View Full Version : Pepper spray and street racing.

06-19-2008, 12:16 AM

Im at my buddy sams house, bullshitting, being bored. my friends ryan, pat, chuck, charles and me are there. Ryan pulls out a little thing of pepper spray, so we start talking about that. Im bored as hell, so I'm like "lets do it"

Everyones like "WTF?!" and I say "why not?"

Anyhow, we go into the garage, and i sit down to smoke my last cigarrette. Everyone gets out their phones to record our shenanigans. Anyhow, pat takes the spray, and gets me first on the forehead, then in both eyes, mostly the left one. Then my mouth...

Lets just say the next 45 minutes were pure, unadulterated excruciating pain. I get down on my knees, screaming and crying, while I try in vain to get the shit out of my eyes with a wet towell...

15 minutes later, after flushing my eyes with loads of water, I'm feeling better. Then i rub my eyes with the backs of my hands... Which i had been using to rub them earlier. Oops. SO 15 minutes later, after more water, im feeling ok. So i smoke a few more cigarettes, and leave an hour after than, bloodshot eyes, to go home.

Moral of the story:
Dont mug anyone.


Im in rolla with the same people yet again. My friend derrick has his dads new cummins turbo diesel, sam his 07 SI, me my bmw, and charles has his GTI. Anyhow, we decide (more like they decide. I was a little hesitant to say the least) to go out to the industrial park and see what the truck can do. It lost, of course. After about 20 minutes being up there, bullshitting, we decide to go down to the truckstop there, and get a soda. When we pull out, a cop is driving by. He slams on his brakes, between sam and charles, and turns his lights on. Charles guns it, takes off for I44. The cop looks, and seriously does the "oh well" motion with his shoulders. the cop car braking move alone was cool, the crown vic got completely sideways. He apparently stepped on the parking brake to do that, we find out later. Turns out to be a cool cop.

He walks towards sams civic, and theyre talking for a little. Then he walks down to us. My friend pat is getting all this on tape, mind you. While hes walking, Derrick says "shit. My wallets in my car at home." Mine is too. Oops. The cop gets up to the window, and asks "How you doing. What have you boys been up to tonight?"

"Nothing. Just checking out my dads new truck."

"Is that all? Because you know I'm here for a reason"

"I did race my friend once."

"Ok, im just looking for some honesty. And honestly, I dont give a shit. I'm just here because I was told to be here."

Any how, he runs our socials, givs us a lecture about racing, tells us hes not going to do anything because he did the same shit, and tells us to have a good night. Then we get back to waynesville, get fucked up, and habe a good laugh about the whole thing.

06-19-2008, 12:20 AM
uhmmm yah..
should spend your time on something more possitive, like u and ur buddys go club at night instead, or go to a bar instead of assing around lol

06-19-2008, 12:21 AM
you got lucky......and pepper spray hurts wtf were you thinking? lol

06-19-2008, 12:25 AM
Boredom is seriously a bitch. Seriously. We usually go on a cruise, but no one has gas anymore it seems. And Im a very impulsive person.

And I dont club. I never have. IDK just the fact the cheapest door cost for a club around Ft. Leonard Wood is 20 bucks isnt appealing.

And yes we got very lucky. I wasnt going to get into any trouble because of missouri laws, but yeah. Good thing a good percentage of cops around here dont give a shit about anything besides meth dealers and murderers.

I hang out with a very unique set of people. We always have fun somehow. Im glad i have the friends I do, and I wouldnt trade them for all the money in the world.

06-19-2008, 12:31 AM
sounds like your gonna have an awesome summer

06-19-2008, 12:33 AM
Its been an awesome summer. Im not going to lie. Between partying all the time, a great paying fun job, a good car with good gas mileage, and friends like mine.... It'll be a good summer. Now if only i could solve that whole no sex thing ive been stuck with for the last few months...

06-19-2008, 12:38 AM
cool stories..good thing the cop didnt bust you guys and why the hell would u volunteer to take pepper spray?? its like volunteering to get kicked in the balls

06-19-2008, 12:39 AM
you guys don't have video games or something else fun to do?

fuck. for some reason, Pepper spray and cops don't sound like a funtastic time to me.. :loco:


but yeah, you really got off lucky.

