View Full Version : Wisdom Teeth horror stories

06-12-2008, 06:37 PM
Ok so... If you need dental advice... do not come to me.

Usually I hear people say "I did pulled them all at once or... twice... and most of the time they were knocked out."

I on the other hand went back 3 TIMES!!!!

1ST TIME EASY (3YEARS AGO) - top right wisdom tooth... bout 20 seconds.

2ND TIME EXTREMELY HARD (1.5 WEEKS AGO) - Left side top and bottom...

IMpacted Left Side bottom wisdom tooth:
So we look at the xray and dentist goes... looks like soft tissue covering... ok so we start... After drilling, hammering, chiseling, picking for about 40 minutes... "hmm thats bone"... "its deeply covered by bone"..."we need to cut away at ur bone"... I'm thinking FUCK!!! That one tooth came out in 5 pieces.

STraight top left side wisdom tooth:
20 seconds...

Was awake during the whole process... 1.5hours for 2 teeth.

3RD TIME EXTREMELY HARD (TODAY!!!!)- "This tooth is impacted like the other.. but is sticking out above the gum line more... looks them same but "should be easier" No guarantees... OK so we do this awake...i'M HALF NUMB AND MY DUMBASS SAYS OK LETS GET THIS OVER WITH I CAN'T FEEL ANYTING... "BLADE" aWW SHIT..... I FEEEEEL THE CUT... HE STARTS SCRAPINGN AWAY REMOVING THE GUM AROUND MY TOOTH... FACK!!!.. .OK BETTER SO THE NUMBNESS COMPLETELY SETS IN... ABOUT 1/2 WAY THROUGH I START FEEEEEELING PAIN.... LIKE 75/100 NUMBNESS... I AM JUST LIEK U KNOW WHAT JUST CONTINUE!!! GET THIS OVER WITH... HOLY CRAP I ALMOST PASS OUT... HE GIVES ME ANOTHER SHOT... but NO help really the PAIN IS there [email protected]#[email protected]#
Anyhow the tooth came out in about 6 pieces and the reason it took so long... My root was curved right at the very end into the bone... Kinda hooked itself into the bone so it wasn't budging...

Lesson Learned... Once I mean once the local anasthetic begins to wear out... its too late... The pain is extreme.

Current Status: In pain.. Just took vicodin...

Enlighten me w/ your stories :)

06-12-2008, 06:41 PM
You want horror stories?

You HAVE to, ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO read this story on something awful.


it's a long as read, but damn you will have nightmares.

and no, no goddamned cliff's notes for you lazy mother effers out there.

it's a rewarding read.

so reward yourself already and click the link.

06-12-2008, 06:52 PM
^^^.... That story is crazy

06-12-2008, 06:58 PM
I had a kid throw up a SHITLOAD of blood in class once.

he had just come to class from the dentist and had been in the back of the class half asleep for the past few hours, and all of a sudden he's like "i have to go" and before he can get to the door he puked up this huge puddle of blood all over the floor and this one dude's shoes.

It was awesome.

06-12-2008, 07:28 PM
I lucked out and never had wisdom teeth.

That doesn't mean I haven't had umm, "dental excitement."

Horse kick to the face.

Try going through the 3 hours of having 4 titanium implant anchors installed into holes drilled into your jawbone when your body burns through a shot of Novacaine in 10-15 minutes, and they'll only give you a total of two shots for fear of damaging your liver.

Fun. :D

06-12-2008, 07:45 PM
Mine. Shit sucked.


06-12-2008, 09:46 PM
the wonderful dentists on uncles sams payroll decided to leave a huge piece of tooth inside when they did the stitches. i was on bedrest all mellow on painkillers for days and finally i was like wtf is up?! my roomate to a gander and noticed death itself coming from my stitches...went back and got an apology that was about it.

06-12-2008, 10:20 PM
Mine sucked shit...I had to get all 4 out but the problem was that I had a tooth blocking each wisdom tooth. So the guy took fucking 8 teeth out my jaw was so weak and I was swollen for a week and had to eat mush for a month due to my weak jaw. Thank god I was gassed out.

