View Full Version : ever seen a dead body?

06-03-2008, 05:54 PM
so today i was leaving work to go get some lunch (12pm) and i came to the intersection of Yorba ave and Schaeffer in the city of Chino and I noticed a large group of people standing in the street. When I passed the intersection I saw a Integra flipped upside down and a eg6 slammed into the signal light, the eg6's passenger side was completely crushed. I heard the driver screaming " my friend is not breathing, he's dead!" when i glanced inside I saw the passenger laying across the car not breathing and his face was purple and his head was split like a melon. When I came back from lunch the police had the roads blocked off, I asked a officer if they were racing and he said from the looks of it they were. I saw a corners van so I asked if there was any casualties, he told me one died on the scene. I never witnessed anything like that before and just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced anything like this. Sorry if i posted in the wrong section.

06-03-2008, 05:56 PM
Fuck yea most likely high school kids messing around.
Don't trip Guy i've seen worse.

06-03-2008, 05:57 PM
If that's the worse you ever see count yourself lucky.

Just don't think about it if you don't have to dude. :bow:

Also, just be glad it wasn't someone you know or love... sounds kinda harsh, but it's true. That you never wanna see.

06-03-2008, 05:57 PM
I witness it all the time being a fire fighter, word of advice dont dwell on it you'll start to think of death to much. And let this be a mark to street racing, there is no need for it go to the track, keep it off the streets.:-/

06-03-2008, 05:59 PM
Ughh, no.

Ive seen pictures of those kinds of accidents, and thats enough to make my stomach turn.

karl wasabi
06-03-2008, 05:59 PM
The worst I've seen was a dude lying in the road with a pool of blood around his head. I don't know if he was dead or not. Scary shit. I try not to look at those things for my minds sake. Gross....

06-03-2008, 06:01 PM
I've seen 3 burnt dead bodies up close. A mother and her two children. The farm next door to my mother friend, burnt down. A gust of wind blew the tarp off the bodies and exposed them. Not so fun to see. Everyone was sleeping. I think the father was the only survivor.

I was around 7, give or take a few years.

i've also seen a body on the side of the highway. He tried running across an 8 lane highway.

06-03-2008, 06:02 PM
Fuck yea most likely high school kids messing around.
Don't trip Guy i've seen worse.

they were an older group of guys the ones in the eg both had work shirts on, just goes to show how something so dumb can end so tragic. im not dwelling on it or anything, its just that this was a first for me and it happened such a short time ago.

06-03-2008, 06:07 PM
i saw bronco(i htink that what it was) pointing in the wrong direction on the 405 north in the carpool lane. the front end was destroyed along with its side. i was in the closest lane and i saw a blonde girl with her head on the steering wheel with red going down one side of her hair.

06-03-2008, 06:07 PM
moms family are morticians..theres a freezer outside my grandmothers house...lol.. seen more than my fair share

06-03-2008, 06:08 PM
I hope it was nobody I know cause I know lots of honda heads in that area :bite:

06-03-2008, 06:08 PM
i dont know if they were dead but prolly in critical condition. it was 1am and i was following another car heading home. all of a sudden he/she slammed on the brakes and steered left, and i followed. he/she ended up driving off the road and partially on the dirt and i was like wtf happened?!?!. i look on the highway and there was a girls body lying face down in the second lane from the left (of 4), about 40feet away was a gentlemen lying on his side, and about 75 feet away from the girl was the motorcycle.. i was totally speechless since they were in regular clothes, other than a helmet (good thing they had that on)

06-03-2008, 06:09 PM
I'm from Colombia. I've seen and caused many deaths.

car accidents are fatal tho.

06-03-2008, 06:10 PM
Ughh, no.

Ive seen pictures of those kinds of accidents, and thats enough to make my stomach turn.

Fkin werd.


06-03-2008, 06:11 PM

I saw a migrant worker get hit by an SUV. Most gruesome thing I have ever seen in my life.

Seen a lady get hit in a Celica by an SUV, shit flipped like matrix status and landed on the roof. Ladies head was completely crushed, me and my mom ran over to help since shes an RN and keep people from touching the body till help arrived.

Fuckin SUV's...

06-03-2008, 06:24 PM
I used to work for a Fire/Rescue Squad when I was a teenager. Part of our coverage area was the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Vehicle accidents and house fires gave me plenty of images of things I never wanted to see.

I actually saw more casualties as a teenager, than I have in 9 years in the Marine Corps.

06-03-2008, 06:26 PM
I hope I never see a grusome accident
<--------Weak stomach

06-03-2008, 06:27 PM
So pick 'em up, pop 'em let 'em lay
Where im from we see a fuckin dead body everyday

06-03-2008, 06:28 PM
car accidents are horrible to look at. seeing a dead guy that was trying to kill you isnt. he makes me sick seeing innocent people mutilated from car accidents even though it is there fault for doing something stupid. I don't like street racing because of this. although it is tempting but i dont want to put anyone else in harms way let alone myself

06-03-2008, 06:28 PM
I hope I never see a grusome accident
<--------Weak stomach


I've seen a bad bike accident. I think the biker was dead, but I didn't want to rubberneck and cause another accident

06-03-2008, 06:29 PM
When i was younger i was with my parents when we passed and accident involving a motor cycle and a honda accord. the bike was hauling ass and t-boned the accord. when we passed by the police had attempted to cover the body, but there was still a huge pool of blood around his head. the girl that was on the bike was thrown completely over the car.. dont know what ever came of her.

06-03-2008, 06:32 PM

I've seen a bad bike accident. I think the biker was dead, but I didn't want to rubberneck and cause another accident

Now that you mention it. About a month ago. I was driving my friend home around 2 a.m. and there was traffic so I was like wtf...

