View Full Version : The Movie Discussion Thread

07-01-2008, 09:25 AM
To just talk about any movie just seen or really like.

If there is a thread already for a newer movie (Batman, Transformers, etc), please post in that thread regarding that movie. This is for just random movies you want to talk about.

I watched The Last Samurai the other night. And I really like that movie. I think that was the third or forth time I've seen it. It's pretty much Dances With Wolves, but Samurai instead of Indians.

Tom Cruise' performance is very good. The Samurai Armour is so so awesome. It makes me want to go out and purchase a suit and wear that shit to work or to the grocery store.

07-01-2008, 09:56 AM
I saw the bucket list and national treasure 2 last night i think they were both pretty good.. the National treasure series is pretty good and suspensful

NetFlix is the only way to go...

Sign-up for a trail membership using this code friends23 or friends22 for the 3 dvd package(2 months Free)...

^Just wanna share the love!!

07-01-2008, 10:24 AM
the last movie i saw in the theater was iron man and i was impressed.

i did rent there will be blood, and to be honest i think it was overscored. DDL is world class, but i'm not sure he deserved an oscar for that. no country for old men was definitely a better movie.

07-01-2008, 10:27 AM
i still can't get over Wanted. and now i'm seeing that it made about 12 mil less than Wall-E, but opened in about 900 less theaters. it actually grossed about $200 MORE per theater than a pixar giant on opening weekend :D

07-01-2008, 10:55 AM
Wall-E looked dumb to me. I hate robotic shit.

07-01-2008, 11:22 AM
Lets see the last movies i watched were the incredible hulk, and to my surprise it was a really good movie unlike the one that came out in 2003. And right now as we speak I'm watching wanted at work it looks good so far. I love having a job where i don't have to do shit i can catch up on all the new movies lol.


07-01-2008, 11:26 AM
hulk did not seem appealing, because the cgi seems like the same as the old one, but i will rent it someday just saw we own the night, with joaqin phoenix, marky mark, robert duvall and eva hotty mendez mediocre movie, friends told me it was great, but it was slow and okay, dont know why they compare it to the departed, that was a much better movie but anytime you get to see evas boobs is good

07-01-2008, 11:29 AM

www.sidereel.com (http://www.sidereel.com)
www.hulu.com (http://www.hulu.com)
www.veoh.com (http://www.veoh.com)


07-01-2008, 11:34 AM
www.sidereel.com (http://www.sidereel.com)
www.hulu.com (http://www.hulu.com)
www.veoh.com (http://www.veoh.com)


HAHAHA good shit man good shit +rep for you


07-01-2008, 11:47 AM
i did rent there will be blood, and to be honest i think it was overscored. DDL is world class, but i'm not sure he deserved an oscar for that. no country for old men was definitely a better movie.

That he is. Personally I think he was fantastic in There Will Be Blood (which I just rented, and is the reason I came into this thread :) ). The movie itself, eh...after I thought about it for a bit, it made sense to me, and I started to like it more overall. It was slow, and didn't seem to have much resolution at the end, but after thinking about it I can appreciate the ending more (the poetry/symmetry of the whole thing. Spoiler for There Will Be Blood: How the entire movie, Eli is such a self-righteous holy man and Daniel is the exact opposite, a self-serving cold-hearted cutthroat businessman, and in the end Eli is a fake who's just begging for money, and is ultimately no better a man than Daniel is.

Nothing can top him in Gangs of New York, though.

07-01-2008, 12:06 PM
I took the girliefriend to go see Wall-E. She loved it and I thought it had it's funny moments. I also went to see Wanted last night; badass!

07-01-2008, 12:09 PM
hulk did not seem appealing, because the cgi seems like the same as the old one, but i will rent it someday j

It's not. It's 10000 x better then the old one.

07-01-2008, 12:14 PM
Couldnt sleep last night so I was watching Trainspotting love that movie..

07-01-2008, 12:15 PM
I saw WALL*E the night it came out (at 11pm, so no little kids) It was pretty awesome, but I still like Cars better.)

There's something about WALL*E cannibalizing the thousands of derelict WALL*Es for parts that I find awesome. (not a spoiler, this happens in the first minute of the film.)

