View Full Version : Ontario Pitbull Ban

06-06-2008, 02:17 PM
k guys/gals... this was taken off my cstrike forum. and even though i dont live in Canada it pisses me off. some of you might or might not care much, or might not give a shit... but if you are one of the ones that care, then please take the time to fill out the petition at the link below. it literally took me 2 minutes of my time, and was a very worthy 2 minutes.


Ontario Pitbull ban
Hey guys. I live in Ontario Canada, and the Provincial government here decided they would ban pitbulls based on a few isolated incidents. All puppies born after the 28th of November in 2005 are to be euthanised (put down), sent out of province or used for research purposes. now for any of you who don't like this, a friend of mine who owns two pitbulls (who happen to be the sweetest things u'll ever meet) decided to make a petition against this law. if you would like to sign it it only take a minute or two to fill out the info at the link below.


Thanks a lot

06-06-2008, 02:23 PM
they are banned here in dade county, like 5 kids a year get eaten or somthing like that... u still see em all over the place.

06-06-2008, 02:25 PM
the owners of dogs that do not properly train them are the ones who should be euthanised. ill fill it out

edit: only 14 people have signed it including me lol

06-06-2008, 02:27 PM
the owners of dogs that do not properly train them are the ones who should be euthanised. ill fill it out

exactly... i know a few pitbull owners and i absolutely love them..

06-06-2008, 02:32 PM
Again, people refusing to face what the real problem is.
Nothing in the world wrong with the dogs, the OWNERS need to bound gagged, gangraped, tarred, feathered, shot in the kneecaps and left for fucking dead, not a fucking witch hunt for the dogs. This is some bullshit.
I live directly across the street from a large park, there is a guy who walks a HUGE rednose in the park about the time I get home from work every day, dog is so big he uses a chain that must be for towing a car or something... He REMOVES the chain and walks the dog with no leash as soon as he gets in the park, the dog is PERFECTLY behaved, never leaving his side unless something is thrown for him to go get, never running unless his owner runs, not even if other people/dogs are in the park.
Same situation with this girl and her Rottweiler, she only walks him in the park a couple times a week though.
Both dogs are the hugest babies, I have approached both and both respond to "sit" by sitting down and being greeted as dogs, instead of killing machines.

06-06-2008, 02:34 PM
Yeah it is the owners not the dogs,, if you can't care for it and supervise the right way you shouldn't have one...my .o2 cents

06-06-2008, 02:34 PM
Stupidest thing ever. One of my dog's playmates is my friends pitbull. He's a BIG pit, but he's seriously the sweetest dog ever. I've got several friends with pits and all their dogs are super well behaved and super loving. The ones that snap all the time are the labs!

Pitbulls arent evil attack dogs by nature. Its the dumb ass owners and shady breeders that make them that way. They're territorial, but the same could be said about a lot of breeds.

For example, my female boxer is territorial as hell and will jack you up pretty bad if you just walk into my backyard and i dont know about it, meanwhile my male could careless. Am i gonna put my dog down cuz its protecting my shit? Hell no.

This law is stupid and inhumane. Pits are great dogs.

#17 on the list. :bow:

06-06-2008, 02:38 PM
Stupidest thing ever. One of my dog's playmates is my friends pitbull. He's a BIG pit, but he's seriously the sweetest dog ever. I've got several friends with pits and all their dogs are super well behaved and super loving. The ones that snap all the time are the labs!

Pitbulls arent evil attack dogs by nature. Its the dumb ass owners and shady breeders that make them that way. They're territorial, but the same could be said about a lot of breeds.

For example, my female boxer is territorial as hell and will jack you up pretty bad if you just walk into my backyard and i dont know about it, meanwhile my male could careless. Am i gonna put my dog down cuz its protecting my shit? Hell no.

This law is stupid and inhumane. Pits are great dogs.

couldn't agree more... let my jack russell confront an intruder in my backyard or garage and see what happens... it may not do as much damage as a larger dog, but I promise you won't forget her.

06-06-2008, 02:40 PM
my daughter love's GabeS14's pitbull Lola...she gives hugs and kisses :keke:

+1 to phlips comment....punish the owner, not the breed

06-06-2008, 02:58 PM
My pit is awesome.

She loves people.

She just doesn't play nice with one particular dog.

