View Full Version : Crazy Drive-thru experience!

06-09-2008, 02:16 AM
wow , i have never seen this happen before.

im ordering my food , i pull up...its a long wait in line at 3am..

car in front of me gets to window , gets her food.

im jamming and singing so im not paying attention to whats unfolding ahead of me. all of a sudden i notice the drive thru ladys hands start moving as if shes getting a little serious with the girls in the car.. wtf? volume down , windows open , lets hear whats going on .

I hear F-bombs and start really getting interested! suddenly i see all the food and drinks come flying out of the car into the drive-thru window and all hell breaks loose!!! The girl wants her money back! The manager and drive-thru lady suddenly leave. Im thinkin , aww shit...are the cops being called? OH HELL NO!

The two ladys working inside come FLYING out of the store and proceed to swing on the girl in the car ,the door of the car pins the employee up against the drive-thru window. and after a min of words exchanged and slaps and stuff like that go on, they eventually throw her money at her and shitload of ketchup too! is this really happening im thinking? the hot chick passenger was standing outside of the car probably thinking the same thing LOL....needless to say i got my milkshake and hauled ass out of there- FOR FREE i may add haha

no ones up at 3am and i have to tell someone about this ... so why not here. anyone else got crazy shit like this to tell about??? :drama:

06-09-2008, 02:28 AM
haha crazy. Too bad when i want a shake in the early am, i cant get one cuz they clean the machine at 12am.

06-09-2008, 04:10 AM
Should've offered the kute girl a ride.

Then give her your milkshake.

if u kno wat i meeeeeen

06-09-2008, 05:19 AM
Hahah thats awesome.

06-09-2008, 08:42 AM
Hahaha where the fuck was this at im guessing it was a In-N-Out

06-09-2008, 08:50 AM
Burger King came to mind. -- just seems like something that'd go down at the King.

06-09-2008, 08:51 AM
Should've offered the kute girl a ride.

Then give her your milkshake.

if u kno wat i meeeeeen

Oh wow hahah that made me laugh hard

06-09-2008, 08:55 AM
My co-worker tells this hilarious story about one fateful morning...

He just wanted a sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwhich from Mcdonalds. When he opened the sandwhich and took his first bite, he discovered it was an egg Mcmuffin (but he was charged more for the sausage, egg, and cheese sandwhich). He patiently drove back around to the window and asked for the correct sandwhich or for a partial refund since the cost was different. The hispanic lady working the window either had trouble understanding, or did not want to oblidge. The conversation abruptly turned to a yelling/swearing match in spanglish...


Listening to him tell the story is the best because he gets so animated and loud about it.

06-09-2008, 08:57 AM
I've seen dudes throw down at White castle like throwing the burgers off the grill and then hopping over the counter and just straight up beating each others asses and the manager started flinging marinara sauce and the guys as well... 2:00 am in the bronx when i was like 19 funniest shit ever.. but no hot chicks :(

06-09-2008, 09:48 AM
Should've offered the kute girl a ride.

Then give her your milkshake.

if u kno wat i meeeeeen

forget that.....

if i give a girl a ride, then she better give me HER "milkshake".......

if you know what i mean.....

06-09-2008, 10:30 AM
what wonderful timing! i threw a breakfast sandwich at a customer today! and this happened in a panera bread.

i called her name 5 times, sandwich sat for 15 minutes, she starts bitching about it being cold and how i need to speak up, and its MY fault shes late for work.

so i start SCREAMING "cassidyyyyy!" (her name) then i hurled a bacon/egg/cheese at her. she never saw it coming. needless to say, i need a job now. my tat equipment is on its way, but i need something to float me till it gets here...


06-09-2008, 10:31 AM

06-09-2008, 10:51 AM
lol! Great stuff guys , this happened at a place called Whataburger - It`s a 24hour burger joint in Texas... im guessing its similar to an in-n-out?

06-09-2008, 10:54 AM
lol! Great stuff guys , this happened at a place called Whataburger - It`s a 24hour burger joint in Texas... im guessing its similar to an in-n-out?

what-a-burger has nothing on in-n-out man.

to me, what-a-burger is the antichrist nazi ginger child of the burger world.

06-09-2008, 11:06 AM
^^ what he said,, but they do have bomb thick ass shakes

06-09-2008, 11:10 AM
lol! Great stuff guys , this happened at a place called Whataburger - It`s a 24hour burger joint in Texas... im guessing its similar to an in-n-out?

