View Full Version : Nick Hogan's Victim

06-20-2008, 04:37 PM
short vid of John Graziano in his current state....


I serisouly can not understand why the family is choosing to keep him alive. If that were me I'd want the plug pulled for sure.


06-20-2008, 04:40 PM
Jesus fucking christ..

06-20-2008, 04:41 PM

so fucking sad to see .

dude is missing half of his head, there would be no reason for life. im sure there just racking up the medical bills for hulk n fam to pay

dtc 360RT
06-20-2008, 04:41 PM
its unfortionate but, how can you justify that as a quality life?

if it were me, pull the plug.

06-20-2008, 04:42 PM
Wow, they should just let him go. There's no point in living as a vegetable.

06-20-2008, 04:44 PM
:eek2:that is seriously fucked up! How in the world can they let him live like that? He can't function properly ever again!

06-20-2008, 04:45 PM
damn is his head caved in? or a chunk of it went off the skull? that's some messed up shit.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-20-2008, 04:46 PM
And this is why street racing is so damn dangerous. You see shit like this and it makes you be thankful for how fortunate we have it. Anything could happen any second of our lives, by making stupid decisions or not. It would be way too hard for me to even think about pulling the plug of my son/brother/father/grandfather/friend but that's a lot of peoples realities. Poor guy.

06-20-2008, 04:48 PM
I've never seen someone in that state before, honestly wished for the families sake that something like that video hadn't leaked out, unless they want people to know his current state.

As for keeping him alive, that is the families business, not mine. However I hope they get all the money they can from the settlement. I hate that Nicks family will be the ones that actually lose the money. Nick is one of those rich assholes that everyone wishes would just go away and never show his face again. Better yet, why couldn't that just be him in the hospital? His carelessness caused all of this, and should be a sign to anyone that thinks street racing, careless and wreckless driving or anything dangerous shouldn't be done on city streets.

06-20-2008, 04:48 PM

"Hey America. Guess who's happy today" -Nick Hogan (june 2008)

06-20-2008, 04:50 PM
I feel sorry for that poor Marine's family.

Life never seems fair when a simple lapse in judgment can radically alter your life, or even end it.

23 years old. Survived 2 tours in a war zone. Just wish he would have decided not to ride with Nick. I'm not even sure his seat belt could've saved him, but I wish he'd been wearing it.

06-20-2008, 04:53 PM
thanks for starting a new thread! i wasn't sure to update the old one or start a new one! but after seeing the video i was so upset at how he can get away with that! 8 months in jail? come on!




06-20-2008, 04:58 PM
oh wow...

how the hell did this video get out? I wonder if the family put it out on purpose after all the shit Hogan's been stiring up.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-20-2008, 04:59 PM
I feel sorry for that poor Marine's family.

Life never seems fair when a simple lapse in judgment can radically alter your life, or even end it.

23 years old. Survived 2 tours in a war zone. Just wish he would have decided not to ride with Nick. I'm not even sure his seat belt could've saved him, but I wish he'd been wearing it.
And quite honestly, it's just sad to see something as simple as a lapse in judgment cause something so severe. Yes, Nick is a idiot for street racing, but was it more trying to show off to his friend? I'm not trying to say Nick is a good person (actually far from it after hearing his prison audio) but show me a 19 year old CHILD who has NOT made a lapse in judgment! It's just sad to be on the bad side of "you live and you learn."

06-20-2008, 05:00 PM
very sad indeed :( thats terrible....

Baka Sama
06-20-2008, 05:02 PM
Maybe they are keeping him alive to help nick...

Correct me if im wrong, but if he had died before the trial nicks charges would have been a lot more severe.

06-20-2008, 05:07 PM
damn, that is crazy. that little shit better not get away with it, but he will. they should make him go care for that guy, change him, give him a bath, let him see upfront what his "skills" got his friend into.http://www.abcactionnews.com/mediacenter/[email protected]&navCatId=3

06-20-2008, 05:09 PM
^not sure, wish we could get some clarification on that. But regardless, the prosecution would've atleast brought up that this guy is brain dead now, and after that, your a vegetable.

06-20-2008, 05:11 PM
dam didnt know it was like that.

i wonder if the hogans are paying for this guys support? If it was a someone of less financial income, im sure they woulda let him go.

Im pretty sure tho they can fil in his scule with a plastic piece or some resin, I know technology can do some amazing things. Parts of his brain are probably gone tho

and Nick has a formula D license and was once sponsered by mopar..... goes to show lack of road holding skills

06-20-2008, 05:12 PM
Most likely it is Tax Dollars keeping this guy alive right now, not the Hogans.

06-20-2008, 05:14 PM
will pray for this guy to recover..

Im sure he thought it would be fun to go for a ride with Nick and probably encouraged him a little.. or nick was like "yo watch this!"

06-20-2008, 05:17 PM
damn, that is crazy. that little shit better not get away with it, but he will. they should make him go care for that guy, change him, give him a bath, let him see upfront what his "skills" got his friend into.http://www.abcactionnews.com/mediacenter/[email protected]&navCatId=3

fuck that little rich bitch

throw the book at him

"i cant stand 8 months of sitting in a cell half the size of my bathroom cause im a little pussy bitch" - nick

well that other guys pants are his bathroom

"i try to think but theres nothing to think about" - nick

well at least you can think (if not very well)

as a drifting community i think those who feel nick should be reprimanded should write formal letters and send them to him, give him something to read and think about, i personally will, because it is all i can do

06-20-2008, 05:18 PM
jesus christ.