07-01-2008, 01:23 PM
Wall*E was AMAZING.

Best SciFi movie i've seen sofar. Well, maybe not, but kinda.

New Hulk = AMAZING. Fuck Ang Lee's version.

07-01-2008, 01:26 PM
Fight club.....but hey we don't metion it now do we?

07-01-2008, 01:29 PM
Fight club.....but hey we don't metion it now do we?

no, you're allowed to mention genuinely good movies. it's when you say "boondock saints" that there's an issue

07-01-2008, 01:31 PM
here's something. tarantino is remaking Faster Pussycat, Kill Kill. after seeing death proof.... shit's going to be off the CHAIN! i have the original, it's all goofy car action and chicks with huge racks taking showers. tara patrick might star.

...also this


07-01-2008, 02:09 PM
the last movie i saw in the theater was iron man and i was impressed.

i did rent there will be blood, and to be honest i think it was overscored. DDL is world class, but i'm not sure he deserved an oscar for that. no country for old men was definitely a better movie.

robert downey jr. really showed everyone what hes got

i, personally, was surprised

07-01-2008, 02:15 PM
iron man was pretty good, they need to make a sequel

07-01-2008, 02:25 PM
^^ They are..

07-01-2008, 02:37 PM
awesome, hope it doesnt turn lame like some sequels...

Dirty Habit
07-01-2008, 03:09 PM
I watched 3:10 to Yuma again last night.

Then The good the bad and the ugly.

Then Unforgiven on cable.

I love westerns.

Tonight: TOMBSTONE!!!

07-01-2008, 03:12 PM
Watched Reservoir Dogs again last night.

I pretty much love all tarantino flicks.

07-01-2008, 03:14 PM
what about step-brothers.....with will ferrel and john riley i think it is....it looks hilarious.....i think it will be better than talladega nights.

also....no country for old men freakin awesome movie...but gruesome ...unique style of killing.

07-01-2008, 03:19 PM
I watched Fight Club again...it's a great movie...forgot a lot of it.

07-01-2008, 03:20 PM
what about step-brothers.....with will farrow and john riley i think it is....it looks hilarious.....i think it will be better than talladega nights.

also....no country for old men freakin awesome movie...but gruesome ...unique style of killing.

Ricky Bobby was great you can't fuck with Shake n Bake.....:coolugh:


07-01-2008, 03:50 PM
I hate Will Ferrell.

Yeah, I said it.

I USED to like him, when he was funny and creative.

07-01-2008, 03:57 PM
I pretty much love all tarantino flicks.

Pulp Fiction has IMO the greatest dialog in cinematic history.

07-01-2008, 04:07 PM
reservoir dogs was pretty good, but i liked pulp fiction much better

07-01-2008, 04:09 PM
Pulp Fiction has IMO the greatest dialog in cinematic history.


Although I'd listen to Samuel L. Jackson read his grocery list soo.... :keke:

07-01-2008, 04:23 PM
i like his role in that shark movie with ll cool j, you know, when he goes on and on and then the shark ate him, lol

07-01-2008, 05:31 PM
i did rent there will be blood, and to be honest i think it was overscored. DDL is world class, but i'm not sure he deserved an oscar for that. no country for old men was definitely a better movie.

I liked both movies a lot, but for me it was the opposite. 'there will be blood', I found to be a lot more engaging, and plausible as far as the characters go. If anything it was a bit too short, considering the novel it was loosed based upon (excellent adaptation imo, none-the-less). Daniel Day Lewis' spite & disgust for those around him, (if not mankind in general), lack of mercy/emphathy, the things he says, was a very, very effective (but also not without humor either). maybe there's something wrong with me, but it was satisfying to watch him humuliate, insult, threaten, beat-up, and even kill those around him. To me, he was the perfect villian, if there ever was one.

Javier Bardem was badass killer in Old Men, but I just felt that he lacked the depth of Daniel Day Lewis. Personally he was also something I felt I could empathize less with. Untouchable badasses are all too common in Hollywood, albeit the last scene where he had to bargain with the kid was gold. Old Men was one of the Coen Brother's best films imo. Perhaps my only gripe with Old Men, was the awkward and inconsitent (to me at least) pacing at least. Still it was an excellent film. Old Men and There Will Be Blood alone, made 2007 a very satisfying movie year for me.

