View Full Version : Tickets for nothing

06-25-2008, 11:05 PM
I just got a ticket for wreckless driving. It was an empty parking lot and i just put on some new tires so i decided to do couple of donuts. From nowhere undercovers showed up and gave me a ticket. i asked them and they told me i can get 8 points for that. How do i get out of it. please dont start calling me names and telling me to sell my car. i know that everyone had done it.

06-25-2008, 11:09 PM
How old are you? Cuz thats atleast a $500 ticket and your car insurance will love you long time...see if you can go to traffic school so points wont show up in your record. If not, YOU ARE FUUUUUUUCKED...

PS: the red death of rep loves you...

06-25-2008, 11:10 PM
Many have done it, but not all were dumb enough to get caught. While I don't think you deserve 8 points, the cop just probably wanted to scare you (it worked, btw), but you got caught, plain and simple.

06-25-2008, 11:10 PM
Google will tell you how to lessen the impact of tickets if you search.

It sucks, well you live you learn


06-25-2008, 11:12 PM
Wait... Ticket for nothing? You think you shouldn't get a ticket for that? :S

06-25-2008, 11:14 PM
haha red squares do love me
i am 19
and yes i really think that doing a couple of donuts on an EMPTY parking lot is just dumb

06-25-2008, 11:15 PM
the nearest track is 2 hours away from me lol

06-25-2008, 11:16 PM
haha red squares do love me
i am 19
and yes i really think that doing a couple of donuts on an EMPTY parking lot is just dumb

You still dont get it? Do you own the parking lot? Is it your personal private property? If something would have happend and you lost control, who do you think could be held liable since you were being stupid in their parking lot?

06-25-2008, 11:24 PM
You only have one life live it to the fullest

06-25-2008, 11:32 PM
Get a lawyer.

06-25-2008, 11:33 PM
You're going to die young.

You got a ticket for something.

06-25-2008, 11:35 PM
You only have one life live it to the fullest

Until you understeer into a light pole or hit a parked car? You-go-you...:bigok:

06-25-2008, 11:40 PM
Man i mean wow how old are u people 70 live it up why the hell do you think i should hit a pole and there was no cars at all Who keeps telling me to sell my car and wats up with telling me that i will die thats really fucked up

Vision Garage
06-25-2008, 11:42 PM
Well you got caught so deal with it. I think wreckless driving is not that bad. Exibition of speed is what gets you. I think i still got another 2 years for it to be off my record. Drifting in parking lots is fun til you get caught. and

"no officers, its suppose to be exibition of control since i wasnt going faster than 15mph."

06-25-2008, 11:46 PM
^^^I think it all depends on the state...I know in CA Wreckless Driving and Exhibition of Speed are pretty hefty fines. Worst when they slap you with both at the same time.

Anyways, reason people jumping on you for this shit is because you asked how to get out of it. You messed around, was doing something illegal and go caught for it. Why dont you man up and just say "k I fucked up, learned my lesson, so what do I have to do to make this not as painful as possible???"

06-25-2008, 11:46 PM
dude im younger than u and i know how to keep it cool...

as anyone would say... deal with what u got grow some balls:keke:

06-25-2008, 11:47 PM
/\/\/\/\ thank you sir good luck with what you have "vision garage"

06-25-2008, 11:50 PM
the nearest track is 2 hours away from me lol
fuck you
nearest one is 3 from me
and i went twice in one week

no fuckign excuse

06-25-2008, 11:53 PM
fuck you
nearest one is 3 from me
and i went twice in one week

no fuckign excuse

^ agreed dont bitch
yeah im about 3 - 4 hours from fucking Willowsprings

06-25-2008, 11:53 PM
ok right back at you brother yokotas13
Get a job cause it seems like you have way too much time on your hands

06-25-2008, 11:53 PM

06-25-2008, 11:56 PM
what i would do is maybe try and plead not guilty because if you plead not guilty and if the officer doesn't show on the court date then you get your case dissmised and your money back it's like a 50/50 chance

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-25-2008, 11:56 PM
Fact is you got a ticket for something. I'm not going to tell you that you fucked up and not to do it again because you already know those two things. It's going to be hella expensive so prepare for the ticket. But if I were you I would contact a traffic lawyer.

I do agree that donuts in an empty parking lot is not as dangerous street racing but you have to realize that if the cop didn't bust you he wouldn't be doing his job. The best thing for you to do is explain that you're learning car control and you got new tires and was testing them out. You SHOULD HAVE asked for a warning because you will NEVER do this again outside of a controlled situation. You SHOULD HAVE said that this was your last time and actually mean it instead of saying it.
Just the fact that you're under the assumption that you did nothing is probably why the cop wrote you up.