06-20-2008, 05:21 PM
surprised they dont show this on tv? probably too graphic/disturbing.

and he was a marine who surved this country.. nick jus milks his dads cock for money to get by

06-20-2008, 05:21 PM
Ironic how everyone cares, but if he died in Iraq he'd just be another number...

06-20-2008, 05:22 PM
wow i wouldn't even wanna live like that...

06-20-2008, 05:24 PM
Remember he's not off the hook yet. If he dies the state can go after him for Vehicular manslaughter.

06-20-2008, 05:26 PM
Listen to Hulks EX Dumb bitch


06-20-2008, 05:29 PM
Ironic how everyone cares, but if he died in Iraq he'd just be another number...

Yes, but most of us know we are "just a number" in that environment. No one really expects to become a statistic once they get back home. Unfortunately it still happens.

I'm not wishing ill will on Nick at this point.
I'm not saying John was a complete saint and had nothing to do with causing the accident, or "egging nick on".
I'm just saddened and sickened by the whole ordeal.

Baka Sama
06-20-2008, 05:30 PM
I think people like to forget this guy got into nicks car on his OWN will. Most likely encouraged nick to street racing, and was not wearing a seatbelt! Its really the guys own fault. I bet if the situation was turned around and nick was brain dead and this guy was in jail, people wouldnt care as much.

I have friends who street race, but Im smart enough to not drive with him when he does, and im smart enough to wear a damn seat belt.

This is what happens sometimes when you make dumb mistakes.

A friend almost killed me in a drifting accident a years ago and I would have been pissed if he went to jail for life.

06-20-2008, 05:31 PM
i bet he didnt have a cusco cage, that might have helped. esp with low seats.

06-20-2008, 05:33 PM
Wow.. That really sucks to see.. To think, 2 years fighting for our country and now this.. But how bad was the accident..? i mean how is this guy in this condition and nick is just chillin'..?

06-20-2008, 05:35 PM

"Jesus fucking christ" is definitely the first thing that came to mind...

I agree, the guy did get into the car on his own and probably encouraged him, but come on now...that's no way to go out.


06-20-2008, 05:35 PM
Some of you guys posted comments that should have remained upsaid. John is a person, just like all of us and It's not easy to deal with some of the things you guys suggested. As THATGUY stated its hard to see a brother come back from Iraq/Afganistan or any operation just be be hurt in an off duty accident.

06-20-2008, 05:36 PM
Personally I don't know much about the guy, other than he didn't wear his seatbelt. He could've been a saint, or he could've been just as dumb as Nick, to be honest I mainly feel sorry for his family, dealing with this tragedy must be terrible for them.

A Spec Products
06-20-2008, 05:36 PM
That is definitely tragic to see

I also give a lot of respect and credit most especially to the medical staff who takes care of these patients

Takes a lot of courage to do that day in and day out, a lot of strong people in that field

06-20-2008, 05:37 PM
Damn thats pretty sad. Is there any hope for this Marine? Can he even recover? If not, plug needs to be pulled.

06-20-2008, 05:42 PM
That is definitely tragic to see

I also give a lot of respect and credit most especially to the medical staff who takes care of these patients

Takes a lot of courage to do that day in and day out, a lot of strong people in that field


As much as I love to help people, I would never have the courage to work in such a field.

It would hurt to show up each day to work.

Damn thats pretty sad. Is there any hope for this marine? Can he even recover? If not, plug needs to be pulled.


If there were any way possible for him to recover, by all means, keep him alive.

But, from the looks of it, there's no way one can recover from that.

06-20-2008, 05:49 PM
I think it is that guy's own fault. As the older person of the two, and with the life expereince that two tours in Iraq will quickly give you he should have known alot better than to trust his life in the hands of a 19 year old kid and not to mention that he should have been wearing a seatbelt.

Vision Garage
06-20-2008, 05:49 PM
JUST DONT STREET RACE PPL. There are way too many factors that can go wrong. Keep it safe and do it on the track.

06-20-2008, 05:53 PM
Sucks to see.

It really does.

Especially a Marine.

But he showed lack of judgment riding with Nick and the result for him is really just terrible.

My prayers goes out to him and his family.

06-20-2008, 05:57 PM
It's human nature for people to hold onto hope when there really isn't any. It seriously has to be one of the shittiest things in the world to be a parent and to have to pull the plug on your kid.

This vid was a nice start to the weekend. :(

06-20-2008, 05:59 PM
The whole hogan family is a mess. And one thing to keep in mind, is that neither of the two were innocent, its easy to feel bad for the victim, but at any point in time, I bet 90 percent of us could have gotten into the same situation. You say no, but Nick didnt think he would be there either.

Aside from this, he and his family have disgusted me more than anybody in hollywood has ever been able to do to me. After listening to the audio and his and his families complete disregard for John or the situation, it makes you realize how shallow the family is. Talking about tv shows and how John was a negative person, HE CAUSED THIS? those tears from linda at the trial were fake, nothing that comes out of that family is real except what was on the audio tapes. That was gut wrenching to hear that. And nick is crying becuase he cant be free or see people out a window. FUCK john cant even scratch his head. and to listen to him talk about his show like he is only concerned about profit, this man and his parents disgust me.

Had I ever been a big enough hulk fan to collect anything from him, I would have burnt it up and taped it no matter its value. I have lost any and all respect for him, and not that I had any for his family but this shit pisses me off more than words can describe.

