06-03-2008, 02:42 PM
I looked to see if this was an old topic and did not find this same one(so if I am reposting this please dont flame).
So I like to look at what is for sale on here when im bored. I have noticed a few common items and trends that started to "BUG" me. So I figure that posting what people like and dislike might be a good idea to help "Joe Snuffy"(if you are military you will get it) that is wondering if spending his Burger King check on a "Darth Vader" body kit might not be the best use of his money.
So if you have noticed any positive or NEGATIVE trends in the nissan world or others that you think is worth talking about please post your comments for all of us to see, discuss, and best of all make fun of.
I will get this started:
(If I offend anyone im sorry, but this is "My" oppinion)
First off, I can not stand to see anymore s14's(mostly) or any other cars that have 5zigen FNO1RC's on them. They were cool at first, then more, and more, and more, and... started to get them. I know bang for your buck and all, but I hate those damn wheels.
While on the wheel topic there is another set of wheels I fu#$ing HATE !!! Sportmax 962's. There just ugly and have a generic ass offset.
Another thing you dont see on nissan too often(mostly honda) is the people that buy autozone interior paint to "brighten up" the interior trim. Why would you do this ? It does not look good at all. When you try to sell that car the new owner has to live with it(unless they like it :loco: ). Its just a waste of money.
Well that is all I have at the moment. If the thread does well I can post more.
And seeing as this is about nissan in general I dont think it needs to be in "off topic"(I did think about it).
So if you want to post your gripes and moans about people who do not need to own cars or have money to buy stuff for them, please post. Pics are welcome too, if you have pics of dumb ass mods on cars please share.
So I like to look at what is for sale on here when im bored. I have noticed a few common items and trends that started to "BUG" me. So I figure that posting what people like and dislike might be a good idea to help "Joe Snuffy"(if you are military you will get it) that is wondering if spending his Burger King check on a "Darth Vader" body kit might not be the best use of his money.
So if you have noticed any positive or NEGATIVE trends in the nissan world or others that you think is worth talking about please post your comments for all of us to see, discuss, and best of all make fun of.
I will get this started:
(If I offend anyone im sorry, but this is "My" oppinion)
First off, I can not stand to see anymore s14's(mostly) or any other cars that have 5zigen FNO1RC's on them. They were cool at first, then more, and more, and more, and... started to get them. I know bang for your buck and all, but I hate those damn wheels.
While on the wheel topic there is another set of wheels I fu#$ing HATE !!! Sportmax 962's. There just ugly and have a generic ass offset.
Another thing you dont see on nissan too often(mostly honda) is the people that buy autozone interior paint to "brighten up" the interior trim. Why would you do this ? It does not look good at all. When you try to sell that car the new owner has to live with it(unless they like it :loco: ). Its just a waste of money.
Well that is all I have at the moment. If the thread does well I can post more.
And seeing as this is about nissan in general I dont think it needs to be in "off topic"(I did think about it).
So if you want to post your gripes and moans about people who do not need to own cars or have money to buy stuff for them, please post. Pics are welcome too, if you have pics of dumb ass mods on cars please share.