06-25-2008, 11:58 PM
Dude do some donuts while shooting up heroine

It's fuckin cool as Hell it makes you drift super good

And make sure there are some air bubbles in the needle it boosts your high times 10

06-25-2008, 11:59 PM
lol wtf?? is this in the right section??

06-26-2008, 12:00 AM
I tried to explain but cops in NY are dicks ill probably plead not guilty and hope for the best

06-26-2008, 12:01 AM
Earl is so badass it's not even funny.

Vision Garage
06-26-2008, 12:01 AM
Yea. The only reason I got busted was cuz they were looking for a convict who had escaped and gone to the park where i was drifting at. I saw that mofo too!!!


06-26-2008, 12:02 AM
You only have one life live it to the fullest

Then why are you bitching? You knew the risks, you did it anyways. Take it and shut the fuck up. :jerkit:

Also, even in so-cal tracks are 2 hours away, so that's not that big of a deal.

06-26-2008, 12:08 AM
that sux man,

last year and half or so, i got caught drifting in a parking lot and i had some cones set up. i was there for at least an hour and half.

then out of no where i see this bright ass light shine on my car, and when he shuts it off for a few seconds to get my attention to recognize that it was a cop car he shines it back on, and tells me to shut the engine off and to step out. then bla bla bla... talk, he makes a stroll around my car, shining his light inside and sees that it was being built for a race car (did not tell me to pop my hood). just kinds of looks at me and asked me what i am doing here. After a few minutes later he tells me to get off and to never do that in any parking lot, because its not my property (liked already mentioned above). so i grabed my cones, jack, tools and other crap and left. He was pretty kool about it. he acted liked a hard ass at first then he became more laid back. let me go with no tickets, all he did is write my info down and told me if the owners called about tire marks on there lot, that i would be held responsible.

It was a nice open parking lot, the pavement was great, could not see it from the road. Dam.

this was the first time i was doing any kind of aggressive driving in a parking lot and i got caught, never did it again. keeped it on the track from there on.

edit: it is much funner when on a track, cause you know you wont get in trouble cause its safe and legal place and you learn from other people skills and get to know others.

06-26-2008, 12:09 AM
I just got a ticket for wreckless driving. It was an empty parking lot and i just put on some new tires so i decided to do couple of donuts. From nowhere undercovers showed up and gave me a ticket. i asked them and they told me i can get 8 points for that. How do i get out of it. please dont start calling me names and telling me to sell my car. i know that everyone had done it.
I tried to explain but cops in NY are dicks ill probably plead not guilty and hope for the best

You're dreaming if you think you can just "get out of it."

You didn't get a ticket for nothing. Such are the risks of doing this on the street (there are more, actually), accept them and stop bitching.

06-26-2008, 12:11 AM
ok right back at you brother yokotas13
Get a job cause it seems like you have way too much time on your hands
i have one
two actually.

and im in japan

im 3x cooler than you

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-26-2008, 12:13 AM
I tried to explain but cops in NY are dicks ill probably plead not guilty and hope for the best
And that's why he wrote you up because you thought he was a dick. YOU have to prove to him that you're a good kid, if not you're just another stupid street racer. At that moment you are at the mercy of that police officer, act like a bitch, seriously. Man-law is out the window bro, beg! If you want to act like a big man with a fast car you have to prepare to act like a bitch when you get caught. you didn't so now you're going to have to pay for it.

I just don't know what to tell you man. The ONLY time I got caught doing something stupid was driving the 15 wangan style in my 69 ss when I was 16. Yes, I bitched out and he dropped over 30mph off the speed I was going. I don't do donuts in parking lots, I don't drift on neighborhood streets, If I do drift I make sure the owners are completely cool with what I'm doing or go to an event. As of right now though you're caught and since you did it be prepared to take it up the ass.

06-26-2008, 03:21 AM
I tried to explain but cops in NY are dicks ill probably plead not guilty and hope for the best

Haha, goodluck on that one...again depending on your state, but in CA, if you plead NOT GUILTY, went ahead with a trial and in the end they find you guilty...you can kiss traffic school goodbye. No traffic school, theres those nice points in your record. Being underage, enjoy the $350 a month car insurance, thats if your insurance company doesnt drop you like a bad habit...

No im not pulling this shit out of my ass, this is something that I went thru before when I was young and dumber...