HAHAHA fuck yeah i got it right lol :bowrofl:

06-09-2008, 11:11 AM
i like whataburger, kinda expensive for what it is though.
Thats awesome yelling the chicks name as you fling her breakfast at her.. shes going to have a pretty shit-tastic day, lol.

06-09-2008, 11:16 AM
whataburger is rad too

06-09-2008, 11:44 AM
Thats some crazy stuff maybe the chick was drunk or something and they got her order wrong. What a burger is ok but to expensive and yeah its no in-no-out, maybe just cause im really a Cali guy at heart but living in texas.

06-09-2008, 12:05 PM
haha i wish that would happen to me when i go to t-bell late at night haha that would be awesome free food!!!!

06-09-2008, 12:25 PM
When I worked drivethru, we had a guy in a 4x4 truck try to lose the cops by ducking into the drivethru and ordering.
I kept him there long enough for the cops to box him in.
I think it was something about spousal abuse?

06-09-2008, 01:05 PM
hey hey hey what a burger is gewt..its better that mcd's and jack in da box...:o

Baka Sama
06-09-2008, 01:23 PM
I worked at Taco Bell for a year and Mcdonalds for a year during highschool.

One unknown fact, you get crazy numbers from girl customers at night. no joke.

I remember girls showing their tits at drive thru for free fries. Plus I was 17 and my supervisor was 25. He only hired cute girls to work with us at night time so it was more like a party than a job.

One night at mcdonalds I was working the drive thru and this van pulls up. In the front seat was a couple in their 40's so i was like whatever. They start asking me a million questions and start talking about how its nice i have a job and how cute i am.. Then the man ask me if i wanna go out on a date with his daughter? All of a sudden the vans door swooshs open and his cute daughter was smiling ear to ear. lol What guy auctions off his daughter at a drive thru?! I got her number but i never called :keke:

I quit when I was 18 and got a job waiting tables. Thats when the really crazy ish started happening.

06-09-2008, 01:45 PM
oh and when i went to san Diego i saw some guy talking shit to the girl at jack in the box drive-thru then he got out to go inside and she locked the door then started talking shit , then she opened the door and took a bath in 99cents taco's and strawberry fanta..that shit was funny as hell

06-09-2008, 01:52 PM
haha crazy. Too bad when i want a shake in the early am, i cant get one cuz they clean the machine at 12am.

that's the excuse I always got when I tried ordering around that time. Not very 24/7 if you ask me. They should clean that crap at like 5-6am...no one usually wants a shake then.

06-09-2008, 02:01 PM
i honestly couldnt tell you if whataburger is good or not, because they've never. NEVER. gotten my order right.

its simple too, i want mayo no mustard. im allergic to mustard. every time i go there i get fucking mustard.

thus i see them as an antichrist nazi ginger kid.

06-09-2008, 02:15 PM
When I worked at Wendy's when I was 15 I seen my boss's boyfriend choke slam her on the floor.

06-09-2008, 02:43 PM
haha thats great shit, ive never worked at a fast food place but i always thought it could be fun if the right people worked there.

06-09-2008, 02:47 PM
I would've been thinking "Damn they better not get any of that shit on my car or else I'ma have to get out and beat them both down!"

Crazy experience though. You should've ordered some more food instead of just the shake, perhaps you could've gotten those for free as well.

06-09-2008, 02:56 PM
I was inside a tacobell once getting ready to order. And i hear honking coming from the drive-thru window so i start watching. I then hear yelling and the people at the window were yelling at the car behind them. Before i knew the drive of the window car got out and told the "pussy to get out of his car" So the dude in the trail car got out, walked up to the dude yelling at him, wound back and just knocked his ass out.

Then they both got in the cars and took off. But.. I got all the food they ordered for free and i saw some chump get knocked out. Great night

06-09-2008, 03:10 PM
I was stuck in a drive-thru line for about 20 mins once because the driver of the car in front of me fell asleep at the wheel. This was also at about 3 in the morning. As many times as I slammed on my horn, he didn't wake up. The drive thru employees came outside knocking on his window to try and get him to wake up... but no response. Cops arrived, woke him up, gave him a sobriety test... and he ended up going to jail. fucking drunk.

