06-24-2008, 12:06 AM
Simply put.
we need FREEDOM!
we need our RIGHTS! BACK!
on july 12 there is a march for FREEDOM! I will be attending and SUPPORTING FREEDOM!
you should too!
1 person cant do anything...but as a whole we can do amazing things!
Please do not start a political fight here.
we have hope...in each other.

http://www.apfn.org/apfn/prison_camps.htm no joke. this is why we stand together.

06-24-2008, 12:10 AM
I'm soooo down for Big Ron.

I voted in the CA pres prim, but no dice here. Couldn't gt him on the ticket.

Steve Shadows is probably more active than I.

+rep for Ron Paul supporters.

06-24-2008, 12:14 AM
ron paul needs a cock meat sandwich

06-24-2008, 12:19 AM
I'm voting for Ron Paul.

06-24-2008, 12:20 AM
i'm voting for myself


06-24-2008, 12:27 AM
While I may not agree with him on absolutely everything. Many of his ideas and policies are what's needed. +1 for Ron Paul.

06-24-2008, 12:32 AM
ron paul needs a cock meat sandwich

you my friend, I will fight for your rights too!
just cause your not smart enough to do it yourself.
I Hope you make a special sandwich. nothing lame like cackmeat and mayo!
spice it up adobo, sazon, and some good bread...from deli no slice shit!

06-24-2008, 12:35 AM
I think you mean Ralph Nader.

Green Party melts in your mouth, not in your hands
Green Party Australian for Beer
Green Party Just do it?

06-24-2008, 12:39 AM

you my friend, I will fight for your rights too!
just cause your not smart enough to do it yourself.
I Hope you make a special sandwich. nothing lame like cackmeat and mayo!
spice it up adobo, sazon, and some good bread...from deli no slice shit!

haha get real

the government doesn't care

06-24-2008, 12:48 AM
haha get real

the government doesn't care
NO but I do.
and from the just of it... RON PAUL DOES TOO!

I am not a political person, never was...but I found alot of stuff in the world not OK! and we must make a change. the two leaders mccain and obamba never really listened to them well mccain I have and he isnt the fartest smeller if you know what I mean.

and as for Obama not disrespect, but I see HONESTY AND TRUTH IN RONS VOICE , words, views, and HOPE!
look at our world.
we have threads asking if we are doomed? and everyone says yes with a different reason! WTF!
we will unite. we will rejoice. we will dance like hippies in streets for a day! with hope of a day! we have freedom again!

06-24-2008, 12:53 AM
hahaha what the fuck

you talk like a baboon

hippies were all about not conforming


and the hippie movement was over before it even started it ended up popping up as a trend after a small group which followed the beatniks which were smarter than the hippies in everyway

06-24-2008, 12:57 AM
hahaha what the fuck

you talk like a baboon

hippies were all about not conforming


and the hippie movement was over before it even started it ended up popping up as a trend after a small group which followed the beatniks which were smarter than the hippies in everyway

lol...your coming off like a genuis yourself.
baboon's speak?
"Like hippies"

06-24-2008, 01:00 AM
I'm all for Ron Paul. Hoping for something drastic to happen that's for sure.

06-24-2008, 01:03 AM
lol...your coming off like a genuis yourself.
baboon's speak?
"Like hippies"

what does that even mean haha

edit: seriously

06-24-2008, 01:15 AM
what does that even mean haha

edit: seriously
I sent a pm asking nicely for you to stop posting, please respect that.
Serious = the state of of country. but you'd rather poke fun of my itelligence and the way I come across to blind to see the message put forth.
again bro...you are in my prayers...I have hope for you.

06-24-2008, 01:34 AM
edit: seriously

i was being serious, just as serious as the state of the country, no?

that's great that you think ron paul will impose less regulations because the churches will take care of the rest, just like me right?

the government sucks, now i need your prayers

by the way, didn't jesus say something about worshiping in private? do it

i'm not trying to blind your ron paul message at all quite frankly i don't care but i can say a lot of things that may "offend" you but i don't give a shit about anyone else - if they are offended by what i believe and say, let them debate me

don't sit here and shoo me away especially when the candidate you're so romantic about when he wants the PEOPLE to have the right to believe and say what they want without fear of poltitical retribution from the government

american's of all political persuasions are obviously inept morons if they can manage to fall in love with a politician whenever they open their mouth

once again, get real? thanks

06-24-2008, 01:43 AM
i havent heard much about ron paul lately. nor have i had the time to even research up on him. Is he going to run as a independent now? or as a Rep?

06-24-2008, 02:00 AM
i was being serious, just as serious as the state of the country, no?

that's great that you think ron paul will impose less regulations because the churches will take care of the rest, just like me right?

the government sucks, now i need your prayers

by the way, didn't jesus say something about worshiping in private? do it

i'm not trying to blind your ron paul message at all quite frankly i don't care but i can say a lot of things that may "offend" you but i don't give a shit about anyone else - if they are offended by what i believe and say, let them debate me

don't sit here and shoo me away especially when the candidate you're so romantic about when he wants the PEOPLE to have the right to believe and say what they want without fear of poltitical retribution from the government

american's of all political persuasions are obviously inept morons if they can manage to fall in love with a politician whenever they open their mouth

once again, get real? thanks

lol...your open to speak, just trying to have a cleaned untanted thread of bad vibes....you are holding bad vibes...let it go.
1. I am not religous, but I PRAY TO GOD THERE IS A GOD TO HELP YOU! that simple. dont worship, just when I met peeps like you brother.
2say what you want but bro, sit back and read the thread from a differnt POV! I may look like a fruit with romatic views...but I am not being rude, I simply asked you take you disrespect and beat it , beat it, beat it , beat it

06-24-2008, 02:04 AM
i havent heard much about ron paul lately. nor have i had the time to even research up on him. Is he going to run as a independent now? or as a Rep?
to tell you the truth.

The "race" is twice as bad as it was when BUSH ran with Jebs help...
either way WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO UNITE NOT FIGHT with eachother...s0apgun...

06-24-2008, 02:14 AM
yeah, he's not running no longer, BUT he's still in the race, if that means anything...he is still "on the road" speaking and giving hope leading the REVOLUTION! WE THE PEOPLE will make a change...or should try to!


06-24-2008, 02:17 AM
so you're a hypocrite?

you still follow a different stream than your dream boy of a candidate

honestly telling me to beat it is a little bit more than rude, i told you to debate me if there is a problem but you won't do it

you're too busy dreaming about your freedom's

you posted a thread like this in hopes of sparking the young minds of the rest of zilvia, that is oh so romantic

i applaud your efforts of marching on washington for our freedoms but the come of next year we'll see how far that really got you

and maybe you'll get to experience that gestapo force portrayed in your ron paul video

while you chant ron pauls name and expect the government to fall in love with you and his "revolution"

it entertaining that you think that i know nothing about your candidate and this is all in "bad blood" as you said in your private message, and that there is hope for me somewhere

i've followed the election very closely, i'm not directly attacking ron paul or your thread because i can nit pick every candidate it doesn't really matter

i just get a kick out of your desire for "revolution" you're life must be really hard

i'm really hoping you know ron pauls views and your not just encouraging him after seeing a couple clips from speeches

LOVE and PEACE brotha!

06-24-2008, 02:26 AM
Somebody enlighten me... Whats so great about Ron Paul? Why do so many young people support him?

I'm not being a smartass at all... He just comes off as somewhat off a nutjob to me. ::shrugs::

Anybody care to explain?
(Posi rep for non-jerkoff answers.)

06-24-2008, 02:27 AM
cool. I want you beside me IN DC! come to nh, we can go together...ron paul was a spark to blaze our freedom we must do the rest...
peace bro.

Baka Sama
06-24-2008, 02:59 AM
Somebody enlighten me... Whats so great about Ron Paul? Why do so many young people support him?

Its not Ron Paul people follow but his ideals or dreams if you will. He claims to want to give the power back to the people and get rid of things that he and his supports believe are destroying america. The biggest of these things being the IRS. Basicly his platform was that he would get rid of the "all seeing eye" and the "evil" in government. Many people see americas government one day becoming too powerful and taking away all the rights of the people. Ron Paul gave people hope that there is someone in politics that really cares about the people and their rights. This is the first time anyone important has really said these things, thus the reason people say he is "the spark" for the revolution. The revolution of people to gain back their freedom from the government.

I can see how young ones are drawn to him and his message. They want something to fight for that has real meaning in their life time, and to some this is it.

Me being a religious man however, I dont put my hope in any mans dreams. But more power to whoever wants to.

Everyone picks something in their lives to live and fight for. Whether its religion, politics, freedom, country, or woman.