If you were here in socal... the cop would have probably shot at your friend's civic.

06-19-2008, 12:43 AM
cool stories..good thing the cop didnt bust you guys and why the hell would u volunteer to take pepper spray?? its like volunteering to get kicked in the balls

Yeah about that... Beer does some wierd things to my usually sensible brain... That was a few months ago though. I was sober when I did the spray. My advice is to never be in a riot, or mug a little old lady... Or piss off a cop...

Or volunteer to get maced at your friends house.

And honestly, I dont think I've ever met a cop that would a strait up dickhead. Theyre usually just doing their job, like everyone else. I once sped up to see if a red crown vic was a cop or not... Thats when I first got my liscense. He had a big grin on his face the entire time he was writing the ticket when I told him i was speeding to make sure he was a cop. After the ticket shit was done, he told me "I wouldnt have given you a ticket if you had lied."

Then there was the waynesville cop who responded to my little rear ender. We were on school property, and my friend chris jokingly said "well, while the cops here lets all do donuts"

The cop strait up said, and I swear to god this is a true story "We're on private property, I cant do shit". Then he got in his car and powerbraked it for a good 3 seconds. I have the best luck with cops.

06-19-2008, 12:47 AM
Oh yeah, my friends, all of them, got it on camera. When they get it on youtube, I'll gladly post up a link...

and about those cop stories, cross my heart they're true. Especially the last one. You cant make shit like that up. Alot of people dont believe me when I tell them though. They have to ask chris, and my brother.

06-19-2008, 12:51 AM
i miss though hella cool summers just chillin with friends doing nothing and everything at the same time. best part is that you come out of it with great stories and it always seem like you have hella money until u think back on it

06-19-2008, 12:55 AM
Yeah, I think im making alot, like 1400 a month, but in all reality, its enough to BARELY make it through the month around here. 300 for car and insurance, 100 for gas, 500 for rent, 200 for food, 100 for utilities, 100 for phone, and that leaves 100 for saving/drugs (lol jk)...

Thats all I got. Good thing i still live with my paps. I hope I dont end up like my older brother though. im 19. Hes 21. He still lives here... At least i have a chance to go to college with my good grades, or at least the military. The army REALLY wants me. 95 on my asvab, I could do anything... Except anything with a top secret clearance... My mothers an Irish citizen... DAMNIT!

06-19-2008, 01:05 AM
Uh yea.

Wash the shit out of your clothes with milk, then throw them in the wash. If you don't and try to iron them, the stinging will come back with full force.

Don't ask how I know that, just do it.

06-19-2008, 01:09 AM
oh dont worry. There was no milk involved. I took it like a man...

A man in a fetal position screaming like a small child on the floor of a garage. My clothes are good. Pat got me in the face/mouth only.

They were talking about a taser after i stopped crying... Another video maybe???

06-19-2008, 01:13 AM

sounds like you need new friends
i personally would never mace you

post that video homie

06-19-2008, 01:15 AM
awesome shit. sounds about like the shit i do...my friend got an eclipse for next to nothing and we've been workin on it trying to get it ready to be able to be drivin daily so he can save money compaired to his mustang...well we went on a ride down one of our local highways seeing how it was running and makin sure everything was alright...well we didnt have the hood on the car and the taillights were out(this was at night time). we get pulled over, cop was a complete dick at first, then we explained what was going on with the car....my buddy got off with a warning for the hood and taillights...he could have been busted hard...no insurance, improper and expired tag...along with the lights and hood....but the cop ended up being cool.

06-19-2008, 01:18 AM
As soon as i get back from the Army Morale, Welfare and Recreation HQ tomorrow to activate my common access card (smart card) for work, I'll swing by sams house and have him upload the video. I havent seen it... In fact, I havent seen much very clearly for the last 3 hours, but I hear its quite the watch.

And yeah, I was thinking about buying some pepper spray for self defense, but i think I'll hold that off. I would rather be beaten with the 9 iron in my back seat than get maced again. And its funny. The shit was only mid grade, like 20% capsicum (or whatever the fuck it is)... The cops around here, their shit is like 50%.

Oh yeah, this is the last thing I saw before my vision went to hell.