Saw the lights and all that business, as I roll by theres a motorcycle in the bushes with the rider splayed on the curb, and a leg about 10 yards away...

06-03-2008, 06:35 PM
Consider yourself lucky it was no one you knew. That is the worse feeling in the world.

06-03-2008, 06:35 PM
man that sucks, that means chino cops will started to cracking down more modified vehicles that they can associate with street racing.

1000th post!!! wooooo

06-03-2008, 06:35 PM
Saw a homie go down on a bike last year due to a stupid ass black driver in a scraper....

RIP tray.

we took care of the driver.

So pick 'em up, pop 'em let 'em lay
Where im from we see a fuckin dead body everyday

thats life homie.

06-03-2008, 06:54 PM
I'm from Colombia. I've seen and caused many deaths.

car accidents are fatal tho.

^^^^^^ seriously your joking right

06-03-2008, 06:57 PM
^^^^^^ seriously your joking right

Why do you think he moved here... :hahano:

I can't even imagine how fucked up it was for my dad when he saw one of his best friends get decapitated on a bike.

Main reason I do not have a street bike =(

06-03-2008, 06:57 PM
I can't even imagine how fucked up it was for my dad when he saw one of his best friends get decapitated on a bike.

That could potentially mess me up for life

06-03-2008, 07:01 PM
man that sucks, that means chino cops will started to cracking down more modified vehicles that they can associate with street racing.

1000th post!!! wooooo

probably, but if its for the better, im all for it.

06-03-2008, 07:09 PM
seen a guy shot to death<was trying to save the guy, one stabbed to death...one shot himself with a shotty, the list goes on and on....i guess im kinda all cried out ....so i kinda show no remorse or sympathy...just not trying to deal with negativity that surrounds us...and keep myself moving...

2pac always seems to make me feel better tho...

06-03-2008, 07:13 PM
^^^^^^ seriously your joking right

Not at all.

It's rough out there.

180sx Fan
06-03-2008, 07:14 PM
when i was 12 years old i was on the school bus and we drove past a motorcycle accident guy got creamed by a semi the guy was in like 20 pieces there were bits of him everywhere everybody on the bus was screaming it was a pretty gruesome.

06-03-2008, 07:36 PM
I word of advice dont dwell on it you'll start to think of death to much.

+1 The first time I've seen a person dying/dead from trauma was at my first duty station after a recon plane crashed on the runway. Seeing a dead or dying person eyes and multilated body and others klinging on to life will fuck with you. My SSgt was unphased he even said a joke and shrugged it off.(combat vet) 90% of the people who helped try to rescue or saw the crew had issues esp the corpsman that were put in a position to save men they knew had a slim chance.

06-03-2008, 08:11 PM
When I was in high school I was in the HST program (Health Science Technologies) and in the second year program we had to go out and shadow people in the field. My first assignment was with the Ambulance Service. When I got to the hospital I saw 2 paramedics walking out to the ambulance. They spotted me in my scrubs and asked if I was supposed to be with them. I told them yes. They said come on we'll sign you in when we get back. The guy was carrying something that was wrapped in clear plastic like it was new. The girl had a very worried look on her face. I asked where we were going and the guy said "body haul". Anyway, when we got to the house, which was 2 houses down from my aunt's house they had it taped off and there was dudes in blacksuits walking around everywhere taking pictures and collecting what I later found out was evidence. At first they wouldn't let me go in but the female paramedic came out crying and holding her face. The coroner asked me if I thought I could help the male paramedic. He said I'm going to warn you it's pretty bad. When I walked in the bedroom there was a mid 20s woman laying on the floor with her whole head minus her face blown off. The walls were sprayed with blood and skull fragments. Half of her brain was laying on the bed fully intact. She was already stiff and blue. Once we got her in the bag we had to collect everything that was blood stained....sheets, pillows, skull fragments, a big piece of the carpet, clothes, etc....

The best and worst part was this. Her children were asleep in the bedroom next to her.....ages 3 and 6. Her husband came home and found her after he got off from his 3rd shift job......the kids never woke up even though she put a 12 gauge in her mouth and shot herself less than 10 feet and one wall separating them. That bothered me for months.

06-03-2008, 08:36 PM
Saw a dead biker (in 2 pieces) in one of the Yokohama bay tunnels.....creepy to see someone like that.

06-03-2008, 08:52 PM
lol wow this thread is making me feel better and better about wanting a bike

06-03-2008, 09:37 PM
lol wow this thread is making me feel better and better about wanting a bike

Yeah dude seriously.
I hear the greatest Biking accident stories now.

06-03-2008, 09:47 PM
once i saw a little girl no older than 13 walking on the shoulder going the direction of the traffic flow, and a chevy silverado hit her at around 45mph, she flew about 15-20 feet like a ragdoll , i would have to say that was the worst/scariest thing i ever saw. she was pronounced dead a few days or so later.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-03-2008, 09:49 PM
seen a corvette get underneith a semi with his head in the backseat
seen a decapitated biker on cajalco
seen a 7 year old girl get both legs crushed by a school bus (gory)
seen a minor accident where a girls head exploded on the driverside window
seen 2 brother get shot point blank over an integra in the oakland area
heard a woman screaming as she burned to death

just don't let it bother you. You have to keep on keeping on and just don't be stupid. You control your own destiny and stay as safe as you can. Just don't shape your life around someone elses ending.

06-03-2008, 09:50 PM
You should of chased the:mrmeph: truck down and beat his a$$ better yet disfigured him, i hate people who are not aware and arent driving defensively

06-03-2008, 09:52 PM
I have seen what happened to a mustang after a guy shot himself in the head with a .38. Black leather was stained red, carpet was also stained. Chunks of the skull and brain also were scattered in the car. I actually might have pics of the car.

