View Full Version : anyone with wiring intelligence help plz

11-28-2002, 10:23 AM
ok i found out today that i cant use my old plug ins from my 89 dash wires.. if that makes since but anywayz.. if anyone knows the color code and what they are plz help me out this is on a 92 harness so here are the colors i just need to know what they do
Blue with black strip
yellow with red strip
yellow with green strip
green with black strip
green with yellow strip
green with red strip
green with white strip
if someone can tell me these and what they do it would be great thank you

11-28-2002, 03:50 PM
I'm pretty sure everyones willing to help you but you gotta give us more info.
dash wires?
are you talking about the harness for the stereo?
more information please

11-28-2002, 11:09 PM
dash harness as in the plug that is above ur ECU and the plug comes from the wires from the ecu and from other places and plugs into this it is mainly for ur heating and for ur cluster and that stuff

11-29-2002, 12:42 PM
Are you using all '92 wiring in your car? Anyone with a FSM can help you for that year. They would need to know what harness though. You could be talking about 3 difft ones. 1) Instrument harness plugs into 2) Main harness plugs into 3) E.F.I. harness that actually plugs into ECU. If your using '89 harnesses I could scan in some diagrams for you. Im a little confused by your posts....