06-12-2008, 10:23 PM
i have a big mouth

so i got to keep my wisdom teeth

06-12-2008, 10:36 PM
i just got all 4 of mine pulled last week. luckily i had no after surgery pain only chipmunk cheeks.

06-12-2008, 11:07 PM
holy shit, i gotta get one cut out, impacted. not lookin forward to it after those stories. i'm getting knocked the fug out!

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-12-2008, 11:23 PM
had the bottom right pulled. Impacted also. they had to remove some gum and bone on the curve of my mouth. There's an indent now where the tooth use to be.

06-13-2008, 12:26 AM
I got talked into getting mine removed. Now I miss them AND I have a fucked up cross bite as well.

Only trust a dentist half as far as you can throw them and NEVER get major work done while awake. It's just not worth it.

06-13-2008, 12:27 AM
I had all 4 of mine pulled on the same day. Not impacted, they werent even close to coming in. No pain whatsoever, healed immediately, my oral surgeon kicks ass.

Not to mention that I had an amazing orthodontist that took my teeth from fucked up to perfect in less than 3 years, and I mean my teeth were FUCKED to start with. Had to have LOTS of baby teeth pulled when I was younger because they came in on top of eachother. Now they couldn't be more perfect.

06-13-2008, 12:31 AM
Well I can't think of any other thread to read the day I schedule my dentist appointment to get my wisdom teeth pulled..thanks guys lol.

Seriously it will be a relief to get these little bastards out of my mouth. Really only one is giving me problems, but they aren't all up yet. By the sounds of things they will probably slice my gums and pull the couple that arent up.

If I am lucky at all I will swell up and look like a fucking chipmunk for grad. WOOOOT!

06-13-2008, 12:52 AM
i have one of four removed...it was great knocked out and everything...i woke up to the doctor stiching me back up...the great thing was the anesthesia wore off by the time i realized what he was doing..fun times.

the best part is..3 months ago i can feel my lower lip...now i cant..doc said its a problem that they sometimes encounter in severly impacted teeth..they hit the fucking nerve and damage it forever.

06-13-2008, 12:54 AM
Sue for malpractice.

06-13-2008, 01:22 AM
I've had somewhere from 3-5 oral surgerys I forget how many. Only 5 of my teeth ever came out normally. That's all cuz i spun around to make my self dizzy as a kid and wacked my jaw and teeth all out of wack...(smart eh). I had my wisdom teeth out a couple years ago and let me just tell you this, the recomended dose of vicodin is not enough....

06-13-2008, 01:22 AM
You want horror stories?

You HAVE to, ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO read this story on something awful.


it's a long as read, but damn you will have nightmares.

and no, no goddamned cliff's notes for you lazy mother effers out there.

it's a rewarding read.

so reward yourself already and click the link.

I read the whole damn thing and OH MAH FREAKIN' GAWD! There is no word that can describe how much that truly sucks.

06-13-2008, 02:30 AM
My wisdom teeth started bursting and hurting like shit when I was PG with my son.

No dentist/oral surgeon would touch me while I was PG, so I had to sit and bear the pain of my teeth for 5 months- and I couldn't take anything more than regular OTC tylenol, which we all know doesn't do shit with that kind of pain.

I still had to wait an additional 6 weeks after having him because of scheduling.

06-13-2008, 03:04 AM
That story is pretty fucked. It sucks that that happened to him but who lets a non doctor drill their damn teeth or get drilled and not say any thing about the pain. I don't feel bad for him because of how he handled himself.

Before any thing is done to me at least half my face will be numb. One time when I was supposed to get my tooth drilled I got five shots and the dentist couldn't hit the right nerve. Most of the left side of my face was numb but I could still feel the tooth in question as well as the one in front of it. I ended up coming back the next day and everything went smoothly.

The moral of the story is fuck pain. If you are willing to go trough unwanted pain the results of said pain are your own problem.

06-13-2008, 03:46 AM
damn these stories scare me I need to go bad though my teeth are crooked as fuck. my upper jaw is way off. when i was in 7th grade i fell off my bike and broke ma nose and jaw, they put it back in place da wrong way and put that cement shit on for a couple of months. my folks neva had the money to take care of it. now that i'm older i need to do it. i'm thinking in a couple of months save up and see how much it will be with insurance. I know it gonna be a shit load though. and this week my teeth been bleeding alot and i my gums is hurting. yea i need to go asap.