06-26-2008, 03:29 AM
You only have one life live it to the fullest

what the fuck. I hate people like you. That behave that way and always use that fucken phrase. :mephfawk: Just cause you have one life doesnt mean you own the fucken world or damn parking lot. People like you are the reason i HATE going to parties. ugh. I have nothing else to say than to wish you the best and be a damn man about it now. Take responsibility for your actions:)

06-26-2008, 03:33 AM
I opened this thread looking to see someone who got a ticket for nothing.
What I got was someone who was doing donuts on property that he did not own, which equates to trespassing, reckless driving and COULD become exhibition of speed and criminal trespass...
Then I read someone trying to justify that the cops were "dicks," because they do what cops do. Funny thing, though, I NEVER got anyone getting a "ticket for nothing" in this thread at any point. Fuck, I didn't even get anyone getting pulled over for nothing, then given a ticket for something. I did not get anyone getting pulled over for nothing and then released without a ticket after their time had been wasted. I did not get someone doing donuts on private property and removing themselves from the gene pool as a service to the rest of us in the very hopes that they don't reproduce or, even worse, influence younger and more impressionable teenagers who might want to buy, then wreck/ruin another 240SX.
You, sir... FAIL!!!

06-26-2008, 04:10 AM
Screeching tires attract alot of attention...

06-26-2008, 04:12 AM
remember that one time when someone made a post like this and there was someone else who gave a shit?

06-26-2008, 05:59 AM
Once I got pulled over doing 90+ on my bike, no signal when i turned, I got a warning. lol. I was respectful to the officer, and he cut me a break. All police are jerks because they have to be, if you show them some respect and what you were doing to be unsafe, they can be lenient. What you were doing is illegal, and he has every right to give you a ticket.

My best advice is take it like man, and live iwth it. Learn from your mistake.

06-26-2008, 06:17 AM
wow kid you deserve EXACTLY what you got. take it from me, someone who actually HAS gotten a ticket for nothing (a quiet as can be cat back) i was just driving to work 35mph in 5th..prolly under 2krpm....

infact, you got off easy, they could of arested you for tresspassing, impounded your car and put a 30 day hold on it. then you're out 2-3k+ and i'm sure mommy and daddy would not be pleased with that. the closest track to me was SHUT DOWN but you dont see me going out and doing donuts cause of it. MAN UP.

06-26-2008, 06:22 AM
remember that one time when someone made a post like this and there was someone else who gave a shit?
Actually, the next one will be the first.
Sad is how the OP thinks the hate he gets is because, as he puts it, "Zilvia hates New Yorkers," which is hilarious too.

06-26-2008, 06:26 AM
Why is it that it seems every new owner of a 240 thinks they have the god given, and law immune right to drift?

If you so choose to do it, you have to by now know what you're up against. Just because you may not be hurting anybody or appear to be hurting anything. Fact is, the law is the law, and officers reserve the right to fuck you with the ginormous dick of the law if they so choose. If you're acting all coy and "billy bad ass, fast car man" to the cop you should expect everything you get. You can bitch your way out of a ticket and usually leave with a warning.

I'm not saying I haven't turned my car loose a few times, but I did it knowing all the risks and repercussions and what I was putting at stake. If I got pulled over for it I was ready for the consequences. I wouldn't come on Zilvia and say waaaaaah waaaaaah I got a ticket for no reason. When I blatantly BROKE THE FUCKING LAW.

I'm a year younger than you and already have this figured out... Get your shit straight dude. Man up. Do what you gotta do.

From now on... can threads like these just be locked immediately?

Dirty Habit
06-26-2008, 06:33 AM
From now on... can threads like these just be locked immediately?


Can we get a motion passed?

06-26-2008, 06:38 AM
Why is it that it seems every new owner of a 240 thinks they have the god given, and law immune right to drift?

If you so choose to do it, you have to by now know what you're up against. Just because you may not be hurting anybody or appear to be hurting anything. Fact is, the law is the law, and officers reserve the right to fuck you with the ginormous dick of the law if they so choose. If you're acting all coy and "billy bad ass, fast car man" to the cop you should expect everything you get. You can bitch your way out of a ticket and usually leave with a warning.

I'm not saying I haven't turned my car loose a few times, but I did it knowing all the risks and repercussions and what I was putting at stake. If I got pulled over for it I was ready for the consequences. I wouldn't come on Zilvia and say waaaaaah waaaaaah I got a ticket for no reason. When I blatantly BROKE THE FUCKING LAW.

I'm a year younger than you and already have this figured out... Get your shit straight dude. Man up. Do what you gotta do.

From now on... can threads like these just be locked immediately?
Astute observation, and it actually makes sense, since no one will offer him any pity to wallow in.
Request granted