View Full Version : datascan and the information it provides for sr

06-17-2008, 09:15 PM
Hi, I have always had issues with my car, bad idle until warm, tried the obvious fixes, but I have had this datascan software for a while and the hookup, I would imagine that it can tell me a lot about any bad sensor I may have. I was wondering if there is a database of general Sr20det value ranges that coudl help me diagnose a problem. I am sure that by reading the service manual I would find something but it would be much easier to have a database or start a database for values that the datalogger can monitor. Am I years behind or is there none out there. TIA fellow zilvians.

Master Chief
06-18-2008, 03:10 AM
I dont kow about a Database for such values, but with the DataScan you can get a list of mailfunctions/bad sensors, if there are any, and try to reset them.

Sometimes a bad wire can cause a problem.

You can allso use the "SET IDLE" function to set the base idle, dont i dont have the documentation on the exact procedure.
Meaby somone can explain here how can it be used to set the idle.
This could help you.