View Full Version : Stupid Mac HD Errors.

06-11-2008, 10:00 PM
I was backing up my photo's off my mac and found some errors in the files so it wouldn't let me transfer. I tried to repair but there are disk errors on the HD.

I bought a new HD and I went to clone the old HD to the new one. It wouldn't let me cause of the errors.

I'm used to cloning and backing up on the PC were you can ignore bad files. But all the methods I have found don't allow me to do this.

Is there anyway to rescue my data from this HD?

drift freaq
06-11-2008, 10:02 PM
I was backing up my photo's off my mac and found some errors in the files so it wouldn't let me transfer. I tried to repair but there are disk errors on the HD.

I bought a new HD and I went to clone the old HD to the new one. It wouldn't let me cause of the errors.

I'm used to cloning and backing up on the PC were you can ignore bad files. But all the methods I have found don't allow me to do this.

Is there anyway to rescue my data from this HD?

Ya I know of some stuff I will tell you about later. It will take to much time right now. I just go back from delivering a car out to Northridge and I want to go for a run.

06-11-2008, 10:35 PM
any specifics on the error msg?

06-11-2008, 10:50 PM
I/O Data can not be read from or something like that. Ran tech tool and I have about 6 bad blocks and a whole bunch of file system errors.

I am almost tempted to do a clean install on the new HD and then use something to rescue the data to the new HD. I dunno about how my Ipod/phone will like this plan.

drift freaq
06-11-2008, 11:08 PM
I/O Data can not be read from or something like that. Ran tech tool and I have about 6 bad blocks and a whole bunch of file system errors.

I am almost tempted to do a clean install on the new HD and then use something to rescue the data to the new HD. I dunno about how my Ipod/phone will like this plan.
Try Media Recover its freeware on the web I have used it in the past as long as your computer at least sees the drive it should work.

06-11-2008, 11:48 PM
Try Media Recover its freeware on the web I have used it in the past as long as your computer at least sees the drive it should work.

http://www.mediarecover.com/ ???

06-12-2008, 12:26 AM
Problems with a mac?:keke:

Wish I could help you.


But seriously, most of the time bad sectors are the end of whatever happened to be on them.

Quite a pain to get anything to work with it.

If it's just a write error and the file is corrupt, then a recovery agent should help you.

06-12-2008, 12:40 AM
lol mac problems no way

mel not an apple fan?

you're too cool with your rep of 1111 mel

06-13-2008, 11:41 AM
Fuck, I used the Repair on the install disc and found 6 Blocks bad and a whole bunch of permissions errors. I used the repair and now it hangs on the boot.

I am tempted to do a clean install on the new disc and then try to rescue the old disc. Just wondered if this would screw up my iPod and iPhone.

06-13-2008, 11:44 AM
you can possible try that but you said you couldn't pull the files off before right? you won't have a library to sync to the ipod/iphone (when you resync) so you won't have music files unless you backed those up.

06-13-2008, 11:57 AM
Shoulda got a time capsule.. I hate Macs and their trendy-ness, I also dont know jack about them, but if they are like PC's you have pretty good odds at recovering the data, but you'll need special software to do it. For PC's you can usually find it for free, for a Mac I bet its like 300 bucks or something stupid. -- search google for mac data recovery

06-13-2008, 12:22 PM
Yeah, my friend told me I could rip the iPod back to the mac with a program then load those into iTunes and it would wipe the iPod and re dl them to it. Dunno how it would work with the iPhone though.

As far as the HD architecture. Can I get to all the files on the old HD or am I going to have problems with the usr files being passworded or anything?

As far as macs vs pc, this thing has lasted almost 4yrs with no problems. My pc has been redone at least 3 times in that time period. HD can't really be called a mac problem just a hardware in general problem. I have lost a couple PC drives over the years. The problem is the PC's screw up enough that I have learned how to fix them all. I never have problems with macs so I never really learned how to do everything on the repair side.

06-13-2008, 01:31 PM
Yeah, my friend told me I could rip the iPod back to the mac with a program then load those into iTunes and it would wipe the iPod and re dl them to it. Dunno how it would work with the iPhone though.

As far as the HD architecture. Can I get to all the files on the old HD or am I going to have problems with the usr files being passworded or anything?

As far as macs vs pc, this thing has lasted almost 4yrs with no problems. My pc has been redone at least 3 times in that time period. HD can't really be called a mac problem just a hardware in general problem. I have lost a couple PC drives over the years. The problem is the PC's screw up enough that I have learned how to fix them all. I never have problems with macs so I never really learned how to do everything on the repair side.

if they are password protected and you know the password, it should be fine. and yes there is a program that rips music from you ipod etc. its called senuti.

06-13-2008, 10:09 PM
Did a clean install on the new HD, Says I can grab data from an old computer or drive using Migration Assistant. I am going to try it.