06-20-2008, 06:03 PM
holy crap.... that is seriously very sad.. that dood is missing a large ass chunk of his head... pull the cord... please

all show no go
06-20-2008, 06:12 PM
this has probably been the most upsetting thing on zilvia right now.. just a horrible thing to see the poor guy with practically no Forehead.. and then the videos of the Hogans topped it off.. golly, surviving Iraq just to end up there like that is a shame. :-/ i didnt know he was in that bad of condition.

06-20-2008, 06:13 PM
Very sad to see, I wish the best of luck to him. As for nick hogan, bleh.

low and slow
06-20-2008, 07:00 PM
Jesus fucking Christ is right.

I watched about 10 seconds of it, then my conscience kicked in.

Fucking rough, man.

06-20-2008, 07:26 PM
Fam is milking that mess. From interviews they are out to get every penny Hogan has.

Its really sad, the guy is obviously suffering, no coming back from that.

Growing up one thing my parents drilled into my head was 'be careful who you get into a car with.' There aren't many 18, 19 year old kids I would be getting into a car with. If that was me they would be sad but they wouldnt blame anyone else but me.

Dude was out drinking with Nick... I dont know little Hogan but I have yet to see anything that makes him out to be as big of a prick as everyone says.

The whole situation is sad.

06-20-2008, 07:28 PM
19 year old kid + supra with LOTS of money dumped into it = bad

I bet you he supra was well over 600whp. He doesnt even have any experience to drive a beast like that.

Any parents who give their kid a 300hp plus car for their first car, fails at being a parent. Once I have a son, hes getting a KIA for his first car. He can learn from there.

06-20-2008, 07:39 PM
Any parents who give their kid a 300hp plus car for their first car, fails at being a parent. Once I have a son, hes getting a KIA for his first car. He can learn from there.

yeah that'll teach him?:wtf:

06-20-2008, 07:45 PM
Holy shit, so very sad, like everyone has said, I had NO IDEA it was that bad.

After hearing the audio from the conversations, Nick needs to "suffer" in jail longer, this is such bullshit.

06-20-2008, 07:54 PM
I bet you he supra was well over 600whp. He doesnt even have any experience to drive a beast like that.

Of course it was, the car was one of his two supras - the first of which made in the 900's.

06-20-2008, 08:01 PM
wow that vid was crazy!!!! he should have rotten in jail!

06-20-2008, 08:08 PM
Dude was out drinking with Nick... I dont know little Hogan but I have yet to see anything that makes him out to be as big of a prick as everyone says.

Hulk: Well I don't know what type of person John was or what he did to get himself in this situation, I know he was pretty aggressive, and used to yell at people and used to do stuff. but for some reason man god laid some pretty heavy shit on that kid man. I dont know what he was in to.

Nick: He was a negative person.

then straight to this in the same conversation

Nick: will you work on that real-ality deal for me? (Nick reality show)

Hulk: yep

Nick: And get that thing lined up so the minute I walk out of wherever I walk out of, its there filming?

Hulk: can you do it while your on probation?

Nick: yah

Hulk: you wanna do it with me or someone else? (meaning who will produce the show).

Nick: I wanna do it where Ill make the most money

and they go on about more details

FUCK who says shit like this? Jesus this world is fucking sick, who is this little bitch to even think people care about his pathetic life.

After listening to this shit, that is when I decided that I would lose all interest in caring about his side of the story and his feelings in this matter. how do you feel sorry for a kid who plays this off like a fucking joke, and how do you have respect for his father in this who obviously bred this heathen, as well as that mindless broad. Also what is this convoluted god shit all about that hogan is preaching, this guy is sick.

side note, anybody seen his pissass viper video where he nails the wall, only to come back and "show" the crowd for another lap, where he nails it in the same area, thats when I started losing respect for this degenerate clown, but after this, everything is gone, he is the worst of the worst in hollywood.

06-20-2008, 08:14 PM
Fuck all the Hogans. Every single one of them...worthless pieces of shit.

That vid made me feel real uneasy on the inside...my stomach didn't like it at all.

I'd rather be dead. Fuck staying alive like that.

06-20-2008, 08:25 PM
Dude, that just made my stomach feel really bad. This Fucken Hogan Kid is a Fucken Idiot and should not be associated with Drifting or any HP cars.

Fuck, I wish I would have not opened that link.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-20-2008, 08:27 PM
Fam is milking that mess. From interviews they are out to get every penny Hogan has.

Its really sad, the guy is obviously suffering, no coming back from that.

Growing up one thing my parents drilled into my head was 'be careful who you get into a car with.' There aren't many 18, 19 year old kids I would be getting into a car with. If that was me they would be sad but they wouldnt blame anyone else but me.

Dude was out drinking with Nick... I dont know little Hogan but I have yet to see anything that makes him out to be as big of a prick as everyone says.

The whole situation is sad.

Not sticking up for the Hogans but did anyone hear the death threats from the brother yet sent to Hulk Hogan? Shit's getting really fearce but the family isn't doing themselves ANY good by threatening the father. It really makes them look thugish, although I understand their pain.

06-20-2008, 08:44 PM
wasn't wearing seat belt.
weren't they drunk also?

i wonder who influences who? nick was 17 and he was 22.

06-20-2008, 08:46 PM
mjjstang has the right fucking words!!!! 8mo. for destoring a famliy, and hes trying to make $$ off of it. fucking lil puke....

06-20-2008, 08:46 PM

Real talk.

06-20-2008, 08:51 PM
I hope I wasn't the only one who noticed the unicorn on Nick's shirt behind his iced out chains...lol...

Definately deserves more jail time, and for the passenger's sake...I hope they pull the plug...but like someone said, if they don't and he passes on his own, the Hoginator would be up for vehicular manslaughter right?

