View Full Version : 18 Things A Grown Man Should Never Have

05-19-2008, 06:18 PM
off MSN website..

1. A black eye. Unless the rim hits your face mid-dunk, your peepers should remain unblemished. You're smart enough to talk your way out of any fight you're going to lose.

2. A witty e-mail signature. Quotes and song lyrics should be heard during toasts and karaoke performances, respectively. Don't let your electronic correspondence become the digital version of a motivational poster.

3. An empty refrigerator. Your larder should be amply stocked, your pantry provisioned. Always aim to be ready to create an on-the-fly, three-course dinner for her...along with breakfast in bed.

4. PlayStation thumb. When they're relaxing, grown men can behave like children. But if you devolve long enough to cause calluses or button-shaped bruises, you're assuredly missing out on life.

5. A key chain with a bottle opener. This bauble is both a gauche reminder of your college days and proof that you don't know how to apply leverage using available, impromptu bottle openers: a lighter, the back end of a fork.

6. A lucky shirt. Every shirt is lucky when worn by a man who knows that the harder he works the luckier he'll be.

7. An unstamped passport.

8. Olympic dreams. Exceptions: curling and archery.

9. Less than $20 in his wallet. Fiduciary nudity is negligence. A real man should always carry a business card and enough dough to pick up coffee, bagels, and the Sunday paper without whipping out the plastic.

10. A name for his penis. Even if it's a really clever name.

11. Any beer that costs less than $20 a case. And no exception for the grand-slam 30-pack that crosses that price threshold.

12. The need to quote The Big Lebowski/ Caddyshack/Superbad. Reciting someone else's lines reminds people that you haven't the wit to write your own.

13. A futon. Sure, beds are for sleeping. But such a meager, slouchy spread has never, in the history of sex, inspired a woman to say, "Take me on your futon."

14. Code words for ugly women. Actually, code words for anything.

15. A Nerf hoop in his living room. Keep the adolescent accoutrements where they belong: in the rec room or above the wastebasket in someone else's office.

16. A secret handshake.

17. Drinking glasses with logos. Especially those kitschy McDonald's Hamburglar ones.

18. A recent story with the phrase "So I said to the cop…"

damn so i have:
A key chain with a bottle opener
Less than $20 in his wallet(depends if i just put in gas)

i gotta say, i disagree with:

black eye sometimes you cant talk your way out of a fight. and at times, being a man is fighting.

lucky shirt. why not? what if it has to do with sports etc.

05-19-2008, 06:23 PM
I'm not ditching my Zilvia.net bottle opener keychain.

My pint glasses have logos on them. I drink beer from them. They are Military logos. I'm not getting rid of them.

05-19-2008, 06:24 PM
damn so i have:
A key chain with a bottle opener

I got hit on the same two, lol.

05-19-2008, 06:25 PM
4. Xbox thumb. When they're relaxing, grown men can behave like children. But if you devolve long enough to cause calluses or button-shaped bruises, you're assuredly missing out on life. I get this one occasionally..and what?!?

5. A key chain with a bottle opener. This bauble is both a gauche reminder of your college days and proof that you don't know how to apply leverage using available, impromptu bottle openers: a lighter, the back end of a fork. I just ordered a Zilvia one...and what?!?

7. An unstamped passport. I don't even have a passport yet, but I'm going to Columbia this summer.

9. Less than $20 in his wallet. Fiduciary nudity is negligence. A real man should always carry a business card and enough dough to pick up coffee, bagels, and the Sunday paper without whipping out the plastic. I never carry cash. In this day and age the debit card is more than suffucient.

17. Drinking glasses with logos. Especially those kitschy McDonald's Hamburglar ones. My Red Sox World Series Glass isn't going anywhere!

05-19-2008, 06:29 PM
I never carry cash...

debit cards for the mother fucking win...

If I get my wallet stolen, it only takes a phone call to cancel my card. As opposed to getting my cash stolen... that shits never coming back.

besides... > $20?? Coffee, bagel, and sunday paper shouldn't cost more than $10

05-19-2008, 06:35 PM

13. A futon. Sure, beds are for sleeping. But such a meager, slouchy spread has never, in the history of sex, inspired a woman to say, "Take me on your futon."

i have one...

05-19-2008, 06:36 PM
List sounds like it was made by a woman. WTF do they know?

05-19-2008, 06:43 PM
MSN can suck it

05-19-2008, 06:46 PM
List sounds like it was made by a woman. WTF do they know?

definitely doesn't sound like it was written by a man.

