View Full Version : Florida fails again.....

06-09-2008, 05:34 PM
When southern Florida resident Nathan Radlich's house was
burglarized recently, thieves ignored his wide-screen plasma TV,
his VCR, and even left his Rolex watch.

What they did take, however,was 'a generic white cardboard box filled with a grayish-white powder.' (That's at least the way the police report described it.)

A spokesman for the Fort Lauderdale police said, 'that it looked
similar to high grade cocaine and they'd probably thought they'd
hit the big time.

Later, Nathan stood in front of the numerous TV
cameras and pleaded with the burglars, 'Please return the
cremated remains of my sister, Gertrude. She died three years ago.'

The next morning, the bullet-riddled corpse of a local drug
dealer known as Hoochie Pevens was found on Nathan's doorstep. The cardboard box was there too; about half of Gertrude's ashes
remained. taped to the box was this note which said,
'Hoochie sold us the bogus blow, so we wasted Hoochie. Sorry we
snorted your sister. No hard feelings. Have a nice day.'

:ugh: :keke:

06-09-2008, 05:37 PM
Holy crap. :eek2:

drift freaq
06-09-2008, 05:39 PM
Wow, thats about all I can say is just wow!

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-09-2008, 05:39 PM
seriously? if this is true it's the fail of the year. lol at Gertrudes revenge!

06-09-2008, 05:40 PM

Yes FL fails.

That means AJ, TJ, and sosideways.

Half of it gone.

Geez, there must have been some pissed of coke heads.

06-09-2008, 05:41 PM
hahaha i wonder if those crack heads started seeing the sister like in 'How High' :rofl: after smokin/snorting her

06-09-2008, 05:44 PM
and florida lives to fail another day...

guess if i should ever be on vacation in the US i'm definately not gonna visit FL ;)

06-09-2008, 05:45 PM
wtf, is that a florida tradition to keep ashes in a "generic white cardboard box" for a couple of yrs? even 'the dude' has enough class to put it in a folger's coffee can.

this can't be real, even though i wish it was.

06-09-2008, 05:48 PM
why why why why?

06-09-2008, 05:48 PM
why why why why?

Dude it's FL.

There's no reason needed.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-09-2008, 05:49 PM
wtf, is that a florida tradition to keep ashes in a "generic white cardboard box" for a couple of yrs? even 'the dude' has enough class to put it in a folger's coffee can.

this can't be real, even though i wish it was.
this brings up a great point. Why would ANYONE keep ashes in a cardboard box anyways? Fucking Florida is nuts!

06-09-2008, 05:50 PM

FL requires Ashes to be put in a bag then tagged with a Metal seal.

06-09-2008, 05:50 PM
Thousands spent on Plasma TVs and rolex's but his sister will spend eternity in a cardboard box.


06-09-2008, 05:51 PM

FL requires Ashes to be put in a bag then tagged with a Metal seal.

It's FL.

It fails on so many levels.

Like knowing that the state requires you to put ashes in a bag and then tagged with a metal seal.

Of course they would fail at that too.

06-09-2008, 05:54 PM
hahahahahahahahahahaaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahah aaaahahahaha

damn imagine opening your door the next day and finding dead dude on your doorstep

drift freaq
06-09-2008, 05:55 PM

FL requires Ashes to be put in a bag then tagged with a Metal seal.

AJ how do you know this? You been up to stuff you haven't been telling us? :rofl:

06-09-2008, 05:56 PM
Wow! thats all i have too say....if its true.

06-09-2008, 05:56 PM
That box would have been worth soo much more if it was what he thought it was.

Dumb thieves. Shouldve grabbed both.

06-09-2008, 05:56 PM
now that is some shit
just amazes me what people do.

06-09-2008, 06:05 PM
lets call that south florida as FAILING, but wtf:eek2: none the less

06-09-2008, 06:06 PM
It's FL.

It fails on so many levels.