06-13-2008, 05:29 AM
I managed to keep my wisdom teeth.

I'm praying I never have to get them removed.

06-13-2008, 05:59 AM
I'm pretty shocked you allowed him to do that while you were awake. Was it a financial decision? That's insane. I had 11 baby teeth removed and I had gas and some shots and I was awake, but pretty loopy. It was totally fine, but for my wisdom teeth my dentist told me there was no way we'd do it without me being knocked out.

06-13-2008, 11:06 AM
^^ by choice....

06-13-2008, 11:17 AM
Don't have wisdom teeth. Well, I do on the top, but three dentist said they'll never make it far enough down to get in.

Worst I've had was my jaw cracked once.

06-13-2008, 11:36 AM
i got all 4 taken out in 5 min
i kept saying i could feel him touching my gums so he would give me more novacain
i was drooling all over i couldnt talk
it was damn funny but yanked em all out and sew up holes
i thought it would be bad but wasnt
hell root canals arnt bad at all either
asshole said i couldnt have my teeth though
i took em anyway

06-13-2008, 11:44 AM
You want horror stories?

You HAVE to, ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO read this story on something awful.


it's a long as read, but damn you will have nightmares.

and no, no goddamned cliff's notes for you lazy mother effers out there.

it's a rewarding read.

so reward yourself already and click the link.

I just took the time to read the whole thing and OH MY FUCKING GOD.

The other day I was like, "thank God I never had to wear braces." (I was thinking about all the small shit I take for granted)

That story further solidifies my thankfulness for have straight teeth.


06-13-2008, 12:35 PM
Most Dentists will give you drugs for pain if you ask them, usually they offer them because its easier to work on someone who isnt squirming in pain.. There is no way I'd have this kind of dental work done without some of the good stuff.

Regarding that story w/ the guy on the other forum: Its not as though they couldnt have gone to any dentist after the first few years and had them removed, its not like there is a secret code you need to remove them. I belive this is why everyone always says "get a second opinion" .. as far as sitting there while they pulled all the enamel off my teeth. I dont think I could handle that without passing our or hurting someone, so I have to question how much that guy exaggerated the story to make it sound better.

My teeth arent the straightest, but I've never had a cavity or any drilling/sawing or grinding done in my mouth. I'm fortunate in that respect.

06-13-2008, 01:26 PM
I had gone for a usual checkup and learned that my 2 bottom wisdom teeth were growing perpendicular to the other teeth (like ramming them).

Anyways I was about to go to Australia for my cousins wedding so I said fuck it and postponed any further dentist visits. While in Australia one tooth came through my gums so I couldn't really chew food.

This was while I was 4x4ing in the outback with a bunch of manly men who only eat barbecued meat so I was pretty much fucked.

Long story short I got a bad infection and when I got them (all 4) removed and it was a $1500+ surgery due mostly to the cyst under that tooth that popped through. I wasn't able to eat solids for over a week and the stitches were in my mouth for almost 2 months.

On top of all that, the surgeon managed to cut my lips to hell.

06-13-2008, 02:01 PM
I fucking hate the dentist.

06-13-2008, 02:22 PM
i still have 3 of mine my top right fell out on its own.. and the bottom right hurts once in a blue,, i wanna pull it myself hahaha

06-13-2008, 02:26 PM
i have four but they dont hurt and there not pushing my teeth yet either. thats something i dont wanna do or pay for yet. lol. I just paid about 1200 for my root canal with insurance ughhhh! Most of the cost was because i wanted porcelain.

06-13-2008, 03:50 PM

My right side chin/mouth/bottom gums are still numb... 24hours after...

ray ban
06-13-2008, 04:12 PM
Only had one wisdom tooth. One perfectly good wisdom tooth, but the Navy said it had to come out anyway. I managed to avoid having it pulled for about three or four years, but the dentists finally got their way. When they did the doc couldn't get it at first, so he climbed up onto the dental chair, pushed a giant pair of pliers in my mouth, held my head back against the headrest with his knee and yanked that baby out of there. No stitches, just a big hunk of gauze stuck in the hole. Played an entire basketball game that evening. In my case it was not nearly as bad a I had expected.

