View Full Version : Looping P/S rack?

06-28-2008, 01:24 PM
I recently picked up my 1st s14. Ive mostly done work on 6th gen civics. In every search ive come across on these boards the people who removed P/S, only removed the belt, and capped the lines. They then complained about how difficult it is to turn [due to a heavy front/back weight distribution].

The honda's arent as difficult to turn when the lines are capped, but the difference is night and day when properly vented. Why hasnt anyone looped the rack, with a breather to allow;

Air to assist the ATF fluid around the rack
Air/pressure to excape/vent efficiently.

For most of the honda enthusiasts who track our cars looping the P/S is the 1st thing to do, which actually makes it easier to turn the car at higher speeds than having a P/S system. Even in parking lots slow speed turning is a breeze. Looking at the subframe of the s14 this seems possible - however I dont want to start cutting lines if there is a specific reason the s14 chassis Cant accomplish this.

07-01-2008, 11:22 PM
yeah I did that on my buddies hachi until he went with a manual rack. it should work. try it out and let us know how it feels.

07-01-2008, 11:29 PM
The only reason i would remove power steering in a 240 is if i had a quicker manual rack. Honestly the feel isn't much better and it's a bitch when you have to recover a tail slide...Getting new power steering rack bushings and better tie rod ends will help steering feel alot.

Maybe the breather will make a big difference though.

EDIT: honestly i think you should just look at what type of power steering system both cars have, where the lines are routed, and see if the method you're used to using would work.

If you do it, make a write up thread on this forum with pix please.

07-02-2008, 10:07 AM
Yes this does sound interesting. I forgot I drove a track-ready Civic with that setup, and it was blazingly easier than turning in an S13 with effed up PS haha.

07-05-2008, 11:07 PM
Im just looking at an efficiency standpoint. The P/S system pump runs off the engines power to pump fluid when ever the wheel is turned. On a 1.6-1.8l honda engine this actually made a large difference.

By removing the clutch fan and PS pump Im sure you could free up some HP/MPG by making the engine more efficient. I just got my s14 however I really am hesitant to start cutting lines and flairing fittings. I know the front end of an s14 is ALOT heavier than a civic. Ill do some more searching around before I start snipping lines on the rack.

The Stig
07-06-2008, 04:47 PM
I've depowered the power steering rack using the method outlined here http://flyinmiata.com/tech/depower.php?x=1

The feel still wasn't what I was looking for so I went back to an undriven power steering pump and underdrive crank pulley. That too isn't what I wanted but oh well. Next time I'm at the boneyard I'll grab a z31 manual rack because there's always discussion about it possibly fitting but hardly any confirmation.