View Full Version : the "what the fuck male pattern baldness" thread

06-20-2008, 01:16 PM
looks like my hair is starting to recede a bit, like in those divots on the side, not the middle of the hairline. no bald spot yet, i'm still good back there.. but i'm not having this shit, so who here is dealing with the same thing? what have you tried?

is anybody on Propecia?
does anybody use Rogaine? how's that foam compare to the original shit?

the earth cannot have my hairs, i need them. plz help, thanks

06-20-2008, 01:18 PM
i'm 21 and i'm on the same boat.

lets be sum test guinea pigs for sum new studies haha.

06-20-2008, 01:19 PM
no pics? how can we help you without pics?...(jk i just wanna see you balding)

thank god baldness isnt genetic in my family, but for some reason if i ever did go bald, id just shave my head

according to the rogaine commercial, that foam shit regrows hair for 80% of the men that use it, but i think its expensive since it also says u can get $25 off...so i doubt its $30

06-20-2008, 01:19 PM
what the hell man your too young!

lol when i was a kid i used to wear baseball caps all the time and people told me i would go balled lol

if i start to have this, imma shave it all... ive shaved my head before and liked the look tho my friends didnt like it, tho i did get positive feedback from females =p

06-20-2008, 01:19 PM
Fuck all the bitches you can right now, because they wont be coming soon.


06-20-2008, 01:20 PM
Yea...nothing like a nice bald freshly waxed...

Oh wait, we're talking about guys heads?


06-20-2008, 01:20 PM
no pics? how can we help you without pics?...(jk i just wanna see you balding)

thank god baldness isnt genetic in my family, but for some reason if i ever did go bald, id just shave my head

according to the rogaine commercial, that foam shit regrows hair for 80% of the men that use it

i've had the vampire hairline my whole life, but i just got my hair cut short for the first time in maybe a year and noticed that it's a bit further back than normal, maybe a quarter inch or so. it's not severe, but, i mean... it's like fucking michael meyers or a george romero zombie, it'll go slow but shit's not going to stop until it's all dead and gone

06-20-2008, 01:21 PM
Fuck all the bitches you can right now, because they wont be coming soon.


no no no....he'll just have to change over to the "thuggish" girls that like "PELONS" :naughty:

06-20-2008, 01:23 PM
no no no....he'll just have to change over to the "thuggish" girls that like "PELONS" :naughty:


If I ever go bald, I'm just gonna kill myself. Straight up.
The girlies love my hair lol

06-20-2008, 01:23 PM
I know a kid who's sixteen who has a massively receding hairline... I'm just sorry

bosley hair group... come out with a full head of hair and a smooth ass

06-20-2008, 01:23 PM
Fuck all the bitches you can right now, because they wont be coming soon.


I KNOW!!! that's why i'm buying rogaine on my lunch break. apparently i can buy it in bulk online and it's only like 10 a month... that's not bad at all, i'll totally do that.

save the hairs! :(

06-20-2008, 01:25 PM
it runs in my family i guess.

maybe one day i'll just shave my head if it ever gets pretty bad.

when i wear my hats everybody says thats whats causing it.

06-20-2008, 01:27 PM
Well if it is genetic.

My brothers who are in their 30's aren't balding, and my dad who is like 57 still has a full head of hair. We all just have big foreheads lol

06-20-2008, 01:33 PM
Well if it is genetic.

My brothers who are in their 30's aren't balding, and my dad who is like 57 still has a full head of hair. We all just have big foreheads lol

it's genetic from the mother's side. look at your grandfather on your mother's side and ask what your great grandfather looked like. your dad has no bearing on it >.<

okay, propecia is used to treat baldness and enlarged prostate, and cuts back chance of prostate cancer by 30%. i'm going to try to get it prescribed on the prostate ticket, either "history of" or i'll just get a crooked doctor to say my prostate is the size of a watermelon.

honestly if i could keep my hairline the way it is RIGHT NOW it'd be dope. it's got the dents on the sides but they're not deep, and when i grow my sideburns out i think i look like a cool cat burglar or jewel thief or something.

