View Full Version : Blackberry Vs. Iphone

06-26-2008, 12:27 PM
While working on my 13 this past Sunday, I was an idiot. I left my iphone on the dash of my daily, all day. Needless to say, that when I picked up my phone I felt like, I had grabbed a fresh baked potato straight from the oven. I'm going to see if it can get fixed, since it does somewhat respond. Anyhow, I picked up a T-mobile Blackberry Curve yesterday, and was just curious on who uses these phones, and which one you like better? After just a day of using the Blackberry, I already miss my iphone. I just like the interface of the iphone, and all those cool apps that keep coming out. Things that I don't like about the iphone, is that there is no flash for the camera, no video mode, unless you download the app, (last time I checked, there was still no sound recording for that app). Bitch to put ringtones on. Having to use itunes (itunes sucks, if you disagree, blow me. :bash: ). Anyhow, post up what you think about both phones.

06-26-2008, 12:33 PM
I use a Curve for everyday stuff.

BB messenger, and instant email are a must for me.

Only thing good about the iphone is the interface. I also use the UMA service on the bb 8320 when im at home to get guaranteed reception on my home wifi.

i like both phones, but i prefer the bb.

06-26-2008, 12:43 PM
tmobile wing
cheap- update the OS , overclock, mod


i threw in a 4gb micro sd stick in mine

but i dont use the iphone like interface..
heres my homescreen
wifi connections.. i have pics, mp3s, and even some pdf. files on it.

06-26-2008, 01:05 PM
^^^^ that phone looks like my friend HTC Tilt

But anyways i would say get the BB my sister has it and i have used it a couple of times and its a really good phone. The iphone is cool too but i dont like the txting on it

06-26-2008, 01:11 PM
i havnt read any posts in here....im just gonna say


06-26-2008, 01:47 PM
I had an HTC running windows mobile, and it was junk. I hated it. based on that, I'd go the iPhone route.

06-26-2008, 02:07 PM
^^^^ that phone looks like my friend HTC Tilt

But anyways i would say get the BB my sister has it and i have used it a couple of times and its a really good phone. The iphone is cool too but i dont like the txting on it

I used to hate texting on the iphone, until I tried using the Blackberry. I don't understand how people do it. I text way faster on the iphone, than the Blackberry. If anyone is interested, i'd be willing to trade my Blackberry, for an iphone.

06-26-2008, 02:53 PM
I used to hate texting on the iphone, until I tried using the Blackberry. I don't understand how people do it. I text way faster on the iphone, than the Blackberry. If anyone is interested, i'd be willing to trade my Blackberry, for an iphone.

its the opposite for me. I can't type worth a damn on my iPhone, but on my blackberry, i can type faster than most.

06-26-2008, 02:59 PM
While working on my 13 this past Sunday, I was an idiot. I left my iphone on the dash of my daily, all day. Needless to say, that when I picked up my phone I felt like, I had grabbed a fresh baked potato straight from the oven. I'm going to see if it can get fixed, since it does somewhat respond. Anyhow, I picked up a T-mobile Blackberry Curve yesterday, and was just curious on who uses these phones, and which one you like better? After just a day of using the Blackberry, I already miss my iphone. I just like the interface of the iphone, and all those cool apps that keep coming out. Things that I don't like about the iphone, is that there is no flash for the camera, no video mode, unless you download the app, (last time I checked, there was still no sound recording for that app). Bitch to put ringtones on. Having to use itunes (itunes sucks, if you disagree, blow me. :bash: ). Anyhow, post up what you think about both phones.

I love my Iphone I had it for about 4 months now and I am an Iphone buyer from now on. Alot of my friends went out and bought it after using mine. It's so handy esp. looking up specs on all data or anything on the internet. Iphone is esp bad ass once you jail break it, mine is jailbroken and there's so many cool shit its crazy. And yes there is a video app. that plays back the sound, I have it..thats what i used to record fd at e-town and its nice quality and plus theres another app. that has sound. But with the one app you can't have to many videos or youll have to pay to continue the app. But as far as the bb I dont like how you text or the whole lay out of the phone. Iphone has the visual vm which kicks ass and the texting is great. Its a sweet ass phone but to each is own.

06-26-2008, 03:05 PM
I love my Iphone I had it for about 4 months now and I am an Iphone buyer from now on. Alot of my friends went out and bought it after using mine. It's so handy esp. looking up specs on all data or anything on the internet. Iphone is esp bad ass once you jail break it, mine is jailbroken and there's so many cool shit its crazy. And yes there is a video app. that plays back the sound, I have it..thats what i used to record fd at e-town and its nice quality and plus theres another app. that has sound. But with the one app you can't have to many videos or youll have to pay to continue the app. But as far as the bb I dont like how you text or the whole lay out of the phone. Iphone has the visual vm which kicks ass and the texting is great. Its a sweet ass phone but to each is own.

Hey douchebag, why you gotta rub it in? I freakin miss using my iphone even more now. :mrmeph:

06-26-2008, 03:10 PM
Hey douchebag, why you gotta rub it in? I freakin miss using my iphone even more now. :mrmeph:

Haha I'm sorry homie..:hug: It'll be ok.

