View Full Version : Are we doomed as a country?

imotion s14
06-18-2008, 09:31 PM
I was reading up on the entire NAFTA superhighway issue. The mainstream media doesn't give a shit about it. I mean NBC is owned by one of the largest corporations in the world. It's frightening to realize that the TV is totally under controls of these mega corps and the info we're being fed is filtered. Just to bring the subject home, I'm pretty sure we've all see newcast and reports on out little subculture being totally baseless or in some cases twisted to suit their agenda.

With the presidential election between a senile old man who thinks we should be in Iraq for 100 years and a slick talking guy who's promises and ideas that don't even touch the cancer that has eaten away at this country over the last century and still going on.

I realize that this country is like a see-saw, you have a left and a right side. You have these wedges in issues and each side is blaming each other while the politicians are selling out our interest to foreign governments, international corporation and private banks. Yet they believe if we tilt the see-saw to their side, than all the problems will be solved. This whole left-right paradigm is a farce and we haven't a clue what's going on because we're being distracted.

I'm scared of the future. :hs:

06-18-2008, 09:37 PM
We the people have no control over our own government.

They control us. Always have....and always will.

The media hides everything.

but we are too hypnotised with the newest fads' fashions' cars' woman' men' etc...Our generation is becoming weak.

Some still fight for causes. Yet we always end up falling short.

Dirty Habit
06-18-2008, 09:48 PM
What happened to speaking softly and carrying a big stick.

Now we talk alot carrying a big stick, but its 3 times as thin and we swing by pussies..

06-18-2008, 09:55 PM
that see-saw analogy was pretty good


maybe we are fucked
but even with the economy going to shit we still enjoy libertys and luxuries that most of the world has never seen
even though our country has had a rough decade doesnt meen its the apocolypse

if china has made the growth it has on its political structure

then we can once again reclaim the america that we had 10 years ago

06-18-2008, 09:55 PM
Big Brother is watching you :ugh:

imotion s14
06-18-2008, 09:56 PM
We the people have no control over our own government.

They control us. Always have....and always will.

The media hides everything.

but we are too hypnotised with the newest fads' fashions' cars' woman' men' etc...Our generation is becoming weak.

Some still fight for causes. Yet we always end up falling short.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying the pleasurable things in life. But I would think a reasonable person would see that there are some more serious things in life that we have to take care of.

06-18-2008, 09:58 PM
I'm with you guys... I'm really scared for the future and me being so young, I get to see the death of this country...

06-18-2008, 10:02 PM
Big Brother is watching you :ugh:

okay that was random

we're a country of lost values and ignorance

we have no drives or goals, almost all of our population is aimlessly wandering through everyday life

the worst part is our education we home some of the poorest educated people which leads to ignorance in our society

nobody is ever being told anything anymore and they want it that way because someone needs to clean up my garbage

06-18-2008, 10:05 PM
the country is destroying itself.

ever since the country sold itself to banks,corportate businesses,blah blah etc etc...we will not be the same.

06-18-2008, 10:21 PM
You could sit at home, and do like absolutely nothing, and your name goes through like 17 computers a day. 1984? Yeah right, man. That's a typo. Orwell is here now. He's livin' large. We have no names, man. No names.

06-18-2008, 10:23 PM
our country is so in debt with all the banks...ever since rockafella's time.

The american dollar losses it's value everyday.

20% of gas usage in the country is towards the military in the middle east.

Expect $5.00+ by the end of summer.

imotion s14
06-18-2008, 10:25 PM
You could sit at home, and do like absolutely nothing, and your name goes through like 17 computers a day. 1984? Yeah right, man. That's a typo. Orwell is here now. He's livin' large. We have no names, man. No names.

That quote is spot on, Cereal Killer. Cept it's more like thousands. :ugh:

06-18-2008, 10:32 PM
nanomachines in your blood?

imotion s14
06-18-2008, 10:38 PM
nanomachines in your blood?

I read about state IDs with some sort of national ID scheme snuck in there.

06-18-2008, 10:40 PM
That quote is spot on, Cereal Killer. Cept it's more like thousands. :ugh:

you know, like fruit loops?

seriously, guy. we're fine. the news is just another entertainment source now, especially fox... but the "issues" are blown out no matter where you see them. not covered on the news, overly covered on the internet, everybody sensationalizes everything. but we're fine.
sit back, relax, and vote for obama. or mccain. whichever party you back. but don't vote for ron paul because you're throwing your vote away. that's the bummer of the two party system, but just do it. sitting at home, sparking one up, and bitching about how you're being forced to "vote for the lesser of two evils" isn't going to help.

06-18-2008, 10:41 PM
Im about to spark one up...<333

06-18-2008, 10:55 PM
It's sad that in many countries people get way more extensive news coverage of America than Americans do.

Most frightening chart ever!

06-18-2008, 11:38 PM
I had a more frightening chart, but cant find it, basically it showed that we are spending more on the military than everything else combined.

imotion s14
06-18-2008, 11:40 PM
you know, like fruit loops?

seriously, guy. we're fine. the news is just another entertainment source now, especially fox... but the "issues" are blown out no matter where you see them. not covered on the news, overly covered on the internet, everybody sensationalizes everything. but we're fine.
sit back, relax, and vote for obama. or mccain. whichever party you back. but don't vote for ron paul because you're throwing your vote away. that's the bummer of the two party system, but just do it. sitting at home, sparking one up, and bitching about how you're being forced to "vote for the lesser of two evils" isn't going to help.

Yeah, we're OK. Don't worry about it.

Our economy is tanking because the Feds is printing money like it's going out of style and devaluing the very money in our pockets while the price of fuel and goods are climbing.

We're spending billions on an idiotic war.

National debt is trillions and growing because of that.

We're borrowing money from foreign banks to prop us up and thus allowing them to own a piece of this country.

They're abusing imminent domain to build a highway from Mexico to Canada that will be under control of a foreign company and will not only pave a physical highway, but also pave way for the North American Union.

But it's no big deal.

I don't give car if I'm "throwing my vote away", whatever the that means. This whole lesser of two evils is part of the problem with the whole left-right paradigm. At least when I go to sleep at night I know that I at least tried and voted with my conscience rather than vote to keep a political party in power.

06-18-2008, 11:47 PM
I don't get that chart, I get 16 days a year and have a crappy job, anyway......

The problem in America is one that will not fix itself ever. We are too reliant on other countries these days. forget oil, lets look at the automotive industry, partly because I am from Michigan, and also because we are all enthusiasts. Our economy is going to shit over here in the automotive sector because we don't want to buy American cars.

Of course they will cost more for the same quality, we used to pay our workers a decent wage, hell we still do to a point, Those Japanese workers don't have the same lifestyle that we do or did. When we keep investing in the Japanese and Korean companies, we are investing in their lifestyle.

We invest in the Chinese for nearly everything, we are adopting their lifestyle. People want cheap. At first it was, wow, we have money, we have a good life, but of course we want cheaper, (this was when off shoring, outsourcing, whatever you want to call it first started) it was the new flash in the pan. So at first the economy didn't take a hit. But slowly due to those jobs and money exiting the USA, our dollar is worth less, our jobs have gone over seas, we have no money because we are basically competing with ourselves in lowering prices.

I am not going to continue but I wish people would sit back and just look at what is happening. The world is becoming overpopulated, we are letting too many people in the country, and I really don't see this as just "a bad decade" more like it was a long time coming and the levee has broken. I don't see the automotive industry in America ever rebounding. Auto companies are hemorrhaging and any profits are not real.

06-18-2008, 11:58 PM
Now, just give me the government, all the governments power for 1 year. After that, i guarantee...

A: I'll go crazy and nuke half the countries on Earth.

A more likely B: I'll fix all the major problems with brute force. Simple as that. We've become such a weak country. Always trying to do whats PC. PC doesnt work. What works is a speaking big, and carrying a bigger stick. I've already got a pretty good idea of what needs to happen. If your a danger to society (rapist, murderer, etc) your getting the chair. If your an illegal alien, gtfo. The middle east will be fixed in about 2 weeks. I'll personally release any information the gov't has that they dont want us to know. (cure for aids, where bin laden is, etc) And if you dont like that, tough shit. These bleeding heart liberals are the ruination of our once great country. Welfare will be a thing of the past. If there is no good reason why you cant have a job, then we'll give you a job. Nothing hard labor like, but you will earn a decent wage, with decent, honest work. We'll take care of OUR OWN needy, not some people in some 3rd world country. They come 2nd to US citizens. I'll take care of America first, everyone else second.

God I'd be one scary ass leader/dictator.

Vote Panda 08!

06-19-2008, 12:49 AM
hmm our economy feeds around these idiotic wars

06-19-2008, 01:07 AM
seems like america is def. a joke nowadays. wht i dont really get is the whole electorial voting system, buncha bs. shoulda been kept one man/woman, one vote, isnt that what a democracy is? instead of winning states that have points.

06-19-2008, 02:12 AM
im leaving this country

fuck look at euro and japan and you see better economys along with better pay and... just better all around

sweden is kinda cool

uk is wanna be usa so fuck that

kinda hard to find the right euro country

japan isnt bad.... yeah its ubber expensive (30% more than USA) but they pay extremely well for educated employee's


average help desk job in US turns 30~40k a year at best
in japan?

and thats just entry level work... imagine the more difficult shit.

usa is pissing me off more with all the shit going on

funny thing tho is when the senate finally came around with their second report (first one was about 911 and who to blame) they talked about how it was all the bush admin lying to us to this way(the iraq war)

fucking DAILY SHOW covered it... then they go to each network to see if the covered it...

fox, no, abc, no, cbs? nope, CNN!!! NOPE!!!!
finally nbc does but they talk about it for like 2 minutes with no video coverage and move on to other stories.


imotion s14
06-19-2008, 07:37 AM
seems like america is def. a joke nowadays. wht i dont really get is the whole electorial voting system, buncha bs. shoulda been kept one man/woman, one vote, isnt that what a democracy is? instead of winning states that have points.

we're a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

06-19-2008, 07:39 AM
the short answer to your thread title is: Yes.

Eventually all of our liberties will be stripped for the sake of "saftey" and we will become mindless drones working to serve the Corporate agenda. The Poor will continue to get poorer, while the rich richer.

06-19-2008, 08:44 AM
I would go to say we are doomed as a people not just a country.

Generalizations of the populous:

money means everything
we have lost the meaning of what love is (cheating,casual sex,divorce are acceptable things)
communication through computer and text are prefered over human connection
lives and relationships depend on sites like myspace andfacebook
cell phones now have gps so you can literally stalk your friends
airports have devices that can see through clothing
gas prices are raised simply because they can be
Monopolies exist. yet we all deny it

06-19-2008, 08:48 AM
we're a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

Thank you for clarifying that. You can always count on an RP supporter to remind people of the truth.

Yes, the country is going to shit. People would rather hear about which asshole celebrity smacked someone with a phone or showed her crotch than what's going wrong in the country.

People aren't outraged by taxes. People aren't outraged by pork. People aren't outraged by lies, by deceit, by excessive control. People just take all the bullshit because hey, they're busy. They need to buy Chinese toys and furniture, and working all the time to pay for a grossly inflated purchase makes actually caring about your future hard.

We are supposed to be a government by the people, for the people, founded on the ideas of the Founding Fathers and guarded by the Constitution.

06-19-2008, 09:00 AM
I read about state IDs with some sort of national ID scheme snuck in there.

Several governors have refused to implement it because the national id thing is bullshit with no funding. What sucks is you'll need it anyway if you want to board a plane etc unless you want to carry your "PAPERZZ"...er I mean passport where ever you travel.

06-19-2008, 09:07 AM
Thank you for clarifying that. You can always count on an RP supporter to remind people of the truth.

Yes, the country is going to shit. People would rather hear about which asshole celebrity smacked someone with a phone or showed her crotch than what's going wrong in the country.

People aren't outraged by taxes. People aren't outraged by pork. People aren't outraged by lies, by deceit, by excessive control. People just take all the bullshit because hey, they're busy. They need to buy Chinese toys and furniture, and working all the time to pay for a grossly inflated purchase makes actually caring about your future hard.

We are supposed to be a government by the people, for the people, founded on the ideas of the Founding Fathers and guarded by the Constitution.

People, yes. Individuals like me and others, no. I am outraged every day, I yell at my fucking tv every time one of the politicians blatantly lies. I swear we should make it a drinking game, we'd be so fucked up. My bs detector is pegged 24/7. I hate watching the news because I don't give a shit about celebrities. Unfortunately, at the risk of sounding crazy, nothing will change except by force. This is no long a gov't for the people and by the people. Viva Revolution!!!

06-19-2008, 09:33 AM
you know, it'd be easier to take any of this seriously if the OP wasn't a Ron Paul supporter.

06-19-2008, 09:45 AM
The masses of the people are being misguided because they don't realize one thing:

Money isn't real.

