View Full Version : guy gets hit by car an no one helps

06-05-2008, 03:50 PM
this really pisses me off.


how could you just drive by and stare at a guy that just got hit by a car? the world is a fucked up place.

06-05-2008, 03:56 PM
Fucken dumb ass people. I call call the cops all the time to report shit. I hope they catch the driver.

06-05-2008, 03:57 PM
yea.. poeple need to know about the good samaritan law... that was just messed up tho

06-05-2008, 03:58 PM
Im not suprised my mom had gotten side swipped and spun out. drivers didnt even bother to see if she was ok they kept going.

06-05-2008, 04:08 PM
god dam j walkers... just kidding thats fucked every one is so scared to get involved now a days its really bad

06-05-2008, 04:09 PM
WOW this is as close to the lowest point we can get, that almost looks 3rd worldish and yet its the USA. You would think the driver behind the car that hit the guy would follow him and get his tag number. Then instead of this news report we would be hearing of this jerk off being arrested and charged, i hope the people step up.

06-05-2008, 04:12 PM




06-05-2008, 04:14 PM
i saw this crap on the news earlier today, and one guy said he didnt have his phone so there was nothing he could do.....its obviously a busy area with plenty of phones so stop making excuses.

06-05-2008, 04:23 PM



my fucken thoughts exactly, the human race is so dissapointing sometimes

06-05-2008, 04:25 PM
didnt see the video, saw the article, but shit, thats really ridiculous. even here in socal, if someone got hit, people would rush to help. i know people rushed to my aid when i got into an accident. whats happening to society?

06-05-2008, 04:26 PM
people are fawked up nowadays. i hear about a lot of hit and runs, especially from friends on bikes

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-05-2008, 04:30 PM
If you look closely the suv that the 2 cars "passed" was parking and didn't have his signal on. The 2 drivers have a LEGIT argument that they were avoiding an accident by swerving but the asshole that left the scene needs to go to jail. I'm not offering him any excuses for him to run like that but IF he had stopped he had a legal reason why he was forced to swerve and probably get off without anything happening. Now, he'll probably get caught and spend some time in jail. And if the poor guy dies then he'll get put up for murder.

06-05-2008, 04:35 PM
If you look closely the suv that the 2 cars "passed" was parking and didn't have his signal on. The 2 drivers have a LEGIT argument that they were avoiding an accident by swerving but the asshole that left the scene needs to go to jail. I'm not offering him any excuses for him to run like that but IF he had stopped he had a legal reason why he was forced to swerve and probably get off without anything happening. Now, he'll probably get caught and spend some time in jail. And if the poor guy dies then he'll get put up for murder.
i believe its vahicular manslaughter...correct me if im wrong

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-05-2008, 04:37 PM
i believe its vahicular manslaughter...correct me if im wrong

I believe you are right.

06-05-2008, 04:41 PM
If only super heroes were real

06-05-2008, 04:43 PM
i believe its vahicular manslaughter...correct me if im wrong

Yes thats true.

06-05-2008, 04:44 PM
def. messed up

06-05-2008, 05:04 PM
Majority of time people don't call 911 because they assume that someone else is already doing it.

Or you get everyone calling 911 and the operator get bombarded with calls.

06-05-2008, 05:11 PM
Majority of time people don't call 911 because they assume that someone else is already doing it.

Or you get everyone calling 911 and the operator get bombarded with calls.

Rather have the last then the first though.

People are selfish and cowardly these days... No one wants to risk their own neck, or even be inconvenienced to help another out.

Just a few weeks ago me and buddy drove past a girl getting assaulted and mugged by a guy on the sidewalk, by the time we hit the brakes, and pulled a U turn and got back, he'd taken off, but the girl said we were the only people to stop. Said one guy even walked past on the sidewalk and moved around them while her attacker yelled at her and held her arm and then finally started hitting her. She was fine, just a bloody nose and shaken up...