Pat standing over me, big ass grin on his face, and a fine thin spray of what looked like foam from my vantage point, comming at me. The grin is what really set it off. If you saw pat, hes a biG guy, with a big smile. Looks like he wouldnt hurt a fly. Kinda makes me laugh thinking about it.

06-19-2008, 01:27 AM
If you saw pat, hes a bi guy, with a big smile. Looks like he wouldnt hurt a fly. Kinda makes me laugh thinking about it.

hah thought that was funny, you called your buddy bi! lol

06-19-2008, 01:29 AM
hah thought that was funny, you called your buddy bi! lol

lol.. big... I meant big.

06-19-2008, 01:46 AM
i knew what ya meant but it caught my eye and i had to joke about it.

06-19-2008, 01:48 AM
lol i know. Hes one of the straitest guys I know... Charles I was a little woried about for a while, but his current gf is pretty good looking... for a 17 year old. Lol MO age of consent FTW.

06-19-2008, 01:49 AM
pics pics pics pics pics pics pics

videos videos videos videos videos



06-19-2008, 01:52 AM
oh dont worry. Tomorrow I shall have videos. It wont be too hard. I mean, 4 people took video.

I'll try to get sams tho. His camera is the best... Thas what you get with a 500 dollar cell phone i suppose.

06-19-2008, 01:52 AM
Good thing a good percentage of cops around here dont give a shit about anything besides meth dealers and murderers.
They'll start if people keep doing it and talking about it on the internet and posting videos on KCSR.

06-19-2008, 01:55 AM
They'll start if people keep doing it and talking about it on the internet and posting videos on KCSR.

Thats why Im not on KCSR, and I know not many people from the MO area are on here, so I figured it'd be safe to put down. And I dont personally street race. I just happened to be in the truck when the idea was put forth. I didnt have much choice.

06-19-2008, 02:36 AM
Pussy. That's all I have to say in regards to how you acted towards the 'spray. Yeah, that's right... I took a $100 bill to get sprayed. It sucked, sure, but I was calm and coherent the entire time. The video sucked because it showed me getting hosed, some chick saying "Stop spraying already!" and me bent over saying "It hurts. That really sucks."

PS. Water doesn't help much, except for slightly washing away the oil (though not much). Just for EVERYBODY to know, since pepper spray is acidic, you need a basic chemical to get rid of it the best. Milk does wonders! 1/2 gallon is more than enough to flush your eyes, wash your face and have a small glass to go with the snicker's bar your buddy had better of bought you!

EDIT: Totally worth $100, but I wouldn't do it again. Just make sure you have a snicker's bar and at least a 1/2gallon of milk nearby before you get sprayed. And if you leave any pepper spray on your skin (my forearm, in my case) it burns like shit after 30 minutes or so, and feels like a fucking sunburn in the shower.

06-19-2008, 02:49 AM
pics pics pics pics pics pics pics

videos videos videos videos videos


i think is referring to

lol i know. Hes one of the straitest guys I know... Charles I was a little woried about for a while, but his current gf is pretty good looking... for a 17 year old. Lol MO age of consent FTW.

lol or atleast thats how i took it...:-P

06-19-2008, 03:16 AM
i wanna seee video!! great story

06-19-2008, 03:28 AM
you got lucky......and pepper spray hurts wtf were you thinking? lol

you think that hurts.. my friends and i were messing around with a tazer that uses 9V batteries.. didn't think it'd do that much damage, but i was SO wrong! if you laugh right before you get tazed on the sides it doesn't hurt as much! ..and of course there's always the jackass friend who decides to taze his balls! let's just say he's a lil' hairier down under now!

06-19-2008, 10:30 AM
what a waste of gas

06-19-2008, 10:38 AM
Now if only i could solve that whole no sex thing ive been stuck with for the last few months...

See stop doing all that steve-o shit and get some chicks..

Instead of pepper spraying yourself....

06-19-2008, 10:42 AM
you should have sprayed the cop with pepper spray and booked it lol

steve shadows
06-19-2008, 10:53 AM
uhmmm yah..
should spend your time on something more possitive, like u and ur buddys go club at night instead, or go to a bar instead of assing around lol

Destroying your liver and getting Herpes isnt worse than assing around?