Damn you Auto......

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-06-2008, 02:59 PM
the thing is, people who have no respect for life, animal or not, is the kind of people who fight and violently train pits to be vicious. Those kinds of people need to be isolated anyways. These are also the type of people who would shoot someone over a squabble. They need to be neutered over the dog IMHO.

I'm still pissed that the Cane Corso is the only breed illegal in the states due to an isolated incident like 100 years ago! They are BEAUTIFUL dogs and great guard dogs.

06-06-2008, 03:03 PM
that's bullshit. if the owners could handle their pet this wouldn't be an issue.
i can understand phasing them out. outlawing purchase of them or new tags or whatever. but killing existing dogs? that's so crazy it's canadian.

06-06-2008, 03:05 PM
It's people that backyard breed the dogs for "security" and machoism that make this breed look so bad. A lot of the "pitbull" incidents I see involve halfbred dogs that look nothing like them and are labelled so for media hype. I will always respect real dogmen and I would never own another dog other than a gamebred bulldog.

06-06-2008, 03:09 PM
It's people that backyard breed the dogs for "security" and machoism that make this breed look so bad. A lot of the "pitbull" incidents I see involve halfbred dogs that look nothing like them and are labelled so for media hype. I will always respect real dogmen and I would never own another dog other than a gamebred bulldog.

Seriously. We need a petition to end backyard breeding and puppy mills.

bull dogs are great too. Not as cool as boxers though. ;)

lol in all seriousness though, bully breeds are the best. Everyone else can go home.

06-06-2008, 03:48 PM
I'm number 18.

06-06-2008, 03:58 PM
that's fucked. I signed the petition.

It's not the fault of the dogs, but the owners who train them I definitely agree.

06-06-2008, 04:10 PM
Typical shit in Canada. It's just like the gun thing here. They always blame the instrument, not the person responsible for it.

Now it's just blaming the dog, instead of the owner who doesn't keep them sufficiently bound/caged/leashed and properly trained. I think however, that any overly aggressive dog, regardless of breed or if it has attacked a person fatally or not, should be put down. Some people not far from me have a pitbull that is anything but friendly... but they basically ignore it and keep it chained up all day in the yard. Shit like that should be the target here, not the dog breed itself.

06-06-2008, 04:12 PM
Gee, how on earth could these dogs ever become so popular, and stereotyped as being dangerous?

I blame Rap, Rappers, the Hip-Hop Community, and so forth.
They have over glorified the "Mean Killer Dogs" persona of these animals.

They should be the ones Euthanised.

Don't get me wrong. I don't hate Rap or Hip-Hop.
I hate stereotypes and those who perpetuate them.

06-06-2008, 04:13 PM
Dobermans always have a bad rap for being mean or vicious, but the one I had was just a full-grown puppy. The only thing he'd ever attack was bugs, and he was scared of mice and cats.
He was a good dog.

06-06-2008, 04:16 PM
Same with my German Shepard Dog, Kevin.

Some people were scared to even step foot in my yard, yet he was a big clumsy goof.

06-06-2008, 04:23 PM
Dobermans always have a bad rap for being mean or vicious, but the one I had was just a full-grown puppy. The only thing he'd ever attack was bugs, and he was scared of mice and cats.
He was a good dog.

It's the people who neglect, abuse or specifically train their dogs to be aggressive that cause this problem. Your doberman was obviously well cared for and trained.

My current dog (Husky/Corgie mix) was abused before I found her. She snapped at me etc. at first, but now I've broken her aggressive streak from the neglect and abuse and she's an awesome dog... friendly as can be and wouldn't hurt a thing. Haven't seen her get aggressive in ANY form for almost a year now. She also knows what happens if she does again. Dogs are like small children, you have to train and discipline them. Except they always stay a kid. lolz

06-06-2008, 04:45 PM
i'm #22

is that it!?

more people need to hear about this and do something about it.

this shit is so ridiculous.

06-06-2008, 05:02 PM
Some local idiot senile senior citizen lady with two pitbulls let them roam around her property, and apparently they attacked the neighbor's dog.
The neighbor is another local idiot senile senior citizen lady, and as you know seniors have nothing better to do than sit at city hall all day filing complaints against everything.
The mayor of the town is a third local idiot senile senior citizen lady who now plans to pass a law that all dogs living within city limits need to be castrated, unless they're being raised for breeding only, in which case you have to buy a ridiculously expensive breeding license.