Car was cleaned up and sold 2 months after it happened. Feel really sorry for whoever bought it. I think it should have been burned and crushed cause it could be a bio-hazard.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-03-2008, 09:55 PM
I have seen what happened to a mustang after a guy shot himself in the head with a .38. Black leather was stained red, carpet was also stained. Chunks of the skull and brain also were scattered in the car. I actually might have pics of the car.

Car was cleaned up and sold 2 months after it happened. Feel really sorry for whoever bought it. I think it should have been burned and crushed cause it could be a bio-hazard.

seen pics of the aftermath of a drunk mother driving her toddler daughter and crashed. Mother was ok but her daughters' head hit the pavement and burst. She was too drunk to strap down the carseat.

06-03-2008, 10:38 PM
A few years ago, I was going to work when this chick launched herself off the bridge into the freeway traffic and landed on some cars that were about 40 feet ahead of me. I had to swerve off to the side. It was pretty gross- the car she landed on was splattered with blood, and she was all mangled looking. I had to stay there for like 2 hours since she had blocked an off-ramp.

touge monster
06-03-2008, 10:47 PM
Honestly, the first dead body you see is probably going to stick with you for many many years. After that first one, its easier to block that image out (for most people) Don't think about it too much.

06-03-2008, 11:01 PM
Oh Lisa reminded me of the guy that pulled his car over on the Coronado bay bridge at the highest point and got out and jumped.

My dad has a LOT of stories about bad car accidents he has seen...he drove a semi in so cal for 20 years...and I swear, I dont know how he has gotten past some of the things he has seen....

there was an accident, the drunk driver that caused it had run off, but there was a boot, and my dad stopped to help, he went to pick the boot up to go take to the guy and get him to come back....his foot was still in it!

06-03-2008, 11:14 PM
heres the full story on the car accident I was talking about. there werent street racing at all, just a bad decision.

creepy I have 666 post.

06-03-2008, 11:17 PM
Dam this threads a bummer. I've never seen anything gruesome and I hope I never will.

06-04-2008, 12:18 AM
Found an aborted fetus in the trash
Seen an old man dying on the street with his cranium cracked open
Seen dogs launched 10-15 feet in the air after getting hit in traffic
Seen a cow tied to a rope choke itself to death when it lost it's footing near an embarkment
Seen (and helped) stone a rabid dog to dead
various butchered for food. Slaughtering houses are gnarly
All before I was 12.

06-04-2008, 12:22 AM
so apparently......

california is fucking insane

06-04-2008, 12:29 AM
so apparently......

california is fucking insane

not as insane as Guatemala...

06-04-2008, 12:44 AM
Thats pretty crazy, I dated this girl who worked at a morgue cutting up dead bodies all night. Sometimes she would have some blood on her hair. It was kinda gross. I asked if I could go visit, but they never let me.

06-04-2008, 12:54 AM
I'm not sure I would want to date a girl that has a lot of experience with cutting humans and has a place to hide the body.

I drink too much for something not to go wrong.

06-04-2008, 12:57 AM
seen a corvette get underneith a semi
2fast 2furious style???

06-04-2008, 01:11 AM
While in Vietnam I saw so pretty bad bike accidents, they weren't going fast enough to kill themselves but enough to shred a lot of skin on most of their body :(

06-04-2008, 02:39 AM
Witnessed a suicide on school property when I was 15...

... 'nuff said.

06-04-2008, 02:54 AM
several bicyclists have died on the main road before my high school. Its a trip to see someone laying lifeless on the ground. It made me ponder life all day after i witnessed one. :-(

06-04-2008, 03:50 AM
I can't even imagine how fucked up it was for my dad when he saw one of his best friends get decapitated on a bike.
Been there, though instead of being decapitated he launched himself in to a wall. Here I am with a bike almost 3 years later.

06-04-2008, 04:08 AM
I pulled up to a light once at around 4:30am after work and found a car against a pole in the median. Car was almost unrecognizable. Put my hazards on and went over to see if this was an abandoned car or not since it hadn't been removed yet. I walk over to find a guy unconscious in the car who didn't look in good shape at all. I yelled to get the guy up to try and get him out of the vehicle... but he remained still and didn't respond. I called Dallas fire department and they arrived on the scene with Dallas PD. As I was giving my statement I see a body bag wheel off on a stretcher.......
I find out the guy who I found in the car was not unconscious, he was already dead on the scene. Very unfortunate... but some people just don't know the risks of drinking and driving. Couldn't sleep that night it bothered me so much... but unfortunately these things do happen all the time.

06-04-2008, 05:54 AM
it might be wrong to say but thats their fault for racing in the first place. They knew the consequences, they knew the possible results, and they knew they were endangering everyone so thats there fault for fucking up.

Also during thanksgiving i was driving to stockton and when i got to altamont, i saw a van flipped over and 3 bodies scattered across this sandy area off the road. guess they went to fast and flipped. this were one of those white "imma rape your kid" vans

06-04-2008, 06:25 AM
The worst thing i have ever seen was driving on the trans-canada highway, I guess one of the semi drivers had fallen asleep at the wheel, and collided head on with another semi.. One of the Semi's was completely on fire, and the person that fell asleep lived, and the other semi was an elderly couple who both died in the blaze.

06-04-2008, 06:38 AM
I had to work an accident in a tanker convoy (Iraq) and that was pretty messed up to say the least, but the thing is that about 6 months ago I saw a deadly car accident take place stateside. Some kid was speeding and trying to pass between cars F&F style. Well, they didn't make it and the car (old Impreza) lost control, crossed the median, and started to rollover however many times.
I came upon 3 people that were ejected from the car in the rollover but were ok and one guy smashed between the steering wheel and the roof. He died instantly.