To those I say, Keep on fighting.

06-24-2008, 03:05 AM
Jesus Christ you people are trying to make Ron Paul look a messiah.

Fact is, if he got elected he would do the same shit every president does. Follow the what the people with money say, and if he tried to shake things up, he'd wind up:
A. Dead
B. Scandalized
C. Not get anything done and only serve one term

All politicians are crooks no matter what they say.

06-24-2008, 03:19 AM
Jesus Christ you people are trying to make Ron Paul look a messiah.

Fact is, if he got elected he would do the same shit every president does. Follow the what the people with money say, and if he tried to shake things up, he'd wind up:
A. Dead
B. Scandalized
C. Not get anything done and only serve one term

All politicians are crooks no matter what they say.

FACT!? lol...comn.
hahaha...no facts bro... just a retry at AMERICA LIFE as it should have been.
we'll see.
who do we have to choose, whats our future look like!

google is the best tool in the entire galaxy. AMEN!

06-24-2008, 03:23 AM
FACT!? lol...comn.
hahaha...no facts bro... just a retry at AMERICA LIFE as it should have been.
we'll see.
who do we have to choose, whats our future look like!

google is the best tool in the entire galaxy. AMEN!

Media, especially random shit you find on google is horse shit.

"Fact is" is a saying, you know that. Don't be cutesy.

Vote for me, at least I will be up front and say "I really don't give a flying fuck about you, and these lobbyists money looks pretty damn appetizing"

06-24-2008, 03:32 AM
Media, especially random shit you find on google is horse shit.

"Fact is" is a saying, you know that. Don't be cutesy.

Vote for me, at least I will be up front and say "I really don't give a flying fuck about you, and these lobbyists money looks pretty damn appetizing"

everyone. why fight me take you anger out on govt instead of me making you conscience. go the dc. make difference...if not we tried.
vote for a apple. a pear. dont matter. just go and enjoy the 12th.

06-24-2008, 03:34 AM
everyone. why fight me take you anger out on govt instead of me making you conscience. go the dc. make difference...if not we tried.
vote for a apple. a pear. dont matter. just go and enjoy the 12th.

I'm not angry I'm just a little out of it.

This is a forum, you share your opinion. I share mine. It's why they work.

Anywho, good luck with your Ron Paul crusade.

06-24-2008, 04:00 AM
a rap for young peeps

06-24-2008, 05:07 AM
you all need to remember that Ron Paul...even if elected, still has to deal with everyone else in DC. They would block him every chance they got. Remember that Ron Paul is a Republican, and their goal is to shed as many votes as they can from the Democratic party, if you want McCain in the Whitehouse, go ahead and vote for Ron Paul (write in) or Nader.

Although I do like his libertarian views, but he just doesnt have the steam behind him for enough people to really get him in office.

06-24-2008, 05:23 AM
+rep for anyone who tells me the name/artist of that song in the backround. used on many videos.
oh yeah, Ron Paul is the only one im voting for

06-24-2008, 05:36 AM
Wow, after watching the video. That is very compelling. Now I've got something to think about.

06-24-2008, 05:51 AM
+1 for ron

too bad it isnt going to happen.

06-24-2008, 06:00 AM
Jesus Christ you people are trying to make Ron Paul look a messiah.

Fact is, if he got elected he would do the same shit every president does. Follow the what the people with money say, and if he tried to shake things up, he'd wind up:
A. Dead
B. Scandalized
C. Not get anything done and only serve one term

All politicians are crooks no matter what they say.

But see thats the thing, between any of the people who took a stab at trying to get the presidential nominations, Ron Paul was the only one that appealed to me. Why? He got a passion about him that nobody else had. He was the one person seems to have a plan. Sure some of them may seem a lil insane, but if you look at his mentality, it actually makes sense in a kooky kinda way. Maybe thats what this country need, something fresh, somebody who thinks outside the box.

I dont like how anything has been handled in the last 8 yrs. Yes, we rallied around Bush after 9/11. Thats only because honestly, we had no choice. We needed a leader to tell us what is happening and to lead during the countries darkest hour since Pearl Harbor. Protecting the country from another attack shouldnt mean I have to give up my rights in doing so. There has got to be a better way than giving the government more power in running my life and invading my privacy. Why do I have to feel compelled to worry more about what my government is doing than when my sense of security will be shook again, specially when my sense of security seems to be threatened by the same people who is supposed to protect it???

06-24-2008, 06:15 AM
I will also be voting for Dr. Ron Paul, we need things to actually change in this country. Not just talk about it(sorry Obama).

06-24-2008, 06:21 AM
if i vote for ron paul, will i still be paying 5 bucks @ the pump.... and 50 bucks for a 25lbs bag of rice from thailand..... if its staying that way... im just gonna go work on my car cause it doesnt matter to me who the hell gets elected... politicians are the devil to me anyway....

06-24-2008, 06:28 AM
Whats sad is if he doesnt run, then what? Who would I vote for? Obama? I dont think he has anything going for him other than he's black and he's going to appeal to the minorities like me. He hasnt said anything that isnt in the same tune as what every democrat is screaming for. I'm almost tempted to vote for McCain since he got some things that make sense for me. The biggest thing is I agree with him on his stance in the desert. We cant just bail out like what the democrats propose. If we bail out, we might as well concede to defeat...what we need is to train the Iraqi's better if not faster. The sooner they can stand on their own 2 feet, the sooner we can leave, but we have to remember that we cant rush it.

06-24-2008, 06:37 AM
you all need to remember that Ron Paul...even if elected, still has to deal with everyone else in DC. They would block him every chance they got. Remember that Ron Paul is a Republican, and their goal is to shed as many votes as they can from the Democratic party, if you want McCain in the Whitehouse, go ahead and vote for Ron Paul (write in) or Nader.

Although I do like his libertarian views, but he just doesnt have the steam behind him for enough people to really get him in office.

Yes your right, if he does make it into the White House, he will be constantly fighting and disagreeing with Congress. But then, how the fuck did Dubyah manage to completely fuck up the country in less than 8 years without the backing of Congress??? It took 1 man to fuck it all up, hopefully this 1 man can atleast try to unfuck it. I'd rather have somebody up there trying to fix things than having somebody who will be another sheep from his party (republican or democrat). And yes Ron Paul is republican, but views definitely isnt inline with the current Republican Party views...and thats exactly why he didnt get the republican nomination. He's too much of a loose canon, and thats also the biggest reason why alot of us (younger gen) associate with him...

06-24-2008, 06:47 AM
Yes your right, if he does make it into the White House, he will be constantly fighting and disagreeing with Congress. But then, how the fuck did Dubyah manage to completely fuck up the country in less than 8 years without the backing of Congress???

Up until recently the Congress was a Republican majority, and if they know one thing, they know how to stick together.

And yes Ron Paul is republican, but views definitely isnt inline with the current Republican Party views...and thats exactly why he didnt get the republican nomination. He's too much of a loose canon, and thats also the biggest reason why alot of us (younger gen) associate with him...

I agree with that, but unless the majority of the people vote for him, all it will do is likely pull from the folks who would otherwise vote for a Democrat, because Republicans know how to stick together, they will blindly vote for anyone on the ballot that says "republican" next to it.

06-24-2008, 07:06 AM
Who here was even alive for the 1988 presidential election?

06-24-2008, 07:07 AM
Who here was even alive for the 1988 presidential election?

I am, but didnt care...hell I wasnt even a US citizen then...I was 8 yrs old in Philippines!!! :p

Who did Bush Sr go against cuz I seriously have no clue...

06-24-2008, 07:31 AM
I was alive for it.

06-24-2008, 07:40 AM
honestly my view is ron paul is another ross perot...just some rich guy with candy land views. seriously, anyone can promise anything they want and talk all the shit they want about what they'll do. he has no backing (its just a wasted vote) and he really doesnt have anything going for him other then his "promises" i thought the comment. people can talk all the shit they want about obama...facts still remain though, he brought out more votes on primaries then anybody else (majority were'nt minorities), and his views/stances HAVE NOT CHANGED since he got into politics. but in all honestly he'll probably change once they all do once he gets a taste of that money. imo the country went downhill after jfk lol....

