View Full Version : football back in Los Angeles?

06-24-2008, 05:21 PM

Look like they are intrested in making a Football Stadium of the 60x57 FWY. WOW!

Theres a mountain there. They will Level it out and put it there.

Project Site Statistics
* Total Square Acreage: 592
* Stadium (with Team Facilities): 75,000 Seats, including 11,000 Club seats and 175 Suites
* Office Buildings: 1.49 million sq ft
* Retail Shops: 833,000 sq ft
* Restaurants: 162,000 sq ft
* Live Theater: 5,000 seats (60,000 sq ft)
* Movie Theater: 1,200 seats (60,000 sq ft)
* Green and non-parking Open Space: 271 acres

Stadium Statistics
* Total Seats: 75,000 (expandable to 80,000 for Super Bowl games)
* Suites: 175
* Club Level: 11,000
* Team Offices: 45,000 sq ft
* National Football League (NFL) Attraction: 40,000 sq ft
* Team Store and Other Sponsored Retail Stores: 30,000 sq ft
* Restaurants: 30,000 sq ft
* Banquet facilities: 20,000 sq ft
* NFL Team Training Facility: 115,000 sq ft
* Medical Center and Clinic: 100,000 sq ft
* Parking Spaces: 25,000

06-24-2008, 05:22 PM
mmm mmmm mmmm. What a great way to fuck up my commute.

Baka Sama
06-24-2008, 05:22 PM
Will there be a new team?

06-24-2008, 05:24 PM
The only football team in LA is USC.... Who is Fucla??? lol

But really i WOULD LOVE A PRO TEAM.....i would go 2 see all the other teams play us.....

06-24-2008, 05:26 PM
We would lose anyway. Ahem Raiders. Dont worry all my Raider fans next yr or the yr after or 5 yrs later they will make it. Still dont understand how they have their own stores.

06-24-2008, 05:27 PM
just nearby they also built that lil shopping center and like 3-4 baseball fields on Azusa Ave just north of Amar...maybe they're trying to get some use outta those hills in the Diamond Bar/Walnut Area

06-24-2008, 05:30 PM
We would lose anyway. Ahem Raiders. Dont worry all my Raider fans next yr or the yr after or 5 yrs later they will make it. Still dont understand how they have their own stores.
this year they are goin to do something. you have to have faith.

06-24-2008, 05:31 PM
Ummmm wow it looks pretty tight in those pictures.

06-24-2008, 05:33 PM
Building up the economy over there as if there are not alot of people over here already they should build that shit in victorville. Wait arent they making toll roads on top of this too around this area... Oh those bastards are smart.

06-24-2008, 05:51 PM
I don't see why we would need this.

According to the bumper stickers I see, LA is already home to both the Raiders and the Packers.

06-24-2008, 06:05 PM
60 and 57 isnt really LA.. its walnut diamond bar right?

bah i dont care.. seems LA is just some whiners for not havin a football franchise.. i dont think LA is mature enough.. shit remember all the looting from back wint the lakers one the finals back in 02 or somethsint?

what would the team name be? the LA Homicides ? Los Angeles Crackbabies lol

06-24-2008, 06:15 PM
are the rams coming back? :keke:

06-24-2008, 06:16 PM
Im feelin LA set-trips! >_<

drift freaq
06-24-2008, 06:35 PM
LA is fickle. They don't have the Heart to support a football Team and I am sorry but putting a stadium out in the Walnut/Diamond Bar Area. LA people won't go. That was the Whole problem when the Rams moved to Anaheim no one wanted to go out there. So they packed up and moved out of State. When LA is ready to put a Stadium in the city and pay for it LA will be ready for another NFL Team.
Oh and the Raiders? Forget it, Al Davis is the crookedest shiester owner this side of the sun. He burned Oakland and then got them to take him back while burning LA. Worst example of a NFL owner? AL Fuck You Davis.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-24-2008, 06:57 PM
I believe that's Diamond Bar.

But there's really only 2 teams that are financially in deep deep trouble. The Vikings and Jaguars just can't draw a crowd no matter how well they do. The Chargers' lease with the Q is up but they've made so much money in SD county there's no reason to leave. Plus, they've already promised to stay in SD County.

Go Chargers.

06-24-2008, 07:32 PM
wow, that's a nice looking stadium. but you guys are going to need a team for it, right?
i suggest the rams. it'll be like the prodigal son, returning home.
seriously, take my rams, please. do not want.

06-24-2008, 07:35 PM
wow, that's a nice looking stadium. but you guys are going to need a team for it, right?
i suggest the rams. it'll be like the prodigal son, returning home.
seriously, take my rams, please. do not want.

Oh hush now. I bet you loved them, when you had grocery bagger at QB.

06-24-2008, 07:37 PM
okay when they won the superbowl it was like "yaaaay"
but ever since then it's been like "why do we have an indoor stadium, doesn't fucking *chicago have an outdoor stadium, why do i have to breathe stale air and watch tools run around on astroturf"
honestly, if they'd built a nice outdoor stadium like the new Busch (or the old Busch), i wouldn't care that they're a total pile of shit team. they could be the cubs of football. but NOOOOOOooo.

06-24-2008, 07:40 PM
Yeah shit indoor stadiums suck balls, and astro turf is just a dumb idea. Too many injuries that could be avoided.

I'm down for an LA team. That way if the Chargers bring the fail train back, I can at least go to another game.

06-24-2008, 07:44 PM
alright, so let's make this official. i'll put up the rams, you guys give us the lakers, and we'll call it even.

does los angeles have a hockey team? i'd like two hockey teams.

06-24-2008, 11:02 PM
alright, so let's make this official. i'll put up the rams, you guys give us the lakers, and we'll call it even.

does los angeles have a hockey team? i'd like two hockey teams.

yeah they got the los angeles kings.

06-24-2008, 11:58 PM
hahaha rams, hahaha raiders...... aint gonna happen...LA gave it up when they had those teams.... everyone who follows the raiders is waiting for al to die anyway.... that would be the greatest thing next to getting jamarcus russell... but even so... he did aiiiiiiiiiite......1st round picks arent always the best picks... imo... make a new team... if the nfl will allow it... LA is a big market... do u guys want a football team again? are u ready? well see...

06-25-2008, 12:17 AM
you guys should get rid of the clippers and use those funds to start a new team