07-01-2008, 05:41 PM
Daniel Day Lewis' performance in There will be Blood was AMAZING.

I love his Milkshake talk.

07-01-2008, 05:41 PM
I hate Will Ferrell.

Yeah, I said it.

I USED to like him, when he was funny and creative.

Yeah, personally i would have to say he got bit overexposed. I actually like him a lot more than other famous movie comedians in our time, like adam sandler, vince vaugn, jeb appatel comedies and the such. but still, I think there's a point of overdoing almost anything.

to me, the issue isn't so much about any given comedian, as is Hollywood's conservative (and arguably short-sighted) approach to making money. if something does well initially, make rehashes, sequels, remakes, etc. basically to milk it dry to the point where most ppl hate something, or at least that's my impression. hard not to get tired of anyone if he's like in 4-5 movies as the main character every yr, playing almost the exact same role with the same style of acting/humor.

07-01-2008, 07:33 PM
If anything it was a bit too short, considering the novel it was loosed based upon (excellent adaptation imo, none-the-less).

Makes me want to read the novel.

Daniel Day Lewis' spite & disgust for those around him, (if not mankind in general), lack of mercy/emphathy, the things he says, was a very, very effective (but also not without humor either). maybe there's something wrong with me, but it was satisfying to watch him humuliate, insult, threaten, beat-up, and even kill those around him. To me, he was the perfect villian, if there ever was one...Javier Bardem was badass killer in Old Men, but I just felt that he lacked the depth of Daniel Day Lewis.

Daniel Day-Lewis gave that character SO much depth; I don't think it's even fair to compare him to Javier Bardem and his character. He did a great job playing the serial killer/drug dealer/whatever, but it's a much simpler character to portray. Daniel Day-Lewis plays probably the best villain I've ever seen (in my opinion).

I'm guessing you've seen Gangs of New York? UNbelievable. I got the same slightly morbid satisfaction seeing how he (Bill the Butcher) humiliated and dispatched of his enemies. If you haven't seen it, don't read this: My sister and I were watching it in the theater, it got to that part where he throws the hatchet in Monk's back. "That, my friends, is the minority vote. I want you to see this, you Irish pig bastard, forty-five! This is you! *thud*" We were laughing hysterically while every other soul in the theater was dead quiet...felt kinda bad =(

Yeah, personally i would have to say he got bit overexposed. I actually like him a lot more than other famous movie comedians in our time...

I still think he's brilliant, I'm sure he's got some of his brilliance still in there somewhere; it's just that he's in all this generic slapstick shit that's completely uncreative and plainly, simply, not funny. But it makes money, and I'm sure he gets paid plenty of it, so I guess I can't blame him. I should say that I don't hate him, I just hate seeing him in movies because they're almost always terrible. I want to see him go back to SNL and do Harry Carey again (I know I spelt that wrong). "Hay!! We all know the moon's not made of green cheese, but what if it were made of barbecue spare ribs? Would ya eat it then?!!!" God, I hurt from laughing.

07-01-2008, 08:19 PM
the last movie i saw in the theater was iron man and i was impressed.

i did rent there will be blood, and to be honest i think it was overscored. DDL is world class, but i'm not sure he deserved an oscar for that. no country for old men was definitely a better movie.

I think "DDL" was really good in There Will Be Blood. The movie itself was SLLLOoooOOwWW. So I went out and bought Gangs Of New York. I think its one of his best movies.

07-02-2008, 07:14 AM
I saw no country for old men last night..

That movie was crazy that shotty he has was sick and that thing with the oxygen pump too..

07-02-2008, 08:43 AM
I saw no country for old men last night..

That movie was crazy that shotty he has was sick and that thing with the oxygen pump too..

No Country For Old Men is such a good movie its one of my favorite movies

07-02-2008, 08:52 AM
I know people are sick of sequels, but I really wish they would revive the Highlander Series. Either a remake or a sequel.

