View Full Version : PW: The Last Days of the United States

06-13-2008, 08:31 AM
WTF is the Supreme Court thinking?

Al Qaeda and other terrorist detainees given US Constitutional rights and access to US Courts.

I wonder if our soldiers would be given the same rights in other countries if captured on the battlefield, I think not.

Have a way to solve the problem....don't capture 'em....shoot 'em

06-13-2008, 08:38 AM
the U.S. is so ass-backwards it's not even funny

06-13-2008, 08:40 AM
Yea, I heard about this. I usually don't respond in the political threads, but this is outrageous IMO.

06-13-2008, 08:43 AM
WTF is the Supreme Court thinking?

Al Qaeda and other terrorist detainees given US Constitutional rights and access to US Courts.

I wonder if our soldiers would be given the same rights in other countries if captured on the battlefield, I think not.

Have a way to solve the problem....don't capture 'em....shoot 'em

I'm assuming you are referring to the ruling regarding detainees at Guantanamo Bay. Not everyone there is actually Al Qaeda or "terrorists".

Part of being the United States is setting an example for the rest of the world. You honestly believe that its okay to hold people in prison with no rights whatsoever, when you arent even sure if they are guilty or not? get real man. Everyone deserves due process. If they are guilty then lock them up, prove it in the court of law first though.

06-13-2008, 08:44 AM

06-13-2008, 08:56 AM
Yeah lets shoot the ones who surrender. good.

06-13-2008, 09:11 AM
Funny how there's threads bashing the government going out of control by destroying th constitutional rights.

Then when those rights are protected, it's the death of the united states.

C'mon man!

The amount of cause needed for the military to detain someone is LAUGHABLE! National security is recognized as the #1 rationale for justifying government action, provide national security is actually at stake. The Court isn't just acting randomly here, it already gives ridiculous deference to the government and military action.

We're going to foreign countries to fix the situations we don't like (at least thats our pretext), but you say we shouldn't extend the values we think are valuable to others because they might not?

If the government needs to torture or beat down some dude to save lives, I wouldn't really shrug...but I would want to think the government is torturing or beating up a dude that they actually think has info.

06-13-2008, 10:30 AM
These are people we're fighting against because of a difference in morals and values, so we're going to further enforce our morals and values on P.O.W.'s by being "humanitarian" about our "fair" legal system? Sounds pretty American to me.

We may consider our legal system to be fair, and it's something that works for us, but what we consider fair may be totally different from our enemy's perception of fair. I mean seriously, can you imagine a U.S. soldier having to read someone their rights if they're going to detain someone who's got a grenade in his hand? I think there needs to be something a little more universal that gets the beliefs of all the countries in there, as opposed to the U.S. believing that we're the messiah and have to spread the good word all over the world.

We saw how well that turned out for Jesus.

06-13-2008, 11:12 AM
Thats not even the same thing. In a war zone, there are no rights, if you are an enemy and are weilding a grenade or other weapon intended to inflict harm, you will get shot. In the case of Guantanamo Bay, those people are held based primarily on the Patriot Act, which allows the govt or local authorities to arrest you under suspicion of what they deem to be 'terrorist activity' - They do not need warrants, or any evidence. They can lock you up (until now anyway) indefinately. No trial, no jury, no just cause.

This has nothing to do with what happens in a war-zone or military combat.

06-13-2008, 11:17 AM
When politics are involved dictating the military actions there is no win win situation. It's a win lose situation.

You capture them and you try to be humane about it when warfare does not have a need for it.

You take no prisoners. Your a pussy if you surrender.

06-13-2008, 11:21 AM
i think the US just needs to stop getting involved with everyone elses shit for the most part. if things get out of hand and there is a war about to happen ok, try to help them settle it. but for us to go in and impose our system on them is fawked up. they have their way of living and their differences. if the US wanna "help" the world they might as well take it over and "unite" everyone.

06-13-2008, 01:54 PM
i say shoot them all... even the kids who work for al-qaeda and run up to the soldiers and act like they are shooting them...teach that f-ing region a damn lesson...they keep killing us because they know our rules of engagement suck...and we cant shoot until we are shot upon or you feel your life is in imminent danger...BUT then it is up to the government to decide if your decision was just.
how do i know this...i was in the military for 6 years and deployed 2 times... i know too many people who were blown up by people acting as innocent victims only to have a bomb strapped to them...

06-13-2008, 01:58 PM
These are people we're fighting against because of a difference in morals and values, so we're going to further enforce our morals and values on P.O.W.'s by being "humanitarian" about our "fair" legal system? Sounds pretty American to me.

We may consider our legal system to be fair, and it's something that works for us, but what we consider fair may be totally different from our enemy's perception of fair. I mean seriously, can you imagine a U.S. soldier having to read someone their rights if they're going to detain someone who's got a grenade in his hand? I think there needs to be something a little more universal that gets the beliefs of all the countries in there, as opposed to the U.S. believing that we're the messiah and have to spread the good word all over the world.

We saw how well that turned out for Jesus.
there is ...some countries just dont follow it


06-13-2008, 06:59 PM
are we at war?
i thought we "won" already

06-13-2008, 07:20 PM
This is madness!

06-13-2008, 07:37 PM
damn that is waste of our tax money, i agree they should just shoot them instead

beeracing s14
06-13-2008, 08:57 PM
you know how U.S. is .. always in regards to human life and rights. but if you ask me, ill FIRE SQUAD the madafakas!

06-13-2008, 10:26 PM
I am outraged. /end outrage

06-13-2008, 10:42 PM
We could learn from our Northern brother Canada. Why can't we be like them?

06-13-2008, 10:53 PM
I think that before they start trying to give constitutional rights to people they went and captured themselves, they should start honoring the rights of the people that live here already.

Our "Bill of Rights" is used as toilet paper in the White House. They don't give a shit about people's rights. They're just saying stuff to get a rise out of people to keep hating on those that are just trying to defend themselves from the greed of our corporate government.

They can say whatever they want about giving them rights- it's all lip service.

06-14-2008, 09:23 AM
WTF is the Supreme Court thinking?

Al Qaeda and other terrorist detainees given US Constitutional rights and access to US Courts.

I wonder if our soldiers would be given the same rights in other countries if captured on the battlefield, I think not.

Have a way to solve the problem....don't capture 'em....shoot 'em

Ok, I think you have missed the whole point of what this nation stands for or what it stood for in the past anyway. The whole idea is that the United States is a free nation; a "beacon of justice". We are a civilized nation that extends its freedoms to all peoples and we wont be dragged down to the same level as the terrorists and the nations that support them. So as a nation we extend justice and due process to everyone, even those who we hate. The constitution and Habeus Corpus is an attempt to ensure that every person in a US prison sees the inside of a US courtroom and recieves a fair trial. Thats what it means to be a truly free and just nation, that with absolute dignity and unwaivering ideals we give the freedom to stand trial to even are worst enemies...