2. A witty e-mail signature. Quotes and song lyrics should be heard during toasts and karaoke performances, respectively. Don't let your electronic correspondence become the digital version of a motivational poster.
the only people i talk to via email are job recruiters. seriously, who uses email to stay in touch with anybody?

4. PlayStation thumb. When they're relaxing, grown men can behave like children. But if you devolve long enough to cause calluses or button-shaped bruises, you're assuredly missing out on life. this is why this was written by a woman. guess what, games go beyond mario 3. and you know what? i fucking love mario 3.

9. Less than $20 in his wallet. Fiduciary nudity is negligence. A real man should always carry a business card and enough dough to pick up coffee, bagels, and the Sunday paper without whipping out the plastic. the only time i don't use my debit is for purchases under two dollars. cash is dirty and easy to lose, and i hate jingling change. step into the 21st century.

10. A name for his penis. Even if it's a really clever name. fuck off, it's Cruncher Block until i die

11. Any beer that costs less than $20 a case. And no exception for the grand-slam 30-pack that crosses that price threshold. what? so the definition of adulthood is being a beer snob? bud, bud light, and bud select are all $16 for a 30 pack in STL.

13. A futon. Sure, beds are for sleeping. But such a meager, slouchy spread has never, in the history of sex, inspired a woman to say, "Take me on your futon." they might laugh when they say "take me on your futon", but they still say it. i do need a new bed though.

14. Code words for ugly women. Actually, code words for anything. bullshit.

18. A recent story with the phrase "So I said to the cop…" If you're on a car forum like this one, there isn't going to be a time in your life where you don't have a story containing that phrase.

05-19-2008, 06:49 PM
yeah that list is pretty weak.

05-19-2008, 06:55 PM
the term "grown man" was made by a damn woman. they just dont like to see us MEN having fun with games etc.

05-19-2008, 07:21 PM
4. PlayStation thumb. When they're relaxing, grown men can behave like children. But if you devolve long enough to cause calluses or button-shaped bruises, you're assuredly missing out on life. when gt5 comes out my thumbs are going down

5. A key chain with a bottle opener. This bauble is both a gauche reminder of your college days and proof that you don't know how to apply leverage using available, impromptu bottle openers: a lighter, the back end of a fork.
are you kidding? using a lighter, etc, is for the unprepared. thats like saying, "fuck buying a full set of wrenches, just give me one big crescent". the right tool for the job kiddies...

7. An unstamped passport.
real ninjas like me don't bother going thru customs anyways.

9. Less than $20 in his wallet. Fiduciary nudity is negligence. A real man should always carry a business card and enough dough to pick up coffee, bagels, and the Sunday paper without whipping out the plastic.
plastic ftw! how else am i gonna spend money i don't have on hookers i mean shit i don't need

11. Any beer that costs less than $20 a case. And no exception for the grand-slam 30-pack that crosses that price threshold.
bollocks. house beer is the cheap shit that you give to who ever your friends bring over. and young girls (of age, of course).

12. The need to quote The Big Lebowski/ Caddyshack/Superbad. Reciting someone else's lines reminds people that you haven't the wit to write your own.
I'll agree on the superbad, but i'll commit seppuku the day i can't quote the dude and walter

14. Code words for ugly women. Actually, code words for anything.
obviously written by a woman who had a lot of code names given to her

16. A secret handshake.
well how else am i gonna know who to let into the treefort?

17. Drinking glasses with logos. Especially those kitschy McDonald's Hamburglar ones.
fuck this one. i don't even need to give a reason

05-19-2008, 07:23 PM
Ha Its funny to see all of us getting hit with the same few: I rarely have more than $20 cash (its just a pain to go to the atm when I can use plastic everywhere).

My video game caluses are pretty much gone since my xbox keeps crapping out on me, but im not oposed to having them, they blend into working-on-car-caluses and those are manly.

I like good beer, but I also stock up on Coor's light - if I want to have more than a couple beers or get other people shitty Im not breaking out the good stuff. Everyone will just get full.

Movie quotes are cool, I like movies and I only make quotes in context with my friends.

I dont have a name for my penis, I passed my futon onto my younger sister when I graduated from college, email sigs are lame (but forum sigs are cool), my passport expired (but does have a stamp), I have a hoodie that is about 10 years old now, but no lucky t-shirt, a lot of my cups have logos but they are pint glasses (that makes it ok right?).

Oh and codes are important - no one knows about them except the guy or guys you are with, so its fine. Dont make them obvious and no one will know haha

05-19-2008, 07:40 PM
I use debit so I most times have alot less than 20 in my wallet, and I am defintely not gettin rid of my penis name saying my penis wants to visit your [insert word for vagina] is alot less smooth than George wants to visit.