06-09-2008, 03:27 PM
one time at the jack n the box in la crescenta me and my friend were in my red pos dd 240 (has a freaking bandaid on the side) and we got offered blowjobs my girls in the car behind us for food money. Too bad they were underage...

06-09-2008, 04:37 PM
Dude, you never want to order a fast food shake that doesn't use real ice cream.
Trust me on this one.:duh:

06-09-2008, 05:19 PM
Dude, you never want to order a fast food shake that doesn't use real ice cream.
Trust me on this one.:duh:

Im gonna take that advice to heart. Ive never had any cool experiences. But it sure is interesting hearing other peoples!

06-09-2008, 05:30 PM
Milkshake FTFW!!:coolugh:

06-09-2008, 05:40 PM
I was stuck in a drive-thru line for about 20 mins once because the driver of the car in front of me fell asleep at the wheel. This was also at about 3 in the morning. As many times as I slammed on my horn, he didn't wake up. The drive thru employees came outside knocking on his window to try and get him to wake up... but no response. Cops arrived, woke him up, gave him a sobriety test... and he ended up going to jail. fucking drunk.

rofl my friend is notorious for falling asleep when drunk and he did the same shit at a jack in da crack. i wasnt there that night but if i was he never would have left.
:duh: :rofl:

Dirty Habit
06-09-2008, 06:13 PM
c'mon pookie, lets burn this mother fucker down!!!!

06-09-2008, 09:43 PM
one time at the jack n the box in la crescenta me and my friend were in my red pos dd 240 (has a freaking bandaid on the side) and we offered blowjobs my girls in the car behind us for food money. Too bad they were underage...

Wait, you offered someone a blow job? Or some underage girls in a car behind you offered you one?

LOL. I need to start going to the drivethru more often.

06-09-2008, 10:01 PM
lol friends of mine ordered Icy's at burger king and they used to put this weird whipped cream shit on them....so they asked for it without it and when it came and had white shit on it they whipped em back through the window....

they also got the cops called on them for getting up on the roof of a local mcdonalds

but by far the craziest drive through Ive ever been to was at church's chicken in Savannah GA...holy fuck that place is ghetto

06-09-2008, 10:17 PM
I've got a long story but I have another shorter one here it is:

In the drive through for del taco late at night/early in the morning. I'm about 3 cars away from the window and I straight fall asleep because they were taking so long. I woke up to honking behind me and I wake up fast and look in my rear view to see it was a cop! oh shit.

06-09-2008, 10:41 PM
Thats some awesome shit. I wish i could get a free milkshake, and have some free entertainment.

06-09-2008, 10:46 PM
lol friends of mine ordered Icy's at burger king and they used to put this weird whipped cream shit on them....so they asked for it without it and when it came and had white shit on it they whipped em back through the window....

they also got the cops called on them for getting up on the roof of a local mcdonalds

but by far the craziest drive through Ive ever been to was at church's chicken in Savannah GA...holy fuck that place is ghetto


tuesday, two piece and a biscuit, 99 cent. that's how i do lunch

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-09-2008, 10:49 PM
I was in San Dimas at a McDonalds on my way home with some of my friends. We were waiting at the window for like 5 minutes and some cholos drive up behind us and they started getting impatient. We heard "hurry the fuck up" then a small tap on the back window, then another, then we realized that they were throwing change at my friends' mini van. Well, bad news for them, my friends are all over 300 pounds, and I'm not a small guy myself. I get out of the car and start talkin smizzzzack. They all get out and I dare them to go to my friends car. They quickly realize that we out number them, out weigh them, and are about 5 years older than they were (high school kids). They all get back in their cars but one and he started walking towards me. I quickly walked over to him and knocked him right the fuck out. His friends picked him up and we got out of there. He later tried to sue me for breaking his jaw and his foot because he said we ran over his leg when we were leaving. They got my friends license plate number. Bunch of pussies. As soon as they saw the video tape they laughed at the kid and said me swinging was self defense because he was walking too fast up on me with his hand in his pocket.
Good times.