She better keep her hands off my dog's testicles.

06-06-2008, 05:15 PM
It never ceases to amaze me how quick people are to pin the blame on somebody/something other than themselves. Like everyone else said, "the owners are to blame not the animals." My old Rottweilers were lovable dogs because they were raised right.

This is just down right stupid!

06-06-2008, 05:23 PM
Around here, a couple of my female neighbors have acquired these big, potentially lethal dogs (the SUV of animals?). One got a rot and the other a pit. Just like SUV's, these particular women can't seem to handle they're animals, and about 3 times each they're animals have escaped to the lush, green of my yard. Twice, the pit has been over here and with an extreme curiosity, began sniffing my 4y/o niece. Fu*king freaked me out to have this huge headed animal taking such an interest in my kid and with her screaming, it made me even hotter:rant2: No harm done this time, but a license should be required to own such animals or they should be outright banned because, the most ignorant of people always seems to wind up with them.

06-06-2008, 05:28 PM
this is really stupid,its not the animals fault that its been trained and brought up to fight.They dont need to ban them or kill them(in some places like florida) all they need to do is try to retain those dogs and crack down hard on those ppl who train them and hold those fights

06-06-2008, 05:28 PM
Around here, a couple of my female neighbors have acquired these big, potentially lethal dogs (the SUV of animals?). One got a rot and the other a pit. Just like SUV's, these particular women can't seem to handle they're animals, and about 3 times each they're animals have escaped to the lush, green of my yard. Twice, the pit has been over here and with an extreme curiosity, began sniffing my 4y/o niece. Fu*king freaked me out to have this huge headed animal taking such an interest in my kid and with her screaming, it made me even hotter:rant2: No harm done this time, but a license should be required to own such animals or they should be outright banned because, the most ignorant of people always seems to wind up with them.

The problem is not the dog, that has been the point

06-06-2008, 05:43 PM
The problem is not the dog, that has been the point
I'm not entirely blaming the dog. I was just sharing my own experiences and I said. "potentially dangerous". All dogs are potentially dangerous. A potentially dangerous pit bull is probably more dangerous than a potentially dangerous Chihuahua. Get ego in check.

06-06-2008, 06:08 PM
Ohio is also trying to ban pit bulls.


06-06-2008, 06:13 PM
They are trying to Ban them on base here as well.


06-06-2008, 06:14 PM
The problem is not the dog, that has been the point

Because it's a way easier target, and because they can :-/

06-06-2008, 06:20 PM
if they're gonna ban pits, they might as well ban all bully breeds cuz they're ALL capable of the same shit.

06-06-2008, 06:45 PM
that's bullshit. if the owners could handle their pet this wouldn't be an issue.
i can understand phasing them out. outlawing purchase of them or new tags or whatever. but killing existing dogs? that's so crazy it's canadian.
That's so crazy it's Ontario ;)
But yeah we're starting to get crazy everywhere in Canada.

How about just give the owners a fine or some prison time?
I'm sure they don't even have any statistical basis for this ban.

06-06-2008, 06:56 PM
The feds just dropped by...
Young black man, gun owner, I am potentially dangerous, I am banned in NC now... They're going to have to put me down on Wednesday.

06-06-2008, 06:59 PM
The problem is not the dog, that has been the point
Personally I have to agree with him that if I'm being chased by a stray pitbull foaming at the mouth versus a stray maltese or something, I'm going to run a lot faster from the pitbull.
Yes it's the owner's fault if they get a dog they won't be capable taking care of, but in the end you can't deny that some breeds are just naturally more dangerous than others.
At the same time outlawing them is a bit too extreme, maybe people who want to own one of these breeds should just be required to have them professionally trained or prove that they'll be able to raise them properly, something along those lines.

06-06-2008, 07:09 PM
The feds just dropped by...
Young black man, gun owner, I am potentially dangerous, I am banned in NC now... They're going to have to put me down on Wednesday.
You should breed as often as possible between now and then.

I want a pit or boxer badly, I'll probably get one when I live somewhere that has enough for them to be happy.
This petition is bullshit, some of then most vicious dogs I've ever had to deal with have been black labs and chows.
Nothing to do with the breed, everything to do with the owner.
The only problem being that some dogs, when raised shittily, are more dangerous than others are, just because they are basically 100% muscle.