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-24-2008, 10:13 AM
honestly my view is ron paul is another ross perot...just some rich guy with candy land views. seriously, anyone can promise anything they want and talk all the shit they want about what they'll do. he has no backing (its just a wasted vote) and he really doesnt have anything going for him other then his "promises" i thought the comment. people can talk all the shit they want about obama...facts still remain though, he brought out more votes on primaries then anybody else (majority were'nt minorities), and his views/stances HAVE NOT CHANGED since he got into politics. but in all honestly he'll probably change once they all do once he gets a taste of that money. imo the country went downhill after jfk lol....

you're wrong. RPaul was not "rich" by political standards. He actually funded his campaign through donations. Then, because he received so much support the Republican party sort of labeled him as a crazy person, and a "internet star," even further making him look crazy. Middle America (middle class) doesn't pay attention enough to even make up their own minds. They are devoted to a party and it takes an act of god to persuade them one way or another.

Ron Paul does not appease to lobbiests, only because that's not where he received his money. The fact that he wants to impeach the Federal Reserve tells me a lot about the man because the fact that income tax is unconstitutional has gone mostly unnoticed for almost 100 years. He actually has to balls to get up on a podium and is a supporter of the Constitution and is the only candidate that actually wants to improve this country I've seen for a LONG time.

It might be all "talk" but he's the only one saying what actually needs to be said.

06-24-2008, 10:33 AM
Somebody enlighten me... Whats so great about Ron Paul? Why do so many young people support him?

I'm not being a smartass at all... He just comes off as somewhat off a nutjob to me. ::shrugs::

Anybody care to explain?
(Posi rep for non-jerkoff answers.)

I think a lot of young people support him for varying reasons. For me it's mainly on the economy and government size and interferance into the lives and rights of everday people. Many people see themselves in trouble in economic aspects in the coming years, and he's offering a way to try and fix that. What's really funny is that Canada is in a bit of an economic boom right now, and people here are oblivious to the fact that what happens in the US will inevitabaly affect everyone here, especially with our dollar tied to the US dollar. People just tell me the only reason I care is because of my american backround etc. When in reality, I care because it affects both nations that I call home.
I don't agree with his ideas and policies for security etc. He proposes eliminating the CIA, the FBI (at one point he did at least), Homeland Security etc etc... What's needed is not a deletion of these organizations, but a streamlining and changes of policy with more accountability. Just trashing them is a little like "throwing out the baby with the bathwater" as the saying goes.

Whats sad is if he doesnt run, then what? Who would I vote for? Obama? I dont think he has anything going for him other than he's black and he's going to appeal to the minorities like me. He hasnt said anything that isnt in the same tune as what every democrat is screaming for. I'm almost tempted to vote for McCain since he got some things that make sense for me. The biggest thing is I agree with him on his stance in the desert. We cant just bail out like what the democrats propose. If we bail out, we might as well concede to defeat...what we need is to train the Iraqi's better if not faster. The sooner they can stand on their own 2 feet, the sooner we can leave, but we have to remember that we cant rush it.

:werd: Just pulling out and running now is the WORST thing that can be done. Whether you agreed with it in the first place or not, the situation is there now, and it must be fixed before anyone leaves. Once the Iraqis can provide their own security, then it's time to look at wrapping it up. Look at Basra right now, it's being a good example of what can be done...


May be a tedious situation, but it offers some hope.

06-24-2008, 10:40 AM
Who here was even alive for the 1988 presidential election?

Who did Bush Sr go against cuz I seriously have no clue...

Michael Dukakis. No, I didn't Google it. =D

06-24-2008, 11:29 AM
+1 for ron

too bad it isnt going to happen.

even if this doesn't happen, WE THE PEOPLE have a plan.

06-24-2008, 12:02 PM
Somebody enlighten me... Whats so great about Ron Paul? Why do so many young people support him?

I'm not being a smartass at all... He just comes off as somewhat off a nutjob to me. ::shrugs::

Anybody care to explain?
(Posi rep for non-jerkoff answers.)
Ron Paul is a Constitutionalists and a Libertarian. He was only running in the Republican primary as he assumed he would have a better shot at getting elected through the Party system than running as an Independent (Interesting Fact, aside from George Washington, the first present, elected before the party system was created, noone outside of the two major parties has ever been elected into the presidency)

"Constitutionalists" follow the letter of the constitution and would like to see it enforced in the spirit in which our forefathers intended. In essence the freedoms afforded American citizens is paramount above all other things. There are many laws in place today that go against the constitution and many freedoms that have been destroyed for the sake of "the economy" or "safety" and other things that should, at least in my opinion, take a back seat to freedoms.

"Libertarianism" is basically the ultimate in small government. A crude example is seatbelt laws. The current Federal Government mandates that all US citizens need to wear seatbelts for their own safety. In a Libertarian Government there would be no seatbelt laws and it would be up to the individual whether or not they wanted to wear one. Again, this is a basic example but it can be applied to much more complex issues.

The general idea of a Libertarian government is that you are free to do whatever you want until such time that it would impinge on the freedoms of others. A good example would be Speed Limits and traffic laws. While it would be nice to say you can drive as fast as you like but without some form of regulation you could be putting the lives of other motorists in danger and impinging on their freedom to travel about the country.

Ron Paul has a lot of extreme views on how to accomplish these things. A lot of them make sense and IMO would do a lot to improve America. I will say that some of his Ideas are too "out there" for most Americans to be comfortable with... However... Consider this... The President only has so much power in that he must work with congress to install new policies and regulations (or in Ron Pauls case removing overly restrictive policies and a regulations as well) While Ron Paul is extreme in his methods I think the counterweight of the current congress would reel him in more than enough that we would have a VERY good balance and actually see a good restoration of this country back to the roots.

I'm a Libertarian... I believe in a free society, not the "ulta-equality", borderline communist ideals of the current democratic party, or the "ultra-capitalist" treat people like cattle ideals of the republican party. Both the Reps and the Dems are in to doing the same thing... and that is increasing the power and influence of the government, they have different ways of accomplishing it but the ends are the same. Libertarian ideals are to reduce the power of the federal government and restore that power to the individual states, and more importantly, the people.

If you're interested in this sort of thing, even if you don't like Ron Paul, and even if you don't agree with Libertarian ideals you should check out this: http://www.freestateproject.org/

06-24-2008, 12:07 PM
Michael Dukakis. No, I didn't Google it. =D

You're forgetting the dude that got 0.5% of the vote...

06-24-2008, 12:27 PM
I was 5. :(

06-24-2008, 12:31 PM

06-24-2008, 12:56 PM
You're forgetting the dude that got 0.5% of the vote... R.E.P. <length>

06-24-2008, 01:03 PM
Even though I"m Canadian... I'm down with this Ron Paul guy.

06-24-2008, 01:21 PM
The fact that he wants to impeach the Federal Reserve tells me a lot about the man because the fact that income tax is unconstitutional has gone mostly unnoticed for almost 100 years

i'm not republican/democratic/liberal w/e. i'm me, i base my vote off the individual and his beliefs. with that being said, i'm sick to death of people saying income tax is unconstitutional. where the hell do you think our country will be get money from if we didnt have it. a couple hundred a paycheck is a small price to pay for being a super power and a 1st world country. honestly do you really think that our country will get better if we got rid of income tax. i mean no offense but come on! those are the happy magic mountain bullshit ideas that make ron paul a fairy tale politician. once again, i mean no insult to you or any other of his supporters. but from experience our military is so ridiculously underfunded as it is i could only imagine how worse things would get (i.e. roads, defense/education/research/trade funding)

06-24-2008, 01:26 PM
You're forgetting the dude that got 0.5% of the vote...
a salt and peppered hair RON PAUL!
and his stance hasn't changed much it seems.

we'll see...

06-24-2008, 01:27 PM
Business/commercial tax, import/export tax, etc.
They take alot more than a couple hundred out of my check.

06-24-2008, 01:38 PM
Business/commercial tax, import/export tax, etc.
They take alot more than a couple hundred out of my check.

maybe your more baller then me :hs: but in all seriousness, come on you know as well as i do thats not realistic in all. commercial and import/export tax WOULD NOT be able to run our country. income tax is the biggest contributor. and not for nothing do you really think all those other taxes wouldnt increase to attempt (and i use the term lightly) to make up for it.

06-24-2008, 01:38 PM
i just dont get how nobody could agree with ron paul.

its not ron paul living a fairy tale...its you guys who disagree with him.

keep making excuses for our governments actions.

06-24-2008, 01:41 PM
maybe your more baller then me :hs: but in all seriousness, come on you know as well as i do thats not realistic in all. commercial and import/export tax WOULD NOT be able to run our country. income tax is the biggest contributor. and not for nothing do you really think all those other taxes wouldnt increase to attempt (and i use the term lightly) to make up for it.

I'm sure they would rise, and I do not care, I have no stake in any of those businesses, and I'm sure there are other way to generate revenue. Anything is possible, besides with the type of change Ron Paul is referring to, it would cut Fed Govt. expenditures exponentially.

