View Full Version : back too the gym

05-20-2008, 03:08 AM
Well got back from the gym 2hrs ago an man feel like shit!!! Its been like a long ass time since I've been to the gym an man I feel it but I'm trying to get into better shape since I'm trying to go either LAPD,SDPD or RSO but anywayz how many of you guys go to the gym an got any advice, workout's that might help.

Baka Sama
05-20-2008, 08:16 AM
Theres a thread called, 'its monday. whos headed to the gym' or something like that. But yeah going back to the gym after a long downtime sucks. You feel weak and tired, or atleast I do. Just keep at it. The more you go the better you feel. I'm about to head to Golds right now for biceps, back, and cardio. Each person is different, just gotta find a work out that fits you. The only trick I can tell you is get a mp3 player filled with a bunch of high energy music. It'll pump you up to do more.

05-20-2008, 09:30 AM
I couldnt stick with going to the gym because to me lifting weights and running on a treadmill is toooooo boring. A workout partner helps, thats what I used to do to motivate myself.

Now, I take muay thai classes - they are a kickass workout. I am getting in shape faster then I was when I used to do the regular gym thing and I feel rewarded because I learn something new everytime I go.

05-20-2008, 09:33 AM

05-20-2008, 10:32 AM
Yeah working out is boring to me also.. I go through phases or whatever where I will get really into working out and eating healthy, then I go back to drinking beer and eating whatever I want.. I need a personal trainer, but I'd probably get annoyed with that too.. I blame my brain..

Speed Metal helps me, and so does working it into my routine.. get home from work, change clothes goto gym, etc .. If I get out of my routine even once or twice I'm usually back on the beer wagon. :)

05-20-2008, 10:32 AM
i go three times a week, working out different muscle groups each day
monday= chest, bicepts, stomach
tuesday = tricepts and back
friday = legs and some chest (i cant bench for crap)

i usually start off running 15 minutes before working out, and then do 10 minutes on the elliptical machine after im done with the weight training.

05-20-2008, 10:44 AM
i do alot of cardio.
i run three miles on mon, wed, fri and do ten laps of swimming right after it.
i do pull ups, sit-ups, and push ups
i do this for about three months and go back to lifting weights.
with this type of workout, you have to eat right.
portioning what you eat and eating healthy.

05-20-2008, 11:22 AM
Going to CAP (Candidate Assistance Program) would be better than hitting the gym. Besides its free.

05-20-2008, 12:10 PM
when i would go, id start at one side of the gym and work my way down.. its all about Reps and not maxing out.. then i would finish with a 10 or 15 minute run on a treadmill. After that, shower, relax freshen up throw on some clean clothes that i brought with me, and go home.

Of course tho, if i havent gone in a while, i go a little less aggressive, maybe just a 5 or so minute run instead.. intill ive recovered and by the next visit start going more aggressive on the work out.

05-20-2008, 12:17 PM
i go three times a week, working out different muscle groups each day
monday= chest, bicepts, stomach
tuesday = tricepts and back
friday = legs and some chest (i cant bench for crap)

i usually start off running 15 minutes before working out, and then do 10 minutes on the elliptical machine after im done with the weight training.

I like the sound of this.
On the days in between do you do cardio?

05-20-2008, 12:26 PM
Well got back from the gym 2hrs ago an man feel like shit!!! Its been like a long ass time since I've been to the gym an man I feel it but I'm trying to get into better shape since I'm trying to go either LAPD,SDPD or RSO but anywayz how many of you guys go to the gym an got any advice, workout's that might help.

dude like i know right?

I just got off the toilet, had a hard time wiping my ass, any words of wisdom :bigok: ???

05-20-2008, 12:27 PM
i do alot of cardio.
i run three miles on mon, wed, fri and do ten laps of swimming right after it.
i do pull ups, sit-ups, and push ups
i do this for about three months and go back to lifting weights.
with this type of workout, you have to eat right.
portioning what you eat and eating healthy.

+1 for lots of cardio!
Mix up your workout by doing some laps in the pool or track
Then hit the weights
Eating healthy is also very important....

Like Baka Sama said, there is also lots of good advice in this thread
http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=188519 :)

05-20-2008, 12:41 PM
Depends what your goals are. If you want to get big fast lift heavy weights w/ low reps. If you just want improved strength and indurance do medium weights w/ high reps. And always do cardio. Oh yea eating and taking supplements like whey, casseine protein and creatine etc will help a lot also.