06-20-2008, 08:59 PM
Testament to human body that it even works like that?

rock music backround?

get fucking serious.

what the fuck is wrong with people.

06-20-2008, 09:07 PM
Hogan posted this on ZT btw


i try to come on here as often as possible, just busy i guess

and john and i are doing great, hes recovering fantastically

fantastically to where the only part of his brain left is keeping his heart going.

I didn't think he was a total cunt until those two peices came together, fuck that kid.

06-20-2008, 09:22 PM
Funny thing is I actually got into a huge and I mean huge fucking verbal argument with one of my friend who is actually somewhat of an college of that douchbag.

He was defending him and I think this argument took place prior to all of this bad shit coming out.

But I'm sure that if we had the same conversation today, he'd agree with me that nick is a douchebag.

06-20-2008, 09:23 PM
I hope they beat the fucking shit out of him in jail.

Kid deserves all the anal ass raping he can get.

Fucking douchebag.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-20-2008, 09:26 PM
Kid deserves all the anal ass raping he can get.
....with a broom handle.

06-20-2008, 09:34 PM
True story.

Location: Naval Hospital Bremerton. Undisclosed location.

People there: Alex (Alexthesus*pect), Andrew (Jamaican kid that worked with us), and me (azndoc)

Me: Andrew what would you do if you were in jail taking a shower butt naked and a big black guy name Tyrone walks in naked with a 14 inch cock along with ten of his friends wanting to ass rape you in the shower?

Andrew: I don't know, I'd fight them off.

Alex: No you can't there's 11 of them. You can't fight them off.

Andrew: I don't know I'd shit on myself and smear it all over me. That way they wouldn't want to touch me.

Me: No no you can't do that. They want to do it and Tyrone is going first.

Alex: (laughing his ass off)

Andrew: I would fight them off seriously.

Me: No you don't understand, their's 11 of them and Tyrone has got it out for you.

Alex: (Still laughing his ass off)

Andrew: I don't know... I guess if Tyrone done made up his mind, Tyrone done made up his mind.

Laughter ensue between Alex and I resulting in us almost falling to the ground with tears in our eyes from laughing so hard.

The end.

06-20-2008, 09:42 PM
True story.

Location: Naval Hospital Bremerton. Undisclosed location.

People there: Alex (Alexthesus*pect), Andrew (Jamaican kid that worked with us), and me (azndoc)

Me: Andrew what would you do if you were in jail taking a shower butt naked and a big black guy name Tyrone walks in naked with a 14 inch cock along with ten of his friends wanting to ass rape you in the shower?

Andrew: I don't know, I'd fight them off.

Alex: No you can't there's 11 of them. You can't fight them off.

Andrew: I don't know I'd shit on myself and smear it all over me. That way they wouldn't want to touch me.

Me: No no you can't do that. They want to do it and Tyrone is going first.

Alex: (laughing his ass off)

Andrew: I would fight them off seriously.

Me: No you don't understand their 11 of them and Tyrone has got it out for you.

Alex: (Still laughing his ass off)

Andrew: I don't know... I guess if Tyrone done made up his mind, Tyrone done made up his mind.

Laughter ensure between Alex and I resulting in us almost falling to the ground with tears in our eyes from laughing so hard.

The end.

People in my post: Me (svensko)

Location: My room (I live here, ok?)

Me: LOL, dude that is TOO funny. :cj:

Nick deserves hard jail time.

06-20-2008, 09:51 PM
FUCK Hulk hogans son i fucking hate that douche bag ever since i seen him drifing on d1 im so pist i heard about his accident he had i wished he died he has it so easy rite now because his dad pays for all his bills and cars he owns he says he put all his work into in his own cars my ass his dad just payed people to do it for him he probaly only changes the spark plugs what FAG i hate him

06-20-2008, 10:00 PM
That video was hard to watch.

For the people taking sides for either Nick or Graziano. Whichever side you take, your equally wrong as the person above you. There was negligence on both sides. Nick was racing. Graziano, was 3 years older than Nick and was just as irresponsible as Nick by not wearing a seat belt.

The answer isn't to find whose at more fault. That dosn't fix anything, other than giving the other side a false sense of gain, when in reality nothing was gained by keeping someone in jail longer or more money from the party.

Seems like no one had anything positive or encouraging to say.

06-20-2008, 10:03 PM
I really just now noticed the rock music in the background.. again jesus fucking christ..

06-20-2008, 10:12 PM
holy shyt. this will stay with me for a very long time.

06-20-2008, 10:19 PM
It's not the worst i've ever seen.. *cough* taliban beheading.

06-20-2008, 10:52 PM
wow man.. my prayers are up to the top for this guy :[. nick hogan is a queer. he deserves nothing but hate.

Baka Sama
06-20-2008, 11:04 PM
wow man.. my prayers are up to the top for this guy :[. nick hogan is a queer. he deserves nothing but hate.


06-21-2008, 01:12 AM
I watched a video clip of Hulk on Larry King on TV today.... He said
"This will make both of them better people, it's God's will.
Hulk Hogan's family is one giant train wreck of misery.
All that shithead kid wants is a reality show when he gets out of jail..... whichever studio gives him the "most money" he said in a taped phone call to his loving dad.
Hi i'm Nick Hogan..... wanna go for a ride? :naughtyd:
That's a T Shirt right there!
Unitard :keke:

06-21-2008, 01:22 AM
I watched a video clip of Hulk on Larry King on TV today.... He said
"This will make both of them better people, it's God's will.
Hulk Hogan's family is one giant train wreck of misery.
All that shithead kid wants is a reality show when he gets out of jail..... whichever studio gives him the "most money" he said in a taped phone call to his loving dad.
Hi i'm Nick Hogan..... wanna go for a ride? :naughtyd:
That's a T Shirt right there!
Unitard :keke:

I would buy one of those shirts.