06-24-2008, 01:43 PM
he would be my runner up

06-24-2008, 01:44 PM
i just dont get how nobody could agree with ron paul.

its not ron paul living a fairy tale...its you guys who disagree with him.

keep making excuses for our governments actions.

DUDE what do you think would happen if he abolished federal income tax. i cant believe nobody grasps this concept. and once again i'm not out to bash your precious ron paul, but seriously...most of his "ideas" will never fabricate to real life because they are ALL UNREALISTIC and highly highly un beneficial. yeah its easy to promise things that make the people happy...but wtf are some of the long term effects of these "great ideas"

06-24-2008, 01:45 PM
I heard Ron Paul supports legality on marijuana.

06-24-2008, 01:45 PM
Well, more money in my pocket would mean more money in the economy for one.
I heard Ron Paul supports legality on marijuana.
Yeah, he should run on that alone.. I think this Country is ready to legalize and get rid of the "war on drugs"

06-24-2008, 01:51 PM
Well, more money in my pocket would mean more money in the economy for one.

Yeah, he should run on that alone.. I think this Country is ready to legalize and get rid of the "war on drugs"

i agree with the legality of marijuana but it stops there. i do believe that our country would benefeit off of the legal sales/taxation of marijuana. but like i said thats about the only drug i care to see legalized. but this will never happen because our "politicians" more then likely get a piece of the action as far as drugs go. and your comment about business tax. i dont care about them either...but i do care about increased sales tax, and internet sales tax (they're looking for a reason to enstate that), or what about business msrps going up to make up for the hike in taxes. it is borderline ignorant to believe that only good will stem from abolishing federal income tax. (i apologize if i come off as a dick btw)

06-24-2008, 01:51 PM
Look we're going to continue to wage war on whatever threatens baby jesus.

06-24-2008, 01:52 PM
i'm not republican/democratic/liberal w/e. i'm me, i base my vote off the individual and his beliefs. with that being said, i'm sick to death of people saying income tax is unconstitutional. where the hell do you think our country will be get money from if we didnt have it. a couple hundred a paycheck is a small price to pay for being a super power and a 1st world country. honestly do you really think that our country will get better if we got rid of income tax. i mean no offense but come on! those are the happy magic mountain bullshit ideas that make ron paul a fairy tale politician.

No offense but it seems to me you really haven't looked at his proposal, or any of the proposals for getting rid of the income tax... or where the income tax came from.

Basically we didn't have an income tax before the depression. The country collected taxes on a number of things such as import and export taxes, sales tax on goods and services etc.

When the depression hit industry collapsed and people stopped buying stuff, as a result the government had no income either. The people who still had jobs during that time were considered wealthy and the income tax was instated as a TEMPORARY MEASURE until Americans were back on our feet and able to start contributing to the economy again.

Guess what... they never got rid of income tax... Even better is that the actual tax law states that its OPTIONAL, of course if you don't pay it you'll get pegged as un-american.

Consider this... I work 50 some odd hours a week and pay income tax. Shady Skyline importer X makes twice what I do and doesn't pay a dime in income taxes... why? because his job is illegal... same with the drug dealers, same with people who make they're money selling crap for cash and not reporting their income. Non Citizens who come here and work under the table also do not pay income taxes.

Now consider that we get rid of income taxes, at the same time we institute a nationwide SALES tax on non-essential items (eg: food, shelter, and fuel wouldn't be taxed, that new car, cigarettes, and the Brittney Spears CD would.) The sales tax is set at a % such that you're essentially paying the same amount in taxes that you would otherwise be paying in income tax.

Why should we do this
1. you don't have to worry about tax cuts for the rich, the rich buy more crap... they pay more taxes, plain and simple.

2. people who make their money illegally are now paying taxes, that drug dealer who make 6 figures last year is now contributing taxes with all of the legal purchases he makes. Similarly vacationers from other countries are paying taxes towards the US gov't and so are immigrant laborers and others working under the table.

3. Since taxes are only collected from business who sell new items and keep books anyway as opposed to every working American citizen the IRS can be downsized to 1/10th of it's current size since they'll have significantly fewer sources to collect money from, AND it's an easier source of income to review since business keep books and people don't. This saves the gov't a whole F-ton of money to use in other areas, or they could pass the savings on in a form of tax cuts (for everyone since we all pay the same sales tax).

4. Since taxes are being collected from EVERYONG and not just legal working stiffs the government will actually be collecting MORE money at the same tax rate... again they can either use this money elsewhere or pass the savings on in the form of tax cuts (again for everyone).

5. No more paperwork to fill out annually you work, you get paid 100% for the work that you did. Saving your money will be more beneficial because you'll have more to save at any given time.

6. The government no longer needs to know how much money you make and you have significantly less risk of getting your identity stolen since that info will be communicated to fewer people and agencies.

It's not some mythical idea... lots and lots of very smart people have spent lots and lots of time figuring out how it will work... These people also didn't just pull the idea out of a hat, they looked at all the options and determine that this method would be the best to improve the lives of American citizens as well as make the government more effective at collecting taxes.

If you want to know more about it go here:

They even have a calculator so you can see the difference in $$ you'd have in your pocket if we switched to this system and you still bought the same amount of crap that you do now.

06-24-2008, 01:57 PM
ok i see where your're coming from...HOWEVER the fact remains (and i'm not agreeing with this) is that our countries spending has become dependent on it. if it were gone it would yield negative effects. i plan on looking into this more because you're right, i'm not 100% familiar with his proposals. but the general idea just seems like it would fail.

06-24-2008, 01:59 PM
i agree, i make dogshit anyway from uncle sams cheap ass and i would love to keep that money each paycheck. if anyone can come up with a solid plan to do that and still subsidize our nations income would be great with me.

06-24-2008, 02:00 PM
I heard Ron Paul supports legality on marijuana.

An example of something I do NOT agree with Ron Paul on.

This is from someone watching the effects of a faux legalization of pot happening all around him...

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-24-2008, 02:18 PM
i'm not republican/democratic/liberal w/e. i'm me, i base my vote off the individual and his beliefs. with that being said, i'm sick to death of people saying income tax is unconstitutional. where the hell do you think our country will be get money from if we didnt have it. a couple hundred a paycheck is a small price to pay for being a super power and a 1st world country. honestly do you really think that our country will get better if we got rid of income tax. i mean no offense but come on! those are the happy magic mountain bullshit ideas that make ron paul a fairy tale politician. once again, i mean no insult to you or any other of his supporters. but from experience our military is so ridiculously underfunded as it is i could only imagine how worse things would get (i.e. roads, defense/education/research/trade funding)

ok. You don't even know what income tax pays for do you? It doesn't go to our government, it pays for the interest that the federal reserve demands for doing something as simple as money. The fed res has no affiliation with our government except prints it's cash. They are as Federal as Federal Express. And YES, it is unconstitutional.

06-24-2008, 02:31 PM
ok i see where your're coming from...HOWEVER the fact remains (and i'm not agreeing with this) is that our countries spending has become dependent on it. if it were gone it would yield negative effects. i plan on looking into this more because you're right, i'm not 100% familiar with his proposals. but the general idea just seems like it would fail.

the way the fair tax is designed not only would YOU take home more $$ but so would the government.. this money doesn't come from nowhere... it simply comes from those who have found shady ways of avoiding taxes with the current system (of which there are thousands), with the fair tax the only way to avoid paying taxes is to not live in the US...

i agree, i make dogshit anyway from uncle sams cheap ass and i would love to keep that money each paycheck. if anyone can come up with a solid plan to do that and still subsidize our nations income would be great with me.

The problem is that people like you who "make dogshit" or otherwise barely scrape by, shouldn't be bearing the brunt of the taxes, this isn't the 30s anymore and having a job doesn't mean you're wealthy. Regardless of tax cuts the Wealthy in this country barely pay any taxes anyway because of all the loop holes in the tax system and the fact that they can afford lawyers and accountants to exploit those holes for them. The whole point of the fair tax is to eliminate that garbage...

Anything you buy above and beyond the necessities you need to survive will get taxed and contribute to the government.

An example of something I do NOT agree with Ron Paul on.

This is from someone watching the effects of a faux legalization of pot happening all around him...
I assume you're referring to the legalization for medical use in California?

Keep in mind that the initial reaction (in social-political issues like this "initial" can mean as many as 10 years) to a ban being lifted is typically over-indulgence. Go read some literature on what happened after prohibition the country was drunk for years.... People have a tendency to want what they can't have (the grass is always greener, yadda yadda...) so a ban makes something taboo and desirable in some regards, lifting that ban is like opening up a flood gate.... however eventually the novelty will wear off, the waters will settle and it will likely be less of a problem than it was before the band was enacted in the first place.