06-20-2008, 01:36 PM
and when i grow my sideburns out i think i look like a cool cat burglar or jewel thief or something.


Well my grandpas like 80 something and still has a very good amount of hair... so who knows. None of my uncles are bald either, so I guess that's a good sign. I think I'm gonna do rogaine or propecia just in case. What could it hurt? lol

06-20-2008, 01:38 PM
Go get some Rogaine foam. The shit works. I started noticing my hair getting shitty around 23. Didn't start the rogaine till 26. It does work really well, you just have to commit to it. Also, the sooner the better, I should have started taking it at 23 and my hair would still be radical. **The box says it's not clinically proven to regrow hair on the temples but that's because the clinical study didn't include the temples.

06-20-2008, 01:40 PM
I have the same thing, receding hairline. I shave my head anyway so I dont care. rogaine and all that supposedly works, or you can go get hair plugs if you are that vein.

06-20-2008, 01:41 PM
Go get some Rogaine foam. The shit works. I started noticing my hair getting shitty around 23. Didn't start the rogaine till 26. It does work really well, you just have to commit to it. Also, the sooner the better, I should have started taking it at 23 and my hair would still be radical. **The box says it's not clinically proven to regrow hair on the temples but that's because the clinical study didn't include the temples.

you know, people say it's only for top hair, but... guess what, i'd like to keep that too, and if my hairline gets to my top hair, then... doesn't that mean it's saving the hairline? whatever, i'm going to grow my hair out another inch or so, do a mini combover on my temples, and drown it in rogaine, until i get that crooked doctor's prescription.

we're gonna get through this, balding crew!

06-20-2008, 01:44 PM
no pics? how can we help you without pics?...(jk i just wanna see you balding)

here's a pic of me about a year or two ago, i'm the one on the right


06-20-2008, 01:45 PM
It works on the hairline. Put it wherever you want the hair to regrow.

**Rogaine will cause crazy hair grow on your face, like for real, some crazy shit.

06-20-2008, 01:45 PM
sup wit it lupin?

06-20-2008, 01:48 PM

the balding crew!!! haha

06-20-2008, 01:48 PM
It works on the hairline. Put it wherever you want the hair to regrow.

**Rogaine will cause crazy hair grow on your face, like for real, some crazy shit.

you can use it to fill in spaces in your beard? sweet, double use. i want the thickest stubble in all the land.

sup wit it lupin?

you know, stealin' diamonds the size of soccer balls, building trucks out of gold

06-20-2008, 02:33 PM
I started noticing my hair starting to thin out on top about three years ago.

I just shaved it all off.

I use this shampoo that kinda helps with the growth, but really slow process though.

I like my head shaved. Saves me time in the morning and saves me money not having to spend on hair products or styling haircuts.

Your suppose to keep it shaved if your starting to thin out. Hair grows better that way since there's less pull on the follicle.

06-20-2008, 02:48 PM
it's genetic from the mother's side. look at your grandfather on your mother's side and ask what your great grandfather looked like. your dad has no bearing on it >.<
Uhh that's bad news for me, my grandpa on my father's side died in his late 80s with a full head of hair, my grandpa on my mother's side is rocking a bald spot. :wtc:

I have the vampire hairline too, noticed it last year when I cut my hair short, but then I looked at old photographs and I guess I've always had it, only time will tell...

When I start balding I'll just become a masked robot DJ.

06-20-2008, 03:04 PM
When I start balding I'll just become a masked robot DJ.
that's probably the best route.

here's a pic of me about a year or two ago, i'm the one on the right


oh, i forgot to add a current pic
here's one i just took today


06-20-2008, 03:11 PM
I'm losing hair at age 20 wtf?! started using rogaine like 3 weeks ago on my front hair line, it's slowly getting better

06-20-2008, 03:18 PM
yeah man im 20 and its startin to creep up. at least we can share eachothers pain in this thread lol.