06-19-2008, 11:12 AM
Destroying your liver and getting Herpes isnt worse than assing around?
nope msglenth

06-19-2008, 11:30 AM
Except anything with a top secret clearance... My mothers an Irish citizen... DAMNIT!

Who told you this?

06-19-2008, 11:30 AM
Destroying your liver and getting Herpes isnt worse than assing around?

Don't ask him how he knows. :ughd:

06-19-2008, 11:56 AM
Who told you this?

Marine Recruiter. The most honest one I've met so far. Suprising I know, but the shit works. He's recruited many of my friends. And my father confirmed it. He had a top secret clearance all the way before he married my mother. then BAM. Secret clearance only. Basically secret clearance is enough for you to access the computers at work, and use a patrol car.

And 100 bucks for some mace? Damn, your a greedy bastard. I did that shit for fun. And by fun I mean I did it to get some funny video. I did get a mountain dew and some advil out of it, but I refused milk. After I get off of work, Im gonna go to sams and have him put that shit on youtube.

And yeah, I've had alcohol poisening before. Apparently, a screwdriver made with everclear tastes the same as one made with vodka after 1 or 2. I wish they had told me before hand... I'd rather get maced again than get alcohol poisening again. Trust me.

06-19-2008, 12:12 PM
I forgot the exact formula that they sprayed us with in the military.

I think it was pepper spray with cs.

That shit was strong.

Probably the worst pain ever felt in my life. Rather be kicked in the balls for ten mins straight then do that again.

Alex and I were forced to do it. No choice.

You op were just being bored.

06-19-2008, 12:36 PM
yeah boredoms a bitch. Im not gonna lie. But i think, out of all of us, between sam being a leutenant, derrick having a crazy ass ex, ryan being stupid at work, and me being really fucking braindead, the majority of my friends I hang out with on a daily basis have been sprayed before.

Im still trying to get sam to put it on youtube. It'll be on here when its on there.

06-19-2008, 12:37 PM
Drinking sucks.. I like it but hate it at the same time.. I wish they would legalize the all natural. Nothing wrong with messing around with your friends, eventually you will all move on so enjoy it while you can.

06-19-2008, 12:48 PM
I think it was pepper spray with cs.

that sir is called "clear out"...Idea is that CS is lighter than air and OC is heavier than air, so when you mix the two it makes a fog like substance that just hangs in the air, it's nasty shit. I've taken it and OC spray on multiple occasions just for shits and giggles... we have to take the OC (pepper spray) for work in order to carry it, but oh well. Technically it's called Olioresum Capsicum, OC, for short. If you don't mind me asking, what brand and SHU rating did you take? I'll probably laugh at you... for Special Ops we had to get sprayed and then qualify with our sidearm... yeah, that was a load of fun and made for some laughs.

06-19-2008, 01:51 PM
You were hesitant to street race at the industrial park, but had no problem taking pepper spray to the face?

06-19-2008, 02:10 PM
yeah, pepper spray isnt illegal. If its not illegal (if if there is a 99.9% chance we wont get caught, i.e. smoking in the woods), then I'm all for it.

I just called up sam, and asked him to upload the video onto youtube and myspace. Should be here shortly. He's also on zilvia, so it should be on here real soon (in sam time, "real soon" is usually before the end of the night)

06-19-2008, 05:51 PM
Marine Recruiter. The most honest one I've met so far. Suprising I know, but the shit works. He's recruited many of my friends. And my father confirmed it. He had a top secret clearance all the way before he married my mother. then BAM. Secret clearance only. Basically secret clearance is enough for you to access the computers at work, and use a patrol car.

Thats wierd because I was in for four years and was going to go into MSG. A security clearance is needed for this mos. I talked to the SSGT that was recruiting people for MSG and he told me that it would not be a problem that my parents aren't citizens.

Pepper spray is legal as long as it is used for its intended purposes. It can be a felony if you use it otherwise.

06-19-2008, 05:55 PM
Pepper spray is legal as long as it is used for its intended purposes. It can be a felony if you use it otherwise.

this is true... although, i believe punishing yourself is still allowable by law, however, walking up to a random person and spraying them would be assault.