As someone who considers themselves a Libertarian I feel it's not my place, nor the governments to tell people which substances they can or cannot put in their bodies. That asside, people are going to smoke weed whether it's legal or not, but if it's legalized it can be regulated to ensure that you don't get it laced with crack or other far more harmful substances, less government money is spent on on policing the borders drug runners and busting dealers, and they'll have an additional source of revenue... though IMO the most important benefits is Americans get more freedom out of the deal.

Also keep in mind why weed was made illegal in the first place, one of the key reasons was that it "causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes". oh yeah and protect the profits of alcohol and pharmaceutical companies. Don't believe me? see for yourself:

I don't smoke weed, or cigarettes, I don't even drink Alcohol... but I also I don't think I have a right to tell others that they can't.


Also consider this... The actual effects of Marijuana aren't nearly as bad as most of the anti-drug campaigns (particularly the older ones) would have you believe. What ends up happening is some teen gets fed all this anti MJ rhetoric then gets pressured into trying at a party some time... guess what happens? None of the bad stuff that he was told would happen... the government, his teachers, his parents, etc. he feels they all lied about the effects.

So the next time he's at a party someone offers him heroin, X, meth... whatever... guess what? he doesn't think twice about trying it because in his mind, most of the supposed effects are probably not real... too bad they are and he becomes a victim of society crying wolf on weed.

THAT is why marijuana is a "gateway drug"...

06-24-2008, 03:01 PM
word Ron Paul
I voted for him in the primaries, no dice in OC.
Only stand up guy in politics.

Google Ron Paul. He's only candidate who lives what he speaks.

06-24-2008, 03:10 PM
i'm not republican/democratic/liberal w/e. i'm me, i base my vote off the individual and his beliefs. with that being said, i'm sick to death of people saying income tax is unconstitutional. where the hell do you think our country will be get money from if we didnt have it. a couple hundred a paycheck is a small price to pay for being a super power and a 1st world country. honestly do you really think that our country will get better if we got rid of income tax. i mean no offense but come on! those are the happy magic mountain bullshit ideas that make ron paul a fairy tale politician. once again, i mean no insult to you or any other of his supporters. but from experience our military is so ridiculously underfunded as it is i could only imagine how worse things would get (i.e. roads, defense/education/research/trade funding)

military underfunded...
450 billion isnt enough?
oh, right jus ttake it from education, look at the post from the kids here...
I GET NEG REP saying, who gives a fuck... lol... with this attiude we should just fucking walk to camps.

06-24-2008, 03:16 PM

06-24-2008, 03:36 PM
ron paul is already prez of the interwebs


Ron Paul innagurated as president of the internets.

06-24-2008, 03:39 PM
ok i see where your're coming from...HOWEVER the fact remains (and i'm not agreeing with this) is that our countries spending has become dependent on it. if it were gone it would yield negative effects. i plan on looking into this more because you're right, i'm not 100% familiar with his proposals. but the general idea just seems like it would fail.

But youre also missing the fact that hes planning on downsizing the government. Smaller government, less expenditure right?

06-24-2008, 03:40 PM
military underfunded...
450 billion isnt enough?

no its not, when you have shady ass politicians buying worthless shit that is not needed. (i.e. lynn chenney making one hell of a comission of a multi billion dollar nuclear sub deal) if we were better funded and the money wasnt squandered away to make other politicians pockets fatter we would actually be able to bulk purchase the cutting edge weapons systems/body armor/etc. thats proven to save lives, which a vast improvment over the bullshit antiquated systems we have now. and i never once said to take it away from education nor was that what i think. hell, i never once said we need more of a budget, in all actually my first thought isn't even to increase but monitor it more closely and prevent it being pissed away. and i'm not going to even touch on the multi millions that simply vanished (or rather is "un accounted" for) in iraq.

06-24-2008, 03:55 PM
ok. You don't even know what income tax pays for do you? It doesn't go to our government
well its fairly obvious, you my friend dont even know what income tax pays for. yes the majority of it is going to interest rates...however those are the interest rates of the national debt...and the rest is spread amongst dot,doe,military, etc. so yeah, if we do away with they will be affected. (in 2007 1,400 billion dollars of the federal budget came from individual income tax alone,if youre wondering...including corporate income tax that made up over half the entire federal budget)



06-24-2008, 04:06 PM
Income tax mainly pays for war and healthcare
if there was no income tax,
it would jump start the economy and no need for a health care system.
Instead of paying 30-40% of income for tax, people could afford to get their own medical insurance.
And there's no reason that we need troops station in every damn country being the police there. We should stay here and defend, rather then going into countries and invading and spending trillions for nothing.

06-24-2008, 04:07 PM
RP FTW! Thats all I have to say for this thread.


06-24-2008, 04:08 PM
But youre also missing the fact that hes planning on downsizing the government. Smaller government, less expenditure right?

and you see this a problem?

less shady govt personal! the better.
we need old school values...HONOR! RESPECT! BROTHERLY LOVE! family values, respect for one another in person and via forums, ever notice everythread ever in any forum has a shit talker...just BS! why?

06-24-2008, 04:11 PM
Income tax mainly pays for war and healthcare
if there was no income tax,
it would jump start the economy and no need for a health care system.
Instead of paying 30-40% of income for tax, people could afford to get their own medical insurance.
And there's no reason that we need troops station in every damn country being the police there. We should stay here and defend, rather then going into countries and invading and spending trillions for nothing.

i agree as far as the war goes. but thats about it...jump starting the economy is a theory and you cant take away from the fact that over half the federal budget came from income tax alone. regardless of how much was "wasted" on the war...i bet the leftovers where put to good use. once again i'm not trying force my opinion on anyone or persuade you or anyone else away from your political stance...i'm merely engaging in a debate lol

06-24-2008, 04:37 PM
and you see this a problem?

less shady govt personal! the better.
we need old school values...HONOR! RESPECT! BROTHERLY LOVE! family values, respect for one another in person and via forums, ever notice everythread ever in any forum has a shit talker...just BS! why?

If some people didn't talk shit...

Do you know how incredibly boring this forum would be?

06-24-2008, 04:52 PM
hey thats what i'm here for

always an exciting moment

06-24-2008, 04:56 PM

But seriously, as much as it'd be cool I guess... Ron Paul doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

06-24-2008, 05:37 PM
Ron Paul doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning.


He's got people on a fucking car forum talking politics, and his ideas are seriously gaining mindshare.

He's winning right now, as your read this.

Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Wi n.Win.

06-24-2008, 05:44 PM
Ron paul. Is the real deal! Video was deep. But true story.

06-24-2008, 06:00 PM

He's got people on a fucking car forum talking politics, and his ideas are seriously gaining mindshare.

He's winning right now, as your read this.

Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Wi n.Win.

yeah this thread is right above

"Two Free Tacos from Jack in the Box on 6/26 (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=199554)"

go ron paul! hahahahahahaha

06-24-2008, 06:00 PM

He's got people on a fucking car forum talking politics, and his ideas are seriously gaining mindshare.

He's winning right now, as your read this.

Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Win.Wi n.Win.

What We the People want.

Is rarely what We the People get. It's a game that the common folk just can't win anymore.

We're proles.

06-24-2008, 06:41 PM
a salt and peppered hair RON PAUL!
and his stance hasn't changed much it seems.

we'll see...

And this is why no one over 30 will give him the time of day.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-24-2008, 06:52 PM
well its fairly obvious, you my friend dont even know what income tax pays for. yes the majority of it is going to interest rates...however those are the interest rates of the national debt...and the rest is spread amongst dot,doe,military, etc. so yeah, if we do away with they will be affected. (in 2007 1,400 billion dollars of the federal budget came from individual income tax alone,if youre wondering...including corporate income tax that made up over half the entire federal budget)


yes, you are correct, but as you admitted yourself the income tax paid goes towards the interest rate. My argument was not to rid each citizen of income tax, but to rid the needless interest rate. I would have NO PROBLEM paying income tax so the government could up our military salaries and living situation. There's just so much waisted by money going to the Fed Res instead of funding it back into our country where it belongs!

06-24-2008, 07:19 PM
I assume you're referring to the legalization for medical use in California?

You assume wrong. I'm in Canada, where it's been debated for a long time, and is essentially legal in the fact there's so much the police can't stop it.

I don't want this to turn into a drug debate though...