That accident screwed me up more than the tanker accident and the tanker accident was a hell of alot worse. I don't know what it was about it but it took me a couple hours to get that off my mind.

Pink Slut
06-04-2008, 06:49 AM
i found my own aunt in her kitchen, 6 days after she passed away. wasnt pretty.

saw a guy die of a heart attack

06-04-2008, 09:20 AM
This is the most gruesome thread on Zilvia.
The stories of gore

06-04-2008, 09:25 AM
watched my grandfather with lugarics disease die from a heart attack while holding onto my hand, when you can feel someones life in your hand and feel it fade away right in front of you... its fucked up.

then when i was like 8, i was with with my family in new york city. and my dad was looking at a upcoming job to bid on and move( we move houses and what not) in red hook. well red hook is a really shitty ass area in new york. so were just cruising through it with a little white mini van with a surf board on top. as were driving through the park we see like 6 guys walk up to this 2 guys. the six guys; well one pulled a gun and shot one of the guys guys point blank in the head. blood splatter and everything. was by far the most messed up shit ive seen in life..... lets just say we got the fuck out of there

06-04-2008, 09:28 AM
Man this thread is sad.

I'm going to be 29, and other then family members that have passed away at funerals I've never seen someone just randomly dead.

And I live in the Milwaukee area that has the highest murder rate in the country.

06-04-2008, 10:00 AM
Well Mel, at least you have seen the Living Dead before

06-04-2008, 10:24 AM
I've seen two bad accidents.. One on a major highway in my town where a car ran the light, t-boned which somehow hit a 3rd car into a pedistrian wedging him up against a pole slicing him in half... I saw em' hacking away at the metal on the car to get him out...

Then another was on a major road by out mall. Some guy on a bike hit a 240(bastard) doing about 90 and flew over the entire car into the middle of the street and got ran over...They had to scrape him off the road. They were putting him in ziplocks...lol

06-04-2008, 10:29 AM
oh yeah, I forgot one. I also witnessed on a ride down to Vince, almost tip of Louisiana, a Cadillac on fire. As my friend and I were driving doing about 75-80 a big Ford truck passed us doing at least 100. about 5minutes down the road we pass a cadillac blazing on fire, with that truck now with a smashed front end parked behind it. Fire was so hot the concrete underneath it exploded. There was a black----at least I think we was black, he was after the fire either way, there was a guy up against the guard rail with his skin pretty much burnt off. I'm pretty sure he was dead to. It looked like the cadillac had broken down in the middle of the interstate and the truck didn't have enough time to swerve

06-04-2008, 10:51 AM
That sounds like those movies they show you in Driver's Ed class

06-04-2008, 11:01 AM
That sounds like those movies they show you in Driver's Ed class

i second that!!! :aw: my drivers ed teacher showed us some fucked up movies of like burn victims and drunk driving accidents

06-04-2008, 11:15 AM
I was on a highway here in the desert and I saw a dead biker laying on the road there was a burnt car next to it so dont know exactly how it happened but I was very uncomfortable at first.:( The funny thung is I had taken my bike to work that day to and I thought I was not going to be able to ride comfortably but I phased it out of my mind and forgot all about it.

06-04-2008, 11:31 AM
so today i was leaving work to go get some lunch (12pm) and i came to the intersection of Yorba ave and Schaeffer in the city of Chino and I noticed a large group of people standing in the street. When I passed the intersection I saw a Integra flipped upside down and a eg6 slammed into the signal light, the eg6's passenger side was completely crushed. I heard the driver screaming " my friend is not breathing, he's dead!" when i glanced inside I saw the passenger laying across the car not breathing and his face was purple and his head was split like a melon. When I came back from lunch the police had the roads blocked off, I asked a officer if they were racing and he said from the looks of it they were. I saw a corners van so I asked if there was any casualties, he told me one died on the scene. I never witnessed anything like that before and just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced anything like this. Sorry if i posted in the wrong section.

dude, that is like a 1/2 mile from my house :(
i didnt hear anything about it though.

06-04-2008, 01:55 PM
It's always the passenger who dies.

06-04-2008, 02:33 PM
driving down the 210fwy in the fast lane. had to brake cause i saw some flashing lights up ahead and traffic was coming to a slow rate. well drove passed the CHP and about 50ft ahead i see a body in the carpool lane. body was mangled beyond belief. than i look ahead and see a benz that had hit the center divider and the driver standing next to it talking to cops.

next day, do some research on what happened and the guy commited suicide.

06-04-2008, 02:43 PM
In high school, someone rolled a Chevy Silverado at high speed at the intersection near my house, and was ejected and crushed by the truck.
We had to wait there until the rescue squad came.

Last year, I was on the 105, and a cabover delivery truck rear ended a semi.
The cab was completley crushed, and covered by a tarp, but the back of the semi trailer had the bloody outline of a man on the rear doors, where the driver impacted into it.

06-04-2008, 07:22 PM
It's always the passenger who dies.

That always seems to be the case. OR its always the asshole drunk driver that kills a family and walks away with a sprained wrist.

About five years ago I went with a couple of friends to the street races in Ontario and saw a guy roll his Accord. When we got to the car, he was hanging out of the passenger window with all kinds of blood gushing out his head. Two days later I'm reading the newspaper and I find out that his girlfriend, and mother of his child, was ejected from the car and then crushed by the car.