If you know where that saying comes from, you understand the context in which I am using it. A great power struggle that we think is going on is completely trivial compared what is real. I think the entire human race needs to be humbled, we are too arrogant in our assumptions that we are anything special.

imotion s14
06-19-2008, 11:07 AM
you know, it'd be easier to take any of this seriously if the OP wasn't a Ron Paul supporter.

argumentum ad hominem

So being a RP support invalidates all the factual issues... how?

06-19-2008, 11:30 AM
People, yes. Individuals like me and others, no. I am outraged every day, I yell at my fucking tv every time one of the politicians blatantly lies. I swear we should make it a drinking game, we'd be so fucked up. My bs detector is pegged 24/7. I hate watching the news because I don't give a shit about celebrities. Unfortunately, at the risk of sounding crazy, nothing will change except by force. This is no long a gov't for the people and by the people. Viva Revolution!!!

You are not crazy or alone in that notion.

06-19-2008, 01:53 PM
argumentum ad hominem

So being a RP support invalidates all the factual issues... how?

You're saying RP will keep his promises?:faint:

but to stay on topic. Im very afraid for the future. The government is doing shit and the PEOPLE are allowing it to happen. I hate how issues that have to do w/ a specific part of our population get blown up. GAS.HEALTHCARE.etc. SPEAK THE FUCK UP AMERICA. The only legal solution i could figure up is protest and vote. do something productive.

06-19-2008, 02:14 PM
The problem is we can never get anything accomplished. Whenever something comes along that actually makes sense some ass hole radical group throws a tizzy fit and everyone else is screwed. We as the people cant control a thing because of this. We can’t even choose the “right” man for the job because that would be racist.

We have become such a liberal, lets hold everyone’s hand, make everyone feel special, and allow everyone, even fucking terrorists the same rights mess. What a total mess. Does anyone ever feel patriotic or proud of our country anymore?

We need to punish ourselves as US citizens because when we are successful, someone else fails. What an idea…..

Yes, we are doomed.

06-19-2008, 03:00 PM
DOOMED FOR SURE. http://youtube.com/watch?v=nRlDlAkonJU

SPP = http://www.spp.gov/ a under our noses deal that fucks us fo life.
UN! dont get me started.

we need to do something...

http://www.freedomtofascism.com/ good film by aaron russo. shows alot

Voluntary compliance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKePl2gW_3M&feature=related

Bohemin Grove ... http://youtube.com/watch?v=sCDs9Vs2iYM
do some research elitest homosexuals run our world.

Bilderberg Group on CNN NEWS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0gzu-bBAMU

I can go on for days... I was researching some GAS SAVING tech...and found that the elite want you to use oil and spend big money on it...

we can run on water, electric, hydro...but we have always used gas and oil... WE ARE FUCKED! they control all... it like monopoly board game when we were kids...the banker always cheats and wins...

http://youtube.com/watch?v=ktD0S_pswF8 Estorec agenda more random info...


HAARP! weather modifaction! no global warming! WE ARE DOING IT!

Sorry... I just found this info...not saying I agree 100% BUT HOLY FUCK!

any cali guys seen the grove?

06-19-2008, 03:02 PM
Are we doomed at a country?



drift freaq
06-19-2008, 03:23 PM
You could sit at home, and do like absolutely nothing, and your name goes through like 17 computers a day. 1984? Yeah right, man. That's a typo. Orwell is here now. He's livin' large. We have no names, man. No names.

OK Brock Sampson.

P.S. this thread is fail and full of so much conspiracy theory bullshit its not funny. While the initial question was good the responses are fail for the most part. Not all but a good proportion.

06-19-2008, 03:31 PM
conspiracy theory?


06-19-2008, 03:54 PM
OK Brock Sampson.

P.S. this thread is fail and full of so much conspiracy theory bullshit its not funny. While the initial question was good the responses are fail for the most part. Not all but a good proportion.

NO WAY, they quoted that line on venture bros? WHEN?! that's fucking awesome, Hackers is the best movie ever

P.S. this thread is a fucking joke. most of you live in a state where pot is practically legal, and you think the man is keeping you down? shut the FUCK up. such petty bullshit. yeah, we're at war. we've lost some people. but this war is NOTHING compared to wars previous, we've actually made some headway (ASK A SOLDIER NOT A FUCKING LIBERAL NEWS CIRCUS REPORTER), and shit's wrapping up over there. so grow up, get a grip, kick back, and enjoy living in the best country on earth, even if canada's dollar is TEMPORARILY stronger than ours.


06-19-2008, 04:34 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBUkxvfL_eE yay america!!!

imotion s14
06-19-2008, 05:48 PM
You're saying RP will keep his promises?:faint:

Where exactly did I say that? Lay off the straw man.

RP is only one man. The executive branch doesn't have power to do much of anything without congressional support. For us RP supporters it's about getting the message out about the real issues. Issues that are the real cancer on our lives like a private central banking system who are run by powerful elites who cannot be held accountable but have the power to effect our lives. Not bullshit issues like abortion and gay marriage.

The only ones who can effect change is us, the people. But nothing is going to change if the politicians keep up the status quo and use the same old tired devisive issues. I believe one of the biggest issue is our unwavering support for Israel. Yet both Obama and McCain have not moved an inch from this issue. Why are we giving Israel 10 billion a year?? Nevermind that, THE GAYS MIGHT BE ABLE TO MARRY! or THERE'S A COPY OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS IN FRONT OF THE COURT HOUSE!

imotion s14
06-19-2008, 06:03 PM
OK Brock Sampson.

P.S. this thread is fail and full of so much conspiracy theory bullshit its not funny. While the initial question was good the responses are fail for the most part. Not all but a good proportion.

Ah it's a conspiracy that a near quarter mile wide super corridor is in the works. From former El Presidente himself.


Now we want to go further. I'm talking about a NAFTA plus, a NAFTA that takes us to a further integration. I've been talking with [U.S.] President Bush, and fortunately he's seeing it the same way. In the long term what we're looking for is convergence of our two economies, convergence on the basic and fundamental variables of the economy, convergence on rates of interest, convergence on income of people, convergence on salaries. Of course this is a 10-, 20-year program. But when we reach that level, then we can just erase that border, open up that border for [the] free flow of products, merchandises, [and] capital as well as people.
Naw, the North American Union is a conspiracy. Well if it is then they're doing a poor job of hiding the truth.

06-19-2008, 06:04 PM

Everone is stupid. This whole election is a huge distraction, and doesn't matter. Look behind the curtin.

Its coming, Fall 2008 is gonna pucker some butt cheeks!!!!

06-19-2008, 06:13 PM
We all have become too liberal.

Baka Sama
06-19-2008, 06:36 PM
liberal is the negative term people like to use for those who have a brain.

Thinking is bad.. Less thinking, more being spoon feed propaganda.

Less protesting, more internet blogging.

Less saving money, more debt more toys.

Are we doomed? Yes.

Is there a way out? Yes.

06-19-2008, 06:53 PM
We all have become too liberal.

that's not a bad thing.
what is a bad thing is that we've all become stupid.
and i'm not saying "americans are blind to the facts, eat your cheeseburgers fatties, i know the truth and it's blah blah blah, man behind the curtain, man in the black pajamas dude"
i'm saying that people are so fucking stupid, threads like these are started. people will believe ANYTHING they read on the internet.
get a grip. our country is fine.
this station is now the ultimate power in the universe.

imotion s14
06-19-2008, 07:06 PM
that's not a bad thing.
what is a bad thing is that we've all become stupid.
and i'm not saying "americans are blind to the facts, eat your cheeseburgers fatties, i know the truth and it's blah blah blah, man behind the curtain, man in the black pajamas dude"
i'm saying that people are so fucking stupid, threads like these are started. people will believe ANYTHING they read on the internet.
get a grip. our country is fine.
this station is now the ultimate power in the universe.

Speak for yourself, "stupid". You're correct that not everything on the internet is factual. That's were a little thing called "critical thinking" comes in handy. You know, where you analyze, apply logic and filter out the bullshit and come to a logical conclusion?

So far what have the thread critics done to rebut? Ad hominens, strawmen, red herrings, the trademarks of the ignorant.


Straight from the horses mouth.

Vincente aluding to the North American Union. Looks like a photoshop!

06-19-2008, 07:11 PM
Israel sucks.

06-19-2008, 07:38 PM
liberal is the negative term people like to use for those who have a brain.

Thinking is bad.. Less thinking, more being spoon feed propaganda.

Less protesting, more internet blogging.

Less saving money, more debt more toys.

Are we doomed? Yes.

Is there a way out? Yes.

I've heard your arguments and your first statement could be considered by many to be fallacious.

Liberal is the negative term coined for those who let their emotions ruin the lives of the rest of the country. Note: this does not include classical liberals.

Conservative is the negative term coined for those who let their pocketbooks ruin the lives of the rest of the country. Note: this does not include early-1900s schools of thought.

The way out lies in increased activism and awareness.

Anyone who thinks this country is fine, or that this country is prosperous enough and we live good enough lives that we should not whine or try to change it is a sheep, or perhaps just a lazy coward.

06-19-2008, 08:22 PM
Yes, but there is that bit of hope that a turnaround will occur...just not sure if it will happen in my lifetime.

This is the first time I'm catching wind of "The North American Union"...but I have heard before of speculation that a currency that would unite the entire North American countries in a similar fashion to the Euro. I can actually see this happening, but not sure if it will be in my lifetime.

06-19-2008, 08:22 PM
If the country is fine then why is the dollar posed to collapse this fall????

US debt is $939,811,156,450.05 and increasing by $1.46 billion PER DAY!
The loony is worth more than the dollar lol (canadian).

There is only There is about $575 billion in circulation. You do the math. The debt can never be paid...

The Amero is already being printed (for over four months) for those of you privy to the N.A.U.

06-19-2008, 08:27 PM
So... whats a good country to work on moving to?

06-19-2008, 09:23 PM
Fascism will come to America, wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

06-19-2008, 09:59 PM
So... whats a good country to work on moving to?

I am thinking the same thing right now lol.

As of now I am thinking Japan, Australia, Finland, and.... I don't know.

Now that I think about it, it is a little early to move out. I think I will wait a bit.

06-19-2008, 10:09 PM
go to www.watch-movies.net (http://www.watch-movies.net)
and watch

im just going to sell my car and buy a .308 and a bushmaster

06-20-2008, 08:28 AM
Those are great for out to about 700 yards, but you'll need something for close-in work.

Any double-stack pistol in .357 SIG would be good for close in. You'll need some decent hollowpoints (Cor-Bon DPX) for the soft targets and some FMJ for Constitutional protection.

06-20-2008, 10:31 AM
go to www.watch-movies.net (http://www.watch-movies.net)
and watch

im just going to sell my car and buy a .308 and a bushmaster


*edit* I get so tired of seeing people post that '06 movie.

06-20-2008, 10:38 AM
The petty stuff like demonizing the word "liberal" is used to distract the american people from the real stuff that is going on behind the scenes. The Education system is the way it is in our country for a reason. To keep the general population ignorant, even College education is skewed. The brainwashing begins as soon as your first day in kindergarden with the "Pledge of allegiance" Students are taught to trust their leaders, blindly and without question. The US is not out to educate and uplift its people, its out to create an entire popuation of lemmings who will do whatever the "authorites" tell them to. Why do police departments need body armor, machine guns, and swat teams? -- they dont, but it goes along way in making the general public feel threatened. Its also nice to have an army in every city in case the people open their eyes and decide they've had enough with the current state of things and start demanding change.

06-20-2008, 03:05 PM

*edit* I get so tired of seeing people post that '06 movie.

lol...you make fun of him now...but when your in a fema camp working as a slave, I BET YOU REMEBER THIS POST!

google FEMA! its a govt org. thats here to help right!?
enter song * It's the end of the world as we know it!*

GOOGLE FLOURIDE! its a tooth medicine, but check out what they do with it now!

06-20-2008, 03:16 PM

06-20-2008, 03:17 PM
If America gets as bad as you guys are fearing you can always leave. I'm not making some "love it or leave it" argument, but saying that if the whole thing goes to hell there's no point going down with the ship. Canada is cool, so is Iceland, etc etc. Individually, you always have a choice.

06-20-2008, 03:26 PM
If America gets as bad as you guys are fearing you can always leave. I'm not making some "love it or leave it" argument, but saying that if the whole thing goes to hell there's no point going down with the ship. Canada is cool, so is Iceland, etc etc. Individually, you always have a choice.

CANADA COOL!? lol... check this site... SPP.GOV
NO RUNNING AVAIL! its more than america friend... its all over...
NO FEAR! we can stop anything, but to get someone to put down a XBOX controller to protest american govt AINT GONNA HAPPEN! theres level 7 to defeat.

take a peek at the REAL WORLD>..
fact is fiction and tv is reality.

06-20-2008, 03:40 PM
Haha you are worked up huh? Take a look a Russia's history, or maybe just Mugabe's opposition in Zimbabwe.

Also I don't watch TV.

