View Full Version : one pissed off sister

06-02-2008, 02:08 AM

MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish twin, separated from her family for 28 years, is suing the Canary Islands for a mix-up at the maternity hospital which led to her being taken home by the wrong mother, media reported Wednesday.

The woman discovered she had an identical twin when she was mistaken for someone else in a shop in 2001.

The two sisters , who were not named, found they were born in the same hospital in 1973 around the same time and a DNA test subsequently showed they were identical twins.

"In 1973 there were two assistants and one supervisor for 60 babies," Densi Calero, who worked in the maternity unit of the clinic at the time, told local radio. "It's not impossible to imagine something like this could happen."

The woman is suing the Canary Island health services for 3 million euros ($4.7 million) for emotional trauma, El Pais newspaper reported. "I wish I'd never found out about it," her lawyer quoted her as saying.

Her sister was brought up alongside another girl, believing they were twins.

(Reporting by Sonya Dowsett; Editing by Richard Balmforth)The woman is suing the Canary Island health services for 3 million euros ($4.7 million) for emotional trauma
interesting story, but now she has 'emotional trauma' in her life cuz she finds out she went to the wrong mother. messed up yes, but i find that very, very fucking redic.


06-02-2008, 02:11 AM
Everybody is sue happy.

06-02-2008, 02:12 AM
well damn

my turn

06-02-2008, 02:19 AM
Well it makes sense, she missed out on tons of memories and a family.

06-02-2008, 02:22 AM
true, but 4.7 million?

come on, she acts like she'll be so unhappy or something if she didnt know..

Andrew Bohan
06-02-2008, 02:27 AM
so the person who switched her at birth should get away with it?

one person's split second mistake totally fucked up two families for 35 years.

that's some serious shit

i feel like it's kinda like dudes who have been in jail for years and years only to get proven innocent.

06-02-2008, 02:28 AM
^yeh i understand. and it sucks

but how does she think she'll get 4.7 million?

06-02-2008, 02:28 AM
OMG THEY FOUND TIA and TAMERA! i wonder if ones rich and the other one hella poor hahahaha.... kinda funny how it involved a shop too hahaha

06-02-2008, 02:29 AM
yeah but, this is your twin.

its like missing a part of yourself.

Andrew Bohan
06-02-2008, 02:29 AM
i don't think they were hanging out at signal auto or anything
probably a boutique or some equally weak shit.

06-02-2008, 02:42 AM
i see it happening.

yeah she had memories with another family and im pretty sure they werent traumatic ones. they arent missing shit about themselves. she is just finding a void of an excuse for this suit by saying she is missing part of herself.
if no one every told her she was from a different family, everything would be all good

shit i'd be sue happy if i found that out.

06-02-2008, 05:16 AM
I can't believe 4.7 million dollars is only 3 million euro now.

06-02-2008, 07:52 AM
id fucking murder someone if this happened to me, unless the twin had a really shitty family....but still imagine how much that would fuck you up mentally, just knowing your life was supposed to be totally different....anyone see that show with the dude from run DMC who discovered he was adopted? he was all fucked up over it, and he's rich....i think she deserves more than just money...winning a lawsuit is just like getting a formal apology...if someone pulled this shit then just tried to tell me they were sorry id probably strangle them

06-02-2008, 08:27 AM
I'm a twin and i don't know what life would have bee like growing up withnout one. i guess in the back of my mind i think i would ahve felt somthing missing, but im sure shes glad to find her other half lol and her new found riches.:love:

06-02-2008, 08:46 AM
another dumb bitch who wants to make a quick dollar off the realities of life.

yea it sucks, so does losing a limb too. i mean come on, at least they didn't screw up and she end up with two Mothers and no father.

06-02-2008, 08:52 AM
4.7 million? Is that all? She needs to ream them for more that! That's a monumental mistake, i'd go postal!

06-02-2008, 09:16 AM
hrm I don't know if it is worth 4.7 million but seriously that is one really really bad mistake

06-02-2008, 09:37 AM
I fail to see how this is worth 4.7million...
Was there any mention that she was given to a broken home and spent her teenage years high on anything on the table? Did she KNOW the family that she was taken from to actually have a comparative understanding that NOT being in the family would actually be worth 4.7mil?
Does EITHER of these broads know that they can trap WAY more than that with the book and Lifetime (television for battered women) movie on this shit?

06-02-2008, 09:56 AM
What about the family that got her accidentally instead of their real baby. Or did that not happen? They didn't mention that.