06-04-2008, 07:25 PM

and that's all I will say. (except for what followed yes)

06-04-2008, 07:38 PM
There was a car chase yesterday for 20min until they guy crashed on an intersection by my house, then cop approached the guy and shot him 5 times. I had to drive through there to pick up my little brother from school and the guy was just laying on the ground dead.
It's fucked up because the guy had his hands up when the cop shot him.

news http://cbs5.com/crime/pittsburg.shooting.death.2.739771.html

06-04-2008, 08:49 PM
i never wanna drive ever again
time to invent a teleporter

06-04-2008, 10:24 PM
Man fuck you I thought you were gonna post up a pic of a dead body

06-04-2008, 10:36 PM
...Nah man you gotta go to those weird sites that has porn and pictures of brutalized corpses for that.

Ogerish or something

06-04-2008, 10:45 PM
I'll never forget this one guy that killed himself on the 105/110 interchange in 1998.... It was a long ass stand-off, and he was protesting HMOs because they had told him he had cancer when he really had AIDS... He shot himself in the head with a shotgun, and all the news choppers were live and it was on every channel.

I think the sickest thing about that was how the Spanish-speaking channels kept playing that scene over and over again.

06-04-2008, 11:07 PM
I'll never forget this one guy that killed himself on the 105/110 interchange in 1998.... It was a long ass stand-off, and he was protesting HMOs because they had told him he had cancer when he really had AIDS... He shot himself in the head with a shotgun, and all the news choppers were live and it was on every channel.

I think the sickest thing about that was how the Spanish-speaking channels kept playing that scene over and over again.

dang i remember that! i was like 13 and couldnt believe what i saw on live tv

06-05-2008, 12:10 AM
Yea I was 16... After that is when they started up with those censor delays in live broadcast.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-05-2008, 01:31 AM
So far I have determined

06-05-2008, 02:38 AM
I've seen some people get fucked up, I just laugh or help them. Depends on the situation.

First time:
I saw 2 cars crash into a big boulder at an intersection once, coincidentally right next to a house fire. I guess death was in the air that night or something. But yeah, massive blood splatter-age...and a lot of ambulances. I was probably about 4. I think from that point on scary movies weren't scary, lol.

06-05-2008, 03:02 AM
I was caught in crossfire between a pimp and some dude, i was driving on E14th in oakland near high st. I see a guy walk up to a hooker and bitch slap her, then her pimp jumps out of a car and they start firing at each other. One guy runs across the street and they keep firing while cars drive by. The pimp ends up shooting the guy, he then ran over to him and emptied the clip into the guys head and chest area. Luckily i wasnt hit.

Ive seen two brothers get shot in the head point blank over an integra in oakland, and i just met one of the brothers a few hours before he was shot.

Those was one of the worst things i have ever seen.

06-05-2008, 03:08 AM
I was caught in crossfire between a pimp and some dude, i was driving on E14th in oakland near high st. I see a guy walk up to a hooker and bitch slap her, then her pimp jumps out of a car and they start firing at each other. One guy runs across the street and they keep firing while cars drive by. The pimp ends up shooting the guy, he then ran over to him and emptied the clip into the guys head and chest area. Luckily i wasnt hit.

Ive seen two brothers get shot in the head point blank over an integra in oakland, and i just met one of the brothers a few hours before he was shot.

Those was one of the worst things i have ever seen.
Yup. I was there aswell...They were my neighbors.

You do know why that went down right? They were racing for titles. One of the brothers lost the race, and didn't want to give up the car. He got shot at point blank...and his brother aswell. The shooter then took the car and fled the scene.

Thats everday life in Oakland bruh. You know how it is.

Don't flake out on deals in the town homie. Some of us don't play.

I paid my respects at the funeral in Hayward.

06-05-2008, 03:51 AM
Yup. I was there aswell...They were my neighbors.

You do know why that went down right? They were racing for titles. One of the brothers lost the race, and didn't want to give up the car. He got shot at point blank...and his brother aswell. The shooter then took the car and fled the scene.

Thats everday life in Oakland bruh. You know how it is.

Don't flake out on deals in the town homie. Some of us don't play.

I paid my respects at the funeral in Hayward.

People actually race for titles?


RIP :[

06-05-2008, 04:30 AM
I keep telling you cats. We don't mess around up in northern cali.

06-05-2008, 10:53 AM
Wow that is serious.
Like Ultimate PINKS or something

Sorry to hear

06-05-2008, 11:38 AM
It's not a huge suprise.
Anywhere you go, there's sketchy ass people around street racing.
If you end up in a position where you owe a sketchy ass person a few thousand dollars, bad stuff happens.

steve shadows
06-05-2008, 11:44 AM
I'm from Colombia. I've seen and caused many deaths.

car accidents are fatal tho.

Your so full of shit it's pouring out of your eyes

06-05-2008, 11:46 AM

Damn that oakland shit is crazy..

06-05-2008, 07:45 PM
Your so full of shit it's pouring out of your eyes
Your mouth is so full of cock, jizz is pouring everwhere. :mad:

We gonna do this again? You know the deal.

06-05-2008, 11:33 PM
when i was about 4 a motorcycle flew past the car i was in(while stopped ad a red light). he tried to make a left, but the flat-bed semi had different plans. his head clipped the semi and took it off then ran over it. it's good thing i had my car seat or i would have missed the action... that's one of my oldest memories.

when i 13 i was on a family road trip coming back from seattle we drove past fresh accident(a good samaritan had stopped to divert traffic with some flares) an suv hit a civic in the fast lane and caused the civic to flip. about 10 feet away from the civic was part of a head/brain and about 100 feet away was a giant puddle of blood and a crumpled body with the rest of the mangled head.

two summers ago i was at the final leg of the tour de france in paris and saw an old woman die from heat stroke or a heart attack or something. it was strange watching her family watch her die.

06-27-2008, 05:57 AM
iv seen 2 people dead one night on gandy bridge on bikes the hit the middle berrior like at 150 that shit was messed up and a hobo who died of hypothermea laying face down in the ditch

06-27-2008, 06:12 AM
I keep telling you cats. We don't mess around up in northern cali.