08-26-2008, 09:10 PM
I'm resurrecting this thread, in the hope that someone here will know of a good dentist in MEXICO.

My friend and I both need a lot of dental work done, she's in pain, neither of us has insurance, and we're both SOL in the $$$ department.

The dental work is cheaper there, and from what I hear, WAAAY better.

PM me immediately if you can help us out at all.

08-26-2008, 09:13 PM
I get mine out Thursday.

Fuck me...

08-27-2008, 12:13 PM
I had mine pulled out when I was 19 or 20. All four at once. Knocked me out. Only problem was I got dry sockets afterwards, requiring a few follow-ups and flushing the sockets daily. It was funny, because it felt like I was knocked out for like 3 hours. A few months later I took my wife (then GF) to her surgery (all four). I sit down in the waiting room, expecting it to be a while. Like 10 minutes later they told me to come and get her. She's all loopy, and crying, but doesn't know why she's crying. Later that day she has no memory of it, doesn't even remember walking out to the car.

08-27-2008, 02:34 PM
Wow I guess I am lucky that mine dont bother me, they started comin in about 4 years ago, still not in yet though, so I supposed I have more time for pain to come

08-27-2008, 04:13 PM
In regards to Mexico dentists, I have a friend/co worker from Miami that has gone to Mexico for some dentist work. I can try to find some more info for you.

I am about 65% better... 35% numb still on my lower chin... Sucky...

Try kissing a girl w/ no feel in that area.. FAIL!

08-27-2008, 04:41 PM
I'm resurrecting this thread, in the hope that someone here will know of a good dentist in MEXICO.

My friend and I both need a lot of dental work done, she's in pain, neither of us has insurance, and we're both SOL in the $$$ department.

The dental work is cheaper there, and from what I hear, WAAAY better.

PM me immediately if you can help us out at all.

have you try to give dental school a try?

when you are taking out the wisdom tooth, it is all depends on how complicate it is. if the surgical procedures mess up, you can have permanent damage, such as infection (will cause death because bacteria invades to your brain), or damage of nerve (you will no longer can move half side of your face, or lip, or lost of taste sensation). if you get it done in US, at least you can sue them and get money if shit happens.

if it is impacted (does not grow out but it is there), than you need surgical removal (they cut a hole on your cum and cut the wisdom tooth into many sections). This is difficult and in most of case, a general dentist will refer you to an oral surgeon to have this done (which means it cost you more)

the post operative care is very important too. do not smoke for at least two weeks or do any sucking and keep it clean. otherwise you would develop a symptom called "dry socket" and it will hurt like a bitch.

in socal, there are only 3 dental schools and their pricing should be close to 60% of private office charge.
UCLA, USC, and Loma Linda University

another good thing of get it done in US is that you can have general anesthesia (you will feel unconscious during surgery) or have nitrous oxide anesthesia (never tried it, some people get high with it)


08-27-2008, 09:06 PM
I had mine pulled around a month ago. The medicine is cool... especially before you knock out. I had a total of 8 teeth pulled in one 40 minute time span. My wisdom teeth were "boney impacted" or something another. Relatively after the first day I was a hell of a lot better. Just took pills and slept. 2nd day sore, tiny bit swollen, nothing horrible. 3rd day nearly ready to go again.

08-27-2008, 09:56 PM
mine are bugging me but i hella dont want to get them pulled out after seeing some youtube videos of the procedure..... err everytime i chew i rip my cheek open

08-27-2008, 10:24 PM
I had mine pulled in Tijuana mexico and had to walk back across the boarder to get home......THanks mom and dad

08-27-2008, 11:05 PM
went to the dentist for tooth pain....yeah..turns out its the wisdom tooth. dentist tells me i cant drink (was on a friday afternoon)...so i told her id be back on monday..

lol..funny thing is that after i got drunk over the weekend, pain went away... huh. go figure...


10-14-2008, 08:13 PM

Got my shit pulled yesterday. Fuck this is miserable. Parts of me wish I would have never had them pulled...but it had to be done.

