View Full Version : fuel line

06-03-2008, 01:28 PM
went up to my girls parents house and her dad came in the house telling me that my car was leaking gas, went outside to find a big pubble of gas and me being almost 150 miles away wasnt cool....long story short pulled the tank and found the line, does anybody know where i can get one of these from or does it has to be custom cut from advance auto.
also i have an anoying sound coming from inside the tank,ever time i come to a complete stop i hear something slouching back n forth and i dont want to crank open the tank tell i have an idea of what im dealing with plus the bolts on the tank look rusted..thanx


06-03-2008, 01:35 PM
get a new tank? they're not that expensive.

06-03-2008, 02:01 PM
get a new tank? they're not that expensive.

its my dd so i really dont have a way of doin that plus this is a rubber hose so it should be replaceable anyone know at least the name of the hose?

06-03-2008, 03:15 PM
i believe a regular hose (not sure what size) from pepboy or auto zone should be flexible enough to fit in the place

06-03-2008, 03:54 PM
just get standard fuel hose. i think it's 5/16. correct me if i'm wrong. should be a quick fix. 1 or 2 feet should be enough.

06-03-2008, 03:56 PM
go to any of those advance auto thing.

Take your line there and say u need a replacement . I think it like 9cents to 12cent or so per inch or feet. If u want to say some money, just cut your exist one and see if u can reuse it. It looks like there might be some slack on it to do a quick fix.

06-03-2008, 04:02 PM
That line is just a basic cut to length fuel line.

The sloshing sound... does it kinda sound like something rolling in the tank? I had that saound a few years ago. What had happend was one of the baffles came loose was was moving, so i just run it till it was almost empty then reacheck in there with some vice grips and ripped the bitch out. dont want something rubbing a hole from the inside.