We don't mess around in so-cal either.. Only accident i've seen was at school. A accord and is300 were "racing" and the lexus hit a dip and lost control.. rolled landed on the top.. Seen my gf's friend get her head clipped off..

06-07-2011, 03:32 PM
I'm LEO and I see it all the time. The worst is when kids are involved.

06-07-2011, 03:42 PM
I saw a friend get shot 6 times when I was 16. He died at the hospital so im not sure if that counts..

06-07-2011, 03:53 PM
I'm LEO and I see it all the time. The worst is when kids are involved.

Sweet bump of a three year old thread, bro!

06-07-2011, 07:06 PM
i've seen someone getting hit with a bottle at a club making his head almost cut in half(weird). But that's about it. There is websites that show stuff like this uncensored,but normally no one ever hears of them. If you have nothing to do,and want to see some harsh pictures and video go to ogrish.com or documentingreality.com (viewer beware).

06-07-2011, 07:23 PM
Yoooo thats down my street I heard about it

06-07-2011, 07:31 PM
Two days after my daughter was born, she stopped breathing and suffered a hypoxic brain injury with seizures (She now has Cerebral Paulsy, a tracheostomy and feeding tube). When that happened, she was admitted to the NICU whereI spent 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 54 days by her side. While in there I watched a lot of sad and unfortunate deaths, it really is a shame. I feel lucky that my little girl is still alive after what happened.

06-07-2011, 08:39 PM
seen a dead body in the park across my house me and my homie thought he was just sleeping but he did look a bit odd didn't really approach guy,ended up finding out he was a victim of car jack and got shot for running.

06-07-2011, 08:51 PM
ive never seen an uncovered dead body.. but one time when i was on the freeway and an accident occured the paramedics had like 3 bodies covered.. but i did see something on national geographic where it was an episode on death.. and they showed an old man actually die.. like it was really sad....... it showed him breathing kinda slower and slower till you just see his chest kinda lower down and relax and his had kinda just go lifeless. and then they had a speed up version of a decomposing body and that like.... tainted my mind for ever.

06-07-2011, 08:56 PM
old bump good topic though lol

saw a van racing through traffic, it flipped right in front of me and the driver was thrown about 50 yards in front of me. mind you i was going about 60mph so he was going 65+

im pretty sure he died on impact because he kept flipping like a rag doll and lost a few limbs.

06-07-2011, 09:07 PM
Me and a friend were leaving a club late one night and while we were stopped at an intersection a car pulled up behind us at the light and waited. Seconds later an SUV rolls up stops next to that car and just starts popping off shots. Driver caught one in the head and the heavy set dude in the back caught a couple in the stomach. Amazingly enough the girl in the passenger seat was unharmed and the SUV was shooting on the passenger side. The whole fucking thing had us real shaken up because we kept thinking, "what stopped them from pulling up one more car and blasting us?" it turned out that the whole thing stemmed from a fight between an asian and mexican gang at the same club we had just left.

06-07-2011, 09:16 PM
Def a good thread...
Was on the 495 through jersey and traffic came to an instant stop, i kinda pieced together what happened, a van was barely on the shoulder front end jacked up waiting to get a spare tire on, about 20 feet later was a middle aged man bloody all over esp. From the head in the slow lane with a tire iron and a spare tire. And about 50 or so feet away was a white focus driven by a younger lady. Not sure if he died but could have easily been avoided.
Last summer i was riding bmx on flatbust ave in Brooklyn, we're just chilling at a corner store then you hear to dudes yelling and 9mm rounds popping off. Not sure what went down but it looked like a bad deal. Guy busting the rounds was hitting him from like 5ft away in broad daylight with tons of pedestrians. He than got into the back of an c280 and they peeled out. The guy was laying there shaking and going into shock, no clue on the outcome but was the worst thing i've seen in my lifr. Something from that jacking scene in "menace ii society"

06-07-2011, 09:51 PM
my cousin is a cop and his first day on the job a BMW rolled and ejected the driver from the sun roof and the car was upside down, propped up by the guy's head. my cousin watched him take his last breath.

06-08-2011, 12:03 PM


06-08-2011, 05:46 PM
yea few people. Its pretty bad news. Saw a guy riding a bike across a busy street and a car whack him. Face down on the pavement, dead as a door-knob. That was last year.

06-08-2011, 06:49 PM
I'm from Colombia. I've seen and caused many deaths.

car accidents are fatal tho.

so.. you've caused many deaths??

redline racer510
06-08-2011, 07:46 PM
When I was 12 years old me and the family went to the park for a BBQ. Went to the bathroom took a piss heard a strange noise from a stall near-by, it was cracked open looked inside there was a bum sitting on the toilet slouched over with a 40 oz. between his legs and blood coming out his neck chest area and pooling up around the bottom of toilet ran out had parents call cops. Later found out he was seriously on some meth and a few other drugs and had slit his own throat.

When I was 18 a few months after getting my license, got stuck in some bad traffic on highway 4 nears Pittsburgh upon merging onto the 2 right lanes seen a tahoe with front driver fender and wheel completely destroyed another 100ft or so on the far left lane a motorcycle frame with front fork missing with leg still clothed about another 100 ft piled up against the divider a torso and the front forks of the motorcycle. Found out the tahoe lost control and sandwiched the motorcycle driver against another car that was going very very fast.
BTW worked at a butcher shop when I was 16 in Berkeley seen plenty of dead "bodies".

redline racer510
06-08-2011, 07:47 PM
so.. you've caused many deaths??

lol, are you serious man????????????????????

Dirty Habit
06-08-2011, 09:22 PM
"I keep trash bags with me, never know when ya gotta drop a body off."

