View Full Version : Tokyo stabber

06-08-2008, 09:43 AM
So maybe i dont want to go to japan. the movies were right about crazy murders going on over their but then again we are no different. Check out this link: http://news.aol.com/story/_a/7-die-in-tokyo-stabbing-rampage/20080608063309990001

06-08-2008, 09:52 AM
one up them by wearing full samurai gear and have like 3 katanas

06-08-2008, 11:52 AM
or carry around the monkeys you have there with swords...

06-08-2008, 02:25 PM
shit happens
much more rare than the US, but its still there

06-08-2008, 02:46 PM
article stated on another ocation a slasher was excecuted. i wonder how they would punish the deranged guy in this situation. they should stab him and run him over with a truck.

06-08-2008, 11:45 PM
Go on japanese news sites, they always list a bunch of crazy murders that happen in japan like teenagers killing their grandparents etc. Its crazy shit but overall the crime/murder rate is very low in japan. I think suicide rate is really high though because of work conditions of businessman, stressed out high school kids, etc.

06-08-2008, 11:49 PM
It's probably more of a big deal since its less of an occurance in japan.

06-09-2008, 12:06 AM
when i was studyin japanese our sensei told us that "the nail that sticks out will get hit on the head" implying that everyone over there conforms. thinkin about it i can see how people would/could go crazy.

Baka Sama
06-09-2008, 01:10 AM
"the nail that sticks out will get hit on the head"

"You can be the nail.. or you can be the hammer!"

-Cadillac CTS

25 years of sniffing soiled panites out of a vending machine would make any guy go on a slashing spree.

06-09-2008, 01:19 AM
wow just crazy

06-09-2008, 01:45 AM
Whys this different to the a guy in the states who decide to show up to work and shoot the place up?!?! How often do shit like this happen in this country compared to how often shit like this happens in the states? Murder rate in this country is still one of the lowest in the world.

Whats the other beauty of it? You get the death penalty, your dead in less than 4 yrs. Its none of this BS in the states where somebody's in death row for over 20 fucking years before they get executed. The last mass murderer they had, guy walked into an elementary school and stabbed/killed 8 kids in 2001, was executed in 2004.

06-09-2008, 03:37 AM
when i was studyin japanese our sensei told us that "the nail that sticks out will get hit on the head" implying that everyone over there conforms. thinkin about it i can see how people would/could go crazy.

Was that when your dad was working on the old mustang he found on base? :keke:

06-09-2008, 04:04 AM
Vehicular manslaughter + stabbing spree? How American of him.

06-09-2008, 06:42 AM
Vehicular manslaughter + stabbing spree? How American of him.

Not really cuz he wasnt high off meth or coke...hell, he wasnt even drunk!!! :hammer:

06-09-2008, 06:55 AM
Wow, so you guys have applied for your work Visa's since Japan is so great right, you plan on moving there? or do you live there already?

They are a much smaller Country, so of course their crime rate will be less.

Population of Japan: 127,433,494
Population of US: 301,139,947

People go crazy and do crazy stuff no matter where they are from.

06-09-2008, 07:24 AM
Wow, so you guys have applied for your work Visa's since Japan is so great right, you plan on moving there? or do you live there already?

They are a much smaller Country, so of course their crime rate will be less.

Population of Japan: 127,433,494
Population of US: 301,139,947

People go crazy and do crazy stuff no matter where they are from.

It's per capita. They don't translate it directly.

Besides even if you wanted to play it that way... There crime rate is still far less than 1/3 of ours...

06-09-2008, 07:53 AM
Thats not my point. My point is that they have a little over one-third the amount of people we have, and people kill others in every country in the world. Also, all the Japan fan-boys should move to Japan and see how awesome-safe it is, since evidently the US is full of crazy murderers.

Here are the per capita numbers (murders):

#24 United States: 0.042802 per 1,000 people
#60 Japan: 0.00499933 per 1,000 people

Actual (murders):
#6 United States: 12,658
#22 Japan: 637

Taken from http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_percap-crime-murders-per-capita

06-09-2008, 08:12 AM
Wow, so you guys have applied for your work Visa's since Japan is so great right, you plan on moving there? or do you live there already?

They are a much smaller Country, so of course their crime rate will be less.

Population of Japan: 127,433,494
Population of US: 301,139,947

People go crazy and do crazy stuff no matter where they are from.

Sure, there's crazy people all over, but the point people are making is that Japan has a far lower crime rate overall.

Thats not my point. My point is that they have a little over one-third the amount of people we have, and people kill others in every country in the world. Also, all the Japan fan-boys should move to Japan and see how awesome-safe it is, since evidently the US is full of crazy murderers.

Here are the per capita numbers (murders):

#24 United States: 0.042802 per 1,000 people
#60 Japan: 0.00499933 per 1,000 people

Actual (murders):
#6 United States: 12,658
#22 Japan: 637

Taken from http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_percap-crime-murders-per-capita

Relative to the US, Japan IS awesome-safe.
Don't believe me, though - it's not like I've spent 5 years of my life there or anything.
In my entire time being in Japan, I heard of 3 cars being stolen (from people I knew or friends of theirs), and constantly saw behavior of a trusting culture.
6 year olds riding the shinkansen (bullet train) or even local trains by themselves, etc.
Saw a photographer at a car event leave $12k+ worth of gear just sitting by the bathroom door as he walked away to shoot cars for a half hour. There were roughly 1000 other people nearby.

