View Full Version : Alternator problems, so I think...

05-23-2008, 09:51 AM
Hi, I have an 89 s13 with the ka24e. My alternator went out about 3 weeks ago, so i replaced it with a used one. It worked for a while, but i think it took a crap on me.....again. I took a look at it and the belt is all chewed up on the pulley side. I cant figure out what is going wrong with my car. Is there a wiring short? Is there something causing my alternator to seize up? Please help!!!!!! Symptoms are:
bad idle
cuts out under heavy throttle
when i press the brake, radio turns off
has had weaker ands weaker starts (jump started the last few times)
now it wont start on its own
battery is now dead

I'm at work thanks to the guy who towed my car out of the middle of the street and offered to take me to work. Gonna call AAA to tow home but I need my car up and running ASAP!!!!! Please Help!!!!

And if someone reading this happens to be the guy in the white explorer that honked at me as i was making the last feudal attempts to get my car out of your damn way, you can go screw yourself. Why didn't you get out and help instead of acting like a retard about it?:fawk2:

05-23-2008, 09:55 AM
I took a look at it and the belt is all chewed up on the pulley side.

I would suspect something rubbing on the belt. It's not easy for a pulley to seize, but I've seen it happen more often on Hondas.

05-23-2008, 09:58 AM
I would suspect something rubbing on the belt. It's not easy for a pulley to seize, but I've seen it happen more often on Hondas.

If its rubbing, do you think its under driving the alternator? Maybe take it off and go have it tested at vato zone or something? If the alt. is good I would assume i should look into whats messing up the belt yes?

05-23-2008, 09:59 AM
It could be something as stupid as a clamp rubbing on the alternator.

Also make sure you have good belt tension. Too much tension and you'll hurt the belt.

05-23-2008, 10:06 AM
Ok, thanks I'll check it out. BTW is there any easy way to get the alternator off to have it checked or is it just a bitch to put on and take off?

05-23-2008, 10:19 AM
this just happen to me today, just replaced my alternator and bought a new battery. the car ended up dying on the road so i had it towed home. Tried jump starting but it wont hold the charge.

05-23-2008, 10:23 AM
Exactly.....makes no sense to me. I'll keep you updated fd3s14. Hopefully I can figure it out soon......I have a track event to go to!!!!!!!! Was your belt messed up or no?

05-23-2008, 11:49 AM
well i just came back from nissan because i was going to buy a alternator fuse. But the parts guy told me it wasn't going to solve the problem. fuck man new alternator and new battery still didn't solve shit. my belt is kind of chewed but not that bad.

05-23-2008, 12:04 PM
what a bust. I'm about to leave work, so if I make any progress with it I'll post it. Good luck man.

05-23-2008, 12:15 PM

This is usually a very simple fix.

The S14 lower (alternator/starter) harness has an alternator feed wire which goes into the engine bay fuse box. It looks similar to a ground, which means you probably ground it. Have a look on the engines intake manifold and see if there is a wire with a 90 degree terminal on it - it's probably grounded to the engine. If it comes up from teh lower harness, just move it inside the engine bay fuse box.

found this on a website.

05-23-2008, 04:15 PM
well i just checked my alternator fuse and is not blown.

05-23-2008, 04:31 PM
something similar happened to me, it was the bolt that adds tension to the belt...it looked fine at idle but when you gave the engine some gas it would bend in just enough to touch the belt... i realized that the bracket had cracked somehow..

as for losing power maybe a bad ground? or the bracket itself is shorting out something...

i have a extra single cam alternator if you need a replacement

good luck with the fix

05-23-2008, 05:13 PM
the ground for the alt on an s13 is under the fuse box in the engine bay.
also check the engine cont. fuse box in the engine bay.
i would get a new belt maybe bend the bracket back to normal so it doesn't chew up your belt and go from there.

good luck