05-19-2008, 07:43 PM
I was expecting the article to be written by a woman as well but it was written by one Steve Calechman.

Fucking guy fails.

There is nothing wrong especially with #'s 2,4,5,9,14,16,17, and 18. THAT LIST SUCKS. :jerkit:

05-19-2008, 07:48 PM
i have a futon!!

id like to add " A sidekick - No real man uses such a girly toy to keep in touch, just call your friends dammit"

05-19-2008, 07:55 PM
MSN can suck it
Actually, the article was first published by April issue of Men's Health magazine.

05-19-2008, 08:11 PM
12. The need to quote The Big Lebowski/ Caddyshack/Superbad. Reciting someone else's lines reminds people that you haven't the wit to write your own.

Some of my guy co-workers at my old job did this everyday. spouting gibberish like "60% of the time, it works all the time!" Once in a while or a reasonable rotation is acceptable, but the same quote would be repeated over a dozen times a day. It was god-awful annoying. Incidentally, wit wasn't the only thing they lacked.

05-19-2008, 08:11 PM
I was expecting the article to be written by a woman as well but it was written by one Steve Calechman
1. A black eye. Unless the rim hits your face mid-dunk, your peepers should remain unblemished. You're smart enough to talk your way out of any fight you're going to lose.
this guy doesnt know anything about being a man

05-19-2008, 08:20 PM
lol looks like theres a lot of big kids in this thread....I agree with a lot of this shit if your a grown man, thats the whole point of this list tho, and youre not a grown man at 25 or 26...Im def not grown cause im only 20 so I can do all of this shit lol, but if I was 40 and this shit was true for me id prob just kill myself...If you are 40 and quoting super bad and sleeping on a futon with less than $20 in your wallet and gettin into bar fights with your buddies that you have secret handshake with, its time to do some serious soul searching.....if your in your 20s or 30s its cool to do most of this shit IMO, but then again this is a car forum so most ppl are kids at heart anyway

05-19-2008, 09:15 PM
Just ordered a Zilvia bottle opener because of the list.

05-19-2008, 09:22 PM
Assuming he has them..and its questionable at that...the guy who wrote that list needs to be kicked in he balls. HARD

#8 is my life.

Just cuz he probably sucks ass at everything in athletics doesnt mean the rest of have to.

That list = FAIL

05-19-2008, 09:23 PM
the list is retarted, whoever believes them are idiots.

low and slow
05-19-2008, 09:24 PM
#10 - I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang.

Fuck that list. I could go on, but I think everyone covered the basics. But then again, I am only 20, and still in college, so I guess it doesn't truly apply to me.

05-19-2008, 09:27 PM
#10 - I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

05-19-2008, 10:18 PM
By Steve Calechman, Men's Health

Isn't that the Douchebag Assholes Journal? My dad got a free sub when I was in HS. He read the first issue that came and was like WTF. Then I read it and was like WTF? Then in went in the Bin. Every other issue went straight in the bin. It's Cosmo for men and no man should be reading a cosmo style mag.

anyway onto the comments:

#1: Talk your way out? How bout block and duck to not get hit in the face.
#2: What is it 1998 again? who uses the sig feature in emails anymore? Except for "sent by my crackberry"
#3: You should have what you need to eat. Only chicks horde food.
#4: Chicks won't complain when you work the clit with that thumb.
#5: Shouldn't have anything but the remote and the keys on the keychain.
#6: I didn't know this was a big problem. Filler to make 18 Prolly
#7: Why would you spend over $100 on something you won't use?
#8: But being a Monday morning QB is ok? Least you have a goal instead of watching it on TV.
#9: If you want to get mugged, carry that cash like a sucker.
#10: I didn't name it, She did.
#11: Has this dude bough a case of beer lately? WTF isn't over $20?
#12: First time this dude quotes someone, I'll give him a black eye.
#13: When you really don't want friends to crash out at your place. You buy a futon. He should have said a futon for your bed.
#14: What they don't know can't hurt um. Stop being a bitch.
#15: Who the fuck has this in their living room? I've seen tons of wastebasket hoops. Never in my life have I seen any hoop in anyones living room. I call filler again.
#16: What's wrong with them? I don't have one, don't care if people do. What is he pissed he can't do Daps?
#17: We talking water glasses? That you set on the dinner table. Or, Drinking Glasses you put Alcohol in? Cause those glasses are free and fuckers break them when drunk.
#18: That phrase usually means you are "getting one over" on the cop. If it was "Then the Cop..." then it would be a bad story.