06-20-2008, 03:58 PM
Oh man the Russian scare that's still going on since like the 1930s, that's a topic of its own.
I feel sorry for regular people here because they're forced to live in fear their entire life. Scared people are more vulnerable to manipulation. A color scale indicating the probability of a terrorist attack? How much gayer can we get?

06-20-2008, 04:03 PM
Are we doomed as a country?

Yes, we are doomed as a country.

I do not think anyone actually followed through on that.
So for all of you still on the edge of your seats, have some assurance in knowing the truth.

06-20-2008, 04:49 PM
Haha you are worked up huh? Take a look a Russia's history, or maybe just Mugabe's opposition in Zimbabwe.

Also I don't watch TV.

not worked up, JUST AWAKE NOW>>>
NO TV HERE ALSO! I stopped 4 years ago.

06-20-2008, 05:00 PM
lol...you make fun of him now...but when your in a fema camp working as a slave, I BET YOU REMEBER THIS POST!

google FEMA! its a govt org. thats here to help right!?
enter song * It's the end of the world as we know it!*

GOOGLE FLOURIDE! its a tooth medicine, but check out what they do with it now!

I'm not making fun of him, I'm just commenting on the fact that people keep posting this video to open everyone's eyes when everyone in the whole Internet has seen it. lol

I googled Flouride and I found this...
Holy shit

06-20-2008, 05:46 PM
the one thing man can guarantee will happen in his lifetime is death

world has to die sooner or later too hahaha

06-20-2008, 10:36 PM
I'm not making fun of him, I'm just commenting on the fact that people keep posting this video to open everyone's eyes when everyone in the whole Internet has seen it. lol

I googled Flouride and I found this...
Holy shit

SEE now you know what going on...
what right do they have to make teeth work like this!

I just opened my eyes a week ago.

06-21-2008, 12:49 AM
I'm not making fun of him, I'm just commenting on the fact that people keep posting this video to open everyone's eyes when everyone in the whole Internet has seen it. lol

I googled Flouride and I found this...
Holy shit


imotion s14
06-21-2008, 02:23 AM
Yes, but there is that bit of hope that a turnaround will occur...just not sure if it will happen in my lifetime.

This is the first time I'm catching wind of "The North American Union"...but I have heard before of speculation that a currency that would unite the entire North American countries in a similar fashion to the Euro. I can actually see this happening, but not sure if it will be in my lifetime.

Well they want to integrate the economies of the US, Mexico and Canada, basically extend NAFTA even further. You can't have an integrated economy with borders. For it to work the political borders between the US, Canada and Mexico has to be removed or at the very least changed significantly. Once you remove political borders or weaken it then you weaken your sovereignty.

If America gets as bad as you guys are fearing you can always leave. I'm not making some "love it or leave it" argument, but saying that if the whole thing goes to hell there's no point going down with the ship. Canada is cool, so is Iceland, etc etc. Individually, you always have a choice.

Why would I want to leave when the problems could be managed or eliminated? In Canada you can be thrown in prison for thought crimes. Same with Iceland and many other European countries. Despite how I feel about the situation now, our situation pales in comparison to the very thought of being arrested tried for "hate speech".

Also I think some posters are misunderstanding what I'm trying to say. I'll just say this, the Republicans, the Democrats are ALL trying to screw us.

06-21-2008, 02:35 AM
Well they want to integrate the economies of the US, Mexico and Canada, basically extend NAFTA even further. You can't have an integrated economy with borders. For it to work the political borders between the US, Canada and Mexico has to be removed or at the very least changed significantly. Once you remove political borders or weaken it then you weaken your sovereignty.

Why would I want to leave when the problems could be managed or eliminated? In Canada you can be thrown in prison for thought crimes. Same with Iceland and many other European countries. Despite how I feel about the situation now, our situation pales in comparison to the very thought of being arrested tried for "hate speech".

Also I think some posters are misunderstanding what I'm trying to say. I'll just say this, the Republicans, the Democrats are ALL trying to screw us.

not want to DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
again here it is!

I agree ALL of them want our ass...rep. and demo.

but who wants to see it...
water fluoridation removes 20 iq points

06-21-2008, 09:20 AM
The petty stuff like demonizing the word "liberal" is used to distract the american people from the real stuff that is going on behind the scenes. The Education system is the way it is in our country for a reason. To keep the general population ignorant, even College education is skewed. The brainwashing begins as soon as your first day in kindergarden with the "Pledge of allegiance" Students are taught to trust their leaders, blindly and without question. The US is not out to educate and uplift its people, its out to create an entire popuation of lemmings who will do whatever the "authorites" tell them to. Why do police departments need body armor, machine guns, and swat teams? -- they dont, but it goes along way in making the general public feel threatened. Its also nice to have an army in every city in case the people open their eyes and decide they've had enough with the current state of things and start demanding change.

I agree with everything you say up until "machine guns."

Most police departments don't have proper machine guns, they have machine guns as defined by the NFA of 1934.

A private citizen, in states where rights have not been trod upon, may arm him- or herself with body armor and NFA machine guns as well. It's not against the law to achieve the level of training of a SWAT operator as a civilian either.

We have a police force that is simply supposed to keep order. Instead they kick down doors and break into buildings under false pretenses. Instead they have NO duty to protect the individual (look it up, it's 100% true). Instead they go by department policy rather than popular policy. Instead they have given themselves powers which they DO NOT HAVE.

Read about the transgressions of the police in Iowa. If they broke into my house, they'd have a couple seconds to either leave or disarm, or I'd treat them as any other armed intruder.

The people are the police and the police are the people. We have quickly forgotten that in the era of 40,000-strong departments.

06-21-2008, 09:37 AM
Marx was a smart smart man in how he identified people's attitudes.

Sadly, the spirit of the proletariat is dead.

06-21-2008, 12:51 PM
lol on what someone said in here how someone attacked the term liberal.

I don't like liberalism, because its like doing whatever the hell you want, how is that using the brain. It's more ilke using the brain to devise new different ways of doing something not necessarily good things, more like wanting to be the opposite of the norm. Freedom my ass. "It's a free country" LOL and do some stupid thing.. and actually none of these countries with the topic at hand are free at all. I don't feel free at all in north america. Media, government, institutions, corporations, taxes, commercialized systematization of all systems, being different than the assimilated as being outcast, be a sheep or be mocked, whatever. So called trades of God given freedoms for so called safety/security. Please. Every citizen being spied on, fear mongering, the list goes on.

On the other hand the American 'conservatist' use their brain but in an unfortunately evil way and with specific agendas. Principles of evil.

This being a representation of the political system at hand

Anyways whatever is going on now, is basically stages to a new world order. Why is the economy weakening? Why are prices of goods going up? It's all angenda to create pretext. Create a problem and be the solution giver. Bomb someone and offer them to rebuild their country. Steal from someone and then offer them 'aid'. Deceive and lie to someone then offer them the fact that you 'have the truth'. Malign someone and then later help defend their beliefs when they are under your control.


06-21-2008, 12:56 PM
lol on what someone said in here how someone attacked the term liberal.

I don't like liberalism, because its like doing whatever the hell you want, how is that using the brain. It's more ilke using the brain to devise new different ways of doing something not necessarily good things, more like wanting to be the opposite of the norm. Freedom my ass. "It's a free country" LOL and do some stupid thing.. and actually none of these countries with the topic at hand are free at all. I don't feel free at all in north america. Media, government, institutions, corporations, taxes, commercialized systematization of all systems, being different than the assimilated as being outcast, be a sheep or be mocked, whatever. So called trades of God given freedoms for so called safety/security. Please. Every citizen being spied on, fear mongering, the list goes on.

On the other hand the American 'conservatist' use their brain but in an unfortunately evil way and with specific agendas. Principles of evil.

This being a representation of the political system at hand

Anyways whatever is going on now, is basically stages to a new world order. Why is the economy weakening? Why are prices of goods going up? It's all angenda to create pretext. Create a problem and be the solution giver. Bomb someone and offer them to rebuild their country. Steal from someone and then offer them 'aid'. Deceive and lie to someone then offer them the fact that you 'have the truth'. Malign someone and then later help defend their beliefs when they are under your control.



06-21-2008, 01:32 PM
Was that suppose to be funny?

drift freaq
06-21-2008, 02:00 PM
lol on what someone said in here how someone attacked the term liberal.

I don't like liberalism, because its like doing whatever the hell you want, how is that using the brain. It's more ilke using the brain to devise new different ways of doing something not necessarily good things, more like wanting to be the opposite of the norm. Freedom my ass. "It's a free country" LOL and do some stupid thing.. and actually none of these countries with the topic at hand are free at all. I don't feel free at all in north america. Media, government, institutions, corporations, taxes, commercialized systematization of all systems, being different than the assimilated as being outcast, be a sheep or be mocked, whatever. So called trades of God given freedoms for so called safety/security. Please. Every citizen being spied on, fear mongering, the list goes on.

On the other hand the American 'conservatist' use their brain but in an unfortunately evil way and with specific agendas. Principles of evil.

This being a representation of the political system at hand

Anyways whatever is going on now, is basically stages to a new world order. Why is the economy weakening? Why are prices of goods going up? It's all angenda to create pretext. Create a problem and be the solution giver. Bomb someone and offer them to rebuild their country. Steal from someone and then offer them 'aid'. Deceive and lie to someone then offer them the fact that you 'have the truth'. Malign someone and then later help defend their beliefs when they are under your control.


Your post basically reeks of generalizations. If you don't consider the U.S. Or Canada free then just go live in a country were you can't speak out about the politcal system without fear of or being put in Jail for it. Countries exist like that in the Middle East and the Far East. To say we do not have freedom is to be ignorant. I think your better than that to just assume and state that.

On top of that to lump all conservative people into one camp of Evil is very naive and again I think you are far more intelligent that to actually believe that. If you do you need to meet and talk to more people. What your saying is a assumption at best and a generalization at worst.

You are spouting a lot of conspiracy theory ideas without actual knowledge or actual study of things. Just because one particular administration does things does not automatically signal the break down or falling apart of a political system. It takes longer than that. There are checks and balances in the system and Bush is not a dictator though he is an idiot. His mistakes can be and will be corrected.

You have not lived long enough to see the different roads America's administrations have taken over the years. We made it through the mistake of the Vietnam war and recessions and remained intact. We made it through the Great Depression and remained intact. Granted we have some mending to do but to call the current situation the dawn of a New World order and what not. That is political rhetoric at best and bullshit at worst.

In regards to your last statement you really need to read up on history before making such a blatantly off hand out of context statement.
You speak like you don't want to help to be a part of the difference but just criticize. The sheer beauty of our freedom is the fact that you can say what you have said above and the worst that happens is a debate about it. If you fail to see that then you need to open your eyes.

06-21-2008, 02:30 PM
Was that suppose to be funny?

Bundles of funny.

I just think it's funny that you ALWAYS comment on the American political threads.

06-21-2008, 02:34 PM
"If you don't consider the U.S. Or Canada free then just go live in a country were you can't speak out about the politcal system without fear of or being put in Jail for it."

oh of course we wont goto jail. but over here...NO ONE CARES.

we can do this all day with eachother, debate. You may feel thats its alright and its good to have a debate to express our opinions.

WRONG, nobody WANTS to change their beliefs because someone stated an opinion they think is better or correct. We change it on our own.

06-21-2008, 02:36 PM
Your post basically reeks of generalizations. If you don't consider the U.S. Or Canada free then just go live in a country were you can't speak out about the politcal system without fear of or being put in Jail for it. Countries exist like that in the Middle East and the Far East. To say we do not have freedom is to be ignorant. I think your better than that to just assume and state that.

On top of that to lump all conservative people into one camp of Evil is very naive and again I think you are far more intelligent that to actually believe that. If you do you need to meet and talk to more people. What your saying is a assumption at best and a generalization at worst.

You are spouting a lot of conspiracy theory ideas without actual knowledge or actual study of things. Just because one particular administration does things does not automatically signal the break down or falling apart of a political system. It takes longer than that. There are checks and balances in the system and Bush is not a dictator though he is an idiot. His mistakes can be and will be corrected.

You have not lived long enough to see the different roads America's administrations have taken over the years. We made it through the mistake of the Vietnam war and recessions and remained intact. We made it through the Great Depression and remained intact. Granted we have some mending to do but to call the current situation the dawn of a New World order and what not. That is political rhetoric at best and bullshit at worst.
You speak like you don't want to help to be a part of the difference but just criticize. The sheer beauty of our freedom is the fact that you can say what you have said above and the worst that happens is a debate about it. If you fail to see that then you need to open your eyes.

you my friend need the research.
peep this.
its a TOP SERECT declassified information

THE WARS ARE bankers banking...they make o=money from both parties in war.
federal reserve is a joke is a private organization.
but instead of people helping each other we fight each other (brothers)
look at EXECUTIVE ORDERS! bush isnt the problem he is a puppet.
find the puppet master. and do away with him. or them.
if you look into history you will find the answer...

TO PERSON ABOVE! got any facts to back up your opinion? you tell guy above research...show me some facts...
I am only one posting FACT. hearsay is junk.
proof is in the pudding. NORTHWOODS!

06-21-2008, 02:37 PM
"heck yeah its called rex 84"
yes you are correct
google it
REX 84

06-21-2008, 02:44 PM

just get rid of our constitution. XD <3

06-21-2008, 02:56 PM
Canada's not free. The moment their chief investigator for the human rights committee said that freedom of speech is an American quality, not Canadian is the moment Canadians should have just snapped.

Neoconservatives and Neoliberals are all idiots. That's one generalization that is the truth.

06-21-2008, 03:51 PM


just get rid of our constitution. XD <3

Canada's not free. The moment their chief investigator for the human rights committee said that freedom of speech is an American quality, not Canadian is the moment Canadians should have just snapped.

Neoconservatives and Neoliberals are all idiots. That's one generalization that is the truth.

Yes Canada is PISSED for sure.

06-21-2008, 04:06 PM
Its government spending and funding thats turning this country to shit. 40% of my check is to state taxes, which is the #1 for welfare and a safehaven for refugee's. We also have some of the most F'ed up crimes here too. People love it, the criminals are great people, and if theyre killing your wife or daughter, its because were not giving them enough money. And please dont go democratic on my ass untill you have been placed in jail 3 times for protecting your wife and child.

drift freaq
06-21-2008, 06:53 PM
you my friend need the research.
peep this.
its a TOP SERECT declassified information

THE WARS ARE bankers banking...they make o=money from both parties in war.
federal reserve is a joke is a private organization.
but instead of people helping each other we fight each other (brothers)
look at EXECUTIVE ORDERS! bush isnt the problem he is a puppet.
find the puppet master. and do away with him. or them.
if you look into history you will find the answer...

TO PERSON ABOVE! got any facts to back up your opinion? you tell guy above research...show me some facts...
I am only one posting FACT. hearsay is junk.
proof is in the pudding. NORTHWOODS!

Wow you believe everything you read on the internet and WIKIPEDIA? Man you need to get off the computer and read some real books and start paying attention to the real World. Wikipedia is the most random misinformation on the net. There are no fact checkers for the stuff thats posted on Wikipedia. No one verifies what is posted there for accuracy. Its posted by people like you and has lots of wrong information.
That Northwoods stuff may have some grounds in actual facts but to think that our different Administrations are not going to make mistakes from time to time. Fuck dude they are Human. Are you going to tell me your oh so morally perfect and correct. Does it mean that we do not have freedom? Show me one country in the World that has not meddled in other peoples Politics from time to time that has not attacked or gone to war with another country. I never said we were perfect. We have a far better system and more freedom than most and for you to cite one incident as the downfall of everything we believe in is amazingly naive like I pointed out before.

drift freaq
06-21-2008, 06:56 PM
Its government spending and funding thats turning this country to shit. 40% of my check is to state taxes, which is the #1 for welfare and a safehaven for refugee's. We also have some of the most F'ed up crimes here too. People love it, the criminals are great people, and if theyre killing your wife or daughter, its because were not giving them enough money. And please dont go democratic on my ass untill you have been placed in jail 3 times for protecting your wife and child.

Spoken by the man with the screen name YoungKadafi :rofl:
I.E. your not telling us the whole story about being put in Jail 3 times for trying to protect your wife and child. I.E. there is more than meets the eye in your statement.
I think you probably broke a very real law on 3 occasions and just can't suck it up and admit.

I have broken laws. I have been put in Jail. Thats what happens. I admit it and I dealt with it. I am still here saying what I want to say.

If you have guns without a permit you can get thrown in Jail its a law.
Laws are needed in all in Governments and Countries otherwise you would have chaos.

06-21-2008, 07:19 PM
In regards to the talk about US and Canada etc... As someone who has lived in both the US and Canada, there is little difference between the two economically and culturally. Part of the problem in Canada is that it suffers from a nationwide level of "little brother syndrome" The US is like the brother who grew up to be 6 feet tall and athletic, and the Canada is the short unathletic brother who does nothing but act out in envy a lot of the time. (However, when push comes to shove, they'd both pick up a bat to defend the other) It's evident with a lot of the rampant, irrational anti-americanism here, much of which is spouted by people who are ignorant about both nations.

imotion S14 is correct: In Canada you CAN be jailed and prosecuted for personal beliefs. Don't believe me? Just recently in the very city I live in, a minister was fined for refusing to marry a gay couple. It went against his personal religious beliefs to do so, and he politely declined for those reasons. They went to the witch hunt happy "Human rights board/commitee" or whatever it's called (I don't remember off hand) that Canada employs all over the nation, and they fined him. People need to grow a thicker skin and forget this shit about "rights" besides the basics we've always had. I don't need to go crying to a board if someone insults me or my beliefs, and governments should not encourage that kind of self-indulgent immature behavior by providing this shit. Less government interference, and more personal responsibilty and freedom. That's what is needed badly right now.

Trust me, the avg. American has a higher level of personal freedom then the avg. Canadian. I should know. I'm both and have resided in both.

In any case, a nation is only doomed when the citizens of that nation resign themselves to defeat. Most people these days are to selfish and cowardly to care it would seem though. I think a major overlooked problem in America (Canada and the US) is our OBSESSION with celebrities. Stop caring about Britney Spears' latest fling and start caring about things that actually matter.

Off topic, but ESmorz: I'd just like to point out that the pic you posted is of a RCMP officer in DRESS uniform. They're not some decorative joke. See them on the streets and they have vests, cuffs, billy club, pepper spray and a Glock and are considered some of the best trained police officers in the world.

I can tell you some of their former members are cops on the streets in major US cities.

06-21-2008, 07:22 PM
In my opinion America is the best, because here we have freedom to sit at home and watch tv, while the rest of the world doesn't have tv's, because they're dirt poor and behind in evolution.

drift freaq
06-21-2008, 07:23 PM
In my opinion America is the best, because here we have freedom to sit at home and watch tv, while the rest of the world doesn't have tv's, because they're dirt poor and behind in evolution.

LOL Matej you never cease to make me laugh.

06-21-2008, 07:29 PM
I went to jail for shoving somebody after they smacked my girl in the ass. Verbal fighting, then somebody in the grocery store heard me say the N word. 20 minutes later I was in hand cuffs.

It was an intentional smack in the ass.

Edit: I made this SN last year, how am I to change it?
And by no means am I against any laws. But when do you draw the line between laws that satisfy these liberal democratic hippys lawyers and people just leeching off the governtment assistance. You cant tell me it hasnt been getting worse, unless you live in a blue state. We just remain victims of crimes that keep happening, and a justice system that just stabilizes the crime rate, doesnt deter it.

drift freaq
06-21-2008, 07:36 PM
I spent 90 days in jail for shoving somebody after they smacked my girl in the ass. Somehow somebody in the grocery store heard me say the N word, lots of yelling and then he crypwalked out. 20 minutes later I was in hand cuffs. and thats how I got 3 months.

Now see, as adults in this country we are supposed to act like adults. I.E. not fighting. I will be the first to admit that I have wanted to punch people before. It would land me in Jail. Now you say someone smacked your girl in the ass but the question is how? Was it an accident? Was it intentional. The picture is still not clear hear. Though it really does not justify your actions by law. If they had struck you it would have been your right to strike back.

Now if you said the N word and got a reaction maybe you should not have said it. If I haul off and hit somebody that has not hit me its wrong. Its not self defense.
If your girl had reported that person they might have gone to Jail. If you had reported that person they might have gone to Jail.Instead you tried to take the law into your own hands.

This is not the Wild West. We have laws like this for this very reason.
Your freedom was not violated by the law it was violated by your own actions.
You did not have to strike that person and you would not have gone to jail. Two wrongs do not justify a right.

Your incident has nothing to do with Americans not having freedoms. It has to do with your own actions taken by you in clear violation of laws enacted for civility to our fellow citizens. If we did not have these laws we would most likely have chaos and anarchy.

Man tries to be right and do right, but we are human and not perfect. That is why laws exist. Though the laws that exist in our country, allow us a lot more personal freedom than most countries in the World today.

To many people in this thread try to speak altruistically. We are Human, we are not perfect, we all make mistakes. The greater ones admit their mistakes and move on trying to become better Humans. The worse try to hide them. To say any country or government is perfect is to pretty much impossible.
They all have their problems and issues in the end we are lucky we have what we have. If we feel things are wrong or not good enough then its up to us to try and change it.
Its a cop out to say you can't or your voice or opinion does not matter. It does and can. Its only up to you though to take action. If you don't then your criticism is for not.

06-21-2008, 07:43 PM
Now see, as adults in this country we are supposed to act like adults. I.E. not fighting. I will be the first to admit that I have wanted to punch people before. It would land me in Jail. Now you say someone smacked your girl in the ass but the question is how? Was it an accident? Was it intentional. The picture is still not clear hear. Though it really does not justify your actions by law. If they had struck you it would have been your right to strike back.

Now if you said the N word and got a reaction maybe you should not have said it. If I haul off and hit somebody that has not hit me its wrong. Its not self defense.
If your girl had reported that person they might have gone to Jail. If you had reported that person they might have gone to Jail.Instead you tried to take the law into your own hands.

This is not the Wild West. We have laws like this for this very reason.
Your freedom was not violated by the law it was violated by your own actions.
You did not have to strike that person and you would not have gone to jail. Two wrongs do not justify a right.

Off topic>>> Idk dave if someone slapped my girls ass i would have to lay the smack down.. That's not the way the cookie crumbles.. Say your out with ur chick and some dude walks up and smacks and cups her ass.. if he's like oh im sorry it was an accident(then it's cool) but if he's like what!! Im throwin hay makes then im gone like the wind so i don't get arrested .. Still bad but hey:stupid:

06-21-2008, 07:45 PM
Now see, as adults in this country we are supposed to act like adults. I.E. not fighting. I will be the first to admit that I have wanted to punch people before. It would land me in Jail. Now you say someone smacked your girl in the ass but the question is how? Was it an accident? Was it intentional. The picture is still not clear hear. Though it really does not justify your actions by law. If they had struck you it would have been your right to strike back.

Now if you said the N word and got a reaction maybe you should not have said it. If I haul off and hit somebody that has not hit me its wrong. Its not self defense.
If your girl had reported that person they might have gone to Jail. If you had reported that person they might have gone to Jail.Instead you tried to take the law into your own hands.

This is not the Wild West. We have laws like this for this very reason.
Your freedom was not violated by the law it was violated by your own actions.
You did not have to strike that person and you would not have gone to jail. Two wrongs do not justify a right.


No amount of verbal attack ever legally justifies physical action. A good way to assertain what is justified is to never be the FIRST to cross a line. IE: You're justified in defending yourself physically if physically attacked, but not before. No amount of insults will endanger your safety in any way.

People need to learn to just walk away from shit. Don't get insulted by someone else's immaturity so quickly. Someone grabs your gf's ass? Tell them to respect her as a human being and grow up as human being themself. Insult them all you want, but then just walk away. He comes after you and escalates it physically? Use necessary force. Done and done.

I digress... OT.

06-22-2008, 05:52 AM
What a bullshit.

It's like this one time when one guy and girl went yelling into my mother's face spitting and my father pushed the guy flying (my dad is huge LOL), and the lil shit was scared the police came and if the guy wanted to my dad could have gone into jail but because my father was defending my mother it had some 'level' and nothing was done, but if they got a lawyer my dad could have went to jail.

Full of shit. "act like adults" please man what a bullshit society this is the most unfree hipocritical and unjust society ever. I didn't wana respond point by point as to what was said.

Canada and US are so hipocritical. It's true newspeak. Everything that's said has a double side to it or an opposite. A criminal can go free, an innoscent can go to jail.

And by the way you dont go to jail for opinion? My ass. The US has never been like that mmhmm, mcarthy era? OOOH COMMUNISTS OMMMGGG lol, now its muslims, if you're a muslim you can be detained indefinetely without any proofs. Hell, if you question the government or are 'sympathetic to the terrorists' (aka 'terrorist' label could be thrown on anyone the mighty US decides), you are going to jail bud, no proof needed. This is the fact of life now.

Everything is shown on the surface as mighty great, but beneath it all its not. I'm sorry it's not and stop pointing fingers to the rest of the world as if its in absolute crumbles WITHOUT the US... please.. more like its in crumbles because of the US.

Anything you say can be misquoted or misused or manipulated to get their agenda across.

And whats with the bullshit that all the time something is said about the US that "OH WHAT ABOUT MIDDLE EAST ASIA AND THOSE EASTERN COUNTRIES" LOL! Quite frankly you're living in a movie world, I've lived in Libya even and to be honest when I came to north america people thought I either lived in jail or on a jungle tree and neither was true, fucken ignorance...

I feel more in jail here, problem is, "why dont u go back to your f'en whatever country" well its been destroyed, destroyed by US sanctions, destroyed by US bombing, destroyed by US maligning, ex number of countries.

For some mighty facts, I was not Muslim even living in those countries, I was a white European. I became Muslim while in North America. I'm quite against alot of the US instilled dictatorships in africa and the middle east. If it weren't for those US instilled dictatorships, those countries would kick ass in ever so many ways.

In words of bush either you're with us or the terrorists, that pretty much sums up the attitude and future of America.

06-22-2008, 09:33 AM
The whole point of me being pissed off wasnt because I shoved someone The people around made such a fuss that the world was ending NOT because some guy started licking his lips while grabbing my girls round ass. So instead of the bystanders being appauled by borderline rape, the uptown hippys with their Ipods and VW's decided to make a 911 call about a racial beatdown.

06-22-2008, 11:26 AM
What a bullshit.

It's like this one time when one guy and girl went yelling into my mother's face spitting and my father pushed the guy flying (my dad is huge LOL), and the lil shit was scared the police came and if the guy wanted to my dad could have gone into jail but because my father was defending my mother it had some 'level' and nothing was done, but if they got a lawyer my dad could have went to jail.

Full of shit. "act like adults" please man what a bullshit society this is the most unfree hipocritical and unjust society ever. I didn't wana respond point by point as to what was said.

Canada and US are so hipocritical. It's true newspeak. Everything that's said has a double side to it or an opposite. A criminal can go free, an innoscent can go to jail.

And by the way you dont go to jail for opinion? My ass. The US has never been like that mmhmm, mcarthy era? OOOH COMMUNISTS OMMMGGG lol, now its muslims, if you're a muslim you can be detained indefinetely without any proofs. Hell, if you question the government or are 'sympathetic to the terrorists' (aka 'terrorist' label could be thrown on anyone the mighty US decides), you are going to jail bud, no proof needed. This is the fact of life now.

Everything is shown on the surface as mighty great, but beneath it all its not. I'm sorry it's not and stop pointing fingers to the rest of the world as if its in absolute crumbles WITHOUT the US... please.. more like its in crumbles because of the US.

Anything you say can be misquoted or misused or manipulated to get their agenda across.

And whats with the bullshit that all the time something is said about the US that "OH WHAT ABOUT MIDDLE EAST ASIA AND THOSE EASTERN COUNTRIES" LOL! Quite frankly you're living in a movie world, I've lived in Libya even and to be honest when I came to north america people thought I either lived in jail or on a jungle tree and neither was true, fucken ignorance...

I feel more in jail here, problem is, "why dont u go back to your f'en whatever country" well its been destroyed, destroyed by US sanctions, destroyed by US bombing, destroyed by US maligning, ex number of countries.

For some mighty facts, I was not Muslim even living in those countries, I was a white European. I became Muslim while in North America. I'm quite against alot of the US instilled dictatorships in africa and the middle east. If it weren't for those US instilled dictatorships, those countries would kick ass in ever so many ways.

In words of bush either you're with us or the terrorists, that pretty much sums up the attitude and future of America.

Do you even read posts before you respond? I don't think you do, as most of what you spout is insults and accusations with nothing to back them up, no facts, examples or mature rational thinking.
You're saying shit like "And by the way you dont go to jail for opinion? My ass." Read my post... I stated you CAN. Especially in Canada, but it's becoming a reality in the United States as well, and I provided an example that can be verified by anyone with internet access and google. People here are fined for acts such as that of acting on personal beliefs, which in no way harm another, and are subject to jail time if the fine is not met.

I agree what is needed here is MORE freedom, not less. However, don't even open your mouth about how great a lot of other countries are about "freedom" Tell that to Christian believers in many Muslim dominant nations who live in fear of their personal beliefs being discovered. Tell that to the woman who is beaten by her husband for no reason other then she spoke to another man. The rest of the world would not crumble without the US, but a lot of their problems are of their own design, not someone else's. It's always easy to point the finger, and the finger pointing goes both ways. Don't make the mistake of assuming I think everything here is perfect. It is far from, and MANY things that happen within western society and government are NOT supported by me. When everything is taken into account worldwide however, no nation gets off the hook on anything IMO.

On the subject of defending yourself. If someone does spit in your face? You ARE justified in a limited amount of physical restraint, as it can be considered assault. Legally there has always been the concept of REASONABLE force. Someone spits in your face? You're perfectly justified to remove them from where they can do so again... Give them a little push aside and walk away. You're NOT justified (not saying your father did this) in, let's say, hitting them with a bat. Until somone acts against you physically? You never are justified in doing so to them. Period. And the response must be a measured and appropriate response. (however this is being taken away from Canadians as we speak... Canadians no longer have a right to defend themselves with justifiable force, in the case of your father, which IMO was justified) Laws like that are in place, and should be, to discourage people from acting immature and injuring and possibley killing each other over nothing more then silly pride and irrational moments of anger and passion. More then once I've stopped from acting out in that way because I knew the consequences, and the law would prefer it discourage you, rather then convict you, cause in the end, even just minutes later I realized... Wasn't worth my time or effort even. Let alone criminal charges.

People today are insulted to easily, and are much to quick to react without thought.

06-22-2008, 04:15 PM
Do you even read posts before you respond? I don't think you do, as most of what you spout is insults and accusations with nothing to back them up, no facts, examples or mature rational thinking.
You're saying shit like "And by the way you dont go to jail for opinion? My ass." Read my post... I stated you CAN. Especially in Canada, but it's becoming a reality in the United States as well, and I provided an example that can be verified by anyone with internet access and google. People here are fined for acts such as that of acting on personal beliefs, which in no way harm another, and are subject to jail time if the fine is not met.

People today are insulted to easily, and are much to quick to react without thought.

Can you give 1 name, so I can look into it? if you have a few thats better...
also A-ahmed , do you have pics of your own from these places you lived?
can you post a few? or send them to me via email/. pm me/

06-22-2008, 04:36 PM
America is doomed because of its low food and health standards, everyone will die of cancer by 2K17.

06-22-2008, 04:43 PM
You know, just the fact that WERE all talking about it says something. People, from all over the country and all walk of life, with various beliefs and ideas CAN have a constructive, civil conversation about the fate of our nation.

Why cant congress do the same?

drift freaq
06-22-2008, 04:58 PM
What a bullshit.

It's like this one time when one guy and girl went yelling into my mother's face spitting and my father pushed the guy flying (my dad is huge LOL), and the lil shit was scared the police came and if the guy wanted to my dad could have gone into jail but because my father was defending my mother it had some 'level' and nothing was done, but if they got a lawyer my dad could have went to jail.

Full of shit. "act like adults" please man what a bullshit society this is the most unfree hipocritical and unjust society ever. I didn't wana respond point by point as to what was said.

Canada and US are so hipocritical. It's true newspeak. Everything that's said has a double side to it or an opposite. A criminal can go free, an innoscent can go to jail.

And by the way you dont go to jail for opinion? My ass. The US has never been like that mmhmm, mcarthy era? OOOH COMMUNISTS OMMMGGG lol, now its muslims, if you're a muslim you can be detained indefinetely without any proofs. Hell, if you question the government or are 'sympathetic to the terrorists' (aka 'terrorist' label could be thrown on anyone the mighty US decides), you are going to jail bud, no proof needed. This is the fact of life now.

Everything is shown on the surface as mighty great, but beneath it all its not. I'm sorry it's not and stop pointing fingers to the rest of the world as if its in absolute crumbles WITHOUT the US... please.. more like its in crumbles because of the US.

Anything you say can be misquoted or misused or manipulated to get their agenda across.

And whats with the bullshit that all the time something is said about the US that "OH WHAT ABOUT MIDDLE EAST ASIA AND THOSE EASTERN COUNTRIES" LOL! Quite frankly you're living in a movie world, I've lived in Libya even and to be honest when I came to north america people thought I either lived in jail or on a jungle tree and neither was true, fucken ignorance...

I feel more in jail here, problem is, "why dont u go back to your f'en whatever country" well its been destroyed, destroyed by US sanctions, destroyed by US bombing, destroyed by US maligning, ex number of countries.

For some mighty facts, I was not Muslim even living in those countries, I was a white European. I became Muslim while in North America. I'm quite against alot of the US instilled dictatorships in africa and the middle east. If it weren't for those US instilled dictatorships, those countries would kick ass in ever so many ways.

In words of bush either you're with us or the terrorists, that pretty much sums up the attitude and future of America.

You know what. You my have lived in those countries. Though I don't see religious freedom there. I see Religious hatred. I don't see womens rights I see women being treated like 3rd rate citizens at best. I don't see equality. I see Oligarchies ruling the people and the only reason some of the people have money is because OPEC controls oil monopolistically and makes millions off it. People believe in Terrorism because their countries leave them in abject poverty with no education. What other way out is offered but supposed religious salvation for being a martyr as taught to them by Radical Mullahs. You are one ignorant person. I tried to give you the benefit of a doubt but you I see I was wrong your ignorant. If you think all those regimes were installed by the U.S. and controlled by the U.S. you fail at World History. The Regimes in the Middle east exist because of British Mandates that go back to the turn of the 20th century. Not because of the United States. Yes we helped certain leaders in the past as it looked favorable to our economic advantage. Yes some were mistakes but your own beloved countries do the same thing. The Saudis fund Terrorism, the Iranians fund Terrorism. Kadahfy was a Terrorist that blew airliners out of the sky. I said this earlier but you obviously did not read. There is not a innocent country in the world today and for you to single out the United States as unique shows you really never got a education in geo political history.

At this point I would say yes if you hate North America so much, why do you live here? You could go back to the places you say are better. Why do you stay here. See this is where you come off the hypocrite not us. We see we are not perfect and speak up about it and try to change it.

Now you have taken this thread down the road of your own personal jihad. I suggest that your getting way off topic, as your not so much talking about the topic but your own dislikes.
If you can't see the basic freedoms people have here, that a lot of other people in other countries don't? Then you have closed your eyes and blinded yourself, according to your own religious beliefs.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-22-2008, 07:45 PM
off the topic of personals and back onto the subject of if our country is doomed.

How are we to fix it? that would be the question I ask to you if you were president and had infinite power over this country.

I would, first, impeach the Federal Reserve and actually make our dollar worth something instead of just paper. This would start a chain reaction that would rid us of income taxes, giving each citizen the money BACK that they put in each and every pay check. Of course, there's still going to be other taxes but income tax is the bulk of my tax.
The Federal Reserve is in place as a centralized bank. What they do is print money, then give it to our government, then tax each dollar that is given to the government. The Federal Reserve is NOT affiliated with our government in ANY way, it's a business. Then the interest that is paid from the government is printed at the Federal Reserve and then more and more interest is added. It's a never ending cycle. Speaking on a individual level, the interest that is taken out of each and every one of our pockets is called INCOME TAX. This is nothing but paying back interest to the Federal Reserve for doing something as simple as printing money.
A Centralized bank is the reason we had the Revolutionary war, to break away from English currency. Then, in 1907 the Federal Reserve was created from BANKERS, not congressmen or the government, due to fear from the public. The Federal Reserve had a HUGE campaign saying that the money that is printed at the federal reserve will create stability in our country. Instead, they produced 162% more American currency over the next few years. Then, the market crashed in Oct 1929. So much for stability!

This is how to fix our economy, get rid of the Fed Reserve!!!!!

Ok, now yours.

06-22-2008, 07:50 PM
Can you give 1 name, so I can look into it? if you have a few thats better...
also A-ahmed , do you have pics of your own from these places you lived?
can you post a few? or send them to me via email/. pm me/

Article I read didn't have names. I'll look around and see what I can find for you. If nothing else I can probably link you to the article in the newspaper if I can find it online. It's not the first example of this kind of invasion into personal beliefs, religious freedoms and constitutional rights here in Canada, and America is following closely behind in many ways it would seem.

Once I have the time to look up what I can and get some info, I'll PM you. :bow:

Sil-Eighty SE-K
06-22-2008, 08:16 PM
It's sad that in many countries people get way more extensive news coverage of America than Americans do.

Most frightening chart ever!
im moving to Finland!!!!

06-22-2008, 08:54 PM
im moving to Finland!!!!
nice celly pics from my driveway...

so what do we do!?

imotion s14
06-22-2008, 09:35 PM
You know, just the fact that WERE all talking about it says something. People, from all over the country and all walk of life, with various beliefs and ideas CAN have a constructive, civil conversation about the fate of our nation.

Why cant congress do the same?

Need to please the lobbyist that line their pockets.

06-23-2008, 04:37 AM

btw.... Google Ron Paul!!!

06-23-2008, 05:46 AM
You know what. You my have lived in those countries. Though I don't see religious freedom there. I see Religious hatred. I don't see womens rights I see women being treated like 3rd rate citizens at best. I don't see equality. I see Oligarchies ruling the people and the only reason some of the people have money is because OPEC controls oil monopolistically and makes millions off it. People believe in Terrorism because their countries leave them in abject poverty with no education. What other way out is offered but supposed religious salvation for being a martyr as taught to them by Radical Mullahs. You are one ignorant person. I tried to give you the benefit of a doubt but you I see I was wrong your ignorant. If you think all those regimes were installed by the U.S. and controlled by the U.S. you fail at World History. The Regimes in the Middle east exist because of British Mandates that go back to the turn of the 20th century. Not because of the United States. Yes we helped certain leaders in the past as it looked favorable to our economic advantage. Yes some were mistakes but your own beloved countries do the same thing. The Saudis fund Terrorism, the Iranians fund Terrorism. Kadahfy was a Terrorist that blew airliners out of the sky. I said this earlier but you obviously did not read. There is not a innocent country in the world today and for you to single out the United States as unique shows you really never got a education in geo political history.

