View Full Version : off topic free from rep

06-22-2008, 01:52 PM
I think the off topic opinion threads should be free from rep points. Mindless banter should not lower your score otherwise everyone not from Cali fails at life. The rep should be about car info and that only. Thats my suggestion, take it or leave it

06-22-2008, 02:03 PM
I don't live in Cali... I've done ok... how about thinking before you post in any section and you shouldn't have a problem.

just an FYI, religious and political opinionated threads are always going to be a magnet for negative rep by those who don't share your views.

06-22-2008, 02:07 PM
Rep is partially just a joke, even to most premies. Take it all with a grain of salt. Higher rep likely means they post a lot of funny shit etc. But it also likely means they have helped out with tech and have been honest participating in the marketplace here on Zilvia (if they have). Doesn't mean red squares means they're a bad or dishonest person however, one of the best buys I ever made here was from a full red member.

I would say 75% of my rep is from silly BS'ing.

EDIT: Like DOOK said as well, just think before posting, and don't take rep to seriously, but don't COMPLETELY ignore it either. *shrug*

06-22-2008, 03:32 PM
How about we just get rid of the Off Topic Section?
After all this is a Car forum, not a Religious/Political/Random forum.

Then I can just ban anyone that posts anything non-car related, including complaining about rep. Sound good?

06-22-2008, 04:05 PM
I don't live in Cali... I've done ok... how about thinking before you post in any section and you shouldn't have a problem.

just an FYI, religious and political opinionated threads are always going to be a magnet for negative rep by those who don't share your views.

Y'know, Dook, it isn't even that... There is nothing wrong with a differing opinion, so long as one can objectively and intelligently speak to that difference in opinion. When one comes in spouting bullshit a mile a second, making ignorant and unfounded blanket statements and generalizations, or blatantly shit-talking people who would be otherwise less than bothered, THAT is where negative rep comes from.
For instance, I disagree with ThatGuy and his stated opinion on the very existence of off-topic and that anyone talking about anything other than cars should be banned for the act. I rather enjoy that we can all speak to one another like human beings and be able to mingle and such about what, OTHER than cars we may be interested in. It allows for a tighter community, and that is my objective opinion, for which I do not have to -rep him, nor him me. See how it works?
All things being as they are, the rep system is in place as a means of users speaking to whether or not they "approve of," or "like" what was posted by another user, and THAT aesthetic has approximately dick to do with where on the forum it takes place, does it? Why should off-topic be any different? Shit, I +rep people for smooth transactions when I buy/sell anything from/to them, as my way of saying "thank you," is there anything wrong with that? Perhaps rep should be disabled in the marketplace as well?
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... The answer is "no," simple as that.

06-22-2008, 04:36 PM
I'm glad you disagree with what I said PHLIP.

It was an over exaggeration.

After all, since the thread starter only wants to "talk about cars, one :mrmeph: at a time", then he shouldn't have any business in Off Topic, right?

06-22-2008, 07:06 PM
make the post count not count in off topic. people shouldnt be able to rack up post numbers by whoring.

06-22-2008, 07:36 PM
You know that would cost you 170 of your own posts, right?

06-22-2008, 07:51 PM
You know that would cost you 170 of your own posts, right?

thats almost 40%


06-22-2008, 08:38 PM
You know that would cost you 170 of your own posts, right?

doesnt matter to me.

and someone please restore my premie status. the admins havent done anything about it yet.

06-22-2008, 10:39 PM
I only say this because I think of rep as being given for helping out the 240sx community and not everyone is as smart at giving rep as you are phlip. I give everyone who posts something informative positive rep as well as people who are just plan an asset like Russ in the tech section. Also I wouldn't touch political or religious threads with a 10 foot pole.

And to Thatguy... this was posted in the forum suggestion area because it is just that, a suggestion. You can make a mockery all you want, but I'll thank Phlip for kindly answering my question

06-23-2008, 01:48 AM
I can't even remember that last time I gave someone a neg rep.

Probably like in 8 month?

Don't remember.

People are going to disagree with people. It happens all the time.

Damn it people complain too much about this forum.

You don't like it then gtfo.

Easy day.

I won't miss you.

06-23-2008, 02:29 PM
last neg rep you gave was probably to me when I said... jack, neg rep me, I need to feel human again.