View Full Version : Call your Senator

05-30-2008, 09:07 AM
Call your Senator and tell to vote against this bill.


Those increases do not take into account normal price increases or inflation.

05-30-2008, 09:29 AM
fuck that, start drilling alaska.

and if there are any other oil fields like some in mexico or some in canada. drill sideways then

05-30-2008, 09:37 AM
I just did...

05-30-2008, 12:29 PM
too bad my senators will be all over this one. i need to leave ca.

05-30-2008, 01:50 PM
That's not even the real concern with BLW. It's a feel good measure that Bush is trying to get passed before he jets. It wouldn't do anything for the environment for 20yrs.

New analysis suggests that it is quite possible (if not probable) that the BLW CISA would not cut US CO2 emissions until after 2025. This is not as disastrously bad as Bush’s laughable (despicable) concept of voluntary constraints for ending the growth of US emissions by 2025, but it is disastrously close to it.

Rather than the claimed (and inadequate) reduction of emissions by 20 percent from today’s levels by 2020, the BLW’s offset provisions and cost-containment measures would enable pushing off (ANY) reductions until almost two decades from now.

If enacted into law, BLW would almost certainly doom us to catastrophic climate change.

05-30-2008, 01:54 PM
OMG, 22 years from now, gasoline *might* be $1.80 more per gallon?!?!?!?

we've done worse than that in the last 7 years. :cj:

05-30-2008, 02:13 PM
seriously, i hope prices will slow down and that chart will be right lol. its been goin up like 10 cents a week

05-30-2008, 02:32 PM
OMG, 22 years from now, gasoline *might* be $1.80 more per gallon?!?!?!?

we've done worse than that in the last 7 years. :cj:

seriously, i hope prices will slow down and that chart will be right lol. its been goin up like 10 cents a week

"Those increases do not take into account normal price increases or inflation."


05-30-2008, 03:03 PM
the recent price spikes are neither normal price increases nor inflation.

L2Think Critically.....

Andrew Bohan
05-30-2008, 03:08 PM
from 3.82 to 4.06 in two hours at the same gas station is nowhere near normal anything

and yes, it happened

05-30-2008, 03:17 PM
OMG, 22 years from now, gasoline *might* be $1.80 more per gallon?!?!?!?

we've done worse than that in the last 7 years. :cj:

Those prices reflect ONLY what the law would do to prices, not normal market conditions or inflation, as a result we could be closer to $10/gal.

05-30-2008, 03:30 PM
Yeah, seriously. What was the point of that. 5.04 by 2020? Gas is already 4.50 and I'm sure it'll hit the mid 5's by summertime. If anything, let's go angry mob the oil exec's. Fuck those fools and their "dissapointing" $10bil profit per quarter. Fuck that!

Andrew Bohan
05-30-2008, 03:38 PM
why do you guys keep missing the one thing that keeps geting repeated?

05-30-2008, 04:44 PM
from 3.82 to 4.06 in two hours at the same gas station is nowhere near normal anything

and yes, it happened

fking a, i say don't stop drilling to the friggin planet looks like:


05-30-2008, 05:46 PM
i think I am going to find something that people want that i have alot of and charge rediculous prices so I can get paid.

the way i look at oil is the same way i look at water and at air. the shits out in the environment and I don't mind spend money to get it where I need it .like my house. my car or whatever, but I know that the cost of oil is not equal with supply and demand, it is just greed. Honestly Im surprised the greedy motherfuckers were not charging 5$ a gallon 10 years ago. they didnt even have hybrid cars, or reliable mass transit for the public. ( the city buses are not reliable) you would have thought that they would have charged these prices before people started buying 4 cylinders. they would have made more.

05-30-2008, 05:50 PM
i don't think people actually realize what controls the cost of gasoline.

05-30-2008, 05:55 PM


along the way, if we "happen" to find some "useful" stuff in the ground, hey, can't hurt that we're controlling the place, eh?

05-30-2008, 07:57 PM
I still want to know why they (politicians) don't allow the oil companies to drill in ANWAR. The current situation is strictly a supply and demand situation, with China and other third-world counties becoming industrialized and using more oil, there just isn't enough to go around.

And the BS about the oil companies making obscene profits, that's not true....there is only about an $0.08 - $0.11 profit made on every gallon. The biggest chunk are taxes, with an average of $0.42 on every gallon going to the government.

05-30-2008, 09:59 PM
I still want to know why they (politicians) don't allow the oil companies to drill in ANWAR. The current situation is strictly a supply and demand situation, with China and other third-world counties becoming industrialized and using more oil, there just isn't enough to go around.
Shell and Alyeska seem to be dumb enough to piss enough people off to make it not happen.

Do you realy mean ANWR or NPR-A or both? ANWR only has about 7months worth of oil in it.

05-30-2008, 10:09 PM

So the gas mainly makes money for the government, who uses it to fund wars which are to get more oil to sell


05-30-2008, 10:37 PM
lol, RJF, you feel sorry for the oil companies? why do oil companies make record profits whenever prices spike, despite very gradual changes in consumption? because they make profit on every step of the supply chain. Who pumps the oil out of the ground? oil companies. who refines it? oil companies. who distributes it? oil companies.

the oil companies like to play innocent, and point to the high cost of crude oil and say that they can't do anything about it. but they are the ones that are pumping the oil out of the ground, so they are the ones that are making the profit off of high crude prices.

Let's take a look at ExxonMobil (http://finance.google.com/finance?q=NYSE:XOM):
for the first quarter of 2008
Total revenue: $116 Billion
Gross Profit: $24 Billion (Operating Income: $20 Billion)

That's a 21% profit when oil and gas prices are at historic highs. Sorry, but that is not 8-11 cents/gallon, that's more like $0.75/gal.