06-09-2008, 10:49 PM
i use to talk a bunch of drunk shit to newb 240 owners at the drive thru a couple years back. not no mo do :coolugh:

06-09-2008, 10:52 PM

tuesday, two piece and a biscuit, 99 cent. that's how i do lunch

haha yeah that place was nuts...food was mad good tho, but there was all donked out cars goin through and the speaker at the drive thu was seriously the loudest thing ever....I could have ordered my food from across the street, and the girl had a seriously southern accent so I could barely understand her

06-09-2008, 10:56 PM
haha yeah that place was nuts...food was mad good tho, but there was all donked out cars goin through and the speaker at the drive thu was seriously the loudest thing ever....I could have ordered my food from across the street, and the girl had a seriously southern accent so I could barely understand her

the one here has no drive thru and goes through periods of being shut down. one time it turned into a deli for like a year, then went back to being church's.

06-09-2008, 11:56 PM
Churches chicken = donk lifestyle hahahahah

great stuff guys

06-10-2008, 01:00 AM
So this funny incident happened a ways back.

I'm working drive thru at SBux, and some guy is hauling ass thru, he's the only one. He grabs the tip cup, and tries to jet.

A car is in his way, and had to slow down, or get hit. One of our regulars walks outside, talks to him, telling him to stop, he doesn't listen, seconds later, he's on the floor, being read his rights. I forgot what he got, but we do know his car was impounded.


Second incident, people ALWAYS go in the wrong way at our drive thru. Its something funny as hell, because we've got a camera to see the person ordering. A car comes barrelling thru, and the person on camera says "Oh my lanta jesus!" and gets hit. Sooo much LOL on that, and i forgot i had my headset on, so they heard. She got free drinks for a month.

06-10-2008, 01:23 AM
Has anything like this happen to you guys? lol

06-10-2008, 01:31 AM
^^ hahah retards....

1st gears a bitch huh

06-10-2008, 01:58 AM
We were at a wendys a few years back, i was with a friend that was a really calm guy, never talked shit, never really fought anyone. well the car in front of us was a bunch of guys about our age they started throwing change at us and being assholes. My friend calmly got out of the car with out saying a word walked up to their car opened the back passenger door pulled the guy out and put him on the asphalt in one swing. He then calmly walked back to the car got in and we got our food. I was speechless for a few minutes completely it caught me off guard.

06-10-2008, 12:56 PM
Wait, you offered someone a blow job? Or some underage girls in a car behind you offered you one?

LOL. I need to start going to the drivethru more often.

lol whoops ill edit that (was quite sleepy when i wrote it just took my chem final bleh)

06-10-2008, 01:02 PM
wow, how did I miss that post.. Underage girls offering bj's for hamburger money? wtf!

touge monster
06-10-2008, 02:37 PM
We were at a wendys a few years back, i was with a friend that was a really calm guy, never talked shit, never really fought anyone. well the car in front of us was a bunch of guys about our age they started throwing change at us and being assholes. My friend calmly got out of the car with out saying a word walked up to their car opened the back passenger door pulled the guy out and put him on the asphalt in one swing. He then calmly walked back to the car got in and we got our food. I was speechless for a few minutes completely it caught me off guard.

hahah! its always the quiet one man! :ugh:

06-10-2008, 02:55 PM
I used to work in Mcdonald's few years ago...and there's always assholes that doesnt have the patient to wait on the drive thru...talks shit..acts like a tough guy in front of his friends...


06-10-2008, 03:40 PM
some drunk idiot in line at a Jack in the Box drive thru put his car in reverse and floored it into my old 240. sucked at the time but later i found out that his family owned an insurance company and a week later i got a check for $1500. There was maybe 300 dollars worth of damage.

06-10-2008, 05:32 PM
I used to work in Mcdonald's few years ago...and there's always assholes that doesnt have the patient to wait on the drive thru...talks shit..acts like a tough guy in front of his friends...


Yea that shit sucks. I know the feeling. But some of the employees deserve an ass beatin too(in some cases)

06-10-2008, 05:45 PM
i was on a road trip going thru vegas and we stopped by a jack n the box. it was like 10 am. When we walked in there was this homeless looking black guy in the corner with deodorant and ish on the table trying to get people to buy the stuff from him. There was these mexican guys sitting down at this table trying to eat and this black guy gets up and kept bugging these mexican guys to buy his stuff when they already said no. Then one of the mexicans got up and was like, "we just wand to eat bro." then the black guy got all mad and was like wtf you doing getting up like that huh. blah blah blah LOS ANGELEEEEES....then he goes outside for a bit and we see him come back and he has his hand behind his back and i was like wtf he has a gun, but then it was just a bottle and you can hear him yelling and what not. One of the mexican guys walks outside to grab something from his car and from out of nowhere another homeless looking black dude comes out of nowhere and starts talking sh*t. it was starting to look like a bum fight....but nothing happend....but it was a pretty crazy breakfast

