View Full Version : Not always getting full throttle response at wot

05-27-2008, 09:34 AM
Any idea why I I don't get that put you back in your seat some throttle response when at wot? I understand in certain gears it probably won't be as instant as in others. Thing is, I've been at a certain speed at one time or another, floor it, and have good take off. Then there's times I may not get the same throttle response, even at the same speed. My s14 is auto so that may have something to do with it. I doubt it's MAF cause I cleaned that recently and my throttle body at the opening.

I'm wondering if it's TPS or timing. Hoping something like tps, because I've never adjusted timing.

Plugs, wires, filter and all of that is good btw.

steve shadows
05-27-2008, 10:55 AM
why don't you check your base timing and your TPS voltage settings before posting then

05-27-2008, 11:01 AM
Cause I don't know enough to say thats it for sure, which is why I asked. Those are only things I could think of since I've heard them mentioned before, and I already cleaned my MAF. So thats why I posted

And I don't have a timing light, and I don't now how to adjust tps and all that. And rather than start tinkering with stuff potentially screwing something up, I figured I'd ask since there's alot of people on here who know more than I do on somethings

05-27-2008, 11:42 AM
I sort of have the same problem. But I'm going to say it's the MAF sensor. I'm gonna clean it up and see if that's gonna do anything.

With my SR, I'd be totally fine in the daytime at WOT, but at night (colder air) it'd choke/hesitate quite substantially.

05-27-2008, 11:53 AM
Cause I don't know enough to say thats it for sure, which is why I asked. Those are only things I could think of since I've heard them mentioned before, and I already cleaned my MAF. So thats why I posted

And I don't have a timing light, and I don't now how to adjust tps and all that. And rather than start tinkering with stuff potentially screwing something up, I figured I'd ask since there's alot of people on here who know more than I do on somethings

If it's something you "don't know enough... for sure", perhaps you should include in your first post "how do I check/adjust these?" - of course, you could have searched... ;)

timing light: get one, use it, learn to use it.

tps: you don't have to adjust anything at first, just do the following:
- get a multimeter (don't know how to use one? look on google, ask a friend)

- find the wires on the ecu to check (I don't know them off hand, but we have links to FSM and/or you can search)

- Once you verify the voltage is in the correct ranges (@ 0% throttle going to 100% throttle smoothly) - range can be found via searching/fsm - I'm not 100% positive, but I think the voltage is suppose to be something like .39v @ 0% & 4v @ wot.

05-27-2008, 11:53 AM
Does it sputter at all? Or is it just not seeming "ballsy" all the time? Your throttle response, especially with an auto will depend on vehicle speed as well as RPM. If you floor it at a high RPM, in your "power band", throttle response will be better than if you punched it at a lower RPM in the same gear...

05-27-2008, 05:30 PM
Yeah I didn't include "how do I adjust this that and the other" cause I'm sure I could find that on my own, and would've been told to search first. I was just mainly seeing if someone could point me in the right direction. I notice the change in weather does have an affect but thats with any car I'm sure. It doesn't idle funny or sputter. I just doesn't always have that pep it usually does compared to other times. It's weird like I know cold air is better, but there's been times when my car felt more responsive on warm days when it's humid but cools down in the evening. Especially on expressway.

One thing for sure gas definitely goes down quicker which is a no brainer, but I got on it for a short bit today. Had it floored and it never really pulled hard, but yet my gas hand was down a tad afterwards. But I was like I wasn't really going anywhere lol.

BTW thanks for the help and input