06-26-2008, 03:12 PM
iphone is more of a phone just to have and say you have one imo.

I bought one for my sister and she loves it.

I use a few different HTC phones and they are where my heart will alwasy stay.

But for a backup, I use one of my curve's and I have to say recently I've been carrying it around much more often.

So to answer your question, I say go with the Curve.

Much more functional.

But if you want to think about something else...

That's my next phone.

HTC forever! hahaha.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-26-2008, 03:19 PM
Still have an old school razr. It's pretty well hacked but I want to upgrade. I just don't want to pay for anything because I got the phone free with free service. Can't beat free no matter how advanced technology gets.

But my advice to you is to cool the iphone off and see if apple will repair or replace your iphone. Since you already got a blackberry then you might want to think about slangin it on here. I'm sure there'll be some buyers but you have to realize that the iphone is severely dropping their prices very very soon so I'd keep that in mind when selling it.

06-26-2008, 03:22 PM
Iphone, I've used both and I cannot stand the blackberry interface

06-26-2008, 03:45 PM
iphone is more of a phone just to have and say you have one imo...

I used to think the same way about it, until I actually gave the phone a chance and took it for a spin. I have had a Curve for about 6-7 months and its a badass little piece thats VERY convenient if you work a lot with emails and you have to be on top of them all day; or like being on AIM or any other messenger. It's just VERY underpowered. Google maps runs like a cow and scrolling through the menu in gmaps is just hell. When you play the Brick Breaker (Arkanoid-esque) game and you receive a message from anything, be it Jivetalk, bb mess., etc, the phone stutters. It's well designed, but its no powerhouse.

My eyes were opened the first time I actually spent some time with the iphone. First thing you notice is that browsing websites doesn't take hours to navigate through anything. Running any program from browsers to games doesn't seem to tax the system very much. I was very pessimistic about texting, but after about 15 mins of playing with the phone i was just as quick texting with the iphone compared to my curve.

Granted, if you're one of those people who are on aim all day and can txt without even glancing at the keys, you might have some more trouble getting used to the phone.

The deal maker is the touch screen, and everything they have implemented into making that work. No other touchscreen phone i have tried has a touch screen that can even come close the the iphones'...

All in all, i have played with quite a few phones and as a piece of hardware that has amazing potential, the iphone wins.

This is coming from someone who actually tried staying away from the thing...

06-26-2008, 04:21 PM
anyone try the HTC touch? I thought the touch screen on that thing was garbage

06-26-2008, 06:18 PM
im currently playing around with an HTC touch diamond as we speak. It's really quick with the 500mhz processor, but the interface could use a bit more intuitiveness.

Overall it's a decent phone. It's as small (smaller) than a blackberry pearl, and is running winmo 6.1.

id still get the iphone over it though.

06-26-2008, 06:30 PM
Ive been thinking about getting myself an iphone, but my unresolved issues with how much I absolutely hate apple is holding me back... That and I need a new suspension before i get a hole torn into the side of my strut tower...

At the same time, the new ones are only supposed to be like 200 apparently...

06-26-2008, 06:48 PM

If you want to sell that phone, I'll come pick it up from you.


06-26-2008, 07:10 PM
I have a iPhone actualy usuing it to post this hehe well I've had no problems with it and its even better when its hacked

06-26-2008, 07:23 PM
I can't stand Windows Mobile.

The iPhone is only a little bit better. I love the interface and the screen, hate the typing.

I use a Blackberry 8830 (not the Curve, it's a little bigger - like a full keyboard Curve) because I need a QWERTY keyboard, and love the hard keys (unlike most smartphones). The email functions are what really keep me tied to blackberry though, because I can't stand waiting 30 mins to get an email, or setting it up to check every 5 mins and running my battery down.

My BB gets me 3 days of regular use, charges through a standard 5-pin USB, has my QWERTY hardkeys, and is durable as fuck (ask anyone who's seen mine, it doesn't look like it should work at all).

That being said, I may check out the new iphones later this year...

06-26-2008, 07:28 PM
Yeah, I have two curve's and beat the fuck out of them.

Still rocking strong.

Anyone try out the nokia n95? I was thinking about picking that up till the new phones come out later this year.

06-26-2008, 07:42 PM
my cousin has a n95 its a sweet phone has a 5mp camara too but way to pricey
i say get the bb a couple of my friends have one there nice phones
im probably going to get one pretty soon too i getting bored of my 8525

06-26-2008, 07:50 PM
I realy like my blackberry pearl! It has every feature my buddys curve has but its alot smaller and compact! I like that! I want to try an iphone soon though. What do you guys mean when you say the phone jail broken?