But :wtf: There should have been (and COULD have been) a dozen people there before we made it back. :rl:

06-05-2008, 05:18 PM
The sad part is, this happens so much its insane. I've had friends in accidents where nobody stopped to help or anything of the like. They had to call 911 (none of the bystanders did), luckily none were as bad as this guys condition. It totally boggles my mind that people are willing to stand there and watch this guy bleed (that guy on the scooter even circling him). And I find it hard to believe that out of all the bystanders not ONE at a cellphone or made a call to 911. News stories like this just irritate me to no end =\

06-05-2008, 05:44 PM
Wow, I cant wait to see if 2012 is gonna be the end of the world...shit like this just makes me lose hope for humanity...

06-05-2008, 05:58 PM
yeah seriously, people don't want to take any sort of responsilbity for shit like that because they automatically assume that someone else will.

there was an incident when my friend and i were driving and you know how there are trees and bushes along the road? Well one bush was totally on fire and heavy smoke started letting up. It's a busy ass street but everybody kept passing it. We passed by twice to see if anyone did anything about it, still nothing.

So we stopped by the local gas station grabbed a big thing of water and tried to put it out ourselves. It was actually too big to do it on our own so we called the fire dept and they handled it.

if it was that big, i can't believe no one cared do shit about it. Help is a person or phone call away.

people are assholes.

06-05-2008, 10:03 PM
damn that is just wrong

06-05-2008, 10:09 PM
heres another one

hit and run driver kills boy in east los angeles


06-05-2008, 10:10 PM
Majority of time people don't call 911 because they assume that someone else is already doing it.

Or you get everyone calling 911 and the operator get bombarded with calls.

Kitty Genovese

Genovese syndrome

06-05-2008, 10:13 PM
yeah im a lifeguard and they teach us that when you come up to a victim you find out whats wrong and point to someone specific in the crowd and say "you call 9-1-1" otherwise the whole crowd will most likely just stand there cause everyone thinks someone else is gonna do it

this is nothing new tho, there was a case of a woman who got raped and murdered in NYC right outside an apartment complex....she was screaming for help and ppl looked out their windows and shit but noone did anything because "they didnt want to get involved" or assumed that someone else would see and call the police...pretty fucked up

thats why they teach women in rape pervention classes to scream fire instead of rape or help. because no one wants to get involved and get themselves hurt....but everyone wants to see a fire

our society is fucked up

06-06-2008, 01:05 AM
dam that's fucked up. people were probably like sorry man I just got off work and it's meat loaf night... gotta go!.... People just don't have any kinda compassion now a days.

06-06-2008, 01:10 AM
2012 obama is the anti christ... what else is new.....

sad dude got hit by a car...... no one helped....i wish things like this didnt happen at all...

06-06-2008, 01:19 AM
Usually people with money that don't do anything. I was once walking to school. I passed a car that had been in an accident. I see lots of nice cars go by, Mercedes, BMW's and stuff you know rich people cars. Only people that stopped to ask if I had been in the accident and was seeking help were people with pretty messed up cars and junked cars. Seems to me most people nowadays. People with large sums of money got there by being there only for themselves. Not saying all but most. And others are there for others and not just themselves. Most people that stopped were ladies and, I doubt do a lot of raping. =p

06-06-2008, 01:19 AM
Damn I can't believe ppl are this selfish and heartless. I witnessed a car accident a little while back and first thing that I did was pull over and call 911. Even stayed till the ambulance got there just incase they wanted to get in touch with me. See something wrong happen and you either act in a positive way or you don't.

06-06-2008, 01:28 AM
but you might be late to school or work, maybe a date.

"sorry im late, i was a little bit caught up SAVING THIS GUY'S LIFE."

nobody is going to give you any trouble with that reason.

06-06-2008, 01:40 AM
no one in the world has anything that could ever be more important than saving someone's life, but some don't. i can't even comprehend why the hell you wouldn't help a person in need if you could.

06-06-2008, 02:04 AM
no one in the world has anything that could ever be more important than saving someone's life, but some don't. i can't even comprehend why the hell you wouldn't help a person in need if you could.

but in reality, what can you do for him beside dial 911? i am not trying to defending for people who just drive by but i agree with another guy that people just more self interested in their own life.

