06-12-2008, 04:46 PM
Hi Guys,
I will be in SoCal Alhambra area for religous festivities for my mother, I was wondering if there is something to do in the evening/afternoon in the area as well as places I MUST eat. I will be with my lady for the whole time I'm down there, n will be down to do whatever the fuck comes up.
I will be there Friday 6AM til Saturday 3PM than back to HELLA Norcal. I promise if you guys want to hang out I will try to reserve the use of HELLA for when i am back home.
P.S. This is a message to dousan, but I know you are in my country foo...
Anyways, any socal heads wanna hang out and get drunk? PM me I think I will have internet access on n off while I'm down there. Young peoples under 18 need not apply I do not baby-sit.
Oh yes, let's not forget thanks to Luis, i am very 420 friendly, CKAMC (emo-ass lil 120lb chris can verify this)
Thanks in advance,
I will be in SoCal Alhambra area for religous festivities for my mother, I was wondering if there is something to do in the evening/afternoon in the area as well as places I MUST eat. I will be with my lady for the whole time I'm down there, n will be down to do whatever the fuck comes up.
I will be there Friday 6AM til Saturday 3PM than back to HELLA Norcal. I promise if you guys want to hang out I will try to reserve the use of HELLA for when i am back home.
P.S. This is a message to dousan, but I know you are in my country foo...
Anyways, any socal heads wanna hang out and get drunk? PM me I think I will have internet access on n off while I'm down there. Young peoples under 18 need not apply I do not baby-sit.
Oh yes, let's not forget thanks to Luis, i am very 420 friendly, CKAMC (emo-ass lil 120lb chris can verify this)
Thanks in advance,