View Full Version : Custom S13 RUCA?? Adjustment made eaiser?

06-03-2008, 08:53 PM
Ok.after trying to align my car..I can't seem to grasp how to adjust the RUCA's w/o having to either remove them, or Remove the strut.Seems you have to Twist the assy to provide Neg or Pos camber.
My Alignment guy (Master tech @ my lexus dealership) is wondering if we can make/have made some Custom longer Aurora Bolts (2 on ech side of RUCA) w/ Lock Nuts to Slide adjustment.
here is a MS paint of what I'm talking about.

This making it eaiser to SLIDE adjust camber.The weight is not on that part of the suspension so this He/I would think would be MUCH eaiser.
"camber on the fly" if you will.

basically taking the "wishbone" that is Threaded through the center already and Smoothing that out..allowing a Custom length (only need to be about 3 inches IF THAT) Aurora end Bolt to then,lock its self in place w/ the 2 nuts.Similar to I guess..how it already works.

Sound Do-able??

06-03-2008, 09:08 PM
The RUCA should have a cylinder which is threaded on both sides and iirc, one is thread LH and the other RH so when you turn the nut between the heim joint and the bottom gold nut show there, it should move the ruca, and heim joint in or out without removing them. Dunno if I'm making this clear for you.

06-03-2008, 09:14 PM
The RUCA should have a cylinder which is threaded on both sides and iirc, one is thread LH and the other RH so when you turn the nut between the heim joint and the bottom gold nut show there, it should move the ruca, and heim joint in or out without removing them. Dunno if I'm making this clear for you.

i see what ya mean..Granted I don't have THAT Megan peice.Mine of course is a some Cheap shit to mainly help w/ camber.car is a DD and didn't want to spend $300 on something that dosen't see the track.

Anywat "HEIM Joint"...thats teh word I was looking for.

Mine is Threaded all the way through but thought you could make it eaiser...ESpically w/ the TIGHT amount of space (If you have an exhaust)
On them.You could Basically turn them into Camber plate type Adjustment.

Thanks..I'm still trying to remember how Mine adjust.I Have Waaay too much Neg in the rear and went to have it adjusted and even the tech Thought it could have been eaiser.