View Full Version : US Air Force

06-23-2008, 06:51 PM
Anybody in? I am really thinking about joining..

06-23-2008, 06:57 PM
I thought about it briefly as an option after graduation. Having a degree supposedly means instant officer status and own quarters, as well as more of a choice of assignments. The military is typically hurting for educated people so you get treated well if you are one.

EDIT: Oh wait are you one of those conspiracy guys? This doesn't have anything to do with UFOs does it? Cause I wouldn't join if that's your reason.

06-23-2008, 07:12 PM
Lol no, joins simply for the adventure and life. I have a couple of medical certificates and a hs diploma. I just want to get feedbacks from others first hand.

06-23-2008, 07:12 PM
I thought about it briefly as an option after graduation. Having a degree supposedly means instant officer status and own quarters, as well as more of a choice of assignments. The military is typically hurting for educated people so you get treated well if you are one.

EDIT: Oh wait are you one of those conspiracy guys? This doesn't have anything to do with UFOs does it? Cause I wouldn't join if that's your reason.
So I guess enlisted aren't educated?F u man....If you plan on joining,join for the right reasons.

06-23-2008, 07:15 PM
Mike:I am in, I enjoy my job not so much the ppl I work for.

Roman: In order to get a commission you would need a bachelors degree, and go through either a college ROTC program or goto OTS(officer training school). I have a degree and dont get treated any better than those w/o one, and i've had my own quaters since I arrived at my first station. Also I put in for orders to a base I wanted to goto, 4 months later I had orders. :bigok: Maybe you should talk to more militray ppl, as your above post seems a bit off.

06-23-2008, 07:20 PM
I have a tattoo on my neck, is that a problem ? It's not obscene or racist of any kind.

06-23-2008, 07:25 PM
your automatically not eligable

neck tattoos are not allowed at all
AF as well her ein japan

06-23-2008, 07:29 PM
oh damn that sucks..

06-23-2008, 07:29 PM
Eh, I talked to some older vets who said that people with degrees have it a lot better overall, I dunno maybe it's changed or I just wasn't paying attention.

And AT23 by educated I meant college degrees. Most people who sign up are high school educated, actually a big draw is the money for college deal. If I choose to join because my office job sucks and I want to change my life, fly a jet, etc, then I'll join. It's not like I'd sign up just for quarters or a pat on the back. I like flying and have piloted planes before.

06-23-2008, 07:34 PM
I think flying a fighter jet would be the most kick ass thing ever.

I'd also join to fly those UAV Predators. Those are so cool. Actually any military related UAV is cool...

Man, I wouldn't be able to hack it though.

06-23-2008, 07:38 PM
The Predators are unmanned.

06-23-2008, 07:38 PM
My brother-in-law joined the Air Force.
He's in Ramstein Germany now.
I think it was a good choice for him.

Not enough for me, but it's all personal preference.


06-23-2008, 07:40 PM
I need to take a knife to my neck and scrape off my tattoo in order to join.

06-23-2008, 07:44 PM
See if they'll do the removal for you. Medically, not with a random knife.

I know the Marine Corps covers tattoo removal, but only after you're already in.
The Air Force has a lot more money then we do, so maybe they can help you out for enlistment. :confused:

06-23-2008, 07:45 PM
my father's been in for 22 years. My advice, from him: DO NOT BECOME A 1st SGT. Besides that, alot less people in the airforce say they hate it, as opposed to the army. Besides that, the AF has treated my family real well. Im thinking about joining myself (any branch, not just AF. Army REALLY wants me bad.)

06-23-2008, 07:46 PM
we arent hurting for newbs

not gonna happen

06-23-2008, 07:47 PM
My brother-in-law joined the Air Force.
He's in Ramstein Germany now.

I used to live there. It's a kick ass place. Having the rest of Europe to explore is also a plus.

06-23-2008, 07:51 PM
we arent hurting for newbs

not gonna happen
You in the army or AF? If army, yes you are. The army is ALWAYS hurting for newbs. Especially newbs with ASVAB scores of 33. Thats not me. 95 here. I could do anything I want...

Thats why Im aiming for security forces/mp. (lol is what your thinking prolly)

06-23-2008, 08:03 PM
Grant is an Airman.

06-23-2008, 08:22 PM
You in the army or AF? If army, yes you are. The army is ALWAYS hurting for newbs. Especially newbs with ASVAB scores of 33. Thats not me. 95 here. I could do anything I want...