All yesterday I couldn't get the bleeding to stop until about 5 pm. (Had the extractions at 7:30 am) Now my whole lower jaw hurts like hell. At least my top two came out without having to cut my gums open. But now it looks like I'm smuggling food in my left cheek. Apparently I don't handle Lortabs too well either. They help me sleep but make me feel all nauseated. I'd rather just smoke a blunt to be honest hahaha.

How long did the jaw soreness last for some of you? I can't wait to be able to talk/eat without my jaw feeling like its ripping apart.

10-14-2008, 08:38 PM
I have all 4, almost fully grown out.

They've already managed to push my teeth just a bit to force themselves out.

Hurt like a bitch.

I need to go to the dentist with the quickness, but scared at the same time.


10-14-2008, 08:56 PM
If all of yours are out, they may be able to pull them out without cutting the shit out of your gums lol.

I dont really know to be honest. But that's what it seems it would be like. My bottom ones were blocked by my back two molars.

10-15-2008, 01:37 AM
will be getting 4 of mine pulled out later this year. gotta get them out before braces, they are coming out forward and pushing my other teeth.

looks like they will have to do cutting since i cant even see them. gonna cost me like 900$ :wtc: THANK YOU BLUE CROSS HMO!!!:jerkit:

ima spend a little extra to get knocked the fuck out.

10-15-2008, 05:53 AM
hahaha. I had my wisdom teeth removed in 2001, and the very next day I got my ass handed to me by 15 plus people. They literally kicked me in the teeth repeatedly. I had footprints, Blood, and holes all over. It was a bad scene. Thank You GOD, for the fact the Hydrocodone was kicking in strong at the time. It wore off thou and I was in deep shit for days. Anyway I walked around suckin the blood out of my teeth for the next 4 to five months. True story. I'll sum up the moral lesson to be learned here.

1. Dont get involved in other peoples problems. Unless they are your family.
2. NEVER let your guard down in hostile territory.
3. Always carry a weapon AND know how to use it.
4. Always carry ID so the they can Identify your body / Dying Corpse

So yea. the wisdom teeth thing can have unintended consequences. Protect your Teeth.


10-15-2008, 07:14 AM
I had both bottom pulled about 2 years ago and ended up getting dry socket in both sides, WORSE PAIN EVER!!!!

10-15-2008, 11:21 AM
i got all four pulled at once in a military hospital. those of you who have ever been in the military know that they aren't exactly nice. they didn't knock me out, they just kept on shooting up my gums for about four hours every time it started to hurt again. they cut the teeth in fours and tried to yank then out with pliers. my head was jerking around soo much that my neck was hurting for the next two days. good thing they doped me up enough to kil the pain for a couple of hours.

10-15-2008, 11:55 AM
i have a big mouth

so i got to keep my wisdom teeth



10-22-2008, 08:01 PM
I have a big mouth and wanted to keep them but thy took them out any way. Now I miss them.

10-22-2008, 08:33 PM
Gettin mine pulled tomorrow, gunna get wicked stoned on that laughin gas :faint:

10-22-2008, 09:54 PM
got my grill xrayed at the dentist. was told to sit in this room and wait for the head dentist guy to come in and tell me about how to get them pulled and all that stuff if i needed it.

15 minutes later a nurse walks in, tosses me the xray in an envelope, tells me to call the number on the envelope and have them pulled, then tells me i can leave.

wtf. that was maybe close to a year ago now? fuck that place. i didnt get them pulled and now theyre just about all the way in and completely fine, no pain, almost perfectly straight.

when i was 13 my dentist at the time was freaking out telling my mother i needed super extreme expensive braces like yesterday and my teeth are the worst he's ever seen.

we went to my current dentists, he poked around, and complimented me on having some of the best teeth he'd seen and told me that my bite was fine.

wtf. fuck dentists. i dont trust them anymore.

10-22-2008, 10:08 PM
The Bird is the Word

Fuck the dentist man... Although we need them...

10-22-2008, 10:25 PM
The Bird is the Word

Fuck the dentist man... Although we need them...

Sucks for me, I'm going to try to be a dentist someday... :down: I been working in the dental field for 4 years already, and I witnessed a lot of wisdom teeth problems.. :barf: