View Full Version : More Turlock Shenanigans?

06-18-2008, 09:11 AM
first bazookas at jack in the box, now this? pretty fucked up

A man parked his truck on a country road outside Turlock on Saturday night, removed a baby boy from a car seat and then beat the child to death in the street, fighting off passers-by who tried to stop him, until he was gunned down by a police officer whose helicopter landed in a nearby pasture, police said Sunday.
The 27-year-old suspect, who lived in Turlock (Stanislaus County), died almost immediately where he fell. The child, who according to police appeared to be 12 to 24 months old, was taken to a hospital but died before arrival.
Police officials declined to identify the man and said they were not yet certain who the child was - or in what way, if any, he was related to his attacker. The Stanislaus County coroner's office told police that the agency may have to identify the boy through a DNA test because he was beaten beyond recognition.
No information was immediately available about the child's mother.
The suspect "had tunnel vision," said Stanislaus County sheriff's Deputy Royjindar Singh, a department spokesman. "As people tried to intervene, to tackle him, he just went back to what he was doing. Anything and everything he could do to the baby, that's what he was doing."
Singh said investigators were working hard to answer a series of questions about the shocking case, including why the suspect stopped in the roadway, where he was coming from and where he was going. Singh said he did not know whether the suspect was under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
The beating and subsequent shooting by police happened near a dairy ranch along two-lane West Bradbury Road, between South Blaker Road and South Central Avenue, in an unincorporated area about 10 miles west of downtown Turlock and 20 miles south of Modesto. The rural road, which extends straight west from Highway 99, has no streetlights.
Singh said an elderly couple driving along West Bradbury Road just after 10 p.m. made the first 911 call to police, reporting that the suspect's four-door Toyota pickup truck was parked facing west in the eastbound lane. According to the caller, the suspect was behind the truck, where he was brutally beating the boy.
The couple had poor cell phone reception and did not give authorities a precise address, delaying the response by a few minutes, Singh said. But soon, he said, others called as well, and some witnesses stopped and tried to halt the attack on the child, who was shaken, punched, kicked and stomped on the pavement.
"One (person) tried to intervene, and the suspect pushed him off and continued assaulting the baby," Singh said.
By 10:13 p.m., a county dispatcher had confirmed the correct location and broadcast it, Singh said, but it was so remote that the first officers to arrive were aboard a Sheriff's Department helicopter that had been patrolling over Turlock. The pilot, a sheriff's deputy, and the tactical flight officer, a Modesto city police officer, landed in a cow pasture just off the roadway at about 10:19 p.m., Singh said.
The flight officer then ran about 20 yards toward the suspect and, while standing behind the pasture's fence, ordered him to stop beating the child, who was on the ground, Singh said.
"He refuses to comply with the orders, and the officer fires," he said, "resulting in the death of the suspect."
Firefighters from a nearby station arrived a few minutes later and tried desperately to resuscitate the child. The boy was then rushed to Emanuel Medical Center in Turlock. Despite this effort, Singh said that the child died before arrival at the hospital.
By the time the ambulance had left the scene, Singh said, almost a dozen people had witnessed some part of the incident, with at least two trying to physically stop the suspect.
"The two officers on the helicopter, they were pretty shook up about it," Singh said. "We have to kind of expect this in our line of work. But for people who were just driving home, they weren't prepared for this. They're watching a helpless baby die in front of them and they're trying to intervene, but all their efforts aren't doing anything."

06-18-2008, 09:34 AM
Absolutely disgusting, no other way to describe it, thank god the suspect died.

06-18-2008, 09:36 AM
Oh, wow. thats a horrible story. At least the cops put him to sleep, although getting beat to death would have been more just. Probably drug related.. fuckin' psycos out there.

06-18-2008, 09:36 AM
thats fucking crazy....the dude had to be on somethin

06-18-2008, 10:30 AM
how fuckin stupid can people be?? why? to a baby c'mon some people are sick fucks man i swear

06-18-2008, 10:38 AM
They should seriously use people like that as crash test dummies.

06-18-2008, 10:42 AM
They should seriously use people like that as crash test dummies.

they used him as target practice. even better.

touge monster
06-18-2008, 10:52 AM
I'm glad the deputy fired on the suspect. Only two out of a dozen people tried to stop him?

06-18-2008, 10:55 AM
the other ppl just stood back and yelled

"hey man........stop punching that baby"

06-18-2008, 10:57 AM
maybe there was a car alarm going off in the background.

Vision Garage
06-18-2008, 11:38 AM
Poor child. Drop him or her off at a hospital. No need to brutally kill someone.

06-18-2008, 03:31 PM
they used him as target practice. even better.

they DID.

thats some seriously fucked up shit. homeboy deserved the death... he wouldve gotten that penalty anyways... theres no way this guy had a brain.

06-18-2008, 03:46 PM
What a fucking psycho. That must have been such an awful thing to witness. Can't believe more people didn't intervene.

06-18-2008, 05:36 PM
i lived there...... in modesto for a short bit.... pretty nasty area.... seems like people like live and die there.... and drugs seem to be the greatest thing going on.....doesnt surprise me though... like that one guy with the assault rifle who didnt want to go back to iraq so instead he had a gun fight similar to the wild west...that was 3 blocks away from where i lived ... poor kid...poor baby...

06-18-2008, 07:59 PM
they DID.

thats some seriously fucked up shit. homeboy deserved the death... he wouldve gotten that penalty anyways... theres no way this guy had a brain.

He probably would have gotten away with insanity.

06-18-2008, 08:10 PM
someone should have just drilled him in the head with a bat. How could you stand there and let that happen.

hopefully theres a hell for that guy to burn in.

06-18-2008, 10:03 PM
some of the people were looking for rocks or something to beat him with but by then the cops came

there was an article in the paper saying how people naturally froze up on that spot

it woulda freaked you out

i would like to think i woulda gone over to stop the guy, but i have the benefit of hindsight right now

also you'd wanna get the guy but avoid hurting the kid

C. Senor
06-18-2008, 11:31 PM
damn that sucks. like option^ i would like to think i would that i would natural just start beaming that dude with the 4 battery maglite i keep in my truck on in the face...but truth be told i might freeze too from pure shock that someone is actually doing that right in front of me. sad to hear about the baby, glad to hear dude got shot though.

drift freaq
06-18-2008, 11:54 PM
Yup sounds like Turlock, that whole area is like meth labs and speed freaks and poor people who have nothing to lose. Thats just fucked up shit. Very disturbing.

06-19-2008, 12:00 AM

message lenght.

06-19-2008, 01:12 AM
man this is hella sad. i actually kno someone thats from Turlock, hes cool. kinda talks a lot sometimes though

06-19-2008, 01:24 AM
I hate reading shit like this. It makes me want to kill people.