06-24-2008, 07:21 PM

lets parttty

06-24-2008, 09:17 PM
So you all going?
I live in NH! your more than welcome to stay at my "place"
meeting up at my shop than heading to dc!
I have 2 seats in my s13 left...lol...the sweet back seats! hahaha
guys you need to understand this is something you need to take FOR REALS! ... or will will find our selves seeing things we wish we never did.
look at the laws being passed under YOUR noses.
they aint saying on sunday free food trust.
Ron Paul is putting his life on the line for US!
I am so excited for a day we can feel true freedom. I am happy today that there is still HOPE! these negiative comments are breed hate! I will fight for haters! too!

I made a thread about marc dice, and marine said HE DIDNT CARE IF 911 was a inside job. just wow.

06-24-2008, 09:23 PM
ok look im to busy to look this shit myself and i trust the people here more than my own family. so im going to ask this because depending on the answer, ron paul COULD get my vote.

1.what is obama's position on marijuana?

2.what is ron's position on marijuana?

a billion reps to the first person who can give me a correct answer with proof to back their statements.

and a correct answer could help sway me to vote for this ron paul guy

zilvia.net, providing life guidance since forever.

06-24-2008, 09:43 PM
ok look im to busy to look this shit myself and i trust the people here more than my own family. so im going to ask this because depending on the answer, ron paul COULD get my vote.

1.what is obama's position on marijuana?

2.what is ron's position on marijuana?

a billion reps to the first person who can give me a correct answer with proof to back their statements.

and a correct answer could help sway me to vote for this ron paul guy

zilvia.net, providing life guidance since forever.

ron says do what you want puff, puff give! 2 hits and pass to right son!
no stems no seeds.

a thread above with usmc not caring... show them love. I pray for them.
does noone even now how bad the state is right now?
oh yeah, zilvias guidance system is down this week.

06-24-2008, 10:16 PM
ok look im to busy to look this shit myself and i trust the people here more than my own family. so im going to ask this because depending on the answer, ron paul COULD get my vote.

1.what is obama's position on marijuana?

2.what is ron's position on marijuana?

a billion reps to the first person who can give me a correct answer with proof to back their statements.

and a correct answer could help sway me to vote for this ron paul guy

zilvia.net, providing life guidance since forever.

and here is the only reason ron paul made any wave on the internet. at all. set all his other crazy ass talk aside. he's a republican, and the only presidential candidate to say he'd decriminalize marijuana.
that is not enough to garner a vote. and if you vote for ron paul, you are throwing your vote away.

...but yeah ron paul's all for decriminalization, and i'm guessing barry isn't. i agree we should cut the drug war bullshit, it's a huge waste of money and lost tax dollars if nothing else.

06-24-2008, 10:18 PM
It'll be interesting to see how this protest turns out. That's a pretty strong video.

06-24-2008, 10:22 PM
I like Ron Paul. He'll never make it, because in the end we really have absolutely no control over who actually becomes president. 1 person, 1 vote is how it should be. But nope. Electoral college that shit, someone said. Great idea in theory, but theory hardly ever works. Like communism, or the rotary engine. There are only 2 way you can do anything for the country these days:


Either one and your set.

To sum it up... I'm very disenfranchised with the government these days. I would love to see Ron as prez, but I know it'll never happen.

06-24-2008, 10:40 PM
and here is the only reason ron paul made any wave on the internet. at all. set all his other crazy ass talk aside. he's a republican, and the only presidential candidate to say he'd decriminalize marijuana.
that is not enough to garner a vote. and if you vote for ron paul, you are throwing your vote away.

...but yeah ron paul's all for decriminalization, and i'm guessing barry isn't. i agree we should cut the drug war bullshit, it's a huge waste of money and lost tax dollars if nothing else.

no RON is a Libertarian , a constitutionist simple. EDIT (running as a rep. because only reps and dem have ever won)
he views are the same views that start this wonderful country.
the constitution and bill of rights is what ron paul follows.
he gets votes for his HONESTY! and BEING TRUE TO HIS WORD! look at his face, tell me he is liar! he is a good dude. 30 years and stands same ground. STUBBORN old fuck, with a heart.
look at obama! lol... or mccain, he looks like he has 6 strokes poor guy! they need to pick and choose there canidates a bit better before feeding us worthless canidates.

06-24-2008, 10:46 PM
from years ago...his views.

06-24-2008, 11:42 PM
so ron pual says we can do what we want?? well if he can make smog laws gone and let us do away with emission crap then i'm all for it... but not the mary jane part unless its for medical use.

06-24-2008, 11:58 PM
so ron pual says we can do what we want?? well if he can make smog laws gone and let us do away with emission crap then i'm all for it... but not the mary jane part unless its for medical use.

not exactly, but bring back the rule of law (our constitution) and put government back in its place. smog laws are a state issue. Not a job for the national government.

Weed is a state issue, but the national government disregards states rights now, and thats a big issue with Ron Paul. If a state legalizes marijuana for medical use, the national government will deny it. The national government doesn’t have that authority. He wants to slim down the national governments power, give back the proper power to the states, and give people back their proper amount of freedom and liberty.

If you put it like that Ron Paul doesn’t sound like a bad guy now, doesn’t he?

06-25-2008, 12:03 AM
no not really but the whole marijuana i don't agree to but eh thats my opinion and if it was to be legal then i think it should be legal to use in certain zones and private home use. Not in public or where it is not favored. Just like regualr tabacco... no one their toddlers enhalin 2nd hand smoke and getting cancer or just the bad side effects from it.. but it is a gate way drug and postive views of it being legal can lead to bad things. YOu might as well make crack/ herion/E/ and meth legal while your at it.

06-25-2008, 12:10 AM

06-25-2008, 12:32 AM
no not really but the whole marijuana i don't agree to but eh thats my opinion and if it was to be legal then i think it should be legal to use in certain zones and private home use. Not in public or where it is not favored. Just like regualr tabacco... no one their toddlers enhalin 2nd hand smoke and getting cancer or just the bad side effects from it.. but it is a gate way drug and postive views of it being legal can lead to bad things. YOu might as well make crack/ herion/E/ and meth legal while your at it.

weed isnt a gateway drug. If you have used it at any time in your life, you wouldnt have said what you said.

06-25-2008, 12:41 AM

Again like I stated...what the fuck is your point? Its a USARMY guidance on what they can use inmates for when it comes to putting them to work. Last I checked, the states do the same shit...

"Typical work projects: Inmate labor can perform to include painting, carpentry, general maintenance and repair, landscape planting and/or maintenance, mowing, trash pickup, custodial work, transporting material to and from recycle centers and other similar type of work."

"Inmates will not be used in any manner inconsistent with this plan or any other law and regulations"

I'd rather have somebody else clean the toilets than me...:fawkd:

06-25-2008, 12:46 AM
^^^ He started a whole other thread for it before he posted it here.

06-25-2008, 05:42 AM
Obama was initially for decriminalization, but is now against it. -- google it, there are articles all over from january/February about it. Ron Paul based on his Libertarian stance, is for decimininalization as well. also can be "googled"

MJ is no more harmful than Alcohol, in fact some argue that it is less harmful. Just like you have Alcoholics, you will have "Pot-Heads" -- that doesnt happen to everyone. There are countless documents, case studies, and reviews that all agree that MJ should not be classified as it is. Politicians refuse to acknowledge it.

06-25-2008, 08:39 AM
Michael Dukakis. No, I didn't Google it. =D

Donnie Darko imho!

06-25-2008, 09:39 AM
1. my weed is for medical reasons to begin with. im not a "doper" or whatever your highschool's p.s.a. told you i was

MAY DEPEND ON IT! You will not be
able to see his eyes because of
Tea-Shades, but his knuckles will
be white from inner tension.
and his pants will be crusted
with semen from constantly jacking
off when he can't find a rape
He will stagger and babble when
questioned. He will not respect
your badge. The Dope Fiend fears
nothing. He will attack, for no
reason, with every weapon at his
command -- including yours.
BEWARE. Any officer apprehending a
suspected marijuana addict should
use all necessary force immediately.
One stitch in time [on him] will
usually save nine on you."

2. one of the few/only things i care about this election year is how the candidates feel about marijuana. it seems stupid or whatever to the outside im sure, but you're not battling a degenerative eye disease either are you?

and even if someone gets elected and they dont do shit for the drug laws, ill still smoke so fuck em anyways,

edit: thought i should share, before i started smoking, i would have to get 2 prescriptions a year for glasses. and since ive been smoking regularly my prescription has been frozen (5 years). and i actually did better when i re-took tests like g.e.d. and a.c.t.

double edit: i just noticed silpena would be totally fine with driving an enviroment wrecking death machine, but if i want to walk thru the park @ night and have a smoke, i shouldnt be able to. this is getting good.