07-02-2008, 08:57 AM
they should remake the Godfather iii, that thing was a pile of crap.

07-02-2008, 08:57 AM
I know people are sick of sequels, but I really wish they would revive the Highlander Series. Either a remake or a sequel.

yeah they were pretty tight...

07-02-2008, 08:59 AM
I know people are sick of sequels, but I really wish they would revive the Highlander Series. Either a remake or a sequel.

I actually liked Endgame, the one that came out a few years back.

07-02-2008, 10:01 AM
I was thinking yesterday...what is a good amount of time to wait for a remake?

You know what movies I'd love to see remade? The last two Matrix movies. Or the whole trilogy. The first one was so so great, but the sequels just fell flat. I was expecting something way more epic at the end, and nothing...

07-02-2008, 10:06 AM
The matrix series was sick but i think it's a little to early for remakes but the last 2 did fall off

07-02-2008, 10:16 AM
I actually liked Endgame, the one that came out a few years back.

Highlander The Source was pretty badass...just came out recently

07-02-2008, 10:20 AM
The matrix series was sick but i think it's a little to early for remakes but the last 2 did fall off

Yea, I was thinking like 20+ years on that one.

07-02-2008, 10:20 AM
They need to have some more hot ass Chinese flicks,


The Killer , Hard Boiled , anything with chow yun fat and lots of bullets

07-02-2008, 10:25 AM
heard the departed, hong kong version is superb, have not seen it yet, apparently its a trilogy as well agree with the matrix, end it on the first one, 2 and 3 is stoooopid

07-02-2008, 10:41 AM
the love guru was hilarious IMO. you learn so much weird stuff... stupid funny jokes crack me up.

07-02-2008, 10:56 AM
Oh and I also would LOVE a remake of Maximum Overdrive. The plot is even more relevant today then it was in the 80's.

07-02-2008, 11:04 AM
Did you guys see that Knight Rider remake on channel 4 a few months ago??

Wasn't a fan

07-02-2008, 11:06 AM
Did you guys see that Knight Rider remake on channel 4 a few months ago??

Wasn't a fan

We had a thread about how much it sucked, yes.

07-02-2008, 11:07 AM
We had a thread about how much it sucked, yes.

haha should've searched..

Anyway bored at work so i think i'm gonna watch 300 can never get tired of that

07-02-2008, 11:09 AM
did anyone watch the spoof of it? wonder if its any good, of course its going to be lame, but is it even worth it to rent

07-02-2008, 11:10 AM
bleh, knight rider. I wish Hollywood would make some original movies, stop w/ the remakes and sequels.. come up with an original freakin idea.

07-02-2008, 11:12 AM
did anyone watch the spoof of it? wonder if its any good, of course its going to be lame, but is it even worth it to rent

i was so mad i wasted a trip to the movies it was so fuckin stupid

07-02-2008, 11:13 AM
bleh, knight rider. I wish Hollywood would make some original movies, stop w/ the remakes and sequels.. come up with an original freakin idea.

Everyone says that, but I can't help being a sucker for remakes and sequels. I like seeing the stories re imagined.

07-02-2008, 11:13 AM
you know what movie comes on too much? Superman Returns, but like a moth to the flame, i keep coming back to watch it haha.

speaking of which, i read they are going to do superman vs spiderman movie in 2012. with the way both those series have been going, i dont see much hope for it.

07-02-2008, 11:14 AM
you know what movie comes on too much? Superman Returns, but like a moth to the flame, i keep coming back to watch it haha.

speaking of which, i read they are going to do superman vs spiderman movie in 2012. with the way both those series have been going, i dont see much hope for it.

Wow, that's a new one to me. And I'm usually on top of these things like Jenna Jameson at work.

07-02-2008, 11:15 AM
I watched The Last Samurai the other night.
My favorite scene from that movie has to be when the ninja attacked the village.

I watched these movies again the other day:

Bullitt-One of my favorite movies of all time. The Mustang GT 390 is cool and all but God I want that Charger.

Dirty Harry-Great storyline, Clint Eastwood was perfect as Callahan.