That's like leaving your 240sx filled with all your best parts, tools, PS3, DVDs, etc etc in the middle of a crowded city block with the windows down and the keys in.

Now tell me again how I'm a fanboy for believing that Japan is much safer than the US.

06-09-2008, 08:45 AM
I'm not saying that. I just get tired of what seems like everyone complaining on a constant basis about how much the US sucks. People constantly complain about the way things are, but they do nothing to try and change them. Every other person nowadays is always saying how much better XXX country is. If you really believe that, more power to you, I suggest moving there and becoming a citizen. Having low crime rates in and of itself doesnt make it a better or superior Country though. There are alot of other factors that go into a single statistic like that. Thats all I'm saying. I dont recall calling you anything anyway, sorry if you read into that, but there no need to get all bent out of shape.

06-09-2008, 10:35 AM
It's not a matter of complaining about the US.
Crime rates are high (relatively) here, so it's something else you have to live and deal with.
I'm not packing my bags and hopping a flight to Australia or anything, I'm happy to be here. It's just annoying to see someone complaining that people are fanboys for stating some facts.

Crime rates have ALOT to do with the general culture of the country.
Japan is very community-centric, and individualists tend to be shunned.
Here in the US, nearly everyone has the attitude that they are the center of the universe, and people tend to make life decisions in the same vein.
Sure, violent crimes occur EVERYWHERE.
People are crazy EVERYWHERE.

There just tend to be more crazies and violence here in the US. :keke:

06-09-2008, 10:46 AM
The moment everyone stops complaining about the US is the moment I actually move away.

06-09-2008, 10:58 AM
Its not like Japan is without it's faults, its a separate culture just like every other country. If you find that it's culture suits you best, then feel free to jump in. Some people think that living in American can make you greedy, stupid, and obese, but that's not necessarily a truth to be accepted. Crime rate is lower in Japan than in America, this is a fact. If you consider that a bonus and can deal with working 6 days a week 12 hours a day in a very discriminatory environment if you're female, or never advance in a company because you're the youngest, feel free to jump right in. Oh that's not even to mention that several of your coworkers will segregate you because you're American. Some people like Americans, but plan to feel either abused or segregated if you're wanting to join their work force.

Or hey, if you're a student, get ready for the time of your life for the most stressful school environment of your life. I see people tripping out here when SAT time comes around, what about when you have to take a similar test to get into High School? Or the fact that many times, colleges will recruit you and look as far back as preschool to determine if they'll take you. Just imagine that stress your parents put on you. They want you to go to Tokyo University since the day you're born, so you're enrolled in an elite preschool, primary school, middle school and high school; and you're pressured by everyone around you to always get straight A's, and if you get anything less you get chastised.

Oh and once you graduate, you really don't have a whole lot to look forward to, as your promotion track is all determined by age. You think that means you can slack off? Oh hell no, that means you have to bust your ass to the fullest as that means you're replaceable. And also since middle management will be around their late 20's to early 30's, if you lose your job in your early 30's, you can expect them not to hire you as they would be hiring competition for future promotions they might want.

Great place to be, huh?

06-09-2008, 11:02 AM
I wasnt saying that since the crime-rate is lower that you must be a fanboy. You misunderstood my post. Lets just drop it already.

Murda-c, There is nothing wrong with complaint as long as there is action behind it. I dont see a whole lot of action going along with the complaining. People take too much for granted.

06-09-2008, 11:11 AM
japan is too crazy lol.

06-09-2008, 03:10 PM
I'm not saying that. I just get tired of what seems like everyone complaining on a constant basis about how much the US sucks. People constantly complain about the way things are, but they do nothing to try and change them. Every other person nowadays is always saying how much better XXX country is. If you really believe that, more power to you, I suggest moving there and becoming a citizen. Having low crime rates in and of itself doesnt make it a better or superior Country though. There are alot of other factors that go into a single statistic like that. Thats all I'm saying. I dont recall calling you anything anyway, sorry if you read into that, but there no need to get all bent out of shape.

Nobody was complaining about the U.S. they were just stating facts. And we know who the real fanboys are..... And they are all BANNED:madfawk: i hope by now

06-09-2008, 03:24 PM
That's a crazy story... RAMPAGE!

06-09-2008, 03:29 PM
hows the media influence in japan? Out here media influence is pretty big on peoples lives, people gotta live that thug life gangsta ish etc. Is this type of influence idolized in japan?

Im just curious.

steve shadows
06-09-2008, 03:51 PM
he killed more people with a knife than many american shootings kill with a gun

06-09-2008, 05:45 PM
In Japan, guns and such are put in a very negative light through media actually. Only like pure evil people are cowardly enough to use guns. Over here, you have many action heroes and such that use guns, not to mention all the exposure from the NRA on how owning a gun is our god-given right. Yet another example of difference in culture

06-09-2008, 06:16 PM
he killed more people with a knife than many american shootings kill with a gun

It was extreamly congested area im sure with little to no where to run. I still tend to think japans safe even with this outlash. Imagine being in lets say middle east right now as an american or most of africa for that matter. Those areas are unsafe to the max for the most part i bet you could still sleep in the streets of japan and the usa with out being murdered, i love the great usa but i still have my consealed weapons permit too.:squintd:

06-10-2008, 05:32 AM
Owning a gun is not a god-given right, but it is a constitutional right. The reason other countries make it negative to own guns is that if your general populace doesnt have access to or know how to use guns, you hold a tighter grip on them and they are easier to control. This is why our right to bear arms is so important.