Exodus chapter 30 verse 22 - 33 (HINT: "KINEBOISIN" IS HEBREW FOR "CANNABIS")

and marijuana in other scriptures as well if a higher power is your thing

06-25-2008, 09:46 AM
Its been proven MJ has great medicinal value, Thats a primary reason I would like to see it legalized. I also think it would be an enormous revenue stream if it were regulated and taxed in the same fashion as tobacco.

06-25-2008, 10:04 AM
This shit is real, We Need to support Ron Paul. Our Govt. is corrupt as fuck.

06-25-2008, 10:07 AM
Its been proven MJ has great medicinal value, Thats a primary reason I would like to see it legalized. I also think it would be an enormous revenue stream if it were regulated and taxed in the same fashion as tobacco.

an acre of hemp produes 3x the amount of fabric one acre of cotton does btw, and yes tax and control it like cigs or hell maybe even alcohol. no d.u.i., no underage, et c.

i might piss my vote away on ron paul, but i dunno yet, ive got time to decide so we'll see

edit: i forgot to mention the biofuel capabilities of hemp.

06-25-2008, 10:10 AM
Hemp beans are also a great source of nutrition (similar to soybeans) and can also be used as bio-diesel. The yield is substantially more /acre than corn and its not a food crop, so we arent killing food to make gas (as is the case in Ethanol) -- Also when used in textiles, it is much more resilient, and lasts much longer than cotton or even polyester counterparts. (not to mention what you already have as far as yield) also, it is resistant to insect damage, so there is no need to use toxic chemicals on it.

06-25-2008, 10:38 AM
yes, you are correct, but as you admitted yourself the income tax paid goes towards the interest rate. My argument was not to rid each citizen of income tax, but to rid the needless interest rate.

dude the interest rates are to other countries for the national debt...NOTHING to do with the federal reserve, if you read over some of the lieterature and charts i provided you'll see my point.

the only way we can rid the interest rate is to pay off the national debt:tweak:

06-25-2008, 01:34 PM
ok i know someone negged me for my comments on weed and i think i know who do it.... u damn pussy just put ur name! idk if u like weed i still think its a drug. I've seen to many people lives ruin by it, but whatever maybe they shouldn't been around it in the first place. For medical use i say yes. I have no problem with that. Just becuase i called it a gate way drug doesn't make me ignorant. Thats like me using steriods and calling calling it a harm full drug that makes u go into rages.....

06-25-2008, 01:59 PM
dude the interest rates are to other countries for the national debt...NOTHING to do with the federal reserve, if you read over some of the lieterature and charts i provided you'll see my point.

the only way we can rid the interest rate is to pay off the national debt:tweak:
how do you do that if the govt hire private contracters who get a percentage of money spent on them...so they keep spending..

kbr google it...
info is there. look. dont sleep, WE HAVE TOILETS TO CLEAN!

06-25-2008, 02:00 PM
E is for excellent.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-25-2008, 04:37 PM
dude the interest rates are to other countries for the national debt...NOTHING to do with the federal reserve, if you read over some of the lieterature and charts i provided you'll see my point.

the only way we can rid the interest rate is to pay off the national debt:tweak:

actually, the interest rate goes into a general fund, along with medicare and social security and it is used as congress directs.
My whole point is that OUR Federal Reserve creates INSTANT debt. The second they printed a single dollar for it's own citizens they created debt for the US.
Income tax actually violates the 16th amendment because it is not apportioned. Also, income tax only applies to businesses and corporations, not individuals. If there were a "earnings tax" then we'll be hit individually. Even the IRS's own documents substantiate this fact. The IRS clearly states that the income tax, as it applies to an individual, is a voluntary tax. Furthermore, under IRS regulations, it states that the IRS has the authority to seize business property and assets. It has no power to seize personal property or assets.
READ (http://www.paynoincometax.com/861.htm)

06-25-2008, 04:39 PM
actually, the interest rate (which is inside our income tax) goes into a general fund, along with medicare and social security and it is used as congress directs.
My whole point is that OUR Federal Reserve creates INSTANT debt. The second they printed a single dollar for it's own citizens they created debt for the US.
Income tax actually violates the 16th amendment because it is not apportioned. Also, income tax only applies to businesses and corporations, not individuals. If there were a "earnings tax" then we'll be hit individually. Even the IRS's own documents substantiate this fact. The IRS clearly states that the income tax, as it applies to an individual, is a voluntary tax. Furthermore, under IRS regulations, it states that the IRS has the authority to seize business property and assets. It has no power to seize personal property or assets.
READ (http://www.paynoincometax.com/861.htm)

yeah, a bit ago;


Men Behind the Curtain is a good watch, along with zeit

06-25-2008, 06:50 PM
actually, the interest rate goes into a general fund, along with medicare and social security and it is used as congress directs.
My whole point is that OUR Federal Reserve creates INSTANT debt. The second they printed a single dollar for it's own citizens they created debt for the US.
Income tax actually violates the 16th amendment because it is not apportioned. Also, income tax only applies to businesses and corporations, not individuals. If there were a "earnings tax" then we'll be hit individually. Even the IRS's own documents substantiate this fact. The IRS clearly states that the income tax, as it applies to an individual, is a voluntary tax. Furthermore, under IRS regulations, it states that the IRS has the authority to seize business property and assets. It has no power to seize personal property or assets.
READ (http://www.paynoincometax.com/861.htm)

i'm not beating a dead horse anymore. this "debate" is pretty mundane and has gone on for two days longer then it should have. in closing i see were you are coming from but you have your beliefs and i have mine. no hard feelings :mrmeph: J/K (really j/k)

06-25-2008, 07:07 PM
if this was on my side of the country id be there!!!

06-26-2008, 02:46 AM
if this was on my side of the country id be there!!!

come anyway, lol...gas is only $5. a gallon.

06-26-2008, 05:17 AM
fly in... there's lots of cool stuff to do in DC anyway, you can go see all the museums and monuments and get all patriotic and shit.

seriously though I've been to DC several times there's lots of really cool stuff to see and do.

06-26-2008, 05:33 AM
smithsonian son. I've heard that is the dopest of the dope museum. --I'd go just for that and check out the ron paul thing, but I dont have vacation at the moment and I cant miss work.

06-26-2008, 11:32 AM
smithsonian son. I've heard that is the dopest of the dope museum. --I'd go just for that and check out the ron paul thing, but I dont have vacation at the moment and I cant miss work.

yeah, ypu can miss work.
comn down. free place to crash with me. in nh. then we are camping on white house lawn. lol..

06-26-2008, 03:19 PM
go to this site guys!



the man!

06-26-2008, 09:35 PM
great video.

06-28-2008, 08:25 PM
I find it funny how people automatically take the side of I dont give a fuck. im for me, fuck everyone.
It bothers me that some people say they feel that way. because if they really did they would not have to mention it on a forum.
but whatever makes you think your cool.

im voting for the guy. because i think he is the only one that could change our country. and the nwo is happening, bush has already implimented it.
look up the amero and you will see whats up with that. why have borders to protect our country if you are going to bring canada and mexico into our country and have one currency?

and national debt? will never go away so long as there is a federal reserve. or as long as we get our money from it.
Our government buys our money from the federal reserve at interest. so if we pay off our national debt with borrowed money we still owe someone, and that is the fed reserve. the rich get richer.

and to think all this started with the force of the stock market crash. to make the banks go bankrupt and get bought out by the fed reserve putting all the money in the power of a few peoples hands.

absolute power corrupts absolutley, and he who has the money has the power. so who has the power ?

and this country did not always have income tax. how do you think we had gov buildings before income tax and the fed reserve?

do you know that when we pay our income tax that the government is supposed to notify us of where our income tax is being spent just like we supply a w2 and do they? no, because it goes into pockets.

when you buy gas or a new car the tax on that fixes the roads, so they don't use it on that and property tax pays for gov buildings and the list goes on and on.

how hard is it to understand that no new taxes is one of the amendments and that income tax is a new tax, thus , unconstitutional.
my final thing about the guy.
you say he would not uphold to the things he promises.
well he has had the same political views for almost as long as barack obama has been alive.
he has been married to the same person and gone to the same church. he is more true to himself. and for someone to have these values for himself, just makes me confident that he has what it takes to tell the big money to fuck off that he is going to run our nation how it should be ran.
how the people want it ran.

there is no religous scandal like obama, he isnt married to someone who was a president already so he will not carry on someone elses political agenda, and he is not a war monger.

he is for all of our own personal rights.

do you know that thanks to bush implimenting the terrorist act,( I am not sure if that is the exact name) that we have lost our personal rights. all the gov has to do is slander me a terrorist, and they could do that with out reason or proof I lose all my rights, and will be detained. that shit could happen, for me righting this. because the gov reads emails spys on its people. and that is another thing ron paul is against.
he is the only person who is for the people, not for his pocket or for the record of being the first of something in office. he just wants america the way it was intended by the constitution.

for the person who says why have I not heard from ron paul? it is because the powers at be do not want people who think for themselves, they don't want to you to know about him. because his ideas, are too real, and will fix the problems this gov has worked so hard over the years to create.

most people are too scared of his ideas because they mean more than just voting for a face, or for a woman or for a republican or for a guy who is not white. it means voting for a guy with ideals, and with a clean and consistant track record.
sorry for the rant. its just how i feel and think.
there is more, much more but i don;t want to just spill my guts.