As long as a pic of the supra was on there.

I heard on the nancy grace show if he dies, they can't get him for vehicular manslaughter because of retroactive immunity and he's already in jail for the crime, says his lawyer.

06-21-2008, 02:33 AM
so let's see if he gets back into drifting

06-21-2008, 03:23 AM
I don't know.... manslaughter would be a completely different charge from what he is probably in jail for right now. But if they pull the plug on that poor kid, it there would not be a manslaughter charge.

I would buy one of those shirts.

As long as a pic of the supra was on there.

I heard on the nancy grace show if he dies, they can't get him for vehicular manslaughter because of retroactive immunity and he's already in jail for the crime, says his lawyer.

imotion s14
06-21-2008, 03:35 AM
They spend millions every year to tell people to buckle up. Yet thousands of people die every year because they didn't or end up like this kid.

i can't say I feel any sympathy for the victim. In high school physics they teach Newton's First law of motion, that a body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. At 35mph your body travels roughly 52 feet per sec. At 60mph it's 88 feet per second.

Now you can say lapse in judgment, but think of it this way. Would most sane people be screaming at the top of your lungs if one stepped onto a roller coaster ride where the seat belts/restraining device didn't work? Yet people step into a car that can propel their bodies faster than most roller coasters and never bother to restrain themselves. Let alone a high powered Supra.

06-21-2008, 06:22 AM
wow i can can believe hulk says to nick " you are someone to look up to" :(

and how could nick have nothing to think about in his cell. He should be thinking about how he killed his friend because when someone is in that state and really has no chance of recovering to a livable life they are bassically only alive because of the machine they are attached to. I think nicks punishment was extremely light regarding the circumstances.

06-21-2008, 07:41 AM
wow, thats hard to see
sad to see this stuff
did two deployment and nothing happend to him while he was deployed
went out with nick hogan for a drive and caused him his life.

06-21-2008, 10:48 AM
so nick was drunk or under the influence and under age right? or florida got different legal drinking age? and walks away with 8 months?

06-21-2008, 11:20 AM
Holy fucking shit...as sad as it is, whats the chance that the guy will recover from something like this? Looks like 2/3 of this brain is gone...pull the plug and lets all move on...

Watching this video and hearing that tape convo between Nick and Hogan where Nick has abso-fucking-lutely no remorse makes me sick to my stomach. I hope he's atleast getting butt-raped in prison, even then I still wouldnt feel bad for him. Prison sucks and all but be fucking remorseful for your fuck up.

06-21-2008, 01:03 PM
Damn that fucking sucks. I kept imagining what his family must be going thru right now, and it made me want to kill nick hogan. But at the same time, he chose to be in the car. Fucking sad. Supras are gay anyway.

06-21-2008, 01:03 PM
i had a friend who accidently hit some school students coming around a blind corner, kids where in the street.. and my friend and witnesses say a van was oncoming into his lane so he had to swerve. Street had no sidewalk, just dirt run off.. My friend hit a few students.. one eventually died from injuries a week later. My friend had trials, he was lucky to get them reduced to house arrest and probation. The victims family had no hard feelings for him they understood it was an accident.. It was the city trying to go after my friend for manslaughter etc etc. Prior history of this corner was a year before someone else had a simular accident.. Now that street has a paved sidewalk etc..

Im sure Nick is trying to move on and hoping for that tv deal as his source of income since he doesnt seem to have much of a bright future anymore.

06-21-2008, 04:27 PM
wow this is hella sad...hope he makes a gets better soon.

06-21-2008, 05:35 PM
I didnt even watch the vid and im feeling sick right now.

06-22-2008, 03:36 AM
Damn, it's horrible how things can turn out in life...


06-23-2008, 10:50 AM
So this is what i posted (which i think is nothing offensive)...

Wow.. That really sucks to see.. To think, 2 years fighting for our country and now this.. But how bad was the accident..? i mean how is this guy in this condition and nick is just chillin'..?

And this morning i come to find this Neg Rep from a ahmed

"Punishment from God for what he did in Iraq and Afghanistan"

Now, usually i really don't care about Rep. but i thought this one was kinda uncalled for. IDK.. just thought i'd share.

06-23-2008, 11:07 AM
Gave me a quick reality check.

i was fortunate enough to walk away from a motorcycle accident... dumb decision on my behalf... only protection gloves / helmet...

I went to the post office .5 miles away.... and managed to slam into the back of a truck that cut me off.... did a mini flip and landed over the side of his truck on the floor and he ran my hand over...

No broken bones, just muscle bruises.

There was oncoming traffic and traffic to my right....

Anyhow decisions are decisions and it is what it is.

I'm not judging Nick or his friend... Unfortunate, definitely.

Life comes fast and hard... make smart decisions.

06-23-2008, 11:26 AM
That is terrible.

I think the family is being selfish keeping him alive.

If I was Nick, I don't know if I could live with myself.

steve shadows
06-23-2008, 11:33 AM
I think I am going to be ill.

Not because of the head thing. but the fact the poor guy is being keep alive after a labotomy.