05-20-2008, 12:46 PM
Well got back from the gym 2hrs ago an man feel like shit!!! Its been like a long ass time since I've been to the gym an man I feel it but I'm trying to get into better shape since I'm trying to go either LAPD,SDPD or RSO but anywayz how many of you guys go to the gym an got any advice, workout's that might help.

It all depends on what kind of goal you have... getting "in shape" means different things to many different people..

I suggest a personal trainer if you have to clue what to do.. also PT's are great, to atleast point you in the right direction.. My favorite website to visit is Menshealth.com.. I suggest signing up for the news letters (I get Best Life, Men's Health, and Men's Health Daily Dose). They always have great workouts, recipes, sex tips, ect.. Great news letters..

The best thing you can do for now is go slow! Jumping into the gym too fast can get you hurt.. start light, and slow.. find you limits.. build from there..

THE FIRST thing that you need to do is change your diet, also a great idea would be to start into a Multi-Vitamin.. I take a Alive! made by natures way, its a fantastic vitamin.. it has to be the fastest disolving multi vit on the market, I put one pill in a cup of water at work one day.. and it was gone in 15 minutes.. so just think how fast its disolved in your stomach..

29 Vitamins & Minerals
24 Fruits & Veggies
14 Green Foods
18 Amino Acids
12 Digestive Enzymes
10 Essential Fatty Acids
12 Organic Mushrooms

05-20-2008, 02:17 PM
don't hire a personnal trainer. Just go to bodybuilding.com and hit the books. Its all really displine in eating healthy and working out. I was going to enter my first competition last year never did since i started my cutting a little late but oh well. I goto the gym 7 days a week. My split is monday-rest/tuesday-biceps and triceps wendsday-shoulders/traps thursday abs and 20 min of cardio at 55-75 % intesity/ friday-legs with 4 sets of box jumps with 20 jumps in each set/saturday chest plus 10 min of 45-50% intensity cardio/sunday-back with 10 min of 40-50% intensity cardio. Occasionally i do cardio in the morning after i take my bcaa's and some glutamine but i'm doing that later on in the summer. Lowest i've gotten in body fat was about 8.9% at 171 pounds but now i am 212 at 12.1%. To me i never get bored of working out, hell it beats being a fat ass waiting to have heart attack. I used to be a chunkster back in the day. The first 2-3 weeks will be hard since ur tender and that doms(delayed onset muscle soreness) will hit u hard too. Just stay in there man u like what u see in the mirror.A couple tips i can say is:
1. rest,rest,rest get atleast 7-8 hours a day of sleep
2. don't bring ur ego in the gym. Go light and warm up at least 2-3 sets. You don't have to lift heavy to grow. You can get the same and sometimes better intensity going really light.
3. never workout the same muscle 2 times a week u need at least 48 hours of recovery between muscles groups that includes protagonist(sp?){when u do back ur using biceps when u chest u ur using ur tris and shoulders and a little back and such} just gotta make sure ur not stressing ur body over and over.
4. eat to grow but don't be a pig
5. pick complex carbs for main meals and snacks and starchy,sugery carbs.
for ur post workout meal
6.mix up ur workouts every5-6 weeks keep ur body guessing.
7. Last but not final DRINK LOTS OF WATER.
P.s. always use supplements as well supplement to diet. Its not a magic pill and will not allways work. Experiment with trial n error to see what ur body responds too. Whey protein, good multivitamin, and a good creatine is the 3 foundations to building a strong body. Those 3 never fail and have years of studying than any other supplement and they are safe and natural. They will not kill you or hurt you. Only a dumbass can pull that off.

Sorry for the long post i know most f you will not read it but meh i like to talk about this stuff i'm a nut when it comes to it.:cool:

touge monster
05-20-2008, 02:27 PM
LAPD and LAXPD has a "pre-academy" workout program you can attend. Its free. It's nice to see another future LEO on this forum =]

+1 brotha.

05-20-2008, 02:33 PM
I go to the gym 4 days a week and I am trying to get bigger, its hard when you have a small bone structureand skinny as hell
But i like lifting weights even though it not alot of weight

05-20-2008, 02:38 PM
A personal trainer can help you a lot! Trust me..

05-20-2008, 02:41 PM
yeah they can help but really expensive. I was going to become one but not my thing i went into autobody instead. I don't thing i could be one since i'm hard to under stand i kinda talk jibberish from time to time. Most trainers i see at my gym are jack asses. They don't even play attention to the clients and talk to other ppl or their patients see no results. One lady is cool and actauly trains them right but damn she has a tanning problem. Shes orange and her skin is terrible.