06-20-2008, 03:23 PM
The hell with rogaine. Expensive and supposedly doesn't work. I've had long hair my whole life and now it's receding pretty good (looks ok cause long hair covers it up). I was all depressed for awhile, then said the hell with it, if it gets really bad I'll just shave it off and not have to worry about it at all. Chicks know shaved head guys have higher sex drives and seem to dig it more then long hair anyways. Life's a lot easier when you're not attached to things.

06-20-2008, 03:27 PM
LMFAO at the GB on Rogaine. That is seriously a good idea though. I bet it would be pretty succesful except zilivans would be bargaining the shit outta Rogaine same they do with all the parts on GB. Asking for free shipping and quotes to zip, then backing out cuz they dont have the cash til their next paycheck...FOR ROGAINE. HAHA I can see it now.

06-20-2008, 04:22 PM
Yea my hair grows faster in the back and sides as it does the top...shave time soon. At least I don't have some big ass mole on my head or else I'd be pissed.

06-20-2008, 04:34 PM
Yea my hair grows faster in the back and sides as it does the top...shave time soon. At least I don't have some big ass mole on my head or else I'd be pissed.

Yeah I'm totally not sure on whether or not my head is completely round or not. I'm feeling it trying to tell but I won't know for sure until I shave it.

06-20-2008, 04:36 PM
Wow it must suck to be balding.. I just think of the pathetic George from Seinfeld.

06-20-2008, 04:50 PM
George Costanza is NOT pathetic.
He's THE MAN !

06-20-2008, 04:50 PM
In your book?

06-20-2008, 04:51 PM
George Costanza is NOT pathetic.
He's THE MAN !

He ate a pastrami sandwich and a watched a hand held tv while having sex.

That's a true man.

06-20-2008, 04:54 PM


06-20-2008, 05:06 PM
Here's my deal with Rogaine and other hair shampoo stuff that regrows your hair...

So you was that stuff out right?

Then it runs down your back and your ass then....


06-20-2008, 05:14 PM
In your book?

oh, go back to your conspiracy theories, lunatic

06-20-2008, 05:25 PM
Ugh, this is a horrifying subject!

But anyhow, I noticed began thinning on top when I was around 21. I think I was already thinning at 19-20, but back then I bleached, colored, and used a lot of junk to damage my hair a lot. I assumed at the time it was just the chemicals that was causing hair loss, and prob there was some truth to that. plus it was long, so it wasn't as noticeable.

First thing I did, on suggestion of my regular doctor, was to see a dermatologist and find out for sure if it was indeed baldness, and not stress or anything insignificant. There is baldness that's stress induced. Stress induced baldness is usually just temporary and your hair will grow back to normal afterwards. Genetic baldness, unfortunately is permanent. Well, my dermatologist said what I had was indeed genetic baldness. he recommended I take rogaine and propecia. Since I had, and still have some pretty bad dandruff, he also suggested I used the Neutrogena T-gel shampoo and conditioner. I also lurked on forums like http://hairlosshelp.com/forums/ for research. lot of the times, the info on those boards were more comprehensive and 'up to date' than what the dermatologists knew of. Maybe we were all more desperate than the dermatologists

Rogaine was annoying the crap of my scalp, so I couldn't continue using it. Propecia was actually fairly effective. My info might be a bit off, but it works by inhibiting something like 90% of the DHT chemical in testosterone in your body. DHT is the actual substance in testosterone that causes hairloss. Everyone has this, but those who are prone to baldness get hairloss when exposed to DHT. With Propecia, you just swallow 1 pill a day, and a month's supply is around $80 more or less. You need a prescription for this iirc. Rogaine does not require a prescription. The generic Propecia is cheaper and doesn't require a prescription.

Propecia & the T-gel shampoo actually worked pretty good by itself. The hair that I already lost for good, never came back unfortunately. Once hair follicles die off, it is unlikely (if not impossible) for hair to grow back. the hair that was thinning but still there, regrew back to its original thickness. basically I kept what I had, for a good 2-3 yrs.