At this point I would say yes if you hate North America so much, why do you live here? You could go back to the places you say are better. Why do you stay here. See this is where you come off the hypocrite not us. We see we are not perfect and speak up about it and try to change it.

Now you have taken this thread down the road of your own personal jihad. I suggest that your getting way off topic, as your not so much talking about the topic but your own dislikes.
If you can't see the basic freedoms people have here, that a lot of other people in other countries don't? Then you have closed your eyes and blinded yourself, according to your own religious beliefs.

You know you're brainwashed and full of shit. You should wear a CNN/FOX tattoo

The first part you were mentioning sounds more like the US to me. My mother wasn't muslim and wasn't wearing hijab either, no one bothered her in fact they had RESPECT for her unlike assholes here who have no respect for any women and treat them like sexual objects. Now of course her wearing hijab, everyone looks at her funny. Freedom my ass.

Religious freedom? LOL! My ass, if you are a different religion other than jewish or christian you are second class rate citizen, even if you are white lol... or if you are something else you have to follow some assimilated version of the religion that has been tailored by local government/approved organizations.

Terrorism? I quite frankly see this word as a whore, because by every definition the biggest murderer, rapist, terrorizer, conquerer, invader, manipulater and liar is no one else but the US. Deceit, lies, mass murder, bombing, insisting on lies, please look in the mirror. It's like point fingers at others before everyoen discovers your nature. The US believes and always has believed in terrorizing others until they submit to the way of the mighty US.

No education? My ass, most of the educated people in north america are immigrants be they from asia, middle east, africa, europe, or elsewhere. LOL apparently a recent poll or some kind statistic not sure HOW they got it but it said that 40% of canadians are illeterate this was CTV I don't know where they quoted this from... Most immigrants come with degrees or alot of experience and with family values which are quite honestly very lacking in the general white north american society.

The reason the infrastructure is destroyed in those other countries is because of the puppet dictators put in power by the US and/or the sanctions/bombing/economic path of destruction that the US has layed down in one way or another. It's always been either submit to the mighty US or crumble in doom and failure. Damn straight alot of countries hate the US, they hate it for a reason. Even little kids hate it. There must be a reason if you are even a dumb person you would understand there IS a reason. lmao I laugh at "omg why do they hate our freedom" bullshit that was spread amongst uninformed americans..

Radical mullahs? LMAO you know most muslims laugh at this mullah thing. Man, you musta watched too much not without my daughter 1970s anti-iran movie. I watched it too... WHILE in libya (that's the funny thing) as a lil kid and i thought it was libya, it made me fear arabs/berbers, but that changed when I actually interacted with them.

My knowledge of arabs was turbans, magic carpets, magic lamps, genies, that they are MOZZLEEMMZZ, which I thought was something like hinduism with idols and other magical fantasy non-sense... until I actually LIVED amongst them. Eitherwise all my knowledge like yourself came from propaganda novels,cartoons,movies, family who likewise were brainwashed by tv, news, etc... I thought all of them had knives, would cut my head off, had grin and angry look, sharp teeth, a knife in their hand, that they bombed and would kill themselvse and go lalalalalalalalalla and all that other bull. Quite frankly that's how you are in my eyes now.

And I fail at world history? I laugh at that too. I can list a gajilion things the US did to fuck up the world, not just middle-east or africa, but east europe, balkans, asia, south america, a biiiiig list. Not a single good thing. All the pseudo good things were second best self-interest gains backed up by lies.

It's like either the rest of the world is evil and the US is mighty good (as per your view) or the US is evil and the whole world hates it because of that (quite more likely).

06-23-2008, 06:19 AM
In my opinion what can be done is more careful selection of local officials, Sheriffs, Mayors, etc. I find that in my area, most people dont know the people, only the party (Democrat or Republican) - Its starts at the bottom, Same with members of Congress, we have to elect people that actually represent what we want. This I know is difficult to do because it seems like we are only presented with 2 or 3 choices which when compared are basically the same.
In my opinion, we should

1. Change Campaign finance, to make it so that private contributers do not donate to specific candidates, but an account which is divided among candidates (I know there are alot of flaws in that, but something that keeps the playing field fair, and seperates special interest from campaign finance)

2. Do away with the two party system. dont add more, just do away with both.

3. Teach civics in school the same way that math/english is taught because it really is as important if not more to understand how it all works. work to remove the stigma of "politics are boring"

06-23-2008, 10:42 AM
You know you're brainwashed and full of shit. You should wear a CNN/FOX tattoo

The first part you were mentioning sounds more like the US to me. My mother wasn't muslim and wasn't wearing hijab either, no one bothered her in fact they had RESPECT for her unlike assholes here who have no respect for any women and treat them like sexual objects. Now of course her wearing hijab, everyone looks at her funny. Freedom my ass.

Religious freedom? LOL! My ass, if you are a different religion other than jewish or christian you are second class rate citizen, even if you are white lol... or if you are something else you have to follow some assimilated version of the religion that has been tailored by local government/approved organizations.

Terrorism? I quite frankly see this word as a whore, because by every definition the biggest murderer, rapist, terrorizer, conquerer, invader, manipulater and liar is no one else but the US. Deceit, lies, mass murder, bombing, insisting on lies, please look in the mirror. It's like point fingers at others before everyoen discovers your nature. The US believes and always has believed in terrorizing others until they submit to the way of the mighty US.

No education? My ass, most of the educated people in north america are immigrants be they from asia, middle east, africa, europe, or elsewhere. LOL apparently a recent poll or some kind statistic not sure HOW they got it but it said that 40% of canadians are illeterate this was CTV I don't know where they quoted this from... Most immigrants come with degrees or alot of experience and with family values which are quite honestly very lacking in the general white north american society.

The reason the infrastructure is destroyed in those other countries is because of the puppet dictators put in power by the US and/or the sanctions/bombing/economic path of destruction that the US has layed down in one way or another. It's always been either submit to the mighty US or crumble in doom and failure. Damn straight alot of countries hate the US, they hate it for a reason. Even little kids hate it. There must be a reason if you are even a dumb person you would understand there IS a reason. lmao I laugh at "omg why do they hate our freedom" bullshit that was spread amongst uninformed americans..

Radical mullahs? LMAO you know most muslims laugh at this mullah thing. Man, you musta watched too much not without my daughter 1970s anti-iran movie. I watched it too... WHILE in libya (that's the funny thing) as a lil kid and i thought it was libya, it made me fear arabs/berbers, but that changed when I actually interacted with them.

My knowledge of arabs was turbans, magic carpets, magic lamps, genies, that they are MOZZLEEMMZZ, which I thought was something like hinduism with idols and other magical fantasy non-sense... until I actually LIVED amongst them. Eitherwise all my knowledge like yourself came from propaganda novels,cartoons,movies, family who likewise were brainwashed by tv, news, etc... I thought all of them had knives, would cut my head off, had grin and angry look, sharp teeth, a knife in their hand, that they bombed and would kill themselvse and go lalalalalalalalalla and all that other bull. Quite frankly that's how you are in my eyes now.

And I fail at world history? I laugh at that too. I can list a gajilion things the US did to fuck up the world, not just middle-east or africa, but east europe, balkans, asia, south america, a biiiiig list. Not a single good thing. All the pseudo good things were second best self-interest gains backed up by lies.

It's like either the rest of the world is evil and the US is mighty good (as per your view) or the US is evil and the whole world hates it because of that (quite more likely).

Again you just spout anger, insults and accusations without anything to back them up. Don't think you have religious freedom here? You do. Just because you're not the predominant faith here does not mean you do not enjoy the same freedom. If that was the case, there would not be a mosque less then a block away from the church I attend. However, countries such as Libya do nothing to stop the persecution, harrasment, imprisonment, vandalism, and at times outright murder of religious adherents to faiths other then Islam, or even their own version of Islam. Look at the violence committed by different sects of Islam against others. Sunnis bombing Shiites, Shiites gunning down Sunnis. Last I watched the news, Roman Catholics weren't bombing Episcopalians, and Methodists weren't gunning down Baptists. That may sound harsh and anti-Islam (which is far from the truth to my own beliefs, see the bottom of my post), but it's only stating what I've SEEN. Also, do not take that as a statement that nothing is wrong within the Christian faith... far far far from that is the truth.

Sorry people look at your mother funny. There are many people here ignorant about many things, and your mother deserves to be treated with respect and enjoy the freedom to practice her beliefs just as we are. However here, if someone harrasses her? Someone vandalizes your mosque and is caught? Someone spits in your face? Someone shoots her dead in the street? They'll be charged, and convicted if the evidence allows. The same would not happen in many other places. Don't think you're the only one who has traveled and seen these places.

Many immigrants in Canada are well educated. That's true. Many are not however, but that doesn't matter. They're free to obtain education and there are programs in place to help them do so in order to meet costs etc. Many immigrants who are here, and educated, receive said education here. My university campus is easily 10%+ Chinese students. I don't have a problem with that, but many of them are adults or older youth and came here to get an education. Your arguement really has no relevance. Also, 40% of Canadians illiterate? You accuse drift freaq of believing everything he hears on the news? Step outside your front door and interact with people. I don't think nearly 1 in every 2 is incapable of reading and writing. CTV and CBC in Canada are about as reliable as FOX news except where FOX news is a right wing trumpet, CBC and CTV are so left wing bias they couldn't reach the political center, and be unbias, if they had a map. Many today have troubles, thanks to the internet (LOL, gr8, z instead of s, NEway... No wonder people can't spell) and poor schooling standards.

It would seem no matter what, YOU have been brainwashed to believe nothing that may go against what you believe to be true about history, the United States and Canada, and the West as a whole. The fact that you're completely unwilling to even consider the possibility makes it even more likely.

For what it's worth a close friend of mine is Muslim. He was born and raised in Tehran and lived throughout the middle east till he was nearly 23. So, no... I don't have some Muslim hating crusade to advance here. I know for a fact, just like me, he is sick of the ignorance and problems, albeit different in nature, that exist on both sides of these issues.

06-23-2008, 11:30 AM
How can you guys not have TV? The daily show and colbert report are so full of lulz, I can't live without them.

Short of a violent revolution (lol good luck) nothing will ever change...

06-23-2008, 12:13 PM
Again you just spout anger, insults and accusations without anything to back them up. Don't think you have religious freedom here? You do. Just because you're not the predominant faith here does not mean you do not enjoy the same freedom. If that was the case, there would not be a mosque less then a block away from the church I attend. However, countries such as Libya do nothing to stop the persecution, harrasment, imprisonment, vandalism, and at times outright murder of religious adherents to faiths other then Islam, or even their own version of Islam. Look at the violence committed by different sects of Islam against others. Sunnis bombing Shiites, Shiites gunning down Sunnis. Last I watched the news, Roman Catholics weren't bombing Episcopalians, and Methodists weren't gunning down Baptists. That may sound harsh and anti-Islam (which is far from the truth to my own beliefs, see the bottom of my post), but it's only stating what I've SEEN. Also, do not take that as a statement that nothing is wrong within the Christian faith... far far far from that is the truth.

Bullshit my mother was taking me to catholic church in Libya, no one did shit to me or my mother. Don't make it sound like Christians are at sniper point with deadly arabs holding knives. Get over yourself.

Here we get evil looks now EVEN THOUGH we are frickin white.

You want to attack Islam? You have no knowledge of Islam, nor any authority over what Islam is. There is only one Islam, people diverged because they stopped following Islam. As was the case with all religions. There is only one God, the one Creator, with messengers sent over time with the same one message. The reason people differed ultimately was because everyone started following their own desires diverging the message, misguiding. On the other hand if you study Christianity regardless of denomination, it was actually something created by the likes of Paul, the church, Constantine, amongst many others and has little resemblance to the actual teachings of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), but rather an ensemble of practices including pagan practices and beliefs, that's fact... that today you have gay and non gay bishops and ever so many 'divisions', sects and confusion. Same problem. People went away from Jesus' ACTUAL teachings and purpose and made up their own crap.

Sorry people look at your mother funny. There are many people here ignorant about many things, and your mother deserves to be treated with respect and enjoy the freedom to practice her beliefs just as we are. However here, if someone harrasses her? Someone vandalizes your mosque and is caught? Someone spits in your face? Someone shoots her dead in the street? They'll be charged, and convicted if the evidence allows. The same would not happen in many other places. Don't think you're the only one who has traveled and seen these places.Yes there are way too many ignorants here. Matter of fact, not too long ago my family used to drink wine, not pray, used to even despise muslims because one incident that was because of an individual not because of the whole. Here on the other hand quite frankly you are free as long as you keep your mouth shut and assimilate more like it. And to your last few sentences, wow so they'll get 'caught', riiight, so that proves how free we all are. The extent of this great freedom.