06-19-2008, 06:02 PM
that sir is called "clear out"...Idea is that CS is lighter than air and OC is heavier than air, so when you mix the two it makes a fog like substance that just hangs in the air, it's nasty shit. I've taken it and OC spray on multiple occasions just for shits and giggles... we have to take the OC (pepper spray) for work in order to carry it, but oh well. Technically it's called Olioresum Capsicum, OC, for short. If you don't mind me asking, what brand and SHU rating did you take? I'll probably laugh at you... for Special Ops we had to get sprayed and then qualify with our sidearm... yeah, that was a load of fun and made for some laughs.

It was OC. I don't remember the rating. Alex might. That shit was toxic though.

Here's the process. We had to qualify for this for our job as force security at the hospital. We did it for what 3 months. We carried a asp (sp?), OC spray, handcuffs, and Barretta M9 pistol with full clip and one in the chamber.

Yeah bitches they gave Alex and myself a loaded weapon to carry around all day. How stupid were they? Very. LOL

Anyways you get spray across the eyebrows, you have to let it drip down into your eyes which are shut, then they tell you to open your eyes and blinks multiple times. At first it didn't hurt that bad.

Then you have to go do a few exercises like hitting a bag with the asp, defending yourself from attackers, hitting some more stuff, and then you grab a gun and put someone down. ( face down, palms up, face away from the sound of my voice) blah blah blah. Oh and you have to pat someone down.

Then the fun part is when you are finished and they let you go wash it out.

The moment the water hit my eyes I had one of the most painful experience of my life. Seriously I felt so helpless. Can't see, fucking eyes hurting, and just overall fucking pain.

Then just stood under the shower for like 15 mins with the cold water hitting my eyes which made it feel better. Then another 30 mins in front of the a/c on full blast. Then blasting the a/c on the drive home. Got home took a warm shower and felt a little bit of the pain again.

Yeah so fuck that mess.

06-19-2008, 06:30 PM
Thats wierd because I was in for four years and was going to go into MSG. A security clearance is needed for this mos. I talked to the SSGT that was recruiting people for MSG and he told me that it would not be a problem that my parents aren't citizens.

Oh yeah im eligable for a "secret" security clearance, but if I ever wanted to watch the real JFK assassination tapes, or fly around in a UFO with Steve the alien, i wouldnt be able to do it.

Basically I was told I could do everything but special ops, high security guard jobs and counter intelligence. But, I could work my way to a top secret clearance after so many years with good merit.But at the same time, I'd be happy being an MP, carry around a gun, drive an impala, and handke k9s all day. And paper work doesnt bother me. Apparently thats what all the MPs around here hate.

06-19-2008, 07:22 PM
just an FYI for anyone who gets sprayed by a pepper based chemical agent... children's johnson and johnson no more tears shampoo is THE BEST thing to get rid of the sting and the agent after being hit...

btw jack, I wasn't talking to you about the SHU ratings and what not, I know what the military uses and it's decent grade stuff, i was asking the OP. I think the stuff they sell the public is like 500k SHUs... we use 5 million SHU :D

06-19-2008, 07:40 PM
just an FYI for anyone who gets sprayed by a pepper based chemical agent... children's johnson and johnson no more tears shampoo is THE BEST thing to get rid of the sting and the agent after being hit...

btw jack, I wasn't talking to you about the SHU ratings and what not, I know what the military uses and it's decent grade stuff, i was asking the OP. I think the stuff they sell the public is like 500k SHUs... we use 5 million SHU :D

I dont know how many shoes it had, my left eye is still blurry, and it was by far the worst pain I have ever EVER experienced.... I am never mugging a little old lady ever again... without goggles.

But it was funny as hell.

(and yeah, I know what a SHU is. Im being sarcastic.)

06-19-2008, 07:47 PM
ok so is this all you guys do in ur area?

06-19-2008, 07:55 PM
ok so is this all you guys do in ur area?

Pulaski County MO is the meth production capital of Missouri. And Missouri is the meth production capital of America.

At least we're not doing meth.

Nah, we go out, work on our cars alot. I work on post, Im a very avid outdoorsman/amature archeologist. I have ammassed a very nice arrowhead/ Natice american tool collection. Spear heads, scrapers, beads, etc. Im also very active in my community, because I have to be. MWR makes me.