05-19-2008, 11:54 PM
1. Chicks dig scars
2. Email is free, so have as many as you would like. Songs for ringtones are lame. use the vibrator or quiet mode... no one likes a nuisance...
3. I eat what is enough so i dont waste...Any girl who thinks she deserves a 3 course meal is not there for u...
4. So playing a guitar is an example of being a loser for having calluses also?
5. I can be a MacGuyver with anything around to open a beer. even another bottle of beer will do.
6. Guys who have lucky shirts arent lucky.
7. i guess so...no excuse for not gettin out...
8. Olympics? Boring, When the next race event I'm driving.
9. Less than $20 in his wallet. If you like spending your money on retarted things every sunday.
10. If you have low self esteem...
11. there goes that 20 dollars down the drain loser... get a 6 pack no one likes a drunk ass...
12. quoting movies is the best, coming up with your own concept is even better...its breaking the ice...
13. should never have a futon,dorms days are over...futons break and they feel like shit when u sit on them anyway. kick down couches with a cool cover is adequate.
14. Why not...? no sense of humor
15. a tin bucket is fine...
16. What a shame, cant do daps...=(
17. Drinking glasses with logos. who cares cups breaks...we go thru them alot... do u need to be specific when u need water?
18. A recent story with the phrase "So I said to the cop…"anyone who says that to a cop definitely hasn't had any run through with johnny law. NO guy likes to tell stories of their run thru's anyhow...it looks bad...

05-20-2008, 01:15 AM
This is yet another attempt by the media to pussify the western male.

Whoever wrote this should be killed in the face repeatedly with a rusty spoon.

1- My b/f will kick the crap out of anyone that messes with me (provided I didn't start the fight). He will take a black-eye for my honor.
2- I agree. It's lame.
3- He leaves the fridge empty for me to fill it. It reminds me that I have to go to the market.
4- We met by playing endless hours of Rock Band. He's teaching me about Age of Conan. This is a guy that knows how to have fun.
5- He's always ready to pop open a beer at a moment's notice.
6- What's wrong with a lucky shirt? It's good to be superstitious...
7- He didn't need to see the world to find exactly what he needed here.
8- Dreams and aspirations keep us from living like robots. He has dreams- who the hell is anyone to squash that?
9- If he gets his wallet stolen, he doesn't ever have to worry about someone taking all the money he has. He never carries more than he has to. [For the record, I don't agree with some of the debit card posts. That's just another method for the MAN to control you.]
10- He has a name for his penis. And only I know it.
11- Beer is EFFING BEER. It doesn't matter how much it cost.
12- I haven't met a guy TO THIS DAY that doesn't quote movies. If someone else said it better, then why not quote their greatness?
13- Futons don't make noise, and are easy to move away from the walls for those extra crazy, drunken sessions...
14- So what, you're SUPPOSED to call out the fugliness of girls to their face?? Where is this rule posted, so I can point it out to ugly girls when I see them....
15- I have no objection to nerf hoops. In fact, they need to make them for the damn toilet...
16- It's a sign of friendship. Where's the issue?
17- It signifies that this is HIS cup. This is the cup HE is comfortable with, the cup that doesn't break or spill, and it keeps him from breaking any of my nice glasses.
18- Everyone has a cop story. EVERYONE. Why not share?

I don't know what douchebag (or retarded, sand-in-the-vag feminist) wrote this, but these are the things that I find the most endearing about guys. It's these small little details that you come to find out about a guy that make him original. These are not the factors that determine whether you're a MAN or not.

05-20-2008, 01:26 AM
I guess i'm a fuckin man

It feels pretty good...too bad none of y'all bitches know what it's like. I'm so hairy

05-20-2008, 01:39 AM
Top 1 thing a women should never have:

1. Rights

<reminder: insert disclaimer here>

05-20-2008, 02:46 AM
I have no objection to nerf hoops. In fact, they need to make them for the damn toilet...

that quote was one of the best ones of them all.... i laughed histerically.... so true... drunken moments or morning wood...people should learn to aim...

05-20-2008, 04:43 AM
can i start the thread
40 mistakes men make while having sex with a woman
or will i get in trouble


05-20-2008, 04:55 AM
can i start the thread
40 mistakes men make while having sex with a woman
or will i get in trouble


Hmm idk... That would be a good one... Some of the guys on here could learn a thing or two... Making us flawless:D

05-20-2008, 05:31 AM
Well, "Mens Health Magazine" is a magazine for what is commonly referred to as a douchebags.