06-02-2008, 10:05 AM
wait...now im confused...how does this work? did the mother not realise she had 2 babies? Or did they just give her another different baby? I thought when you have an ultrasound they can tell if you are having twins so wouldnt you expect identical babies or two babies either way? so when they give you one...or the two arent identical wouldnt you start asking questions?

I have no problem with people suing big businesses, now if she was trying to sue the nurse who fucked up then that would be a different story....but that 4.7mil will only put a dent in the hospitals pockets.....has anyone seen the movie A Civil Action with John Travolta? he tells the victims "big businesses apologize with their check books" a hospital commits a major life altering fuck up and they are gonna have to pay....if you separate me at birth from my real family, you better believe im gonna sue your ass when I find out, and dont call me greedy cause greed has nothing to do with it, what should she do? just move on with life? accept a written apology? just tell them she doesnt even mind cause she likes her fake family anyway?? Damn I get stressed when I miss job opportunities, or a chance with a girl, I cant even imagine if i thought i missed out on having an entirely different life?

so to those who say this isnt worth 4.7mil....what is it worth? $5? $500? or can you even put a price on time or experiences missed?

they are essentially paying her a doctors salary for each of the years that the hospital fucked her over

06-02-2008, 10:40 AM
Well it makes sense, she missed out on tons of memories and a family.

not really, she had a family and memories, just different than if she had grown up with her real mother. Unless she was swapped into an abusive household or somehting. Plus that makes you wonder,
I mean, If they only caught that one because they were twins, and happened upon the same shop...

06-02-2008, 11:23 AM
wait...now im confused...how does this work? did the mother not realise she had 2 babies? Or did they just give her another different baby? I thought when you have an ultrasound they can tell if you are having twins so wouldnt you expect identical babies or two babies either way? so when they give you one...or the two arent identical wouldnt you start asking questions?

I have no problem with people suing big businesses, now if she was trying to sue the nurse who fucked up then that would be a different story....but that 4.7mil will only put a dent in the hospitals pockets.....has anyone seen the movie A Civil Action with John Travolta? he tells the victims "big businesses apologize with their check books" a hospital commits a major life altering fuck up and they are gonna have to pay....if you separate me at birth from my real family, you better believe im gonna sue your ass when I find out, and dont call me greedy cause greed has nothing to do with it, what should she do? just move on with life? accept a written apology? just tell them she doesnt even mind cause she likes her fake family anyway?? Damn I get stressed when I miss job opportunities, or a chance with a girl, I cant even imagine if i thought i missed out on having an entirely different life?

so to those who say this isnt worth 4.7mil....what is it worth? $5? $500? or can you even put a price on time or experiences missed?

they are essentially paying her a doctors salary for each of the years that the hospital fucked her over

I totally agree. It's a life altering event that changed the course of your life that you had no control over. I'd be crazy pissed if that happened to me. Constantly thinking what could've been.

06-02-2008, 11:27 AM
Ummm yeah this isn't like "Hey sorry we gave you the wrong jello flavor for lunch" kind of hospital fuck up.

This is a life altering emotional mind fuck.

The money is actually not insanely out of line.

06-02-2008, 11:46 AM
its like "ow I accidently cut my finger because I was not careful" as the other person says "DUDE we could be rich" and then it ends up "Its all your fucking fault I was injured in your workplace, I want my 10million because my trigger finger might not be the same again"

people need to grow the fuck up, It would be a total different story if the family did not raise her well, if they were abusive and shit but she never complained so I do not see her winning this case.

Edit: actually reading some posts.. I dont see how you can say because you'd be thinking about that other life and she deserves the money.. Money has NOTHING to do with this in MY opinion. Because there was a mistake in which you had different parents.. whos to say her life would be a total turn around.. have you ever met someone who was very similar to you, my best friend is almost exactly like me and has not lived his entire life next to me or with me so im saying how can you be sure her life would have been different.. like i said if she complained about her "family" in previous history then by all means Sue for 100 million, but if she enjoyed her life then wtf..

Its like saying im suing my real dad cause he divorced my mom and I could have had a different life.. *parents are together but u know what i mean*

Andrew Bohan
06-02-2008, 12:08 PM
if your parents get divorced, you KNOW they're divorced

this chick had NO CLUE she was living with the wrong family for 35 years, then suddenly she found out. all of the family she knew was not actually her family.

then look at from other points of view. the family who raised her suddenly found out she's not their daughter.

her twin suddenly found out that the girl she grew up with was not her sister but some random other girl.

the other girl suddenly found out she was with the wrong family too

and the twins' family suddenly found out that one of the girls they raised was not actually their daughter, but some random other girl.

in all likelyhood, they would have gone on living a normal happy life not knowing about the screw up. but they found out, and now two families worth of people are feeling some crazy shit because of it.

