View Full Version : Don Imus

06-24-2008, 01:15 PM
Does anyone really care anymore?


06-24-2008, 01:17 PM
people listen to imus? really?

06-24-2008, 02:25 PM
On Tuesday he said he was following the spirit of that promise by calling attention to the unfair treatment of blacks — in this case the arrests of suspended Dallas Cowboys cornerback Adam Jones.

"What people should be outraged about is that they arrest blacks for no reason," Imus said Tuesday. "I mean, there's no reason to arrest this kid six times. Maybe he did something once, but everyone does something once."

OK SO....

he basically said that he shouldnt be arrested for the same thing over and over...

who gives a fuck? if he said that about a white dude, no one would care.

he didnt mean it in a "OMG HE'S BLACK, ARREST HIM" kinda way.

whatever. i fucking hate this country's tendancy to get out of control over race.

people of all Creeds/Ethnicities get arrested. woop de damned doo.

06-24-2008, 02:28 PM
what a dick imus is.. can him for sure already..

06-24-2008, 02:32 PM
^um hello?!

he said they SHOULDNT arrest blacks for no reason!

how is that racist? because he didnt say African American?

06-24-2008, 02:34 PM
On Tuesday he said he was following the spirit of that promise by calling attention to the unfair treatment of blacks — in this case the arrests of suspended Dallas Cowboys cornerback Adam Jones.

"What people should be outraged about is that they arrest blacks for no reason," Imus said Tuesday. "I mean, there's no reason to arrest this kid six times. Maybe he did something once, but everyone does something once."

OK SO....

he basically said that he shouldnt be arrested for the same thing over and over...

who gives a fuck? if he said that about a white dude, no one would care.

he didnt mean it in a "OMG HE'S BLACK, ARREST HIM" kinda way.

whatever. i fucking hate this country's tendancy to get out of control over race.

people of all Creeds/Ethnicities get arrested. woop de damned doo.

Exactly. Race is only an issue to those who turn it into such and the constant reminder of never moving on, and the witch hunt mentality of many towards racism makes it an issue that will just keep sticking around.

Some people out there will always hate on someone else for the color of their skin. Their ignorance shouldn't affect your life or feelings.

06-24-2008, 02:37 PM
^um hello?!

he said they SHOULDNT arrest blacks for no reason!

how is that racist? because he didnt say African American?

No bro i just think with all his issues in the past and now they should let him go...

I ain't mad about the black thing, i'm like 12% black it don't bother me what he calls'em:gives:

No Drspt to you RED

06-24-2008, 02:42 PM
^ah i see i see. no biggie man, its aaaaaaaaalllllll gravy! :)

06-24-2008, 02:54 PM
Who carezz.

He's a scapegoat now, people will dissect his every word and turn it around, he should quit for his own good.

06-24-2008, 03:04 PM
"what color was he?"
"pffft that explains it"

that's what he said, with no explanation

but who cares, imus is an assclown

06-24-2008, 03:21 PM
Although I see why people are upset, they are just making a huge deal out of something very small

06-24-2008, 05:08 PM
Wait wait wait... Let me get this strait...

Old white people are racist?! When did this happen? And celebrities always try to overcompensate for something stupid? What in the world is going on here already... I cant believe it.

06-24-2008, 05:18 PM
^um hello?!

he said they SHOULDNT arrest blacks for no reason!

how is that racist? because he didnt say African American?

thats not what the contorversy is about

keep reading:

The latest comments by Imus to come under scrutiny were aired on Monday's broadcast. During a conversation about Jones' run-ins with the law, Imus asked, "What color is he?" Sports announcer Warner Wolf said Jones — formerly known as Pacman — is "African-American." Imus responded: "There you go. Now we know."

why does it matter what color he is?

and hes basically saying " oh this guy has been arrested a bunch of times? what color is he? black? oh that explains it."

lol you cant say that shit on public radio haha, he called a womens basketball team "a bunch of nappy headed hoes" too lol, after your first dumb ass comment your held to a much higher standard of acceptable speech...so dont say shit that could even be perceived as racist if you dont want it to be taken that way

Imus is a crusty old racist dude who has no script and speaks his mind and from time to time his true feelings come out