Thats why Im aiming for security forces/mp. (lol is what your thinking prolly)
If your score is 95 you should not go be a cop, Grant and I are both Aircraft maintenance.

I need to take a knife to my neck and scrape off my tattoo in order to join.
Mike depending on where on your neck it wont be a problem, I've got a buddy who just got a neck tattoo that's in and they have no problem w/ it.

06-23-2008, 09:12 PM
Air force require like a 40 some on the asvab for security. go. you.

the way my recruiter put it. he sat in his avionics back shop working on f15 parts in the warm comfy shop while the security forces stood outside his building in the snow watching the squirrels play with eachother.

have you taken the D lab?

be a combat controller.. 2 years of training. they are the crazy fucks that jump out of a plane in enemy territory to set up run ways for US planes. the first soldiers in.

and guess what the army wants everybody bad. not just you. your not special.

06-23-2008, 09:18 PM
I'd also join to fly those UAV Predators. Those are so cool. Actually any military related UAV is cool...

The Predators are unmanned.

Yes I know lol

UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

06-23-2008, 09:20 PM
^^ Yea thats true, they pretty much would have given me anything If wanted to go blue to green. Rank, bonus, etc.

06-23-2008, 09:27 PM
Your into martial arts right? Thought about the Marine Corps?

06-23-2008, 09:31 PM
Yes I know lol

UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

its unmanned but they still have pilots. SOMEBODY has to fly them.

06-23-2008, 09:34 PM
Yes I am very well into martial arts, I'm sure the AF would have some sort of self defense program. That's one of the reasons why I want to join. But I won't join any other Military except the AF.

06-23-2008, 09:39 PM
its unmanned but they still have pilots. SOMEBODY has to fly them.

Thats why I said it would be cool to fly them.

I seen pictures/videos of the guys flying them. Seems like it would be really cool to do.

I hate having to spell stuff out...

Drift N Dragg
06-23-2008, 09:46 PM
I was in the Air Force and got out in '05.. I was a Munitions tech. One of my Best friends is still in as a Security Forces. He likes it to a point. He also hada neck tattoo before he joined and they still let him join, 2 years later the ir Force paid to have it removed. I left as a E-5 and I enjoyed every bit of my time I went to alot of bases and had a awesome time. I would still be in now, but my wife didnt like the TDY's so now I work for the Government (Military Pref Points are AWESOME for getting good Gov't jobs after).. But over all Every part of the branch's have there pro's and con's. Just the Air Force has more MONEY.. LMAO and Better Chow Halls (Dining Resturants) .. Dorms not Barracks.. LMAO .. I have a good friend where I work now that was a Marine for 8 years and he "LOVES" to tell me how much of a "Chair Force" I was.. its a good little battle...GL w/ your choice!

06-23-2008, 09:50 PM
Thats why I said it would be cool to fly them.

I seen pictures/videos of the guys flying them. Seems like it would be really cool to do.

I hate having to spell stuff out...

i was more or less agreeing with you. and the comment was aimed toward mikeisnissan.. :bigok:

06-23-2008, 10:02 PM
Yes it was.. I thought you meant like getting inside the Predator, HA! But yeah I just noticed your in MD! Rep for you!

06-23-2008, 10:17 PM
If I was going to join anything I think I'd want to be an Army helicopter gunner.

06-23-2008, 10:19 PM
I want to be a spartan.

I think i'm prepared for glory.

I used to want to be a pilot, but then my dad told me that my lack of 20/20 vision meant i couldn't, so i went to lincoln tech.

06-23-2008, 10:21 PM
I need to take a knife to my neck and scrape off my tattoo in order to join.
They can do a waiver for you under certain circumstances, like going for a under manned career field or something, go talk to a recruiter only way to be sure.

06-23-2008, 10:23 PM
Eh, I talked to some older vets who said that people with degrees have it a lot better overall, I dunno maybe it's changed or I just wasn't paying attention.

And AT23 by educated I meant college degrees. Most people who sign up are high school educated, actually a big draw is the money for college deal. If I choose to join because my office job sucks and I want to change my life, fly a jet, etc, then I'll join. It's not like I'd sign up just for quarters or a pat on the back. I like flying and have piloted planes before.

well I joined the Marines at 17..I actually had a scholarship,But I choose my country overall...now Im a Corporal and im loving every min of it.
So please choose your words wisely..

06-23-2008, 10:33 PM
I used to want to be a pilot, but then my dad told me that my lack of 20/20 vision meant i couldn't, so i went to lincoln tech.

note for future. dont listen to dad. talk to a recruiter.