It would seem no matter what, YOU have been brainwashed to believe nothing that may go against what you believe to be true about history, the United States and Canada, and the West as a whole. The fact that you're completely unwilling to even consider the possibility makes it even more likely.Riiight, I believe in weapons of mass destruction and the boogey man hiding in my closet. I am so brainwashed for being a free thinking mind. Who I was brainwashed I wonder, when in fact I followed no one and nothing until getting a vast foundation of knowledge and a variety experiences not concentrating on one or the other.

For what it's worth a close friend of mine is Muslim. He was born and raised in Tehran and lived throughout the middle east till he was nearly 23. So, no... I don't have some Muslim hating crusade to advance here. I know for a fact, just like me, he is sick of the ignorance and problems, albeit different in nature, that exist on both sides of these issues.For what it's worth I have sikh, hindu, christian, budhist, secular, etc... friends who don't like the US and are not happy with what it's doing, what it's done in history, etc.... Woopie do?! Iran is one messed up place by the way that only someone who has no knowledge of islam will equate to islam... just how some muslims have no knowledge of christianity and will think all christian groups are just 'christian'. Shi'a are an offshoot religion of their own and Iran IS messed up, none the less I wouldn't allow or praise the US to bomb or invade it as it ever so seemingly desires to.

Go go weapons of mass deception.

06-23-2008, 12:18 PM
yes we are

close thread................

06-23-2008, 01:05 PM
a_ahmed I'm not going to get into a religious debate with you. If you're a former Christian (which I'm assuming from the reference to catholic church) and you have a problem with it? Fine, don't bring it out here, it's not like anyone will change anyone's views here. Just leave it be. I'll do the same.

Never did I say Christians are at some "sniper point" from Arabs or Muslims. Please stop putting words in my mouth, and pulling concepts and points out of what I said that are not present in what I said. It's dishonest.

I want to attack Islam? No.

I have no knowledge of Islam? Wrong. I do. A very good one. I as well have friends who are other religions, and non-religious completely. Some feel as strongly as you do. Most do not.

Someone gives you an evil look? Ok. Get over it. They looked at you. I look like I'm pissed off and angry all the time, even when I'm not, it's just my face. Sometimes people just look that way, and when it is legit, and they are looking at you with an "evil look"? Fine. There perfectly within their rights to do so... The moment they cross the line where they affect your well being or personal freedom with their personal beliefs, then you have a case for an individuals attack upon your freedom and right to practice your faith. People will always be judgemental, not matter where they are, or who they are. Their personal judgement should not be taken to reflect the values of the society.
Just because someone is not "caught" does not mean you're not free or protected. It's the principal of what is tolerated by law and morality in a society and what is not that matters. Without that, anyone would be free to do whatever they wish to you, your religion, or whoever else they may see fit to persecute. Stop equating ignorance of an individual(s) to an attack on your personal freedom from or within the society as a whole that you are a part of.

Again all I see in your post is anger, insults and a severe lack of logical reasoning.

06-23-2008, 01:09 PM
Based on your content of discussion so far, you have zero knowledge of Islam. Based on past discussion, praise of US soldiers serving the great US, and assuming you yourself are in service, and having a giant cross in your DP pretty much assures me how much love and knowledge of Islam you have. Plus such confidence of 'very good knowledge of islam' when you use words like mullahs... riiiiiight.. you are very very very very educated on islam. Not without my daughter Hollywood anti-Iran movie educated on Islam. Without a doubt in my mind you have great anti-islam sentiments. I don't doubt if you actually learned about Islam you MIGHT change, but I can't tell for certain. Without any doubt your knowledge of islam is from the obvious anglo-christendom church endorsed islam literature, typical western anti-islam literature and the usual media pinacle. Not a single muslim uses the word mullah except those who are cultural and far away from islam, and... those who think iran is islam or something silly like that. If you want to know Islam read the Qur'an and read it from beginning to end many times. You will feel it only then, especially if you are someone who has read the bible over and over again as I have and I am assuming you have as well. Everything that is deranged, crooked, distorted, confusing or inconsistent with christianity is answering in the Qur'an.

06-23-2008, 01:19 PM

That movie came out in what? 1985 or something.. if you dont like the movie head over to imbd.com and post on their forum about it.

You seem to be drawing conclusions and ideas from others posts, that dont seem to be there. It seems to me you are trying to justify hate for one religion by using the very same hatred you hold for it. In other words Just because you -evidently- hate Catholicism/Christianity your posts seem to infer that If you are Catholic/Christian then you must also hold Islam/Muslim Faith in the same regard as you hold Catholicism/Christianity

06-23-2008, 01:28 PM
Hate? More like educate. Note the fact that I have a family background in Catholicism, orthodox Christianity and protestantism (my last stage on the christian train, as I did not like the idols and association of creation with God, worship of other than God -- saints, idols, etc... asking forgiveness from a human being and not God directly, excuse me... and all the other things found all over catholic churches amongst many other things).

My mother was trying to get me baptized as I did not initially get baptized as a baby as a part of my family was 'modern' philosophers, materialists, etc... this journey included many attempts in Libya, in Tunisia, including an attempt of me getting baptized by the pope himself in Tunisia while he was on his visit there. Eventually I was baptized as an adult, went to church, went to christian school, used to read bible all the time, had far more respect than anyone else for religion around me especially here in the west where everyone thinks they are so mighty and high without religion, atheists, secularists, etc... How is that hating on Christianity. Exposing its fallacies and falsehoods is not hating on it, even though it may hurt some. Stating the fact that it has little to do with Jesus (peace be upon him), but rather has more to do with later inventions by the church is not hating but educating.

06-23-2008, 01:35 PM
Oh man this is getting deep.

I'm Mormon!


06-23-2008, 01:36 PM
Based on your content of discussion so far, you have zero knowledge of Islam. Based on past discussion, praise of US soldiers serving the great US, and assuming you yourself are in service, and having a giant cross in your DP pretty much assures me how much love and knowledge of Islam you have. Plus such confidence of 'very good knowledge of islam' when you use words like mullahs... riiiiiight.. you are very very very very educated on islam. Not without my daughter Hollywood anti-Iran movie educated on Islam. Without a doubt in my mind you have great anti-islam sentiments. I don't doubt if you actually learned about Islam you MIGHT change, but I can't tell for certain. Without any doubt your knowledge of islam is from the obvious anglo-christendom church endorsed islam literature, typical western anti-islam literature and the usual media pinacle. Not a single muslim uses the word mullah except those who are cultural and far away from islam, and... those who think iran is islam or something silly like that. If you want to know Islam read the Qur'an and read it from beginning to end many times. You will feel it only then, especially if you are someone who has read the bible over and over again as I have and I am assuming you have as well. Everything that is deranged, crooked, distorted, confusing or inconsistent with christianity is answering in the Qur'an.

I've read the entire Koran, or Qur'an. Whichever spelling you prefer. I have not once in ANY of my posts used the word "mullahs". Please re-read them.

The picture in my display pic is because I'm Irish. Nothing more. The fact I am a Christian has nothing to do with it whatsoever. My education on Islam is from University level religious studies classes taught by an Islamic prof. From practicing Muslims I personally know, and experience interacting within Islamic culture. I don't know where I could go to get a better understanding.

I've never seen this movie you keep talking about. Never even heard of it.

As far as service history and the sacrifice of military members. I say we leave that right now. MANY Zilvians are current service members or are former as well, and any discussion of such is best left alone. To many here, that's personal.

06-23-2008, 01:40 PM
I don't consider university religion classes as being educated on Islam. Cause quite frankly I had classes on Islam in both philosophy classes and religion classes and they were quite biased and limited, at best deranged and distorted.

The scope of the topic was so limited that given the opportunity no one would be swayed to become Muslim in anyway, simply because it was very monotone and biased. In other words, just there to cover some board of education's butt that they included 'all religions'. Just how I studied hinduism as well, it was not in depth enough, although it touched base, but that doesn't mean I can quote the baghadvita or upanishad

06-23-2008, 01:42 PM
...I had far more respect than anyone else for religion around me especially here in the west where everyone thinks they are so mighty and high without religion, atheists, secularists, etc...

Where do you get that? Everyone? Is that like every Muslim wants to blow up airplanes and mutilate their wives to prevent them from cheating on them?

Do you see my point?

06-23-2008, 01:46 PM
I don't consider university religion classes as being educated on Islam. Cause quite frankly I had classes on Islam in both philosophy classes and religion classes and they were quite biased and limited, at best deranged and distorted.

I'll respect your right to believe that. I doubt this was the case with mine as it was taught by a Muslim instructor. His teaching on Christianity and other religions such as Hinduism etc. were very well done and unbias. I have no reason to believe his teaching on Islam was any different. If anything one would assume he'd be bias positively towards it. The class was quite in-depth as well as it was a full year class. I've also studied it on my own time. Hence my reading of the Koran, incidently my first time reading it was as young as 13. I was a bit of a nerd as a kid. :wiggle:

My last time reading it was a year ago. When I was 22.

In any case, my other experience stands. I find it to be much more valuable anyway.

I hope you realize I'm not attacking you personally, nor your faith at all. Doing so would be to demonstrate the ignorance I've accused those of who have done so to you, making me no better then them. :bow:

However my friend, we are digressing largely from the topic in the thread. If you want to continue this discussion, you're free to PM me. I won't respond further in this thread. That's how I've always treated these topics when they come up in such threads, but are not themselves the subject of the thread.

06-23-2008, 02:35 PM
Ahmed, There are plenty of facts that will put you to shame. I wouldnt be so quick to start pointing fingers on the US. Mankind is corrupt beyond words, but take a look at your warlord of a savior. A mother uses a child as a shield assuming its going to stop a 7.62 round- A belief system beyond words of evil. You follow the teachings of a warlord. For hundreds of years your muslim nations have been at war. Look into the details on WHY. Ethnic cleansing. Remember, your bible says your either in, or an infidel.

Cliff notes; Muslims have always bombed 1st.

06-23-2008, 03:08 PM
^Wow some straight historical facts there buddy.

First few lines are so making sense I won't bother to respond. You just don't speak proper English to peak my interest, it's confusing me.

In Falastine/Israel, the first to bomb were the irgun and stern gang jews who eventually became the Israeli "defense" Force, they bombed hospitals, embassies, buses and even an airport. Massacred women, children, elderly, villages, tribes.

Historically the land of falastine while ruled by muslims cherished all three abrahamaic lineages. The testatment to that is that you find churches, synagogues and mosques all together. In fact Muslims took in Jews from all over europe, russia, etc... Most of the Jews in more modern land falastine were immigrants from Russia. This is fact. The Jewish population became very little as they spread across Europe. Yet during world war 2, when Jews were rejected by the US, other european 'western countries', Muslims took them in, there are still many rabbis alive from that age who confess to this fact. Example in Tunisia of many places (where I lived also by the way).

Again historically, when the christian crusaders came, even the crusader historians recorded the fact that the blood of women and children ran up above the knees from the slaughter they bestowed on the local people. They slaughtered even the local christians as they were considered blasphemous for co-existing with the Muslims.

Another example of how you could find churches, synagogues and mosques is in Bosnia. While on the other hand the orthodox serbs tried to mass slaughter, rape and literally eradicate any trace of muslim history and then 'baptized' cities and renamed them to christian names, repopulated (I'm talking like ten some years ago)

In fact muslims rebuilt the mount in Jerusalem when there was no temple, and just crumbles, the Muslims were the ones to build the al-quds to honor Solomon and David (peace be upon them), while today the Israelis are trying to destroy it and rebuild the 'third temple'

So I find that funny. I noticed Iraq didn't attack the US ever not even once, and yet the US bombed the crap out of that country TWICE sending it back to the prefarming age.

On to the 'historical' part you speak of and waging war, the only times muslims really fought each other was when they were just muslim by name and not following islam, otherwise when united they brought about what western history should be thankful for, as there wouldn't be no 'renessaince' to be proud of. While Muslims had four story houses, much of Europe lived in shackles and mud houses

An example of where muslims were complete idiots was al-andalus or what you would today call spain. When so called muslims started selling liqour and plotting with other crusading christians how to overthrow other muslims for sake of power. Nothing but materialism and glory for power, not Islam. "Sultanates" and other pre-islamic concepts lurked around. No different than many puppets and dictators cherished by the west currently in power in some of these so called muslim countries (or better called colonial delegates as they were carved by the British, French, Italians, etc...)

Second it's called the Qur'an and not the bible. The word bible although not found in the bible itself comes from latin biblios, book. As the bible is composed of many books not just the torah, psalms, etc... Qur'an actually means recitation and it is the unchanged recording of Muhammad (peace be upon him)'s recitation as narrated to him from Gabriel (peace be upon him). It is the pure unadulterated word of God delivered. It is the same as it was 1400 years ago. The bible on the other hand contains words of God, words of prophets, words of historians, words of fabricators, words of church, words of translators, words of Paul, and many more.