The Bourne Trilogy-Loved all three movies even if it didn't stay completely true to the books, which I still need to read. Great chase and fight scenes. My only gripe was the shaky footage in some of the non-fight scenes.

Yukikaze-Saw the whole thing on Veoh. Had high hopes for it, ended up being real disappointed in it. Dialogue sucked for the most part, a lot of empty spots in the plot. The movie had a lot of potential but it fell short to my own expectations.

I downloaded Shinobi on Veoh yesterday. Gonna watch it later on.

07-02-2008, 11:19 AM
Well.. I really liked the Punisher, which was a remake. I think both versions are the shit, but I also like the character. Spiderman was cool, but it should have been so much better. Italian Job was good, Oceans 11 was good (they get progressively bad IMO) -- the latest Batman flick abosolutely blows away the original Batman movies. I expect the Dark Knight to be awesome too. So I guess I like some remakes.

I'd like to see a more modern take on the Vietnam War. All the older Vietnam movies except for Full Metal Jacket are hokey and seem un-realistic by todays standards. I like war movies though.

It could be neat to remake old westerns into modern day Vigilante type movies, or even remake Death Wish for that matter. You've gotta get people who fit the roles though, not pretty-boy Hollywood wimps.

--where are all the character actors?

07-02-2008, 11:26 AM
Superman vs. Spiderman? Is there supposed to be some sort of challenge there?

07-02-2008, 11:52 AM
Superman vs. Spiderman? Is there supposed to be some sort of challenge there?

LOL, no shit.

07-03-2008, 07:49 AM
I was always a fan of the saw movies and they just showed the new poster for saw 5 looks very interesting


07-04-2008, 02:04 AM
I just watched Audition again...... Damn that movie is crazy.......

I love it.

07-04-2008, 02:12 AM
I just watched Audition again...... Damn that movie is crazy.......

I love it.

You should check out more of Takashi Miike's other work. Fun shock cinema material. lots of brutality, gore, s&m, and cynical humor. Love that stuff, and I have yet to discover a filmaker that pulls it off as well as he does.

07-04-2008, 02:26 AM
Makes me want to read the novel.

I'm guessing you've seen Gangs of New York? UNbelievable. I got the same slightly morbid satisfaction seeing how he (Bill the Butcher) humiliated and dispatched of his enemies. If you haven't seen it, don't read this: My sister and I were watching it in the theater, it got to that part where he throws the hatchet in Monk's back. "That, my friends, is the minority vote. I want you to see this, you Irish pig bastard, forty-five! This is you! *thud*" We were laughing hysterically while every other soul in the theater was dead quiet...felt kinda bad =(


Just downloaded that film last night, and yes it was such a joy to watch him play the villain. I'm a bit hesitant to say whether he was better or worse in this or TWBB, but it was a great role. I loved the character development (until the part Amsterdam cut ties with him), and his personality. again, a very plausible bad guy, brutal, yet and someone you can actually empathize a lot with. I just wish he didn't have to die off in the end.

09-04-2008, 11:07 AM
Man you Cali guys are lucky!

IGN Advertisement (http://movies.ign.com/articles/907/907598p1.html)

I'd be going to this for sure.

GN Hosting Screening Series
We bring two '80s classics back to the silver screen in September.
by Todd Gilchrist

September 3, 2008 - On Sunday and Monday, September 28 and 29, 2008, IGN is hosting screenings of Explorers and Flight of the Navigator at the New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles, California. The pairing marks the first double feature in IGN's new ongoing screening series, hosted under the banner IGN Presents, and will feature original 35mm prints of both films. As with all shows at the New Beverly, the films are being shown as a double feature and the cost for both films is $7.00 for adults, $6.00 for students (with I.D.), and seniors and children are $4.00.

The New Beverly Cinema has been around for more than 30 years as one of the longest-running revival movie houses in the country and has played host to films of all genres, including independent, classic, foreign, and even adult. In 2007, Quentin Tarantino programmed a full month of obscure genre and exploitation double features to coincide with the release of Grindhouse. Subsequently, Hostel creator Eli Roth, Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead filmmaker Edgar Wright, Gremlins and Explorers director Joe Dante, and Juno screenwriter Diablo Cody programmed week-plus series highlighting their favorite films, some of which hadn't been projected on screen in decades. Most recently, actor Seth Green (Austin Powers) coordinated a film series at the New Beverly from September 3-16 that includes screenings of Robocop, Die Hard, Defending Your Life, The Warriors and Beverly Hills Cop among other classic movies.