06-23-2008, 10:36 PM
yeah no shit lol

we got some blind ass cargo pilots

06-23-2008, 10:41 PM
Haha yeah i realized that.

Iunno now that i went to lincoln tech i might go to college and get a degree then join and try to do aircraft maintenance because i still love planes.

06-23-2008, 10:42 PM
lol just cause you do aircraft mainenance doesnt mean you work on planes

im stuck in a backshop overhauling jet engines

06-23-2008, 10:44 PM
yokota do you have to steal all my dreams away?

06-23-2008, 10:45 PM
Ha, i don't know how you guys work on planes, Fuck that, I have my own own motor. I couldn't do both.

06-23-2008, 10:54 PM
i just thought of joining airforce
whats the chance of going to japan lol
i had to ask

06-24-2008, 01:45 AM
Chances of going to japan depends on the job you get, and whether they need you there or not......

Anywho, to bring the reality of a maintnance job to ya, its full of long hours, few breaks, and alot of bullshit...the perks are More chances to go TDY, fell alittle better about your job (unless you like an office enviroment), and you might get a cake position doing something in a building anyways..been maintnance for over 5 years now as a weapons troop, and i love it...seen more of the world than most, been tdy all over asia, yet i deal with some of the dumbest people and stupidest crap ever.....

Anywho, not to try and pull you towards on eline of work, its just saw alot of comments about maintnance so i had to add my two cents...honestly, alot of ppl in maintnace either get out over the bullchit or cross-train (aka. going to another job) in the long run..

06-24-2008, 02:09 AM
if you have the score and is eligible then yaps join. they take good care of yah.

06-24-2008, 04:36 AM
"Aircraft Maintenance"

"We Screw, We Nut, We Bolt"

06-24-2008, 05:36 AM
your automatically not eligable

neck tattoos are not allowed at all
AF as well her ein japan

Anything and everything is waiverable, I had a guy in basic with me that had a pretty big tat on the back of his neck, you can see most of it when he was in uniform.

I think flying a fighter jet would be the most kick ass thing ever.

I'd also join to fly those UAV Predators. Those are so cool. Actually any military related UAV is cool...

Man, I wouldn't be able to hack it though.

No its not, youre the laughing stock of all the flyers. You dont fly, you play with a toy all day. Even the cargo pushers will make fun of you... :cj:

If your score is 95 you should not go be a cop, Grant and I are both Aircraft maintenance.

Mike depending on where on your neck it wont be a problem, I've got a buddy who just got a neck tattoo that's in and they have no problem w/ it.

You guys crack me up, like working on the flightline is that much more better than the cops. :kiss:

Air force require like a 40 some on the asvab for security. go. you.

the way my recruiter put it. he sat in his avionics back shop working on f15 parts in the warm comfy shop while the security forces stood outside his building in the snow watching the squirrels play with eachother.

be a combat controller.. 2 years of training. they are the crazy fucks that jump out of a plane in enemy territory to set up run ways for US planes. the first soldiers in.

40 is the minimum to get into the AF, same with the Marine Corps. Army will take anybody with a pulse at 21.

Again, back shops, youre still working the flightline. AF forceshaping and theyre forcing alot of people of the lines. Making it harder and harder to make things work when your shop is undermanned. I got a buddy in Travis who's a jet mechanic. Last i talked to him, they got 5 qualified guys in the squadron to work on jet engines on the KC-10's, imagine splitting 5 qualified people to work 24/7 maintaining 23 KC-10s with 3 engines each?!?!

Combat Controllers is a great job...only thing is that its so physically demanding that the wash out rate for it is pretty high. People either giving up, or getting hurt, or just plain cant hack it thru school. Combat Controllers have to go thru Air Traffic Control School...wash out rate for ATC is at roughly 80%.

Yes I am very well into martial arts, I'm sure the AF would have some sort of self defense program. That's one of the reasons why I want to join. But I won't join any other Military except the AF.

No there isnt...lets just put it this way. If I have to use hand to hand combat, that means the base has been over-run. That means the marines, army and security forces are dead...what fighting chance do you think I have? :x:

I was in the Air Force and got out in '05.. I was a Munitions tech. One of my Best friends is still in as a Security Forces. He likes it to a point. He also hada neck tattoo before he joined and they still let him join, 2 years later the ir Force paid to have it removed. I left as a E-5 and I enjoyed every bit of my time I went to alot of bases and had a awesome time. I would still be in now, but my wife didnt like the TDY's so now I work for the Government (Military Pref Points are AWESOME for getting good Gov't jobs after).. But over all Every part of the branch's have there pro's and con's. Just the Air Force has more MONEY.. LMAO and Better Chow Halls (Dining Resturants) .. Dorms not Barracks.. LMAO .. I have a good friend where I work now that was a Marine for 8 years and he "LOVES" to tell me how much of a "Chair Force" I was.. its a good little battle...GL w/ your choice!