Then, one summer I got lazy and cheap. I stopped using the propecia for about 2 months. Suddenly, I was under the impression I lost a lot of hair (mostly in the center, behind the peak) fast. it was frighteningly rapid. I got myself back on the propecia, and everything seemed ok for a while. Propecia is a drug you have to be constantly taking. If it's working, it only does so as you keep using the medicine. You stop using it, you will lose what you saved as a result of using it thurought the time you took the medication.

About 2 yrs or so later, the effects of Propecia seemed to be wearing off. My hair seemed to be thinning, but at a slower rate. At about the same time, I discovered a new drug that coincidently just got released. This was Avodart. Avodart essentially works the same way as Propecia, only it inhibits DHT levels further to around 95%, or 98-99% if you take additional doses of the medication (infortunately, taking additional doses of Propecia isn't really much more effective than taking a single dose). I don't remember the price of Avodart exactly, but it was more expensive than Propecia, maybe $100/month and also required an annual doctor's prescription.

Anyhow, the Avodart was certainly more effective. however, I did have some undesirable initial side effects. My back and legs developed itchy rashes for the first few months. My head felt slightly dizzy the first few days I was taking the medicine. However, i kept my full head of hair for a a few more years. After some time, all negative side effects went away. there also appeared to some positive side effects like less acne, and a more mellow overall temperament (I used to have a very bad temper). However, whether this was a case of direct cause & effect, or just a matter of coincidence, I can't say for sure.

About another 2 yrs later, my hair began to thin again. this time I upped the dosage to 3 pills a day, and switched to using Dutas, which is one brand generic Avodart. This is what I still use today, and it seems to work ok. It was also cheaper at about $200 for a 3 months supply via a online pharmacist site I use (don't want to list it to look like a spammer, but I'm sure you can find something on google if you're interested).

So far Dutas has worked well for me. I am 30 and still have a good head of hair. it is thinning still, but at a very slow rate. It will prob be anywhere between 2-10 yrs before my thinning is noticeable. For better or worse, chicks usually don't notice guys are thinning until it gets more severe.

Oh, I also changed my shampoo recently away from the T-gel, to the Jason's Tea Tree Shampoo and Jajoba oil conditioner (I get this from Whole Foods). My dandruff seems to have been reduced a lot. I don't think it has to be Jason's brand, but basically anything with Tea Tree extract and Jojoba oil should be good. This was recommended to me by my brother who also has bad dandruff, but no hair thinning at all (bastard!).

Of course, the easiest and cheapest solution would be just to shave everything off, if that works for you.

So anyhow, thats my experience with baldness.

CLIFFS: generic propecia and or avodart was what helped me keep my hair for the past 10yrs or so. hopefully it'll work longer.

A Spec Products
06-20-2008, 05:39 PM
I gotta admit I got the FO FINGA too

(Fo finga meaning: when you take your hand, and you got FOUR FINGAS from the eyebrows to the hurr line)

I noticed the widow's peak thinning out a bit, but oh well life goes on

I don't do much at all to prevent or do anything in that regard

Hair is just hair

06-20-2008, 05:40 PM
Wow it must suck to be balding.. I just think of the pathetic George from Seinfeld.

I'm totally ok with my wicked widows peak, and I'm totally ok with my future tough guy shaved head look. You really only look bad when you try to fight it/cover it up. I might be able to keep more hair and delay shaving if I went on drugs, but like George, I'm too lazy and stingy.

06-20-2008, 05:45 PM
Hahaha, the only reason I opened this thread was to make sure Jack posted in it.

My day is now complete.

Good to see everyone helpin out though :)

A Spec Products
06-20-2008, 06:16 PM
Hahaha, the only reason I opened this thread was to make sure Jack posted in it.

My day is now complete.

Good to see everyone helpin out though :)


I thought it in my head, but didn't actually say it

06-20-2008, 06:24 PM
I'm going to go get my gun and then I'm going to come back here and shoot everyone.

posi rep to whoever tells me where that's from.

And yeah Jeff and Logan I posted here before you guys did.

06-20-2008, 06:28 PM
im going bald too. It'd be ok because Ive shaved my head before.