06-10-2008, 09:21 PM
wow, how did I miss that post.. Underage girls offering bj's for hamburger money? wtf!

lol they sounded drunk or high or something, it was at like 3 am on a friday night

06-10-2008, 10:44 PM
back in high school i had a few crazy nights at this local mexican food place called Albertacos (Cypress). from crackhead beggars to being chased out of the drive-thru by wangsters w/ guns pointed at me!

06-11-2008, 03:21 AM
my story isnt so much of a crazy thing, but more of a funny one.

this guy went to McD, orders McChicken, then the cashier said "Mexicans? Which one and how many? There are plenty of those here: me, him, him, her, him...."

06-11-2008, 03:34 AM
uhhhhhhhhh huuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh

06-14-2008, 03:19 PM
I'll make this short;

One time I went to a Wendy's and they messed up my order, and the lady doing drive thru at midnight didn't really speak much English (so why is she taking orders lol), so I had to keep repeating it. I paid the right amount but they didn't give me all the food. I walk up to the window politely and say there was a mistake, the manager said that's what I ordered, I said "no, noone gave me a receipt and I ordered 2 more sandwiches" then she called me a liar under her breathe, and I get kinda pissed and mean mug till I get my food that was right in front of her but it still took her a fucking minute.

I e-mail Wendy's and they send me coupons.

THEN I go to use the coupons and the guy at the drive thru was a rude hood guy named Duran. About what i'd imagine Phlip's size to be, and afterwards I found out my friend's uncle was his landlord and the guy smokes rocks. He was really bitchy and kept telling us to hold on and then when I rolled up and gave him the coups he said "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS AT THE SPEAKER" and I say "my bad, didn't know I had to do that man" and he calls me and my friend smartasses. My friend in the car just starts talkin shit and they both go at it and the manager walks up. I'm kinda laughin, kinda pulling the knife out of my pocket (self defense). Shit gets funny

Friend: ........we got a problem if you walk out that door
Friend: Make your own decisions, you might wanna stay safe inside
Crackhead: blah blah fuck you btich blah blah i'll fuckin kill you
Friend: Alright man try me
Crackhead: ahdihiosheoih
Friend: Man don't lose your job. You're like 30 and working Wendy's, you got a hard job, it's cool. I'm 18 and I'm in a brand fuckin new car

Then we drive off and my friend shows me the taser in his glovebox and he had a shotty in the trunk lol

06-14-2008, 04:52 PM
^ Seeing a chump get laid out while you're late night grubbing is alway a nice topper for the evening...

06-14-2008, 07:04 PM
i got 2 drive-thru stories

First story was a co-worker during break went to bk. When he was pulling up in the drivethru he cut off a old man in his 60"s. so my co-worker started ordering his food all of the sudden the old man comes up to his window and punches him right in his eye left him a nice shiner. All i could do was laugh my ass offf.

The other story happened when we went to mcdonalds around 3am the drive thru line was very wide so a van pulls in first then a 04 cst caddi pulls tight after the caddi trys to cut him off put the guy in the van is not letting him go at all after a minute of trying to cut him off they both crash into each other.

06-15-2008, 03:17 PM
what-a-burger has nothing on in-n-out man.

to me, what-a-burger is the antichrist nazi ginger child of the burger world.

Fuck that what a burger in alabaster. They never get my order right either. I say 3 cheeseburgers and they give me four and charge me for four. This has happened multiple times. IF YOU CANT COUNT TO 3 AT THE AGE OF 40 SOMETHING, GO DIE

06-15-2008, 08:25 PM
Wendys in yacaipa. We hit the drive thru @ around 1 a.m. pay then the guy gives me the can you pull around to the front, we'll bring your food out in a couple mins. My chick and i are talking and then realize it had been like half an hour. We go back through and the guy is like can I help you so I'm like wtf?? You told us to pull around like half an hour ago and still no fucken food. the guy is like holy shit!! the bastard didnt give you your food? Im like who? He tells me it was the guys last day and he sent the food out. he gave me my order and bunch of free shit & a refund it was funnier than shit.