05-20-2008, 02:45 PM
I PT with my fellow recruiters and poolees.

Tuesday is strength day. 5-7. Max set of Pull ups, 200 situps, tire flips(big ass 150lb tires) squats, flutter kicks, blah, blah, its usually not the same every week.

Thursday is cardio day. 5-7. Max set of pull ups, 200 sit ups. stretch, then anywhere from 2 1/2 miles to 4 miles. Motivational runs are fun as hell.

05-20-2008, 02:49 PM
200 sit ups thats a bit excessive.. are splitting them up through like 10 sets? i only do abs once or twice a week with only 3 workout and 3-4 sets each. My favorite are vaccum's. Also.. 5-7? is that sets or hours?? 2 hours of being the gym is crazy.

05-20-2008, 02:49 PM
I like the sound of this.
On the days in between do you do cardio?

i dont do the cardio in between. i think its too much for your body, you need time in between workouts to rest and let your muscles rebuild.

i have a friend that does almost exactly what i do, and does the cardio in between days, yet he barely loses any weight. and hes been doing it longer than me.

i just hate having a beer belly and love handles. other then that, i have no fat anywhere else, so i look outa proportion haha. :smash:

Baka Sama
05-20-2008, 05:19 PM
4. eat to grow but don't be a pig

Quoted for truth. I looove food and this its hard sometimes when Im at work not to hit up the snack machine or mcdonalds for lunch. I just take a gallon of water with me each day though and bring like 2-3 bananas. I also eat a lot of tuna, seafoods, wheat breads and wheat rice instead of white.

Getting in shape is a lot more than just working out at the gym. You have to understand how your own body works and what works for you. Im doing P90X with 3 of my friends next month and I have a bad feeling im gonna be in so much pain lol.

http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/americasvitaminstore_1999_54097758 +1 to Alive :bigok:

05-20-2008, 07:36 PM
someone was telling me about that P90x, says its pretty damn effective. im thinking about trying it out. if youre still alive after doing it, let me know how it goes :faint:

05-20-2008, 07:38 PM
just make sure u stick with it, i hear a lot of people that just start and a few weeks later they say they dont go anymore

05-20-2008, 07:43 PM
200 sit ups thats a bit excessive.. are splitting them up through like 10 sets? Also.. 5-7? is that sets or hours?? 2 hours of being the gym is crazy.

well 4 sets of 50. but over all its 200. :)

and yes 5pm to 7pm. We never hit up the gym. Usually the park or something. Excessive? well this is the Marine Corps, i just do what my recruiters tell me, lol.

05-20-2008, 07:53 PM
I go to the gym 4 days a week and I am trying to get bigger, its hard when you have a small bone structureand skinny as hell
But i like lifting weights even though it not alot of weight

That's how I am. However, because of my small frame, I notice the differences quicker.

05-20-2008, 11:19 PM
Yup ive been through this many times. Going to the gym can be boring after a while but you gota change things up. First of all you gota have your music thats the number one thing. Lifing weights should definately be at the gym in front of mirrors, for cardio workout jogging or running at the park or around the neighborhood is always better. Running in the treadmill is fucken boring cause your always on the same spot....sucks balls. Having a partner can be better but can also be a distraction. Always log everything you do and how much you lift. You'll see results as weeks go by and good results will motivate you to continue. Eat right drink alot of water that way you have energy and you wont give up quick. Dont over work yourself, at the begining alwasy start light dont rush you'll end up hurting yourself. If your looking for definition you dont have to lift heavy just do light weights and many reps. Cardio you dont have to sprint at all times just jogg without stopping for atleast 30min to 1hr 3 times a week. Never use elevators use the stairs. Thats just a little somthing ive learned from experience. Now if you need a personal trainner dont waste your money on that... it can be expensive. There is a fitness boot camp that i went to in the city of downey in cali. Its $55 for 4 months monday-thursday from 7pm-9pm. The instructors are ex navy seals so this boot camp is military style. I felt like dieying the first weeks but your body gets use to it and you see results. LMK if anyone is interested and ill let you know what you gotta do to join. In conclusion you gota be patient, it takes time to get into shape. If your not dedicated its not going to happen. Take it day by day and dont quit nothing is easy so just stick to it.

05-20-2008, 11:41 PM
i would recommend talking to a personal trainer to get you started...that's probably the best idea

05-20-2008, 11:49 PM
is anyone taking any supplements? if so which ones

05-21-2008, 01:48 AM
i need to start running and put my bowflex to work. i gained 15lbs and that shit is not cool.