But yeah basically thats all we do. Act a fool. There used to be 1 major car entusiasts club in the FLW area. They were called Untamed Tuners. They were basically a bunch of neons and civics. All they did was go have barbeques, and meet at the walmart parking lot. No racing of any sort, and alot of "white starchy tuning" going on. We decided that was gay, so we made, or should I say, brought back to life, Speedworks. We go out, do a little racing, act a fool.

Thats about it. We're cool. They arent.

06-19-2008, 08:49 PM
that sir is called "clear out"...Idea is that CS is lighter than air and OC is heavier than air, so when you mix the two it makes a fog like substance that just hangs in the air, it's nasty shit. I've taken it and OC spray on multiple occasions just for shits and giggles... we have to take the OC (pepper spray) for work in order to carry it, but oh well. Technically it's called Olioresum Capsicum, OC, for short. If you don't mind me asking, what brand and SHU rating did you take? I'll probably laugh at you... for Special Ops we had to get sprayed and then qualify with our sidearm... yeah, that was a load of fun and made for some laughs.

Ugh. I've been dosed once and hated it...

To think I have to do it again for the police force... and then qualify using a glock of all things :cry:... Oh yeah... Did I mention I get tasered too? :fawk:

Oh well... I got a couple years yet to look forward to it.

06-20-2008, 12:00 AM
yeah tried a taser once, bad idea. man pepper spray to the face, you have some balls lol

06-20-2008, 12:49 AM
Oh yeah im eligable for a "secret" security clearance, but if I ever wanted to watch the real JFK assassination tapes, or fly around in a UFO with Steve the alien, i wouldnt be able to do it.

Basically I was told I could do everything but special ops, high security guard jobs and counter intelligence. But, I could work my way to a top secret clearance after so many years with good merit.But at the same time, I'd be happy being an MP, carry around a gun, drive an impala, and handke k9s all day. And paper work doesnt bother me. Apparently thats what all the MPs around here hate.

being a MP isn't all that it is cracked out to be. I was in corrections and worked in the Brig for about 4 years. If you got such a a high asvab score you might as well do something that will benefit you in the civilian world.

06-20-2008, 05:37 AM
Ugh. I've been dosed once and hated it...

To think I have to do it again for the police force... and then qualify using a glock of all things :cry:... Oh yeah... Did I mention I get tasered too? :fawk:

Oh well... I got a couple years yet to look forward to it.

do you take an actual strike from the taser or hold the ends in your hand? we did a little experiment and put all 6 members of our special ops team in a circle holding hands with two guys holding each prong... bad idea... we all ended up on our knees smashing our heads against each other falling to the ground...

06-20-2008, 11:57 AM
I've been tasered before too.

Not military related.

Just being stupid on leave.

Friend was attending The Citadel and thought that he was tougher than me who was in the military. He tasered me with a single zap, it felt like I ran 3 miles. I got smart and tasered him with a multi-zap, he wasn't happy about that. Funny though.

06-20-2008, 04:20 PM

06-20-2008, 04:25 PM
"god dammit, i thought i saved it"


06-20-2008, 04:30 PM
do you take an actual strike from the taser or hold the ends in your hand? we did a little experiment and put all 6 members of our special ops team in a circle holding hands with two guys holding each prong... bad idea... we all ended up on our knees smashing our heads against each other falling to the ground...

Not sure. I think it's a single quick strike. Probably enough to put a guy on the ground like your team fucking around. haha

That would have been a site. :Owned:

I'm not concerned about the pepper spray, I've had that before. It's a bitch, but you're better and laughing in a few hours. Taser will be totally new to me. :ugh:

06-20-2008, 06:25 PM
being a MP isn't all that it is cracked out to be. I was in corrections and worked in the Brig for about 4 years. If you got such a a high asvab score you might as well do something that will benefit you in the civilian world.

LOL WHAT?! DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE?!? I got maced voluntarily. You think i want to do anything constructive? lol.

Yeah, I suppose I could do some avionics or intelligence or some shit... But what fun is that? I suppose I'll keep my options open for now. I got a good job, I got good (more or less) friends, and I have a good life. I'll wait til things get desperate before I join the military. But other than that, I plan on joining next summer.

06-20-2008, 07:39 PM
with no video's or evidence..you didn't do shit.

so shut up!