I got 2 replys:

A. I look like one pissed off mean ass skinhead. "YOU FUCKING WHITE DEVIL RACIST MOTHER FUCKER!!!" (swear to god, I got that.)

B) Damn I like guys with shaved heads. (it was from a chick. no homo.)

06-20-2008, 10:29 PM
i got the same thing goin on (vampire style) and im only 19
not bad but i keep my hair somewhat longish so u cant see it
brothers hair is also getting really thin on top and in front
must be in family

and jack im gonna have to say big pappa B.I.G

06-20-2008, 10:32 PM
White Man Can't Jump.. Jack!

06-20-2008, 11:33 PM
Its male pattern baldness, just accept the fact that your hair is vanishing. I used to trip off it but now I'm just, "when it happens, it happens. When it gets really bad; BIC!"

06-20-2008, 11:49 PM
i like that nobody asked what "vampire hairline" meant, and several people say they have it too. do all vampires have widows peaks?

06-21-2008, 12:03 AM
I'm 15 about to be 16 my hair is pretty thin on only one side. It looks retarted but I spike my hair up so it really isn't that noticeable. My Grandpa is bald dads side, I never met my grandpa ma's side died 3 years ago. Pretty sure he had hair though.

EDIT: Answer to your question is from the movie White Men Can't Jump. I think its the part where the guy who tried to steal the liquor store and then ended up being haggled for the price he originally wanted for 1 gun. Right? He lost the basketball game and money and went to get his gun and everybody ran.

06-21-2008, 12:22 AM
do it

beeracing s14
06-21-2008, 12:52 AM
no the true answer to that is ... get the CHIA PET SEEDS! youll see your hair grow like chi chi chi chia!

06-21-2008, 01:30 AM
I'm never going bald.

But hey, if you guys need hair, I got you.

I'll shave my head and ship hair out.

Hook you guys up!

06-21-2008, 01:38 AM
Male pattern baldness is actually very common. If its not happening now, it is likely to happen later. What happens is testosterone gts turned into dihydrotestosterone (i think thats how you spell it) by something called 5-alpha something or another.. basically this DHT kills hair follicals. I learned all this in biology class like 3 years ago lol. Ive been loosing my hair slowly since about 16. My father is the only one of 6 male children who still has hair.

06-21-2008, 02:47 AM
i have somewhat longer hair, and i looked at it the other day and was a little concerned (the side areas around temples) but mine have always been pretty high since i was a little kid. my moms dad is like 80 and has pretty good hair still. i think its just a little from stress/longer hair that i dont take good care of. might try to get my step mom to get me some rogain lol from costco or somethin.
i want to get a super small tattoo dot where my hairline is now, so if it gets worse i have an objective way of seeing that.

06-21-2008, 10:01 AM
looks like my hair is starting to recede a bit, like in those divots on the side, not the middle of the hairline. no bald spot yet, i'm still good back there.. but i'm not having this shit, so who here is dealing with the same thing? what have you tried?

I've got landing strips here.

I'm not really too worked up about it. I've never been too much of a fan of my hair.

06-21-2008, 10:28 PM
ive only cared about myself but recently ive got dandruff :/ wtf i never had dandruff ! my dad has it bad though. But now that i think about it all the guys here at work got some kinda bald shit going on. Im starting to loose my hair too (vampire style?) and all this just started this year im 25 about to be 26 i needa get on the juice fast !

oh i cant shave my head :/ ill look like mr freeze

06-22-2008, 12:17 AM
Studys show Rogain or any foam only works half of the time on the rear top of the head. The widows peak I guess can not be fully stopped, unless you start taking tons of estrogen (sp?), but then you will grow tits. No joke, If you take propecia or anything that blocks DHT's you can either increase the rate, or just slow it down. But the second your off game over. Ive fought with the same thing since 19...

Also a healthy diet, not smoking and getting sleep will slow it down. Stress will increase it, and when your body gets sick you sometimes risk non-temporary loss. I think taking multivitamins and protein shakes helps a little bit.