AF funding is starting to suck, between more money getting funneled to the Army and the AF's desire for some pretty expensive shit (B-2, F-22, F-35s, new flying gas stations), we're starting to work more with less money. That means no more plasma TV and flat screen monitors gawdammmit....:wtf:

Anyways, my personal take on it. I came in ATC, got my $7k signing bonus, took the money and crossed trained into Satellite Communications. My job right now is about to merge with Ground Radio. This should open up a whole lot of options for me as far as bases to go to.

But if I could do it all over again and im still single, I'd get a flying job where you're part of the flight crew (flight engineer, load master, boom ops) for the chance to go TDY, make extra money on flight pay. That or I'd work at the hospital maintaining hospital equipment. Why? You get a bit of everything. You work indoor with AC, has the potential to make lots of money outside (hell even work part time outside while youre in the military), and youre in the one place in the AF where you have the most concentration of females (Med-Hoeeeeessss!!!). :yum:

Another job to consider, if you have nothing in youre past that'll hunt you, is Intel. You get treated better than most, lots of TDY opportunity, and getting a Top-Secret Clearance guarantees you a job on the outside.

06-24-2008, 06:40 AM
^^100% truth I've been in backshop for 5 years, now I'll be flightline in GA.

06-24-2008, 09:24 AM
Somebody asked me why not an Airforce helo gunner. I haven't done a LOT of research on this, but the little reading I've done is that starting out you get a lot more time on the gun in the Army than in the airforce. Airforce newb gunners seem to spend a lot more time maintaining the guns.

06-24-2008, 09:31 AM
As far as shooting goes, let me put it to you this way.

Air Force Basic Training: Maximum distance qualified with an M16: 25 yards

Marine Corps Basic Trainging: Maximum distance qualified with an M16: 500 yards

Which is Ok, since most times they are firing bigger weapons from aircraft. I'm just saying, if it's shooting you want to do, USAF may not be the best choice. :D

06-24-2008, 09:43 AM
I have a sister who joined the air force and she loves it been in it for 3 years now, but yeah the neck tattoos those are a no no :nono::nono:

06-24-2008, 10:04 AM
If I was going to join anything I think I'd want to be an Army helicopter gunner.


06-24-2008, 10:06 AM
I've been in the Army for 7 years now, & love it. But if I could do it all over again, I would have gone AF. They just have better bases and more money. Although, I heard getting promoted is harder in the AF than any other branch of the military (correct me if I'm wrong).
As far as your neck tat goes, talk to your recruiter. It might be waivedif it is covered when your are wearing class A's.

06-24-2008, 10:15 AM

Easy! Ya just don't lead 'em so much! Ain't war hell?

06-24-2008, 10:16 AM

Easy! Ya just don't lead 'em so much! Ain't war hell?

Seriously tho, AF is pretty cake. I'm in comm, at my last base I did normal sysadmin stuff. Active Directory, Exchange, Blackberries, server maintenance, etc. This base I'm learning all about routers.

I'd go into comm instead of intel if you can. I got a TS clearance, and I think a comm background will have more job oportunities than intel when you get out...

Depending on luck you can either have the coolest bosses in the world, or assholes that are trying to make Colonel/Chief.

06-24-2008, 10:20 AM
My brother-in-law joined the Air Force.
He's in Ramstein Germany now.
I think it was a good choice for him.

Not enough for me, but it's all personal preference.


my Gf's brother is in Ramstein as well! small world!

06-24-2008, 11:46 AM
we arent hurting for newbs

not gonna happen

lol like this guy knows shit about it.

Whats the best way to get into the military, see the world, but not goto war?

But if I could do it all over again and im still single, I'd get a flying job where you're part of the flight crew (flight engineer, load master, boom ops) for the chance to go TDY, make extra money on flight pay. That or I'd work at the hospital maintaining hospital equipment. Why? You get a bit of everything. You work indoor with AC, has the potential to make lots of money outside (hell even work part time outside while youre in the military), and youre in the one place in the AF where you have the most concentration of females (Med-Hoeeeeessss!!!).

nice, whatre the best jobs to do inside, that are easy to get into, that provide a good base for civilian work?