06-20-2008, 08:32 PM
with no video's or evidence..you didn't do shit.

so shut up!

come on man im workin on it. im a very busy person. I worked 12 hours today, Then I gotta work another 10 tomorrow. Not to mention sometime between today and tomorrow I gotta go to St. Louis and pick up some M3 wheels. thats a 3 hour drive. Im running on caffeine and crack cocain right now.

Anyhow, Im going to be at sams tonight. I'll TRY to get a video up. Hold yer horses.

06-25-2008, 12:31 AM
try getting bear maced its alot worse... you should have flushed your eyes with milk it sounds wierd but it works alot better

06-25-2008, 02:54 AM
ok u dont do meth but u do crack cocaine... thats kinda ironic...... anyways... forget the pepper spray... how about you guys go local and find some parties... i know theres parties... whats the population where u guys live?

06-25-2008, 08:16 PM
Well, to the racist fuck who assumed I was white because i got maced and gave me a neg rep...

fuck ya. You dont know me, and you dont know my friends. If I were to say someone did something because they were black that would not be acceptable. So yeah. Go fuck yourself. I dont know who you are, but you racist fucks are whats wrong with the country these days. Ignorant, racist fucks. I dont care about neg reps, its a fact of live at zilvia. But serious racist remarks are fucking wrong. I dont go around calling people the N word do i? But I digress.


I went to sams yesterday, got the video on my little microsd card in my phone. I cant figure out how to get it onto the computer tho... Can anyone help me?

Oh yeah. I dont to crack. I dont do any drugs. (Well, almost any drugs. Is alcohol a drug? How about pot?) And we do go to parties. And if you knew anything about the population around a major army training fort... You wouldn't want to go out too much either, as far as clubs and shit.

06-25-2008, 09:36 PM
get a microsd drive or a usb one.... or u could run a cable from ur pc to ur phone thru the usb....plenty of methods....

06-26-2008, 01:16 AM
get a microsd drive or a usb one.... or u could run a cable from ur pc to ur phone thru the usb....plenty of methods....
I have a microsd drive, and all the pics and everything loaded, but not the video pat bluetooth'd me. Could that be the reason? Its the same format and everything, but it showed up as a text file all encripted looking and shit... I'll see if i can't pop my sd card into pat or sams phone next time I see them...

06-26-2008, 10:04 AM
I cannot fathom being bored enough to let someone pepper spray me in the face.

06-27-2008, 02:34 AM
Well, to the racist fuck who assumed I was white because i got maced and gave me a neg rep...

fuck ya. You dont know me, and you dont know my friends. If I were to say someone did something because they were black that would not be acceptable. So yeah. Go fuck yourself. I dont know who you are, but you racist fucks are whats wrong with the country these days. Ignorant, racist fucks. I dont care about neg reps, its a fact of live at zilvia. But serious racist remarks are fucking wrong. I dont go around calling people the N word do i? But I digress.


I went to sams yesterday, got the video on my little microsd card in my phone. I cant figure out how to get it onto the computer tho... Can anyone help me?

Oh yeah. I dont to crack. I dont do any drugs. (Well, almost any drugs. Is alcohol a drug? How about pot?) And we do go to parties. And if you knew anything about the population around a major army training fort... You wouldn't want to go out too much either, as far as clubs and shit.
Two things I have to say.

Well, are you?


Talking about using the, "N" word comes from the man naming his picture and posting it on here as. "http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p279/sexpanda69/Nigga0082-1.jpg"

Elaborate that?

I'm not adding fuel to the fire, I'm just saying...

06-27-2008, 12:02 PM
Every picture my cell phone takes is called "n**gaXXXXX" my little brother was screwing with my cellphone and all the pictures I take are called that now. There is no justification for that word, I think its deplorable. But i have no freakin clue how to change the name of pictures on my phone. If anyone knows how to do that on a samsung slider phone, the little blue one, if that makes a difference, then please tell me. I really do feel kinda guilty when I take pictures and they come up with that name.