Touche on street racing. Be careful kids

I wish we could build more tracks but we're too buys paying for peoples unemployment and government medical bills welfare rather than building a race track here and there for the public to keep shit off the highway

06-23-2008, 11:38 AM
Touche on street racing. Be careful kids

I wish we could build more tracks but we're too buys paying for peoples unemployment and government medical bills welfare rather than building a race track here and there for the public to keep shit off the highway

I hear that.. :werd:

06-23-2008, 11:38 AM
but it's an unfortunate truth that people will never keep shit off the highway

and this was in a neighborhood, or at least a heavily populated area.

06-23-2008, 11:56 AM
god has a sence of humor... how the fuck is it that hogan walked out of that unscaved??? lucky prick

sad to watch especially the before and after pics

06-23-2008, 12:17 PM
what a fuck face hogan is. he should be held fully responsible for what happened to this kid.

06-23-2008, 12:19 PM

so fucking sad to see .

dude is missing half of his head, there would be no reason for life.
dont be so quick to judge

it is possible, still hard as shit though...

poor guy man indeed...

06-23-2008, 12:19 PM
what a fuck face hogan is. he should be held fully responsible for what happened to this kid.

He was...he went to jail.

The amount of time he was in jail though was not enough.

06-23-2008, 12:22 PM
all i know is that , these are the times i hope Karma is real

06-23-2008, 12:49 PM
http://www.motifake.com/motivational_posters/bbd76023e8.jpg (http://www.motifake.com/index.php?start=347)

06-23-2008, 02:55 PM
http://www.motifake.com/motivational_posters/bbd76023e8.jpg (http://www.motifake.com/index.php?start=347)

Inappropriate, yet very funny

06-23-2008, 03:26 PM
I wonder if nick is isolated from the rest of the inmates at all.

i hope not.

06-23-2008, 03:28 PM
yeah thats kinda bullshit

keep your radical ideals to yourself

06-23-2008, 03:31 PM
[/QUOTE]"Had I ever been a big enough hulk fan to collect anything from him, I would have burnt it up and taped it no matter its value. I have lost any and all respect for him, and not that I had any for his family but this shit pisses me off more than words can describe."[/QUOTE]

or u can sell that stuff on EBAY and donate the money for John
hmmm maybe it wont work cause all of those Hulk things r worthless now

Nick should serve more time behind bars

06-23-2008, 03:36 PM
I wonder if nick is isolated from the rest of the inmates at all.

i hope not.

He was, and he was complaining about that. They were doing it to protect him. You guys should hear the recorded conversation between Hulk and Nick about when he gets out how they are going to try and fix his reputation, etc.

I almost don't want to watch American Gladiators now.

I do not represent all of Zilvia, but I can tell you without a doubt you will never be able to do ANYTHING to be able to fix your reputation even the smallest amount.

06-23-2008, 07:12 PM
seems like this happened ages ago. nevertheless, news to me. florida has intense crashes. being at a salvage yard there, you have to wonder how many people died in the cars you are looking at for parts.
what a tragedy.

07-08-2008, 06:09 PM
Inappropriate, yet very funny


07-08-2008, 06:50 PM
it comes out to being poor choices

hogan choice o let his son drive th esupra
nicks poor chice to drive while drunk
and nicks friends poor choice to let him drive

i dunno about any of u, but ive been shit faced ot the point of yacking, and i still dont let anyone drive drunk...its all poor choices

07-08-2008, 08:11 PM
that's so fk up... wahs the scoop on this anyway? ive been living under a rock lately... all i can get make out is that nick was driving drunk and crashed, but how the fk he manage to rip half his friends head off?

07-08-2008, 10:05 PM
Sometimes I wonder about this whole situation. Nick is a shady character. It doesn't take much to unbuckle his seatbelt. How do you know that he saw his friend that way, and doing quick d-bag thinking, unclicked the seatbelt to make it seem like he didn't have one on, reducing his culpability.

I'm just saying, is all.

And Nick should go to hell on a bullet train with swords ripping his sphincter the whole trip.

07-08-2008, 10:13 PM
Sometimes I wonder about this whole situation. Nick is a shady character. It doesn't take much to unbuckle his seatbelt. How do you know that he saw his friend that way, and doing quick d-bag thinking, unclicked the seatbelt to make it seem like he didn't have one on, reducing his culpability.

I'm just saying, is all.

And Nick should go to hell on a bullet train with swords ripping his sphincter the whole trip.

that sounds fucken painfull

07-08-2008, 10:15 PM
Dam when i saw this bumped up i thought the kid just died or something.

Man its these spoiled little rich kids who party and get all the free shit without lifting a finger.. alla nick, perris & nicole etc.

Its cool tho, by the time he gets out, he will have is reality tv show along with his sister, and pick up a few more racing sponsorships. He will be a big celeb and make tons of money. Young hollywood will idolize these people, they got the reciept= caucasian, young, rich.

07-08-2008, 10:18 PM
If they want a reality show that will make ratings, get all these d-bag rich kids, take them to a shitty neighborhood, or better yet, a war-infested jungle in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a camera, and let them try to survive.

Lure them in with the chance at getting their whole reputation wiped clean, no one ever speaks of their mistakes ever again. If they survive, I bet no one ever would. If they don't, then no one will ever hear from them again anyway. Everybody wins.

07-08-2008, 10:36 PM
I put off watching the video, but now this thread has been bumped, curiousity got the better of me.

Poor guy :(. Difficult to watch

07-08-2008, 10:38 PM
seriously that how it is...and reality t.v. is pathetic compared to wat it used to be...:eek3d:

07-08-2008, 11:43 PM
I'm sorry, but that's bitchmade. Nick is complaining that:
1) He hasn't left his cell in days; he can't leave
2) He wants to go home
3) He wants a cell with a window so he can wave
4) He complains about the food
5) He misses taking the Escalade to the beach

Well, his friend
1) Can most likely never leave that room on his own
2) He can probably never go home
3) It looks like he wouldn't know if he was in a pitch black windowless room and
4) He probably eats out of a tube.