Like knowing that the state requires you to put ashes in a bag and then tagged with a metal seal.

Of course they would fail at that too.

Most states require this. Sorry you have to belittle others to make yourself feel better.

06-09-2008, 06:10 PM
Most states require this. Sorry you have to belittle others to make yourself feel better.


Oh damn it AJ does this thread hurt your feelings?

06-09-2008, 06:13 PM
damn WTFF. hahahahhah thats some funny/crazy shit!!

06-09-2008, 06:14 PM
I'm gonna start leaving sugar/creamer in a box in my car. But I don't think CA is that fucking stupid.

06-09-2008, 06:14 PM

06-09-2008, 06:22 PM
AJ how do you know this? You been up to stuff you haven't been telling us? :rofl:
When you have to take care of arrangements you learn these things.


Oh damn it AJ does this thread hurt your feelings?


Yes FL fails.

That means AJ, TJ, and sosideways.

Half of it gone.

Geez, there must have been some pissed of coke heads.

Did you not insult me earlier in this thread?

06-09-2008, 06:31 PM
Oh geez AJ.

I insult you all the time.

It's not like I stole your gf.

You insult me and I insult you.

It's zilvia. Tough love here baby.

06-09-2008, 06:36 PM
if only stolen car parts returned that way...

"Sorry, dude sold us your stolen parts, so we wasted him heres the stuff back"


so where did this story come from?? link?

06-09-2008, 07:25 PM
show original news story or it didnt happen.

06-09-2008, 07:35 PM
Where did you read/hear this?

06-09-2008, 07:42 PM

06-09-2008, 07:46 PM
Thousands spent on Plasma TVs and rolex's but his sister will spend eternity in a cardboard box.


lol , classic south.....:eek:

06-09-2008, 07:51 PM
why does everyone have to bash "my home" state. :confused:

06-09-2008, 09:00 PM

Good find. .

06-09-2008, 09:16 PM

and there you go. story's bogus. some guy's sister's ashes were stolen, the rest of the story is fabricated.

i love florida. it's awesome.

06-09-2008, 09:50 PM
yea its fake this cannot happen with ashes, but i mean I will be the first to say fla fails and people will def bust in ur place to grab anything that resembles drugs, why they call it the cocaine capitol

06-09-2008, 10:10 PM
you all do know that cremated remains arent powdery white............

06-09-2008, 10:12 PM
I know that ashes aren't white.

I've known since I was a little kid.

06-09-2008, 10:37 PM
lets call that south florida as FAILING, but wtf:eek2: none the less
You do realize that you live in Melbourne, right?

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-09-2008, 11:02 PM
the best thing to come out of Florida is Horatio Cane!

06-10-2008, 04:30 AM
When southern Florida resident Nathan Radlich's house was
burglarized recently, thieves ignored his wide-screen plasma TV,
his VCR, and even left his Rolex watch.

I'm sorry, but in the short time that WIDESCREEN plasma tv's and VCR's co-existed, Plasma TV's were STUPIDLY ridiculously over priced. It wasn't only till recent years that plasma is affordable. Now a days it would of been plasma tv with dvd player. Definitely a continuity error in the story, had it read projector screen tv, vcr and sony playstation it would be more natural.

06-10-2008, 05:19 AM
ashes are more like gravel than powder. Funny story though. Coke dealers wouldnt take the time to return them even if it were true, especially with a corpse.

06-10-2008, 05:23 AM
ashes are more like gravel than powder. Funny story though. Coke dealers wouldnt take the time to return them even if it were true, especially with a corpse.

like snopes said, unprocessed ashes is more like gravel. but processed ashes COULD be confused for coke by an idiot.

06-10-2008, 06:23 AM

No way lol i cant belive this really happend hahaha

06-10-2008, 12:32 PM
i got it from my local forum.....honestly comming from florida i had no choice but to believe it lolz. florida is known for some wild stuff.