PS. you can't give back peoples lives and other intangibles, that's why we sue for money. it's the next best thing.

06-02-2008, 12:14 PM
Ummm yeah this isn't like "Hey sorry we gave you the wrong jello flavor for lunch" kind of hospital fuck up.

This is a life altering emotional mind fuck.

The money is actually not insanely out of line.

totally agree, i question my whole life thinking about all the messed up shit that happned that prolly wouldnt have. who knows maybe i coulda been an olympic superstar at 15 if i was raised differently

06-02-2008, 12:22 PM
PS. you can't give back peoples lives and other intangibles, that's why we sue for money. it's the next best thing.

I think if you had a choice to use a time machine to travel back in time, people would take the money instead.

A Spec Products
06-02-2008, 12:27 PM
When you see it you will sh*t bricks.

This might not seem worth $4.7mil at first glance (not to mention that frivolous lawsuits like suing for spilling hot coffee in your lap isn't helping)

But yeah like everyone said, this is like 35 years later you realize your life you've been living is not the one you've supposed to have been...super rough

I have no idea how that would feel so I can't really act like I know what she's going through

But at the same time, hopefully if she has lead a good life and had a good childhood and is healthy, you gotta sometimes leave it up to fate and just accept the life that has been put your way

06-02-2008, 12:28 PM
my dad was born a twin. whe he was born they told my grandmother she had a beautiful boy and girl.

when they brought the babies back, it was two boys. and this was back in the 50's. so no dna testing to make life sweeter....

so somewhere out there i have an aunt who's probably cool as fuck and sits on pounds of weed and drives cool cars...shit...

06-02-2008, 12:30 PM
I fail to see how this is worth 4.7million...
Was there any mention that she was given to a broken home and spent her teenage years high on anything on the table? Did she KNOW the family that she was taken from to actually have a comparative understanding that NOT being in the family would actually be worth 4.7mil?
Does EITHER of these broads know that they can trap WAY more than that with the book and Lifetime (television for battered women) movie on this shit?

hell yeah i agree i'd sell the rights to this shit quick lifetime,20/20, dateline all of that shit and rack up!!:coolugh:

06-02-2008, 07:01 PM
this chick had NO CLUE she was living with the wrong family for 35 years, then suddenly she found out. all of the family she knew was not actually her family.


up until she found out she had a twin. the family she lived with WAS her family and still are. they raised here and were there for her when she was sick. thats family to me, being blood means nothing.

Mi Beardo es Loco
06-02-2008, 07:16 PM
she deserves every cent from that hospital. I've heard this happens a lot and people just don't know it or never find out.

06-02-2008, 07:19 PM
i feel like it's kinda like dudes who have been in jail for years and years only to get proven innocent.

Seriously. Those dudes should get like a small island supplied by the US Government.

If that ever happened to me... Every member of the jury, the judge, and the DA would be getting a visit from me and my wrecking bar. Then at least I'd have a reason to be in jail...

As for this lady... why should we care. It's not our government the money is coming from. Although, I do believe she should be awarded the money just because that is one thing you shouldn't be able to get away with scot free and an apology.

06-02-2008, 07:51 PM
You have to be a REAL money hungry jackass to take money over travelling back in time. I mean imagine, if you were able to travel back in time to fix your mistakes or take 5 million dollars what would you do? I would sure as hell go back and fix my mistakes! I know exactly which times where I wish I could re-do and do right, cuz you know what maybe you could be making more money than accepting the 5 million - if money is what you want in life, or maybe you'll turn out to be happier with less stress...I can't even begin to imagine the stress this lady is going through, I mean we get stressed when our cars don't run the way we want, imagine missing out on a whole other life. Both families involved missed out on 35 years of their lives, and that's a lot of people you have to account for from one person's small mistake. We'll never know how different these people's lives would've been if this never happened so you can't just go saying that this lady's life would've been the same.

Money is the closest thing to time in value so I don't see anything wrong with this lady suing for 4.7 million. [Time = Money, Money = Time]

06-03-2008, 12:10 AM
I wish I could have shit like this happen to me!

06-05-2008, 05:34 PM
I wish I could have shit like this happen to me!

hhah, your such a dumbass