View Full Version : Post-Graduate job search advice?

05-19-2008, 09:59 PM
I recently graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts. So far the job/career search hasn't yielded anything promising. I know I can't expect to jump right into it making bank, but does anyone have any HELPFUL advice on where to start, how to go about doing it?

I've thought about going back to trade school and get ASE certified...then try to get picked up by a dealership or something.


I'm thinking about trying my hand at teaching (art). Art and Automobies are all I've ever really done. So, I figure if I can get my hand into teaching and I enjoy it, I could make a reasonable career out of it. (Teaching at the High School then College level)

I'm not looking to make a million dollars, I have no ambitions to catch the American dream. I don't care about all that. I just want to make a decent living, enough to afford the habits I have. (Making art...turning wrenches)

That being said...any words of wisdom?

05-19-2008, 10:01 PM
get a teaching credential certification first?

05-19-2008, 10:12 PM
I know I'd have to do that. My school screwed me over credit-wise so I was just short of double majoring in Fine Art and Art Ed.

05-19-2008, 10:14 PM
No offense but what can you do with a Fine Arts degree?

05-19-2008, 10:37 PM
Achieve the satisfaction that I didn't go to school to do something I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing. It may indeed be a semi-pointless degree to some, but I did learn enough for a lifetime and will use that to further myself as an artist.

I should add in there that I do intend to 'use' my degree to create and broker my art.

Long story short I did it for me.

05-20-2008, 05:43 AM
You will likely need to get a job that is in the general direction of what you want to do.. probably making crappy wages. Around here, if you have a degree, you can get a job managing people in just about any company around.. Might be the same where you are at. It will probably pay better, but wont likely have anything to do with what you want to do.

I work in IT, I dislike it greatly, but I make good money at it. I started out making 8 bucks an hour doing the same thing I do now. (basically)
Same qualifications, no experience.
Nothing trumps experience, especially when combined with a Degree... so I guess my advice is go get some experience doing what you want to do (I'm still not clear what that is) and don't do something that will "pay the bills" because you will end up stuck in a career you dont like. trust.

05-20-2008, 08:38 AM
Honestly, if you're in need of work, you should be working on optimizing your resume...then you can post it on monster / careerbuilder (or just search for jobs there instead).

05-20-2008, 09:51 PM
thanks for the help guys. I do need to bolster my resume as I've only had 3 jobs..worth mentioning. haha

I also thought for a while about doing tattoos, but...I'm not ready to mess up someone's skin for life.

As much as I didn't really want to all the way through school, I will be looking at Graphic Design jobs as well. Just not really the field I want to be in, but as it was mentioned...start with something in the direction I wanna go I guess right?

05-21-2008, 09:18 AM
you know what I thought was pretty cool...i was watching one of those tattoo shows and they had a woman come in looking to do (for lack of better word) beauty tattoos. I guess if people had a scar or something they would tatoo a color to match the skin color...at least that's what I got out of it.

Anyways, they didn't hire the woman because they didn't look at it as being "art" or 'their style' i guess...which you're probably thinking too haha.

05-21-2008, 09:22 AM
Honestly, if you're in need of work, you should be working on optimizing your resume...then you can post it on monster / careerbuilder (or just search for jobs there instead).

i say the same about posting on job sites they are pretty good

05-21-2008, 09:56 AM
Depending on the district and state you can get substitute teacher credentials and make $100 a day subbing.

05-21-2008, 10:33 AM
Go into design. Go try and design shit for Nike or some other cool brand. You can do a lot with that degree, actually.

05-21-2008, 02:50 PM
Achieve the satisfaction that I didn't go to school to do something I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing. It may indeed be a semi-pointless degree to some, but I did learn enough for a lifetime and will use that to further myself as an artist.

I should add in there that I do intend to 'use' my degree to create and broker my art.

Long story short I did it for me.

If you are artistic...get like a tech degree from ITT or Lincoln Tech in autobody. Paint on cars for a living....heck talented artist who do those murals on cars have to make a good living.

05-21-2008, 03:02 PM
your an art major.....you are fucked.

lol just kidding man, you should search on craigslist and monster or where ever just to get things rolling, I work at a museum right now as an intern and we have a great creative design studio across from my office...so you might consider checking out local museums

also networking is key....talk to former professors or fellow students about oppurtunities and find out whos working where and if there are any openings

05-24-2008, 07:39 AM
I've thought about starting out subbing...but the substitutes don't makes shit here. I believe they get in the neighborhood of 50 dollars a day. lame.

I don't really like commercial design, corporate logos and all that bs. fuck conglomorates. I don't fault you for the idea though :) I really don't mind graphic design, but the whole reason I didn't do that in the first place was because there were so many people in my graduating class doing it, and I didn't feel I should participate in flooding the market with that degree.

I've also considered auto body/painting, but I'd really rather work on motors if I'm going to do something with cars. Something about painting flaming skulls and American flag tributes on peoples cars doesn't appeal to me. But I may look more into auto painting. I wonder how good the money is in that? Assuming I work somewhere better than Maaco. haha

Eastcoast- honestly a museum hadn't crossed my mind. I'll probably look into that. See if they're looking for anyone.

05-24-2008, 07:42 AM
P.S. A friend of mine knows a tattoo artist who's actually really good (does a TON of good original work, and will turn people away who want tramp stamps and stupid shit) is opening his own shop and needs a draftsman and desk person. I think I'll try to put myself all over that.