06-08-2011, 09:53 PM
A couple years ago I was at a party and some gangsters decided to crash it and they guns and rifles and they were looking for this guy from WSV (West Side Verdugo) they went up to every guy and asked them where you from and pointed guns at their faces. They finally get to my group if friends and they do the same. I didn't notice at the time but there was this bald guy kinda hiding behind our group they see him and ask him the same thing. The guy claims his gang and gets shot in the face. That was a real disturbing night to see someone get shot right in front of you. After the first gun shot everyone just ran, I heard more gunshots as everyone booked it but don't know if anyone else got shot.

06-09-2011, 12:25 AM
luckily i dont recall ever seeing anything but it thinking about this always reminds me how great people in the medical field are, esp. nurses *think of the girls you know who are going to be or are nurses*.

lol wow this thread is making me feel better and better about wanting a bike

i know huh i want a bike too

In cali, wearing a helmet on a motorcycle is mandatory, i been traveling out of state and seeing people ride without helmets gives me the creeps.

06-09-2011, 01:01 AM
although ive never seen someone dead (other than wakes) i have seen 2 ppl close to it.

some spanish guy got hit on his bike from an suv at the end of the block i was on. some guy was screaming at everyone at the car wash that someone had died up the block. out of curiosity i went over to make sure it was no one i knew being that it was across the street from my dads car dealership. when i walked over the guy was face down in the pavement not moving with a pool of blood next to his head. everyone surrounding him were calling the police and praying for him and out of no where his head jerked up, he took a deep breath and started asking what happened. he was an illegal alien and although he was bleeding from his face he tried to get up and leave before the police and ambulance got there. everyone made sure that he didnt leave till police got there and when they did he was more concerned about someone stealing his bike than his own health.

the other story was on labor day weekend i went to my friends house in pa and we were driving quads. me and my girlfriend took one and my friends took the others. as i was driving the quad lost control and went into a ditch. the quad flipped sending me and my girl flying. i knew how to fall thanks to karate classes and gymnastics classes when i was younger so i hit the ground and was okay but when i turned around my girl was face down in the dirt. i ran to her and turned her around and saw a scary sight. i honestly thought she was dead but thankfully she regained her consiousness and after a 3 hour hospital visit and a cat scan the doctors found that she was in perfect condition and was just knocked out. that really gave me a wake up call and made me learn to appreciate life for what it is and appreciate my girlfriend and our loving relationship so much more.

06-09-2011, 09:23 AM
saw my dad on is death bed, still warm to the touch... I closed his eyes. :naw:

Edit : Cancer sucks

06-09-2011, 05:18 PM
This is the most gruesome thread on Zilvia.
The stories of gore
For real, hah. New title: Zilvia's Faces of Death.

If you have nothing to do,and want to see some harsh pictures and video go to ogrish.com or documentingreality.com (viewer beware).
There's also Rotten.com, lots of sick shit not just accidents.

06-09-2011, 05:35 PM
Seen a biker get ran over on I-5 by the mall. The look on his fave...can never erase from my memories. Also a fellow bus driver hit a biker after cutting him off and seen that PLUS blood, chunks of meat, etc come off when they washed it at the yard....about ten people quit right there on the spot...

06-10-2011, 08:58 AM
nothing as gory as you guys.
drove by a homeless dude who looked like he needed a fucking drink,....actually went to get a water and chuck it at him, and a cop was 'inspecting' him. Kicked his foot and gave him the 'pick up the arm and drop it' inspection.

.....bout 10mins later a amberlamps strolled down the street with its lights off, and picked him up

06-10-2011, 09:34 AM
When I was about 9 years old. My parents went to live in the state of Sinaloa ,Mexico. We lived in a small town outkirts of the city of Culiacan. We lived in a small agricultural town . The only main paved road to the Crop fields went through town .We lived on this road . One early morning we were litterally shaken out of bed as our ground trembled and shook for a few seconds.In morning , to our surprise there was a tractor trailer rig on its side in the middle of road directly in front of our home.Driver drove into a trench dug down center of road and rolled truck on its side .Anyways truck trailer was full of produce. Later in the day a swarm of people were looting the produce from trailer . My dad and I observing , picture about 15 people inside the trailer men women and kids. Along comes this truck and runs into the trailer , I mean this thing killed at least ten people and trapped the rest inside. Theres more , a farm tractor with a drunk rubber necker ran into the second truck and ran over a kid about my age trapping him under rear tire! He was still conscious for a while then he gave up the ghost after some family members had a chance to speak to him. So tragic.My dad did everything to cover my eyes , it happened so fast, and seemed sureal.There were bodies everywhere that day.I never forgot.

Two years ago ,I went to Michoacan (My parents were born there )and went to a dance club. I was kicking it at the bar. Then a couple guys (ZETAS)with submachine guns ,storm in and dump a sack full of human heads on dance floor!!! I guess the headless guys worked for the competition.I got the F out of there , didnt stick around to ask questions.....:eek:

06-10-2011, 10:19 AM
Its just as civilians aren't exposed to things like this but anybody who is in the ARMED FORCES see it everyday! The first few times is a shocker after a while you become "Numb" or build up a tolerance to it. Thats why people should keep the racing off public streets or take it to a no mans land. I'll pray for them and hope this post will remind people that we are fragile humans and can pass at anytime

06-10-2011, 11:16 AM
When I was 8 I remember this like it was just yesterday..my mom was taking me to go get a haircut and the street we turn onto to get to it there were 3 guys in the middle of the street arguing next thing you know one guy pulls out a gun and shoots one of the guys in the head at point blank. I can't even tell you how much I cried. It was the worse thing I've honestly witnessed in my entire life.