06-25-2008, 09:23 AM
^^Your going to deploy no matter what these days, you might or might not be issued a weapon. The base I'm going to has alot of civilian job opportunities.

06-25-2008, 09:31 AM
My brother is in Iraq right now, they rotate him in and out in 4 month blocks. He doesnt carry a gun, hes an Aircraft Mechanic. He was in Japan up until this year on a 4 year deployment, was in Germany 4 years before that. Not counting TDY's that sent him all over the place. Its a good way to see the world if thats what you want to do, but if you have the resources available, look at all your options outside the Military before making any decisions. Also, remember that Recruiters will tell you anything to get you to sign, you wont necessarily be doing what they say you will be.

06-25-2008, 11:23 AM
Thats the only thing I'm iffy about, when I went to talk to the recruiter about a comm job [If my asvb was high enough, which it would be] He said that they could not guarntee me the job. AF might put in where ever they need people.

And as far as I see it [military brat] war is your job, don't join the military if you don't want to go to war.

06-25-2008, 04:13 PM
im going to be joining soon i took the test and finished up my physical, they're just waiting for me to get married so they can start looking for my job in aircraft maintenance.

06-25-2008, 07:28 PM
Thats the only thing I'm iffy about, when I went to talk to the recruiter about a comm job [If my asvb was high enough, which it would be] He said that they could not guarntee me the job. AF might put in where ever they need people.

And as far as I see it [military brat] war is your job, don't join the military if you don't want to go to war.

FUck that recruiter if he cant gurantee you a job. Walk away and find another recruiter. He should start off showing you a book that has all the job descriptions. Find jobs you like then, every month or so, there's a listing of jobs that the air force needs to fill. Itll show the AFSC (job number) and how many openings they have. This number gets smaller since it gets filled in. Your recruiter should atleast show you that list and see if you jobs you picked are in that list. If its not, walk out, tell him to give you a call when and if those jobs open up.

DO NOT GO IN OPEN CAREERFIELD. Its a roll of dice that for the most part will be against you. I've met 1 maybe 2 person who lucked out doing this, for the most part, most of them hated their jobs when they came in open...

But at the same time, they wont fuck you over for the most part depending on your ASVAB. If you go in open gen with atleast an 80 ASVAB, they wont stick you in Services as cook or stupid shit like that. But you have a higher chance of being a cop...

06-26-2008, 07:05 AM
FUck that recruiter if he cant gurantee you a job. Walk away and find another recruiter. He should start off showing you a book that has all the job descriptions. Find jobs you like then, every month or so, there's a listing of jobs that the air force needs to fill. Itll show the AFSC (job number) and how many openings they have. This number gets smaller since it gets filled in. Your recruiter should atleast show you that list and see if you jobs you picked are in that list. If its not, walk out, tell him to give you a call when and if those jobs open up.

DO NOT GO IN OPEN CAREERFIELD. Its a roll of dice that for the most part will be against you. I've met 1 maybe 2 person who lucked out doing this, for the most part, most of them hated their jobs when they came in open...

But at the same time, they wont fuck you over for the most part depending on your ASVAB. If you go in open gen with atleast an 80 ASVAB, they wont stick you in Services as cook or stupid shit like that. But you have a higher chance of being a cop...

In my basic flight we had a kid go in open general. He wanted to be a chef, and got real happy when he got services as a job... lol :(

I did the quick ship program, and first thing that opened up was a job in comm, I got pretty lucky.

Definately make sure you have a job assigned before you join up.

Also a lot of the carreer fields have their own websites. 3c0x1.net is the one for my job, I think there is one for security forces... just google around and ask questions on those sites too.

06-26-2008, 09:09 AM
Yeah no doubt, when he said "I can't guarntee you a position" I said thank you, have a wonderful day and left.

I'm a little unsure about joining though, I'm getting ready to research the pay grades right now.

[how hard is it to rank in comm?] I've heard it's a bit difficult in the af as oposed to the army [which they throw ranks at people(have a friend thats been in for 8 months, he's making E5 next month)]

beeracing s14
06-26-2008, 01:21 PM
join join join! just get the 3 year term. atleast if you dont like it, you can get out sooner. just be good and get out with a clean record to be eligible for the 40k gibill. thats how i got to fix up my s14 and 180sx. also ive used that money to graduate. now the rest of blings went to 401k and IRA.

06-26-2008, 08:54 PM
Yeah no doubt, when he said "I can't guarntee you a position" I said thank you, have a wonderful day and left.