06-27-2008, 12:53 PM
wow, when did this thread get all racial.. just dont trip, people neg rep for all sorts of dumb crap, why feel guilty about it, its just a word.. its not directed toward anyone (nigga in the image name thing on your cell) -- I guess you could do a factory reset on it. (user manual should say how -- it may state how to change that default naming scheme as well)

06-27-2008, 01:28 PM
Yeah but I will feel guilty about it. Chuck,a good friend of mine, recently quit his job after his boss called him more racial slurs than I thought there were in the world after chuck dropped a window frame or something cheap and stupid. Oh also, I did manage to change the names of all the pictures in my phone after calling up a friend whos actually good with electronics. I feel better now.

Its not the neg rep that bothered me, its the fact that he or she assumed I was white if I did something like that. Yeah, im mostly white, but still. I dont like real racism. Only jokes in the company of good friends, thats different. Chuck likes a good racist joke, and tells more than I even know, but dont ever call him the n word.

ALSO.... The board looks different.

06-27-2008, 04:18 PM
If you are bored...get some Duplicolor plastic fusion paint and spray your dashboard.

06-27-2008, 09:22 PM
with no video's or evidence..you didn't do shit.

Yeah, but is street racing and pepper spray something you make up to gain e-rep.

I mean, it's not that cool.

06-27-2008, 09:25 PM
Yeah I hear ya, you cant feel guilt for others though. You know? Who cares if someone assumes anything about you online.. fuck em' :D

06-27-2008, 10:51 PM
Yeah, but is street racing and pepper spray something you make up to gain e-rep.

I mean, it's not that cool.
Seriously, with something as stupid as that, there are going to be people that want evidence. I have the evidence, on a flash card, on my phone. But the damn thing isnt reading on the computer...

I suppose I could take a video of it playing on my phone... Would that work?

06-27-2008, 11:00 PM
Shut the fuck up.

and post a video up already.

I call BS.

This you Emo boy? I got it off your photobucket.

I'm sure it's you...white boy.


06-27-2008, 11:02 PM
Jesus fucking christ man. What crawled up your ass...

No thats a kid I used to know in Knob Noster. Hes gay. seriously. You need to get the stick out of your ass and give me some god damn time. I dont know how to get the shit off the fucking microsd card to the damned computer. Now, unless you work fro samsung and designed this pos phone, and can help me out, stfu and be patient.

06-27-2008, 11:07 PM
Fuck you.

Your a no good piece of shit.

Ain't gotta lie to kick it.

Ironic how you supposedly had a lot of video etc in the beginning....

and when people ask for it..seems like excuse after excuse.

Fuck you have a nice day bitch.

You will be in the red...Very very soon.

06-27-2008, 11:14 PM
I took a video of the video with another camera. Therefore it doesnt have the hilarious sound. Im uploading it to youtube right now. There, you happy? Its processing right now. To those who gave me negative reps, I dont care. I have the video, and im getting it up right now. Its a shitty video, because I cant work my phone, but its a video.

btw... Whats processing on youtube mean?? Does it take long?

06-27-2008, 11:15 PM


06-27-2008, 11:22 PM
your a douche. Heres the link to the video. I expect to get my rep back.


fuck it didnt show the whole thing... give me 5 minutes and I'll have it all...

06-27-2008, 11:23 PM
You ain't getting shit back.

You didn't even get spread.

06-27-2008, 11:25 PM
You could just email the cell phone videos to yourself...

06-27-2008, 11:29 PM
ok, im uploading the second part where i do get sprayed. And I cant because the file is too big or something. Downshift Sideways, you gotta have more faith, and be more patient. That was the first half, you saw the pepper spray. The second half will have me getting "spread" as you put it lol.

Just be patient. Shouldnt be but another... 3 or 4 minutes. Can you wait that long?

06-27-2008, 11:33 PM

heres where i get sprayed. Theres another 45 minutes of agonizing pain, and a little vomit, but that wouldnt fit on my memory card.


lol. Time to paint the town red!

06-27-2008, 11:51 PM
Nothing? You want to be quiet now? Its ok, I understand. I may be a slow worker, but one thing I AM NOT, is a liar. Anything I say, I swear to God Almighty in Heaven above, is the truth, unless I make it obvious I am joking, or being sarcastic. Its ok, I know I should have done this video along time ago, and in the heat of the moment I got a shitty video up. I'll see if I cant find a better one, whenever I see Sam again.