp;Even if it's not proper to be oppressing these people, it still happens. &nbsp;It's just not overt, like it used to be.

It's just a shame that we still have people in this country that propagate this type of action. &nbsp; <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>

I think if everyone would just let their guard down for a while and truly experience culture, maybe we'd start to understand.


12-15-2002, 11:11 PM
Oppression? Don't think so. These people weren't opressed. It was a regular "us on their territory and there is more of them" type of shit. The fact that we were deferent race, specifically white just made em come at us. But honestly, i swear, If i had a knife or a bat or whatever, I'd tell the mofo every single thing i think about him, and if he dared to step up close enough to me, he'd get it the worst way he could imagine. And if he got to live after that, he'd be damn fuckin lucky. The others would choose for themselves if they wonna be next or if they wonna leave... and just to think that our tax money pay for their food... does it only make no sense to me? That the money that gets deducted from my paycheck which i earned goes to feed lowlifes like this and then they put dings in my car? BS.

12-16-2002, 01:31 AM
im sorry but the more you keep posting the more ignorant you make yourself out to be.........

grow the fuck up and learn from the experience. im not gonna suger coat it, you beating him with a bat makes you look like a pussy. did he step up to you with a bat?

what about all the white people that extort money from thier business' currupt politicians.the world aint perfect and niether is ever race i can make this into a white vs black vs bvrown vs yellow vs whatever thing but im not and you shouldnt either........seriously grow the fuck up.

12-16-2002, 02:51 AM
thats why i carry a weapon in my car and travel with atlest 3 people... if we get into shit... one runs away and makes a call while we stall things as much as we can.. give us 5 minutes and we'll have 6-7 other guys =) lolz

but yea you shoulda just said thanks when he said i like your jacket... Black people from my area dont cause any trouble and are usually hella cool... But i guess it's because i'm from torrance. The asians are what you gotta worry about lolz

12-16-2002, 06:42 AM
i understand what you're saying now. that if a certain race makes you mad, it's ok to kill them if they piss you off. well today i've decided that on my way to work, i'm going to kill every white person that cuts me off. they are responsible for all of the drugs around here. missouri has the most meth labs in the country and they are all in rural areas. white men and women are pushing drugs in our midwestern cities and are corrupting children, kill whitey!

i'm done being a smartass. there isn't a race out there that doesn't have a bunch of bad people. can't you see that? it's the human race as a whole that has bad people. everyone can feel how they want, nobody can change it, but i hope you realize all of this someday. you'll be a very peaceful person.

12-16-2002, 07:14 AM
Me, I hate punk ass ghetto MFs that try to start some trouble, loot sh!t, etc.... but that person happens to come in every race, religion, size, gender, and most geographical areas. &nbsp;The fact that those guys were black has nothing to do w/ it. &nbsp;If they were Latino or Asian or Crackers the results wouldn't have been any different... although you might have been progressively less likely to assign racial motives to them.

(seeing your U MD webpage) - I used to live in PG county and went to school over there. &nbsp;Tough area. &nbsp;Got f'd w/ many a time. &nbsp;Never had a fight come out of it. &nbsp;(and if you know me, you know I gotta big f'n mouth, but am good at talking). &nbsp;I could walk the streets of Southeast w/o problems. &nbsp;It's the attitude you project that makes you a target. &nbsp;Next time, just say "thanks" and walk to your car a little faster.

12-16-2002, 08:13 AM
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (whateverjames @ Dec. 16 2002,07:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i understand what you're saying now. that if a certain race makes you mad, it's ok to kill them if they piss you off. well today i've decided that on my way to work, i'm going to kill every white person that cuts me off. they are responsible for all of the drugs around here. missouri has the most meth labs in the country and they are all in rural areas. white men and women are pushing drugs in our midwestern cities and are corrupting children, kill whitey!

i'm done being a smartass. there isn't a race out there that doesn't have a bunch of bad people. can't you see that? it's the human race as a whole that has bad people. everyone can feel how they want, nobody can change it, but i hope you realize all of this someday. you'll be a very peaceful person.</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>
Blah. It wouldn't matter what race that guy was. I'm just saying that the first one to step up to me will get what he is asking for. Be he black, white or whatever. I wasn't picking on them. And there wasnt' 10 of vs 3 of them. And i still don't understand why you try to tie this down to race. This used to happen back where i'm from, except there it were all white people. Same exact shit. Except it would usually happen for some reason, not spontaneously, cuz i didn't say "thanks".

And no, he didn't step up to me with a bat. He stepped up to me with 9 of his mofos. Now you still gonna try and tell me that using a bat would be wrong? Please. I'm not the one picking on them am i?