I'm a little unsure about joining though, I'm getting ready to research the pay grades right now.

[how hard is it to rank in comm?] I've heard it's a bit difficult in the af as oposed to the army [which they throw ranks at people(have a friend thats been in for 8 months, he's making E5 next month)]

AF is the hardest branch to make rank after E-4 because you have to test and compete for it. Then again, making E-5 isnt really hard since the promotion rate has been roughly 50%.

If you have some college credit when you come in, it may be enough to get you an early E-3. May not sound much, but the sooner you make it there, the sooner you can make it to E-4 and then the sooner you can try to make E-5 or atleast testing for it. On average, E-4s are achievable on 2.5-3 yrs. If you happen to put E-4 on before Jan 1st, more than likely, you're eligible to test for E-5 that spring testing cycle...

06-26-2008, 10:56 PM
The Predators are unmanned.

I think flying a fighter jet would be the most kick ass thing ever.

I'd also join to fly those UAV Predators. Those are so cool. Actually any military related UAV is cool...

Man, I wouldn't be able to hack it though.

its unmanned but they still have pilots. SOMEBODY has to fly them.

Yes, if you want to sit in your office and fly..wait, actually..they are all civilian contractors from Boeing that flies them. not military. the military sets up the planes on flight line to launch it, and goes back out to the flight line to pick it back up and put it back to it's aircraft hanger. oh, and they are all controlled from the states.

I have a tattoo on my neck, is that a problem ? It's not obscene or racist of any kind.

your automatically not eligable

neck tattoos are not allowed at all
AF as well her ein japan

Not true. the reg is that it can not be covering 25% of your exposed body in uniform. and not in form of racism and explicit material.

If I was going to join anything I think I'd want to be an Army helicopter gunner.

any particular reason? Helicopter is the most flying plane that is shot at here in Iraq/Afghanistan. Not cool.

If you want to be in the Air Force as an Enlisted member, I'd recommend you to be a flyer. Flight pay is kick ass and get to travel. but that's only if you are a Load Master, or others would like to call us Pallet pushers[that name goes far back from WWII when they really really pushes and loaded planes by all hand and ropes] and I would like to say that my job I have in the Air Force is the best job an Enlisted member can get. Why? let me explain it to you.

1 and best reason. I don't work that much! I only work when I fly, and that is my only working time, during the flights I watch a movie and read mag's until landing. before take off and after landing is the only time that I do work.

Depends on what base you get stationed at, but all the Airmans as a Load Master below E-4, doesn't have a office job out of flying world. So, what do I do when I am not flying? I sleep/eat/drive and jerk around all day and go to school. Now, how often do I fly? about 10 days a month or so. Pretty kick ass, I know.

And yes, all the aircrews make fun of fighters all the time. because their mission is f*ing silly and they will be lucky to get in a dog fight in their life time. and at all times, they are bunch of d-bags and cocky sob's.

Air Craft Frame: Boeing C-17A Globe Master III

oh yes, kick f'ing ass job indeed I have.

06-26-2008, 11:42 PM
Wow at Pallet pushers.

06-26-2008, 11:47 PM
Wow at Pallet pushers.

I'm AMMO so I guess I can't talk :cool:

06-27-2008, 10:38 AM
Yeah no doubt, when he said "I can't guarntee you a position" I said thank you, have a wonderful day and left.

I'm a little unsure about joining though, I'm getting ready to research the pay grades right now.

[how hard is it to rank in comm?] I've heard it's a bit difficult in the af as oposed to the army [which they throw ranks at people(have a friend thats been in for 8 months, he's making E5 next month)]

Making rank in comm is the same as any job. The test has questions related to your career field and basic military questions. Also, your EPRs (performance reports) get added in, but unless you totally fuck up somehow your EPRs should all be 5's (gogo bloated epr system).

When I tested I didn't study my CDCs (books that the questions about your career field come from) or my PFE (book that the military questions come from). I missed it by like 1.something. Not a big deal to me, I'm not staying in... but if making rank is important to you it isn't hard :p

Yes, if you want to sit in your office and fly..wait, actually..they are all civilian contractors from Boeing that flies them. not military. the military sets up the planes on flight line to launch it, and goes back out to the flight line to pick it back up and put it back to it's aircraft hanger. oh, and they are all controlled from the states.

Thats not completely true. When I was in Balad we took a tour of the base, over at the predator squadron they had some captain and an enlisted person flying a predator. Maybe it's just rare that they get to fly them, but this captain was doing a lot more than just launching it :)