View Full Version : Need help with my computer. GEEK SQUAD GET IN HERE!

05-31-2008, 12:14 PM
So...I have a PC with Windows Vista Premium Edition.

For some strange reason...whenever I try to go on the internet; it will not allow me. ""Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage".

I see the LAN connection box (bottom right hand corner) if I right click on it, and go to 'Network and Sharing Center'. it shows:

My PC----(alertsign)---Unidentified Network----X----Internet.

^Is highlighter............. ^not highlighter(shadow) .......^Not highlighter(shadow)

(now I used to be able to get a clear signal across from my PC to the internet with no problems....but something messed up)

Now I've tried to troubleshoot it by resetting my LAN, and by Renewing the IP address. Still no luck being able to get a connection.

I have Comcast cable internet. I am connected through a LINKSYS router.
My router is putting out a wireless signal, and I am able to connect to it on my laptop (where I'm typing from).

I've tried to go to RUN..and type in "CMD" The windows command black screen comes up.

I've tried to "ipconfig/release" to release my IP.
and "ipconfig/renew" ...

still no luck...

I've called my internet provider and they say everything on their end is good to go. It's a problem within my pc.

I have taken out my ethernet cable from my PC, and connect it to my laptop...and I get a clear connection :(
So the problem exists from my computer TO the network.

Can anyone help? or give advice? FREE REP!!:naughtyd:

05-31-2008, 12:21 PM
it may be your internet browser. so you can uninstall it and install again or download a new one to test and see if thats the problem. it may be other things but your last option is just to reboot your computer and save the most important things you need on a flashdrive or just save the files on sendspace.com

thats something i would do. :)

*theres gotta be one person on zilvia that works for geek squad! get in this thread!* haha

05-31-2008, 12:28 PM
I already rebooted my computer and saved all my files.

still no connection :(

05-31-2008, 01:22 PM



05-31-2008, 03:34 PM
have you reset your router or set it to only accept connections from your laptops MAC address?

I'd say do a hard reset on your router and clear all the info and see if you're able to connect. It sounds like you're able to see the SSID, but it keeps refusing your connection. Are you getting ANY packets in/out?

05-31-2008, 04:44 PM
What is your ip in ipconfig?

btw he doesn't need to reset the router the problem is between HIS computer to the net, he has already tried another laptop on his cable

05-31-2008, 06:49 PM
sounds like you need your network card drivers

try using the "set up internet connection feature"

ipconfig commands are pretty pointless

05-31-2008, 06:53 PM
have you reset your router or set it to only accept connections from your laptops MAC address?

I'd say do a hard reset on your router and clear all the info and see if you're able to connect. It sounds like you're able to see the SSID, but it keeps refusing your connection. Are you getting ANY packets in/out?

I second this man cause my friend has something like that he had to get my MAC address to get me internet. Does other laptop/CPU work?

05-31-2008, 08:02 PM
what brand of laptop is it? some of the manufacturers install third party software that manages the wireless connection and that can sometimes cause the problem. if you haven't already done so, i would try uninstalling the wireless adapter in device manager and reinstalling it. that sometimes works.

pr0ject TRUENO
05-31-2008, 11:35 PM
Reintall your drivers for the wireless card

06-01-2008, 05:04 AM
I've tried to re-install the wireless card, and install it. Same thing.

I got so tired of it, that I went out and bought a 2wire wireless adapter.

so now I'm on the net...

I've tried to manually set my computer to the router...nothing happens.

I went into cmd and pinged the router, and it is getting a connection to it.

I have a headache from this...and it's 4am..glad I got the net again tho.

06-01-2008, 10:26 AM
I've tried to re-install the wireless card, and install it. Same thing.

I got so tired of it, that I went out and bought a 2wire wireless adapter.

so now I'm on the net...

I've tried to manually set my computer to the router...nothing happens.

I went into cmd and pinged the router, and it is getting a connection to it.

I have a headache from this...and it's 4am..glad I got the net again tho.

so the computer has a wireless network card or are you plugging it right into the computer?

either way goto the companys site for the network card (wireless site or the maker of your motherboards site)

look up the latest drivers for your network card

not just put in the cd they gave you

also goto start -> control panel -> (classic view) network and sharing center -> on the left goto manage network connections -> this maybe help you if its wireless or help troubleshoot things

06-01-2008, 12:10 PM
The problem is the router or your card. Those Linksys boxes are garbage...and so are the netgear and d-link ones, pretty much anything they peddle to the regular consumer...its why I'm buying a Cisco router. What brand is your wireless card. Have you tried moving the computer or router closer to the PC?

06-01-2008, 12:21 PM
you're kidding right?

linksys is the best and always has been

their firmware just isn't that great which you can download better firmware

06-01-2008, 07:18 PM
I agree LINKSYS is great quality.

As mentioned before...I got a wireless network usb port. So I'm running off the router now.

I've tried installing/reinstalling, and updating the network card for my pc..still no luck.

I'm assuming my network card in general is fucking up on me. I'm sending it back to the manufacturer tomorrow.

06-01-2008, 07:26 PM
If you can ping the router through CMD but can not get online then your winsock catalog is probably corrupted. Go online and try to find a
"winsock fix" for Vista, run that and restart your computer. If you can log into the firmware for your router but can not get online then I would probably put money that the winsock is the problem.

If you know someone who works for Geek Squad, get one of their MRI's and run the winsock fix off that. I work for Geek Squad but am too far to help, and I hate troubleshooting without seeing the PC. PM me if you have any questions.

06-01-2008, 07:27 PM

I do when I have computer troubles.

He's like the zilvia resident computer geek.

06-01-2008, 07:53 PM
you're kidding right?

linksys is the best and always has been

their firmware just isn't that great which you can download better firmware

I'm speaking from personal experience since I've dealt with network equipment at the consumer as well as enterprise level (like data centers full racks of routers and switches, firewalls, etc.). But possibly their quality has improved since being purchased by Cisco a few years ago.

Seems like he solved his problem though.

06-01-2008, 08:31 PM
If you can ping the router through CMD but can not get online then your winsock catalog is probably corrupted. Go online and try to find a
"winsock fix" for Vista, run that and restart your computer. If you can log into the firmware for your router but can not get online then I would probably put money that the winsock is the problem.

If you know someone who works for Geek Squad, get one of their MRI's and run the winsock fix off that. I work for Geek Squad but am too far to help, and I hate troubleshooting without seeing the PC. PM me if you have any questions.
Right on..I'll hop on that shit...

06-01-2008, 08:35 PM
For what MOST consumers use linksys for. It is perfectly fine, but so is Netgear, Belkin, Dlink, or anything else you buy at the store for that matter. Of course for business level network traffic your gonna want a business grade cisco router or switch. Hell I use a linksys router and home and personally hate it....have to reset it atleast once a week because 7 computers and 2 xbox's is just too much for it to handle.

06-01-2008, 08:46 PM
Been lookin at to much pron and your computer shat on joo !

I say its happend to us all atleast once. hehe