Sent from My Synergy Powered EVO

06-10-2011, 12:25 PM
When I was about 9 years old. My parents went to live in the state of Sinaloa ,Mexico. We lived in a small town outkirts of the city of Culiacan. We lived in a small agricultural town . The only main paved road to the Crop fields went through town .We lived on this road . One early morning we were litterally shaken out of bed as our ground trembled and shook for a few seconds.In morning , to our surprise there was a tractor trailer rig on its side in the middle of road directly in front of our home.Driver drove into a trench dug down center of road and rolled truck on its side .Anyways truck trailer was full of produce. Later in the day a swarm of people were looting the produce from trailer . My dad and I observing , picture about 15 people inside the trailer men women and kids. Along comes this truck and runs into the trailer , I mean this thing killed at least ten people and trapped the rest inside. Theres more , a farm tractor with a drunk rubber necker ran into the second truck and ran over a kid about my age trapping him under rear tire! He was still conscious for a while then he gave up the ghost after some family members had a chance to speak to him. So tragic.My dad did everything to cover my eyes , it happened so fast, and seemed sureal.There were bodies everywhere that day.I never forgot.

Two years ago ,I went to Michoacan (My parents were born there )and went to a dance club. I was kicking it at the bar. Then a couple guys (ZETAS)with submachine guns ,storm in and dump a sack full of human heads on dance floor!!! I guess the headless guys worked for the competition.I got the F out of there , didnt stick around to ask questions.....:eek:

Zetas are people not to fuck with

06-10-2011, 02:04 PM
not as insane as Guatemala...

Or Beirut or Syria. A so called "insurgent" who tried crossing the Syrian border into Iraq, played and talked shit to me with his pistol when he heard I was from the states. Fucker was looking for a fight. He eventually ran off into the streets, shooting his pistol into the air. I remember staying with some relatives in Beirut, you couldn’t walk a couple of feet with out seeing gun holes, diminished buildings, craters, political posters, memorials, etc. Place was a reminder of hell, even though there was a TGI Fridays and McDonalds down the corner lol. Life gets to be pretty cheap, when you meet some one willing to blow him self up full of shrapnel for political/religious views, shit was disgusting. I just try to filter out the negative shit, and remember the positive things that I experienced down their.

06-10-2011, 05:13 PM
Zetas are people not to fuck with

Yeah man they basically run Mexico.

Saw a dude get capped by a guy on a bike in front of a bus stop. It was quite a site.

06-10-2011, 10:04 PM
Oh yeah wow i forgot these stories are making me remember^^^
i was in Haiti about 2 summers ago enjoying time with family. One evening in the city we were at a dominos pizza(go figure) kicking it, and we hear a bang and comotion, i was chilling shook as fuck, then a few minutes later the UN truck passes with a dude in the back with half of his head missing Ahhhh, rumor was he tried to rob someone and got it with a shotty, or it was gang related, not positive. Dude wasnt even dead! I cant even imagine HOW he felt, my stomach was twisteddddd as i continued to eat, i do havr a pic, who wants to see?! Hah ill search for it.
Also walking by a dead body in the streets is pretty normal, not really disgusting but upsetting.

But it was grimey as hell down there just like deadghost said, political and gang graffiti all over the city, downtowns full of ak47 shells and chunks of concrete buildings missing, scared to look people in the eyes. its usually chill, but a scene.

06-10-2011, 10:15 PM
pic please

06-11-2011, 09:10 AM
pic please

If he does in fact post up the picture, he'll be banned immediately. This is OT, but that doesn't mean you can get away with posting whatever you feel like.

Want to look at gore pictures/dead bodies? People already mentioned several websites. Go there.

Carry on.

06-13-2011, 10:13 PM
I saw a man get thrown out of a car, then shot point blank in the chest with a shotgun. I was 12 or so when it happened. It happened in Mexico.

06-13-2011, 11:08 PM
Crimson- gotcha, my B.

06-14-2011, 09:44 AM

06-16-2011, 09:21 AM
He didn't die, so I suppose this wouldnt fall into this category.
Saw a drunk driver roll his car, and get ejected. When we ran over to give him help, all of the skin on the lower half of his face had peeled up and folded over onto his forehead.

I also remember a sledding party where a friend went face first into a tree. The tree>his fore head. His head had a frigging dent in it, it looked just like some one whacked him with a peen hammer. He had a plate in his head for several years. It took almost a full year for the swelling to come down.

06-23-2011, 03:06 PM
Got my dose of death when I interned at a hospital. Had to stick around triage ER for a few days....gag! Also had to work on equipment in the OR during surgeries so I had to see people all hacked open. Heard someone getting their skull cut off, but could only see bone dust floating up from behind the sheet. Weird part is having to hop on elevators with dead people lol.

06-23-2011, 03:33 PM
If he does in fact post up the picture, he'll be banned immediately. This is OT, but that doesn't mean you can get away with posting whatever you feel like.

Want to look at gore pictures/dead bodies? People already mentioned several websites. Go there.

Carry on.

Some people have some morbid curiosities.
Looking at pictures of dead people is just weird.

06-23-2011, 07:16 PM
I volunteered with a organization called "Operation Walk" that does hip and knee replacement surgeries in poor locations all over the world. I went to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in Vietnam. The main mode of transport for most people is scooter and the streets are flooded with them. The main hospital sees on average ten fatalities EVERY DAY. I got to witness quite a few. The worst thing I saw though was an 8 year old girl getting her finger amputated cause it got caught in a mill. She wasn't happy about it. Vietnamese joint replacement patients make americans look like pansy bitches though, many of them were up an walking the same day they had their surgeries. Pretty fucking awesome. Definitely changed my perspective on the world. It was a gorgeous country with amazing people. We had college students (my age) to show us around and almost all of them had family members killed in the American/Vietnamese War. I still keep in touch with them...