In fact the word bible although not in the bible itself is used in the qur'an as christians and jews are refered to in the Qur'an as "ahlul-kitab" people of the book. (and what book are we talking about?)

Surah Al-Imran 3:64 Say: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but God; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than God." If then they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to God's Will).

In fact the word trinity even, not ever even once in the bible, as it is a fabricated sytem of belief by the church and not from Jesus (peace be upon him), is actually mentioned in the Qur'an.

Surah 4:171: O People of the Book, commit no excesses in your religion; nor say of God anything but the truth. The Messiah Jesus son of Mary was (no more than) a Messenger of God, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a Spirit proceeding from Him; so believe in God and His Messengers. Say not "Trinity": desist! It will be better for you: for God is One: Glory be to Him! (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is God as a Disposer of affairs.

Surah 5:73-74: They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One God. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them [74]Why turn they not to Allah and seek His Forgiveness? For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful

And lastly brushing through your rambling. The word infidel is a Christian word and I don't get how so many people insist on using this when applied to Muslims. The crusades by the 'blessing' of the pope went to eradicate the 'muslim infidels' thinking they were idol worshipers and such in their mass hysteria and ignorance.

I doubt you even know what the word muslim and/or islam actually mean.

Some terms for your ears are:

Allah - The God, it is neither male or female, can not be made plural, it is absolute unique and absolute singular. As opposed to in english where you can have god, gods, godesses, godhead, godmother, whatever.
Mumeen means believer
Muslim - means 5 things but in a nutshell means one who submits himself to the will of God and not to his own desires and to God alone.
Kafir often translated as disbeliever, or worse yet infidel (lol) actually rooted in the word kafara, it means one who conceals, one who covers up. Infidel is a christian word and apparently Arab Christians have their own Arabic word for this which is not kafir.
Munafiq - hypocrite, one who pretends to believe but inside him or when others are not around disbelieves and may even work against other believers.

PS - cliff notes is for people who can't stand and always plagiarize on projects and cheat on exams.

06-23-2008, 04:05 PM
I can atleast say my wife doesnt look like a cross between the grim reaper and cyclops from X-men /thread

06-23-2008, 04:07 PM
I can atleast say my wife doesnt look like a cross between the grim reaper and cyclops from X-men /thread



Wow, sorry bud, but uuuh, my convert muslim mother and my born muslim wife don't look anything like that.

Cliff notes: You really are cookoo in the head.

06-23-2008, 04:10 PM
Just as Muslims who distort and twist their faith to justify their acts, so do many Christians. Both cases are described in one word. Hypocrite. I can admit both sides have them. It seems except for a few select minor cases, a_ahemd, you think Islam has done nothing but exist peacefully and Christianity and all who follow the Judeo/Christian heritage (that pre-dates Islam by approximately 600 years as Muhammed was born in 570AD or CE) have done nothing but the opposite.

There are many examples in history of Muslims being the aggressor, Christians being the aggressor, and also of both faiths working together as friends and putting their differences aside. At times in history Muslim and Christian armies have fought side by side against hypocrites of their own kind. For example, In Spain, El Cid (Known as "The Seed") fought to retake Valencia on the coast of Spain with a combined Christian and Muslim force from al-Qadir and his Muslim army from the North of Africa in the late 11th century, which had taken the city during the Almarovid invasion of Spain by Yusef ibn Tashfin several years earlier. The Spanish army, under King Alfonso, refused to fight alongside Muslims and earlier had been defeated by Yusef at the battle of Sagrajas, a battle in which El Cid refused to fight for many reasons, one of which being King Alfonso had banished him and he disagreed with the tactics of the battle and the Kings refusal to accept the Muslim portion of his forces. In this case, Muslims struck first with the invasion of Spain. However, the Christian response of persecution of the Islamic minority already present in Spain with whom they were living peacefully, was a horrible mistake, and was the reason for Muslim forces being accepted by El Cid under his protection. This is also considered to be the catalyst that led to the wars of the Crusades by many people. Which again, had elements of guilt on both sides.

I'd suggest watching the movie "El Cid" with the late Chuck Heston. It's old, but good. It was quite accurate to the historical events, with some minor changes and alterations here and there and a love story thrown in.

There's a historical example of both sides being the aggressors, and also both sides working together knowing their own faith had acted in a way that was wrong.

youngkadafi: No, Muslims have not ALWAYS "bombed" first. History shows that.

The word "Islam" means "submission"

And stop with the personal insults and attacks. I said I was done before, so now I am.

06-23-2008, 04:15 PM
The word "Islam" means "submission"Correction. The word Islam means submission of one's will to God alone. Not "submission" by itself.

The word actually has five correlated word meanings in one: surrending and submitting oneself sincerely to God's will, obeying God, achieving peace through this process. Five words: sincere, obedience, surrender, submission, to God and peace.

And a Muslim is one who submits himself to the will of God alone. As in arabic ascribing to something you take the word and add the mu in front. So Islam, muislam=muslim, athan (call to prayer) muathan=muethin (caller to prayer), etc..

Unfortunately some idiots don't know this and use the word "islamist", although in the media it is deliberately used. Instead of saying "muslim" when muslims are being attacked, killed, kicked out, defending themselves or fighting or just plain being killed, (eg; in somalia, when ethiopian army came and started eradicating muslims), the term islamist and not muslim is used.

There is no such thing as an 'islamist' only a muslim. Someone stupid enough did not know the above and instead tried the english suffix as opposed to arabic prefix methodology to describe one who follows or ascribes to islam. "Pessimism" = "Pessimist", "appologize" = "appologist"

That is what it's to be a muslim, what islam is. To the one God, the same God the creator of all mankind. Following the same all messengers from Adam, Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Job, David, Solomon, amongst many (. Delivering the same message throughout out time when people deviated, towards Islam, towards the submission of one's will to God, and to worship God alone not make partners or 'shirk' with God (commandment 1 and 2 to christians). The reason there are many religions is because people did not any longer submit themselves to God but their own desires and changed the commandments and word of God for their own immediate worldly benefit.

To the rest. I actually mentioned in brief that one of the times of muslim stupidity was when so called Muslims were fighting for power, actually ABANDONED the religion and fought other Muslims alongside Christian invaders, were selling/importing drugs and alcohol from europe, etc... It had nothing to do with Islam itself. No different than the puppets and dictators who are cherished by the west today in so called muslim countries.

06-23-2008, 05:10 PM
I can atleast say my wife doesnt look like a cross between the grim reaper and cyclops from X-men /thread

God I hope you're joking.
This is one of the reasons everyone hates the American people....

06-23-2008, 05:10 PM
I didnt read all the posts above but it seems to be getting religious.

It only takes a few idiots to taint the entire system. I believe true Muslims or Christians are not properly represented because there's always some idiot who ruins it for the rest of everyone.

Sorta like car meets, only takes a few idiots to ruin it for the rest of us.

06-23-2008, 05:37 PM
God I hope you're joking.
This is one of the reasons everyone hates the American people....

obviously its a j/k

imotion s14
06-23-2008, 05:39 PM
man you guys are like way off-topic. lol.

06-23-2008, 05:40 PM
obviously its a j/k

No, obviously it wasn't. Jokes are funny. What you said was offensive.

Take a couple weeks off to ponder that.

06-23-2008, 05:47 PM
I dont get it...
Kadafi was that rapper from the outlawz (i think he was muslim)

what does kadafi really mean, or who is the original?

the irony.

06-23-2008, 08:33 PM
are we doomed.
look at thatguys avatar. (pow/mia flag.)
says a million words.

06-23-2008, 08:38 PM
^as in the men that gave there lives for this country would shed a tear if they seen it today. and the way it is run. or lack there of.
I often think about soilders and the jobs there doing...BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH! willing to fight for our country til DEATH! and often the fight they are fighting is unjust. SO SAD.

06-24-2008, 10:01 PM
Oh man this is getting deep.

I'm Mormon!




06-25-2008, 12:28 AM
Religion is the root of all evil http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:_OjRYzcflleNwM:http://www.tornadoquest.com/images/GodDelusion%2520book.jpg

06-25-2008, 12:45 AM
Religion is the root of all evil http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:_OjRYzcflleNwM:http://www.tornadoquest.com/images/GodDelusion%2520book.jpg

Not that book again. haha...

Just read the reviews and responses from many of his colleagues towards the book, and that will tell you all you need. Even fellow athiests reviewed its arguements rather harshly.

Baka Sama
06-25-2008, 01:15 AM
Just as Muslims who distort and twist their faith to justify their acts, so do many Christians. Both cases are described in one word. Hypocrite.


Quoted for truth.

I would love to sit down with mRclARK1 and a_ahmed to have a long conversation. But this is the wrong thread. Maybe we should just have a religion thread. I think zilvia can handle it.

06-25-2008, 08:32 AM


you cant negative rep for religion.

someone ban that guy.

06-25-2008, 08:42 AM
Actually, you can negative rep for whatever the hell you want.

That's a bullshit reason to rep, though.

06-25-2008, 08:51 AM
Quoted for truth.

I would love to sit down with mRclARK1 and a_ahmed to have a long conversation. But this is the wrong thread. Maybe we should just have a religion thread. I think zilvia can handle it.

Seems like Zilvia could, cept for a few of us but there's always going to be those people.

06-25-2008, 09:31 AM
Actually, you can negative rep for whatever the hell you want.

That's a bullshit reason to rep, though.


but still a bullshit reason.

06-25-2008, 10:50 AM
you cant negative rep for religion.

someone ban that guy.

Neg rep when someone doesn't agree with you, posi rep when someone tells a funny joke.

Thats what the systems for right?! :p

06-25-2008, 09:19 PM
All religion is retarded for that matter, not just Mormonism.

Religion is the reason we are doomed as a SPECIES.

P.S. thanks for donating $10 for the premie account!

06-26-2008, 12:45 AM
Yes, minions, fight amongst yourselves- you will find no unity, and will only join in the battle to hide the lies and cruelties that have been bestowed upon you and those who will follow you.

Continue to contribute to the madness of greed and materialism. Go on and buy yourself those $150 Jordans and $200 sweaters, as seen in the fashion thread. Those possessions will fulfill your empty, soulless hearts until your neighbor- once your ally, now your enemy- buys the newest kind, then off you go, putting yourself into debt to keep up with a sense of vanity and self-worth that you will never attain.

You'll lose your homes, your families, everything that is dear to your heart to "keep up with the Jones'"..... You'll sacrifice your faith, everything you believe in, in search of being part of the elite, thinking that this will save you from the inevitable fall that is coming down on us all.

You can blame politics, leaders, corporations, religion- anything, but what it comes down to is how much we have fueled their wealth by buying into their messages that say to us that what we have isn't good enough, you must go out and buy more... Give us your money, and we'll give you what you want and need... Look at the people we give millions to for entertainment, that continue to destroy their lives in pursuit of beauty and fame... These are the people that you're brainwashed to want to be, because you'll never feel contented just being you. Money is the solution to all your problems. Money will make you young, it will make you beautiful, or handsome, it will bring you pride, you'll never starve, you'll never want for anything.... except your life when it comes crashing down in flames around you, and all those people that told you to fuck off everything that was important will disappear. They will only tell you to want more.

You give them the fuel, you give them the power. They all believe that money is power, money talks and bullshit walks, but this is what THEY believe. You don't have to fall into that trap. Money is a tool, you use it- it shouldn't use you.

All the miseries of the world are caused by war, and war is caused because of money.

Stop thinking that money is as meaningful as they want to make you believe.

Do your job, make enough to survive.

Don't worry about retirement- teach your kids to love you and respect you, love them and respect them. Educate them- don't just send them to school. When you can't take care of yourself, they will take care of you. This is how it's supposed to be.

Learn not to be dependent on money. That is the biggest FUCK YOU you can give to Corporate America. They think they have the people by the balls right now, and they throw us crumbs called Economic Stimulus checks to pacify the people as they scream in pain from losing what they were brainwashed to think they should have.

Fuck the financial system. Fuck money.

Are we fucked? Not necessarily. It may be that you need to wake the FUCK up and stop arguing, start learning to survive instead of waiting for the world to provide for you.

Omarius Maximus
06-26-2008, 12:59 AM
I was born a muslim...but am no longer one. I've just grown a hatred for all semitic religions. Muslims/Jews/Christians...all the same group of morans.

06-26-2008, 01:19 AM
So yeah... Wow. Alot of hate in this world still.

Hate is the bastard child of ignorance and fear. We need to deal with those two if we ever EVER want to move forward as a civilization.

Vision Garage
06-26-2008, 01:43 AM
The media has been filtered for centuries. Those in power only want the people to see what they want to see. Why portray a corrupt government? Why fight a war on Terrorism? Personal interest. Can anyone truly give the benefits that has come from the war on terrorism?

Like Lupe said, "FUCK BUSH"

and this is what we need