06-26-2008, 07:55 PM
save your money

i just bought a nokia

im not as happy as i thought i would be with it

06-26-2008, 07:57 PM
ive also had the curve

i really hate rim's interface though

looks like aids

06-27-2008, 12:16 AM
i always thought people who buy sidekicks will buy iphones.. because media makes them seem like "must have" items. i played with sidekicks those are soo gay and overpriced.. any windows mobile phone will blow a sidekick away lol.. but thats not my point.

just try one and see which one you like.. obiously whatever you pick, you will learn to like it and accept it, both are btter then nothing or your previous phone =p

06-27-2008, 01:11 AM
htc's are the shit.

i have a hermes and love it, and i manage to get by with a little browsing and google maps on tmobiles $5 a month data plan.

06-27-2008, 09:31 AM
Yeah, I have two curve's and beat the fuck out of them.

Still rocking strong.

Anyone try out the nokia n95? I was thinking about picking that up till the new phones come out later this year.

I've used an N95 pretty extensively and I can say that it's an absolutely awesome phone. The firmware update for the US version was just release 2-3 weeks ago which improves battery life and improves some of the video streaming functions.

I'd get this over the iPhone or the touch diamond.

Zar, most of the phones I have aren't mine. I run a mobile lab where I have to make sure it has all the latest phones running all the latest firmware etc etc so I get to play with all the new stuff. (even some stuff before it gets released. :) ) Otherwise, I'd definitely sell you the diamond lol.

06-27-2008, 03:30 PM
So... I actually dropped my iPhone in the drive way and someone ran it over... and I tried to do an insurance claim on it, but NOBODY INSURES THE IPHONE! I went threw Asurion and told them what happened, and at first they filed the claim, and said that although they don't insure the iPhone, they would replace it with one that was comprable OR give me a check to buy a phone of similar value. 24hrs later, my claim was denied.

I went to the AT&T store, and they know me and my story and they freaked out about the insurance claim. An AT&T representative (in store) called Asurion while I was standing right there, and we were told by an Asurion representative that "Nobody insures the iPhone" and when asked where this was outlined in their policy (because we looked for hours), they said "It's by word of mouth" ... WTF? Finally, we went threw something called "The Customer Loyalty Line" or something, and I got an awesome deal on a Blackberry Curve. Way less than what my deductable would've been had they replaced my iPhone.

I've had it for a couple months now.. and though I do miss my iPhone, it's really comforting for me to have a phone that I know will be replaced and is insured. iPhone seemed way more user-friendly, and the web browsing was way more sophisticated than on my blackberry. Oh yeah, and I did miss the zoom feature for the camera.

06-27-2008, 04:49 PM
So... I actually dropped my iPhone in the drive way and someone ran it over... and I tried to do an insurance claim on it, but NOBODY INSURES THE IPHONE! I went threw Asurion and told them what happened, and at first they filed the claim, and said that although they don't insure the iPhone, they would replace it with one that was comprable OR give me a check to buy a phone of similar value. 24hrs later, my claim was denied.

I went to the AT&T store, and they know me and my story and they freaked out about the insurance claim. An AT&T representative (in store) called Asurion while I was standing right there, and we were told by an Asurion representative that "Nobody insures the iPhone" and when asked where this was outlined in their policy (because we looked for hours), they said "It's by word of mouth" ... WTF? Finally, we went threw something called "The Customer Loyalty Line" or something, and I got an awesome deal on a Blackberry Curve. Way less than what my deductable would've been had they replaced my iPhone.

I've had it for a couple months now.. and though I do miss my iPhone, it's really comforting for me to have a phone that I know will be replaced and is insured. iPhone seemed way more user-friendly, and the web browsing was way more sophisticated than on my blackberry. Oh yeah, and I did miss the zoom feature for the camera.

What I think would be aweseome: All of the features from the Curve, with the interface/design of the iphone. The best of both worlds. Although, I am getting more used to using the curve. Might just end up keeping the Curve, since i'm not getting any real offers. Guy calls me up today, and says he doesn't need a new phone, since he's waiting for the new 3g iphone. So, I tell him, how much are you willing to pay? (I have the phone listed for 250 obo, since that is what I paid for it). He says; "Since the new iphone is going to be 199, I don't want to pay more than 100, for your curve". I wanted to tell him to fuck off, and that if he found a curve for that much, that I would buy it myself. I told him, that I would never go that low. What a douche.

06-27-2008, 04:51 PM
brand new/slighty used curves go for at least 200 no contract. what a fucktard.

06-27-2008, 06:12 PM
brand new/slighty used curves go for at least 200 no contract. what a fucktard.

Oh well. All types of people in the world, that is what makes us human. Not always for the good, though.

06-27-2008, 06:36 PM
I should sell/trade my unlocked curve for something. lol.

06-27-2008, 07:00 PM
lol... I like my curve... but I would like/need tie rods even more... trades? Haha... I don't know, I had one of those "loaner phones" while I was waiting for the decision from the customer loyalty, and using one from 2005 was awful. I didn't think it would be that bad...but you really don't realize what you've got until you're back to old school again...

07-02-2008, 01:20 AM
Ok, so I have used to Curve for about a week. I'm selling it, and going back to my iphone. Thought that I could get used to the Blackberry interface, NOPE!!! Never realized how much I liked the iphone, until I fried mines.

07-02-2008, 01:51 AM
bb curve ftw!