06-06-2008, 07:19 PM
Silly Felipe, you're a human with rights that a dog doesn't have and we don't "breed" humans, let alone for fighting. I don't care how loving they can be, they were and are predominantly bred for aggression not for compassion and babysitting and that's why a lot of ignorant people buy them.

It's cool to neg rep if you oppose a belief but please share your you side of the argument instead of just neg reppin, "Stop being so ignorant - hustlervibes"

06-06-2008, 07:22 PM
I love Pitts...one of my friends has two of them and theyre awsome, lol I cant even imagine them as attack dogs cause they are super lazy

But I hate that people blame the breed....dalmations attack more kids than any breed because ppl buy them as family dogs and they really arent...i dont see any push to outlaw them though....

06-06-2008, 08:04 PM
I'm not entirely blaming the dog. I was just sharing my own experiences and I said. "potentially dangerous". All dogs are potentially dangerous. A potentially dangerous pit bull is probably more dangerous than a potentially dangerous Chihuahua. Get ego in check.

Well, so with this mentality, they should ban breeding all BIG DOGS, not just the pits. I mean shit, its the Larger dogs that people are afraid of right? Any dog can bite but its the larger ones that will take a chunk off your face.

Anyways, wanna hear a funny fact? Cocker Spaniels account for the most dog bites by any other breeds. Nobody cares about that stats because nobody can get badly injured by a damn cocker spaniel.

I just found out that if I get stationed in Germany, I wont be able to take Mika with me. Germany has a ban on "pitbulls." I need to figure out a way to change her paper work to state that she's a "Staffordshire Terrier." :mepoke:

Anyways, yah my dog is such a fucking killer...my undersized 45 lb ball of killing power:

06-06-2008, 08:14 PM
Number 36 here.

My rednose is a weenie :(

06-07-2008, 03:42 AM
I want a pit or boxer badly, I'll probably get one when I live somewhere that has enough for them to be happy.
This petition is bullshit, some of then most vicious dogs I've ever had to deal with have been black labs and chows.
Nothing to do with the breed, everything to do with the owner.
The only problem being that some dogs, when raised shittily, are more dangerous than others are, just because they are basically 100% muscle.

i just would like to know why you say this petition is bullshit? its a petition AGAINST the ban on Pits. unless you are for it.

06-07-2008, 04:43 AM
Man these discussions always get me heated, especially when I take my dog to the dog park. Honestly, I don't expect other DOG OWNERS to take offense when I bring my dog to the park. I have had people tell me that my dog shouldn't be at the park. All this while my little cousin is playing wrestle with my dog. I just kinda give them the "WTF?" look and they just walk away. Sadly I had to give away one of my pits last week due to not enough time. We didn't want the dog to go without attention cause thats why I believe these dogs get the "attitude". Owners that pay no attention to their dogs and not raising them properly.

Her name is Lo-La.

06-07-2008, 04:45 AM
my good friend had to move out of his gated community in chino hills because of his pit bulls. a complaint was filed against them stating out with the dogs or them.

they are the nicest dogs, his daughter was raised with them so when she found out that they might have to give the dogs up she cried almost everyday...

now they completely banned pit bulls in that gated community.

06-07-2008, 07:01 AM
my good friend had to move out of his gated community in chino hills because of his pit bulls. a complaint was filed against them stating out with the dogs or them.

they are the nicest dogs, his daughter was raised with them so when she found out that they might have to give the dogs up she cried almost everyday...

now they completely banned pit bulls in that gated community.

Gated communities are like the Iron Curtain.

^Those dogs are cute as buttons haha

06-07-2008, 07:23 AM
the owners of dogs that do not properly train them are the ones who should be euthanised. ill fill it out

Exactly. You cant blame a breed for poor raising/training.

Saying that, over here in England, Pitbulls, Japanese Tosas, Dogo Argentino and Fila Braziliero are all banned.

Its a shame as I love Pitbulls. Staffordshire Bull Terriers and English Bull Terriers are seen as the closest alternatives, and they're very popular. People are scared of them, but every single one I've ever met (which is more than a few) are the softest things ever. My best friend's staff wouldn't harm a fly!