05-30-2008, 10:41 PM
Can you give me a little more background on this bill? I do regularly write my representatives in Congress, but I want to know what I'm writing them about.

05-30-2008, 10:46 PM
sucks the govt doesn't let oil companies drill in alaska etc.

05-30-2008, 10:58 PM
I'd much rather know that an Arctic Wildlife Refuge is still in tact, than drive a fucking car.

05-30-2008, 11:00 PM
Can you give me a little more background on this bill? I do regularly write my representatives in Congress, but I want to know what I'm writing them about.

Boxer-Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act (BLW CSA)

05-31-2008, 08:40 AM
Do you realy mean ANWR or NPR-A or both? ANWR only has about 7months worth of oil in it.

MY bad...should be ANWR

And there's plenty more up there than 7 months worth:

Studies of the ANWR coastal plain indicate it may contain between 6 and 16 billion barrels of recoverable oil (between 11.6 and 31.5 billion barrels in-place). With enhanced recovery technology, ANWR oil could provide an additional 30 to 50 years of reliable supply. Natural gas, produced with the oil, could be reinjected or added to a new gas pipeline originating in Prudhoe Bay.

Also, here is a good description on pricing.


05-31-2008, 10:56 AM
MY bad...should be ANWR

And there's plenty more up there than 7 months worth:

Studies of the ANWR coastal plain indicate it may contain between 6 and 16 billion barrels of recoverable oil (between 11.6 and 31.5 billion barrels in-place). With enhanced recovery technology, ANWR oil could provide an additional 30 to 50 years of reliable supply. Natural gas, produced with the oil, could be reinjected or added to a new gas pipeline originating in Prudhoe Bay.

Also, here is a good description on pricing.


The U.S. consumes about 20 million barrels (3,200,000 m³) daily. If the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil reserves were used to supply 5% of the U.S. daily consumption -- most is imported from Canada (19%), Mexico (15%), Saudi Arabia (11.5%), Nigeria (10.5%) and Venezuela (10.5%)[11] -- the reserves, using the low figure of 4.3 billion barrels (680,000,000 m³), would last approximately 4300 days, or almost 12 years. Using the high estimate, the reserves would last approximately 11800 days, or 32 years. Using the increasing price of oil this supply (with 10.5 billion barrel mean and crude oil at over $120 a barrel) would be worth 1,260,000,000,000.00 ($1.26 trillion).

In total, the oil deposits in ANWR contain as much oil to solely support U.S. consumption for 7 months (4.3B estimate) to 2 years and 2.3 months (16B estimate).


05-31-2008, 12:16 PM
i read something about this i think...something about Congress thinks gas prices are too low to stop people from buying it.WTF

Andrew Bohan
05-31-2008, 12:25 PM
well yea
people are bitching about $4+ gas but we're all still buying it. even when we cut back a bit, we still spend more.

i dunno about you, but i would love to sell less and and make more.

05-31-2008, 02:12 PM


along the way, if we "happen" to find some "useful" stuff in the ground, hey, can't hurt that we're controlling the place, eh?

dont forget, we still need to liberate...er...free tibet....

05-31-2008, 03:38 PM
The shareholders of oil companies *do* profit from higher prices, but the oil companies themselves don't have much say in what prices actually are.

For that matter, anyone here could be a shareholder in an oil company. I certainly am.

Anyway, if I'm not driving my shiny Tesla Roadster by 2030 I'm going to be pissed. Hopefully I won't care what the price of gas is. Electric cars have too many engineering advantages.

05-31-2008, 04:43 PM
yeah so how about instead of destroying any more of the earth like other people said we invest heavily in finding other renewable energy resources.....drilling somewhere else will only prolong the inevitable...one day we will run out of oil so why not cut our losses now and tell the oil companies to take a walk and invest in newer tecnology...hell 100 years ago people were probably suggesting that we mine more coal cause it was the only way...now the stuff is practically obsolete

06-01-2008, 02:02 AM
yeah so how about instead of destroying any more of the earth like other people said we invest heavily in finding other renewable energy resources.....drilling somewhere else will only prolong the inevitable...one day we will run out of oil so why not cut our losses now and tell the oil companies to take a walk and invest in newer tecnology...hell 100 years ago people were probably suggesting that we mine more coal cause it was the only way...now the stuff is practically obsolete

The oil company owns everybody, we cant tell them to take a walk. That’s like telling the IRS to fuck off if you owe them money.


the moment something good happens, the national government (the oil companies bff) tells us to fuck off, and continue to get fucked.

The guy who was creating this hydrogen boost setup worked with Mel larsen if that means anything to anybody.

07-31-2008, 09:19 AM
Just read an article that reminded me of this post.

I still want to know why they (politicians) don't allow the oil companies to drill in ANWAR. The current situation is strictly a supply and demand situation, with China and other third-world counties becoming industrialized and using more oil, there just isn't enough to go around.

And the BS about the oil companies making obscene profits, that's not true....there is only about an $0.08 - $0.11 profit made on every gallon. The biggest chunk are taxes, with an average of $0.42 on every gallon going to the government.

article: Exxon Profit Rises Less Than Estimated; Output Drops (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aU6Kjya.A4s4&refer=home)

Exxon Mobil generates about $27 of cash flow from each barrel of production, 21 percent higher than the industry average, Gibbons said. The company was the most efficient oil and gas producer among its peers, yielding almost $3 of cash flow for every $1 spent, he said.

Exxon only made $11.7 billion in the last three months, another record profit, despite production decreasing by 7.8%