To commemorate our first double feature, IGN programmed two 1980s sci-fi classics: Randal Kleiser's Flight of the Navigator and Joe Dante's Explorers. The New Beverly Cinema is located at 7165 West Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 90036. Check out the New Beverly Cinema website for a full schedule of the screening time and for more details as they become available. During the Sunday night screening, Joe Dante will be in attendance to field questions and talk about the making of Explorers. Additionally, IGN will be hosting giveaways and door prizes.

Stay tuned to IGN for more news and updates about IGN Presents: Explorers and Flight of the Navigator, and for all of the latest movie and entertainment news!

09-04-2008, 09:05 PM
Death race anyone?? i thought it was a good movie

09-04-2008, 11:47 PM
i saw it last night. it was entertaining. i liked it.

06-20-2009, 06:11 PM
Well I've been in a horror movie mood lately. I was recommended High Tension, and Inside which turned out to be really good non-American horror films. Great movies I'd definitely recommend. ;)

BUT I wanted less cringing and more of a "jump out of my seat, like a lil bitch" kinda horror lol So I watch the new Friday the 13th and [.REC], since I heard about them in the "Living Dead" thread. I was skeptical about the Friday the 13th, but Michael Bay did it right and proper.
and I liked [.REC] even better. There was some good ol' 'jumpers' in that one hahah

OH yeah, anyone ever see the Horrorfest 8 Films to Die for?? I know there's 3 years worth of films now, but I've never heard anyone mention them.

06-20-2009, 07:44 PM
I've watched some of those Horrorfest movies and they're pretty good.
A good foreign film I liked was Let the Right One In.(Swedish)


And if you like crazy violent stuff check out Frontier(s).(French)


Frontier(s) was one of the Horrorfest movies from 08 I think that didn't get released with the rest.

06-20-2009, 08:45 PM
Well I've been in a horror movie mood lately. I was recommended High Tension, and Inside which turned out to be really good non-American horror films. Great movies I'd definitely recommend. ;)

BUT I wanted less cringing and more of a "jump out of my seat, like a lil bitch" kinda horror lol So I watch the new Friday the 13th and [.REC], since I heard about them in the "Living Dead" thread. I was skeptical about the Friday the 13th, but Michael Bay did it right and proper.
and I liked [.REC] even better. There was some good ol' 'jumpers' in that one hahah

OH yeah, anyone ever see the Horrorfest 8 Films to Die for?? I know there's 3 years worth of films now, but I've never heard anyone mention them.

The French have been coming out with some pretty intense horrror flicks as of recent.
If you enjoyed Haute Tension & Inside, you might enjoy Martyrs.
Lot of it really is torture porn, but that's still far better than Hollywood remakes made for kiddies.

I will look more into that Horrorfest deal for sure.
I saw some footage of 'Let the Right One In' via some U-tube music video,
and it looked interesting.

Another horror flick I watched recently, was 'Midnight Meat Train'
specials effects were pretty brutal, and it's shot in a way that gives a good sense of intensity.
worth the rental imo.

Agreed with REC.
Glad you watched that instead of the plaguarized version, called Quarantine or whatever.

06-20-2009, 10:04 PM
A good foreign film I liked was Let the Right One In.(Swedish)

And if you like crazy violent stuff check out Frontier(s).(French)

Sweet, I'll check both those out.

The French have been coming out with some pretty intense horrror flicks as of recent.
If you enjoyed Haute Tension & Inside, you might enjoy Martyrs.
Lot of it really is torture porn, but that's still far better than Hollywood remakes made for kiddies.

Agreed with REC.
Glad you watched that instead of the plaguarized version, called Quarantine or whatever.

lol just saw the Martyrs trailer pretty sick. I like haha
and yeah I totally skipped Quarantine for that reason.