06-28-2008, 11:41 PM
^ please keep spilling, I thank you. SO MUCH!
Keep this thread alive, people will read it and get turned on to mr paul.

06-28-2008, 11:50 PM


06-29-2008, 12:08 AM
I find it funny how people automatically take the side of I dont give a fuck. im for me, fuck everyone.
It bothers me that some people say they feel that way. because if they really did they would not have to mention it on a forum.
but whatever makes you think your cool.

im voting for the guy. because i think he is the only one that could change our country. and the nwo is happening, bush has already implimented it.
look up the amero and you will see whats up with that. why have borders to protect our country if you are going to bring canada and mexico into our country and have one currency?

and national debt? will never go away so long as there is a federal reserve. or as long as we get our money from it.
Our government buys our money from the federal reserve at interest. so if we pay off our national debt with borrowed money we still owe someone, and that is the fed reserve. the rich get richer.

and to think all this started with the force of the stock market crash. to make the banks go bankrupt and get bought out by the fed reserve putting all the money in the power of a few peoples hands.

absolute power corrupts absolutley, and he who has the money has the power. so who has the power ?

and this country did not always have income tax. how do you think we had gov buildings before income tax and the fed reserve?

do you know that when we pay our income tax that the government is supposed to notify us of where our income tax is being spent just like we supply a w2 and do they? no, because it goes into pockets.

when you buy gas or a new car the tax on that fixes the roads, so they don't use it on that and property tax pays for gov buildings and the list goes on and on.

how hard is it to understand that no new taxes is one of the amendments and that income tax is a new tax, thus , unconstitutional.
my final thing about the guy.
you say he would not uphold to the things he promises.
well he has had the same political views for almost as long as barack obama has been alive.
he has been married to the same person and gone to the same church. he is more true to himself. and for someone to have these values for himself, just makes me confident that he has what it takes to tell the big money to fuck off that he is going to run our nation how it should be ran.
how the people want it ran.

there is no religous scandal like obama, he isnt married to someone who was a president already so he will not carry on someone elses political agenda, and he is not a war monger.

he is for all of our own personal rights.

do you know that thanks to bush implimenting the terrorist act,( I am not sure if that is the exact name) that we have lost our personal rights. all the gov has to do is slander me a terrorist, and they could do that with out reason or proof I lose all my rights, and will be detained. that shit could happen, for me righting this. because the gov reads emails spys on its people. and that is another thing ron paul is against.
he is the only person who is for the people, not for his pocket or for the record of being the first of something in office. he just wants america the way it was intended by the constitution.

for the person who says why have I not heard from ron paul? it is because the powers at be do not want people who think for themselves, they don't want to you to know about him. because his ideas, are too real, and will fix the problems this gov has worked so hard over the years to create.

most people are too scared of his ideas because they mean more than just voting for a face, or for a woman or for a republican or for a guy who is not white. it means voting for a guy with ideals, and with a clean and consistant track record.
sorry for the rant. its just how i feel and think.
there is more, much more but i don;t want to just spill my guts.

is your favorite movie by chance..



06-29-2008, 12:11 AM
I will likely be going to Minnesota, for Ron Paul's rally there, and my entire family will be coming with me. If you don't give a fuck about the government or what the hell they do to you then sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, before you make yourself look like a fucking moron. For the love of god, stand up for something. Don't believe what the TV tells you. THINK FOR YOURSELVES and QUESTION THINGS.

You wont "not give a fuck" when you are a virtual prisoner to the government.

06-29-2008, 12:16 AM
Burn your social security papers, cut up your credit cards, stop going to work, stop paying taxes, and throw out your tv.

Then you'll get somewhere.

06-29-2008, 12:18 AM
uhmm check. check. LOL check, check. check

now what?


06-29-2008, 12:19 AM
uhmm check. check. LOL check, check. check

now what?


Now we drink, and watch the world turn to shit, it's 10 times funnier than Will & Grace.

06-29-2008, 07:38 AM
Now we drink, and watch the world turn to shit, it's 10 times funnier than Will & Grace.

lol...you guys will be crying like school girls when the time comes.
I hope in a small way I get to see it. so you have no excuses...

well we made fun of those "losers" on zilvia...shit maybe we could have done something besides rep points from your buddies.

but shit your gomes on point for sure...
see you in dc fuckers.

Pray to baby Paul Jesus... can we photoshop a bob marley style spliff in this motherfucker. with the jesus pic?

06-29-2008, 08:49 AM
The mexicans go north to the usa for jobs and the americans go north to canada for freedom lol. But seriously, we got a watered down version of bush up here called Steven Harper (Prime Minister) so I feel your pain somewhat. I could use a "canadian" Ron Paul up here. But serious you guys (americans) have your balls 2" from the bandsaw in terms of fiscal stability, but don't worry it's not like the world expects you to pay your debts lol.

06-29-2008, 08:58 AM
Ron Paul FTW. Fuck these Neocons, and fuck the North American Union. We are all doomed. Stand up while you still have a chance...... REVOLUTION.

06-29-2008, 09:05 AM
Ron Paul FTW. Fuck these Neocons, and fuck the North American Union. We are all doomed. Stand up while you still have a chance...... REVOLUTION.

I think you should arrest all members of your congress and senate and of course the white house as traitors and shoot em' on the white house lawn. Thomas Jefferson did that to a man once so you can too. These guys are the worlds terrorists, sorry to hear they run your country though. If I lived there i'd be saying FTW-fuck the world too. But you're all sheep, sad but true.

06-29-2008, 10:37 AM
Epic fail .

07-13-2008, 10:03 AM
I think you should arrest all members of your congress and senate and of course the white house as traitors and shoot em' on the white house lawn. Thomas Jefferson did that to a man once so you can too. These guys are the worlds terrorists, sorry to hear they run your country though. If I lived there i'd be saying FTW-fuck the world too. But you're all sheep, sad but true.

well canada is right there with us and mexico...
so you my friend have been sheep'd! while you slept.

pics soon! from rally.

07-13-2008, 10:21 AM
I'll support Ron Paul when he can pull his head out of his butt far enough to see that evolution does exist. :bigok:

07-13-2008, 10:30 AM
there was Hope.
now we must see what big brother has for us!
Thanks Ron. Your Love is felt.

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-13-2008, 12:34 PM

that's bad ass!

07-13-2008, 08:38 PM
that's bad ass!

Its not much to ask is it?
that piece of paper in pic is all we need to be free once again...

from the exp. I seen a sign that stuck in my mind..
"run for office" was the only sign I thought that directly could make a change. I am not a very good person for it, I am a bit street, and have a lack of education, that would be needed...well needed to "trick" the rich peeps.

but yeah. was worth the trip/
look into this site...
Proof ...from New world order. to iraq, you name it...CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS released. FREEDOM OF INFO ACT! FTW!
I am making a new thread for this also. would like to see a convo!

07-13-2008, 09:39 PM
Were any Zilvians actually there?

07-13-2008, 09:54 PM
Were any Zilvians actually there?
I was PROUDLY THERE! along with another zilivian. rhdks13
We Marched and Protested, then we gather on the lawn...for the Speech.
Sun was Rough. 98* 50% humidity, pics show heat for sure, look at people using shade as cover...

People need to protest MORE!
I seen 100 people learn about the TRUE WORLD ORDER! while there. Tourist from different countries, Belgium? 2 guys listen and said WOW! I DINDT KNOW THAT! about the way things went, 85% of tourist be it foriegn countries our states had no clue who RON PAUL WAS!?
was wierd... Like he is a Secret. Well look into him, and his cause... it for your own good.
Ron Paul. f'd n the A. too bad.

07-14-2008, 12:32 AM
Oh believe me, I know who Ron Paul is. I donated to his campaign way back. I was just wondering how the rally went. Hopefully I'll be able to make it up to Minnesota.