That poor guy is just like the movie Johnny Got His Gun, which was the inspiration for the Metallica song One. Where a soldier is imprisoned in his body.

I think he should just sack up and do his time like a man. Do situp/pushup contests with himself and try to break his own record. Jack off 20 times a day. Read books - shit, I read law books all day, so I'd get shitloads of work done if I got locked up - but Nick should memorize the Bible. Draw. Make shanks. Brew toilet booze. Whatever it takes. But he has sand in his you-know-what, so he wants house arrest. And the Hogan house is like having your own personal neighborhood.

Isn't Nick suing over the release of those tapes? Even though it says "this may be recorded" several times.

I don't think the mom did anything bad, other than claiming that she loved John more than his mother. She was just being a mom and helping her kid out. I think Hogan talking about God and space was about making it through being alone without snapping. I didn't see anything wrong with that until the conversation changed to "real-ity" and John being an aggressive person.

07-09-2008, 05:01 AM
If they were smoking marijuana instead of drinking alcohol they would have been driving under the speed limit, and this would of never happened.

dont be so quick to judge

it is possible, still hard as shit though...

poor guy man indeed...

the differance between Graziano and that kid is Graziano is missing his frontal lobes


07-09-2008, 10:37 AM
did anyone watch the larry king live interview with hulk? its kinda boring but he brings up some interesting point. the question is, how much of it is true, and how much of it was said to cover up what happened?

according to it
1. the alcohol level was .03, which really is pretty light
2. there were witnesses saying there was no street racing involved. and it was raining at the time. 600whp car in the rain is not a piece of cake to drive.
3. nick got a way harsher sentence than anyone else thats been tried for the same crimes.
4. hes supposed to be in minimum security prison but officials will not move him out of maximum security.

Im NOT taking nicks side, im just giving cliff notes and thought it was interesting.

07-09-2008, 11:18 AM
sucks for that kid, i like the hulk, he's funny, feel bad for him, son is in jail, lawsuits, wife left for someone who is his son's age and overprotecting the daughter

07-09-2008, 03:50 PM
according to it
1. the alcohol level was .03, which really is pretty light
2. there were witnesses saying there was no street racing involved. and it was raining at the time. 600whp car in the rain is not a piece of cake to drive.
3. nick got a way harsher sentence than anyone else thats been tried for the same crimes.
4. hes supposed to be in minimum security prison but officials will not move him out of maximum security.

Im NOT taking nicks side, im just giving cliff notes and thought it was interesting.

By definition, if a minor drinks any alcohol, they are impaired because it is illegal for them to consume alcohol. So even if Nick's BAC was 0.00000000000000000001, he would be impaired. My friend was acquitted of driving while impaired (section a), but was convicted of driving above 0.08 (section b). In other words, he wasn't drunk, but he was over the legal limit. It was the basically the same thing as a dui. My point: regardless of his BAC, Nick was driving while impaired and as such should be responsible.

I don't think his sentence was too harsh. How many other 19 year old millionaires have been similarly sentenced for crashing their 600 whp cars? I had another friend, a 23 year old thousandaire, who got 6 months of house arrest for his dui (rather than 2 years probation). And he got pulled over for wrong colored side markers - not maiming his friend after crashing into a tree at high speed in the rain.

Sometimes, people just need to be made an example. I think this is a good case. Regardless of who he is, Nick wants to be a professional driver. How often do you hear about Nascar or F1 drivers duiing and wrapping their supercars into trees? Not very often, because they are professionals and keep it on the track. It's like those times that Mike Tyson beat people up. It would be like Rampage Jackson going off on some shmuck on the street. As a professional, they should be held to a higher standard.

As far as maximum security, I think it's for his own safety. People aren't happy with him and it may be dangerous for him to be in general population. All I know is, if I was locked up, I'd rather have my own accommodations rather than face the possibility of dropping the soap in front of Nasty Nate. On top of that, I don't think his whole "real-ity" plan is very endearing.

07-09-2008, 04:05 PM
its funny though that even after all that been said by hogan though...AG still has him hosting...:-/

07-09-2008, 04:42 PM
lol nasty nate. 666......mark of the beast.....

07-09-2008, 05:08 PM
lol nasty nate. 666......mark of the beast.....



steve shadows
07-09-2008, 05:12 PM
So this is what i posted (which i think is nothing offensive)...

And this morning i come to find this Neg Rep from a ahmed

"Punishment from God for what he did in Iraq and Afghanistan"

Now, usually i really don't care about Rep. but i thought this one was kinda uncalled for. IDK.. just thought i'd share.

What a shit socket he is.
what is that about

07-09-2008, 05:29 PM
What a shit socket he is.
what is that about
He's an idiot. He cries to mods and other members because I neg repped him. Some guy even threatened me to leave ahmed alone.


I think I just posi repped him by accident. LOL.

07-09-2008, 06:30 PM
I don't think there's any doubt Nick is a grade A douche and a dumbass....

same can be said for a_ahmed, no explanation needed.

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-09-2008, 06:40 PM
Nick is a douche bag! His mom is fucking insane too! Did anyone else hear all the shit she's doing to Hulk? She is a FUCKING BITCH. Not only does she want more than half of what Hulk has but she wants half all all FUTURE earnings. Crazy bitch. She also had the courts order Hulk to buy a condo in Vegas or something because they were on a preorder list and had it awarded to Linda. Plus, she had 4 lawyers and Hulk has one and Hulk is paying for ALL the lawyers by Florida law. Florida fucking sucks.

