View Full Version : Hard shifts, syncros? clutch?

12-13-2002, 05:11 PM
Hey guys my 91 240 is having trouble shifting lately. The car has 98k miles on it and i believe its hte original clutch but feels like it has a bit of grip left. The problem is when i shift it doesnt want to go into 1st at all and i have to double or triple clutch it just to let me put it into 1st. Sometiems even with the clutch in going into 2nd and 3rd is hard, and 4th feels like i can feel the gears sometimes. I have redline MT90 fluid in the tranny. The clutch pedal is offering little resistance now untill the bottom of the push, and will often stick halfway down even when my foot is off the clutch and then pop out all of a sudden. All of this is much worse when the car is cold. I really dont think it is a problem with the syncros because there is only 98k miles, this came on quickly, and the feel of the clutch pedal=mushy and feels like not fully disengaging.

I'm thinking because this came on with the cold weather and that the feel of the clutch pedal is bad that it may be a master or slave cylander? I've checked the fluid levels and they are fine, but i dunno if something could just be wrong with one...... how much would this cost to replace? How hard is it? Any other ideas? Thanks a ton for the help!

12-13-2002, 11:13 PM
anyone?? please? my car is basically undrivable!

12-14-2002, 01:56 PM
it could be a couple things, have u made sure there was no air in the system, it could be the slave cylinder, but start with the cheapest solution first, bleed the system, then check the slave and master, then check the disk and pressure plate, some of the hard shifts could be causeed(very little, you still have a problem other than is)from it being cold out and just not shifting smooth untill it warms up, mine is like that, hard shifts when its cold, but not anything like u explained...hope this helped