3 years ago i was driving with my older brother and a car that is about 3 cars in front of me just lost control and hit a dip outside the road and it roll over few times. it was a two lane street with median traffic. most of people just kept driving like nothing happened, but i pull over immediately and ran toward the roll over vehicle (landed on 4 wheels). While i was running, there were two older guys were running toward the cars too. But they were all looking at me, and suddenly stop. So i ran to the car and opened the door to check if the driver was ok. He was fine because he had seat belt on but i still dialed 911 for him. i walked back to my car and told my brother that i wonder why those people stopped running toward the wrecked vehicle. my bro just replied "well that is reasonable. image after you open the door and you see the driver's head is bursted with pop out eye, what can you do? and the horror image probably will traumatize you for rest of life. those guys saw the victim is getting help from you so they must figure they can just stop right there'

06-06-2008, 05:39 AM
I gotta say I'm not surprised.

sort of on topic story:
Me and my dad were stopped at a Sonic (burger joint, where you drive up and pull into a booth or whatever) and we are sitting there talking about whatever waiting on our order. Next door there is a Dollar store, and this old lady is making her way out, she gets over to her car, and doesnt see the parking stop, and goes head over heels on her back. Before she even hit the ground my dad and I, and about 3 or 4 other people hopped the fence and were running over to help. She was fine, just shaken. Thats how we do it out here. I guarantee you that a hit and run would not be ignored here in Oklahoma.

It really is appalling that several people would seem to want to help, then take off.. like they are more important somehow - I'd be embarrased to live in that state. Damn.

06-06-2008, 05:48 AM
wow...that is really messed up. I think the people that drove by were probably thinking "oh those guys walking around will take care of it". I'm blown that NONE of the witnesses called 911.

06-06-2008, 08:27 AM
About 6 months ago, I was working with the dizzy and I had the car on, bolts loose and stuff. While in the corner of my eye I see my neighbor fall she's about 78 years old. Without hesitation I drop what I'm doing I can't remember what I was doing when I was running over there. Theres bushes and cactus on the way and stuff so I was jumping and dodging things. I get there first thing I do is sit her up against the wall check the breathing, she's crying and she told me to call her husband. So I do... He gets out she stands up, she goes inside crying. Me terrified of what happened. I get back to work on my car, the dizzy bolts came off completely with the vibration of the engine, but the whole time I was thinking I hope the lady is alright. Wasn't until my adrenaline stopped is that I noticed I was all cut up and bleeding and needed medical attention of my own... Peroxide did the trick.:bigok:

06-06-2008, 11:09 AM
I can't wait to read this old guys blog about what happened. I hope he had a cell phone that can record video ,so when he puts it on You-Tube it can get a million views. I want to here how much it hurt and the shouts of "OH GOD!".
I'll also Tivo him when he goes on Oprah and the Tonight Show. And last,the movie or made for tv movie. I vote Robert Duvall,or the guy that plays Dumbledore.

Just joking. This is America. Land of the free,home of the blogger. I think the
national anthem needs to be Guns n Roses "Welcome to the Jungle".

06-06-2008, 01:05 PM
lets look at the bright side

at least nobody took his shoes and wallet
we are still better than mexico

06-06-2008, 02:37 PM
this really pisses me off.


how could you just drive by and stare at a guy that just got hit by a car? the world is a fucked up place.

i saw a guy on a bike get hit once. i kept driving. karma sucks man. seriously i got in a head on collision like a week later. :/

06-06-2008, 03:08 PM
people are sick.

06-07-2008, 08:50 PM
wow...that is really messed up. I think the people that drove by were probably thinking "oh those guys walking around will take care of it". I'm blown that NONE of the witnesses called 911.

WTF?! Seriously?!

06-07-2008, 09:35 PM
this doesn't surprise me. my friend got hit by a car pretty bad in san francisco and the only person that came up to him took his wallet and both his cell phones (personal and work). the world we live in.... jeez.

06-07-2008, 10:04 PM
why am i not surprised.