07-09-2008, 06:49 PM
I don't think there's any doubt Nick is a grade A douche and a dumbass....

same can be said for a_ahmed, no explanation needed.
hmmm one in the same maybe:ugh:

07-10-2008, 08:39 AM
So this is what i posted (which i think is nothing offensive)...

And this morning i come to find this Neg Rep from a ahmed

"Punishment from God for what he did in Iraq and Afghanistan"

Now, usually i really don't care about Rep. but i thought this one was kinda uncalled for. IDK.. just thought i'd share.

Wow, A Ahmed is really pulling out all the stops. God is directly punishing someone for serving his country by causing him to get maimed in a wreck? Doesn't sound like a god that I want to follow. Join the church of the immature vindictive god!

07-10-2008, 08:50 AM
a_ahmed has been pinked.

If anyone else has any offensive Reputation problems, please contact me.

I have no problem with people voicing their opinions, however it should not be done in such an abrasive and insulting manner.


07-10-2008, 08:59 AM
Proof that some threads need to be nipped in the bud early. :tweak:

07-10-2008, 09:19 AM
Bias? Yeah...

<--edit:504 boyzz rip.

07-15-2008, 03:41 AM
Quite frankly I don't know what's the big deal. The guy chose to be in a car where he was for sure 'enjoying' himself with nick hogan. End of story. They crashed, he got the really worst end of it while nick gets a miserly 8 months because he's a 'star' (bullshit).

And to the comments above about a_ahmed's posts. It's all karma. Nothing happens by coincidence. a_ahmed's logic relative to karma makes sense, whether you agree or disagree with it if you believe in karma or something of that sort. His hate for the US military and the fact this guy was in Iraq and Afghanistan shooting around doing his 'job'. Connect the dots, ahmed's logic + karma. Naturally would piss of a few a few serving US soldiers as there's plenty on all car forums, but apparently there's talk about this on other forums on the internet where people commented in a similar fashion saying the same things and commented the same way and the same comments that pissed of the same sort of people.

Although not exactly viable, nick himself said that this was God's punishment because of the shit he was into. Whatever THAT meant... Still holy crap that's a lil cocky, not something smart to say in the worst of moments when being the one responsible, drunk/crashing the car... like hello. Whatever that meant, kind of fucked up of him to say it as he is the one behind the wheel.

The point to the original issue is that this this guy John was best friend of nick's and probably very conscious of the fact he chose to sit in a very very fast car to fuck around on the street with. So I'm sorry but it's really hard to feel sorry for either of them, what happened happened out of their own immature choices and nick gets the battering end because he already had a bad rep due to known street racing, while john was maybe not known for street racing yet was in the act with nick at the time.

It's HIGHLY unlikely John was begging for nick to slow down or to get out of the car, he went into the car conscious of the fact they were going to street race. Period! Both are guilty, John just gets a sympathy passage because he was a US marine, while Nick gets all the dirt as he already has plenty of dirt for previously street racing.

Well here's John before the accident for those that don't know what he looked like.




Omarius Maximus
07-15-2008, 07:27 AM
Like I said before...people seriously don't want to take responsibility for their actions anymore. They both got what was coming to them. Somehow, being a Marine excuses you from not wearing a seatbelt whilst getting in a 600hp Supra with a drunk NICK HOGAN (of all people). That guy should go to prison right along Nick Hogan for criminal stupidity.

07-15-2008, 11:02 AM
...... God is directly punishing someone for serving his country ....... .

Ahh, God would be punishing people for killing other people. Or sinning as it is known in church.
Pretty sure God doesnt really abide to man made borders and continental disputes. Pretty sure he see's us all as beings with souls, regardless of the lines in the world we make.
So God could really give a shit about "country", and serving of. God cares about the service to him, which is not sinning, which is not killing, which is turning the other cheek. but hey, thats just Gods written words.

And Nick is an idiot. But he got what he deserves. He doesnt need more. We have all speeded when we were young, drank atleast one beer and driven, raced another car on the street. im just surprised the guy wasn't wearing his seat belt. Cause if thats him without a belt, He would be alive and fine if he had it on.
Its very saddening to see. i think they with opt to "pull the plug" in the future. but man, it must be hard. Your son is there, alive and breathing. Smells like him, looks like him, you can touch his warm skin,......but you have to make the decision to kill him.

no wonder its taking them awhile.

07-15-2008, 11:48 AM
This whole story is a tragedy to say the least. Yes, we all have our opinions on Nick and John, but when it comes down to it, it's more important than just the lives they have been leading.

What I mean by this is there are some lessons to be learned, unfortunately by their mistakes. Driving drunk is never a good idea. Please remember to keep the agressive driving to the track, and ALWAYS buckle your seat belt, even if you're driving to your buddy's house a block away; you NEVER know what is going to happen.

While it's common sense for most of us to be responsible with our cars, some people aren't as rational as the best of us.

07-15-2008, 12:02 PM
is formula D still letting him drift? i hope not i think because of him alot of people will turn away from it

07-16-2008, 01:12 AM
Both are guilty, John just gets a sympathy passage because he was a US marine, while Nick gets all the dirt as he already has plenty of dirt for previously street racing.

No, John gets sympathy because he has a head like a hole.

What exactly is John guilty of? Riding in a car? As the driver, Nick is responsible for his own negligence.