The only one I agree with is the Futon one.. I mean, get a real bed.. for your own back's sake if for no other reason.

And to think that people probably use these type of lists as some kind of basis to figure out if they are with a real man or not..

05-20-2008, 05:48 AM
10. A name for his penis. Even if it's a really clever name.

Mines called J.R. lol i guess i failed. But come on who really belives anythign MSN says lol. Thats like listening to George W. Bush :mrmeph: :keke:

05-20-2008, 07:55 AM
this list is retarded, I have at least 10 of the things, last time I checked (5 minutes ago), I had a p_nis

05-20-2008, 08:31 AM
my gripe is with the cheap beer deal... wtf are we all on highlife status all of a sudden???? fuck that, I will buy my budlight 12's and drink them proudly.. fuck that. fuck that.

05-20-2008, 08:56 AM
can i start the thread
40 mistakes men make while having sex with a woman
or will i get in trouble


Do itt!! messagelength

05-20-2008, 08:58 AM
can i start the thread
40 mistakes men make while having sex with a woman
or will i get in trouble


That would be a good educational and informative thread, since we all believe we are Superfly TNT in the bedroom. :D

05-20-2008, 09:03 AM
um....why isnt AIDS on that list?

05-20-2008, 09:07 AM
I got hit for 5,7,9 and 17 as well.

05-20-2008, 09:08 AM
can i start the thread
40 mistakes men make while having sex with a woman
or will i get in trouble


Make that shit lets see what you girls think of us in bed and then we'll tell you what us guys think!!!

05-20-2008, 09:10 AM
can i start the thread
40 mistakes men make while having sex with a woman
or will i get in trouble


I have the same info but reversed. 40 mistakes women make.

steve shadows
05-20-2008, 09:38 AM
I didnt match any . :coolugh:

05-20-2008, 10:47 AM
I have the same info but reversed. 40 mistakes women make.

that list could go on and on :love:

drift freaq
05-20-2008, 11:03 AM
I am sorry but most women these days do not warrant a three course dinner lol.
Most of that list does not apply to me. The only thing I can think of is that dumb ass refrigerator pantry rule. I keep enough food around so If I decided to eat at home I can.
My dad grew up in the depression and he stocks enough food in his place to feed like 3-4 people for at least a 2 months. Its nuts. I never want to have that much food in my house unless I have at least 2 little munch kins running around. At that point non of those dumb ass rules will apply anyways.
That list is straight up pure materialistic bullshit. If It was written by a guy he is a wimp. If it was written by a Women I would be screaming gold digger and running the other way.
I am sorry but to many Women these days look at a mans wallet and bank account, before looking at him as person and personality. Its just weak.

05-20-2008, 11:03 AM
Make that shit lets see what you girls think of us in bed and then we'll tell you what us guys think!!!

i tried but i guess i can't because it's gone. :confused:


05-20-2008, 11:06 AM
Awh ... its all good

05-20-2008, 11:41 AM
8. Olympic dreams. Exceptions: curling and archery.


05-20-2008, 11:59 AM
um....why isnt AIDS on that list?

Magic Johnson.

05-20-2008, 12:01 PM
i will NEVER stop quoting caddyshack, or buying 30 packs of highlife for 15.00. being a man doesn't mean you have to be a sober prude:fawk2: ......besides caddyshack is one of the best movies EVAR:rawk:

05-20-2008, 02:12 PM
+1 on cheap beer. Paying more than $20 a case seems more like you're blowing cash just to impress, hardly a manly thing to do when Milwaukee's Best is $5.49/12.

The lighter as a bottle opener surprised me because I always use the lighter and people look at me funny like I'm some kind of broke ass. This thing was definitely written by a chick who was impressed by that once.

And anytime one of my buddies has a black eye they'll have a shitload of girls that come up and ask about it.

People should quote others because most stuff in pop culture is a retelling of something before or strait up ripped off.

05-20-2008, 02:27 PM
You know something a real man wouldn't have?

A fucking list of the inTerWebz that determines how they live their life.

I eat when I want, shit when I want, and call bitches what I want.

I am as man as it gets.

05-20-2008, 02:30 PM
Magic Johnson.

he has HIV. duh.

05-20-2008, 03:00 PM
he has HIV. duh.

fuck that.

that dude has the cure, i dont care what anybody says. lol

05-20-2008, 03:37 PM
People should quote others because most stuff in pop culture is a retelling of something before or strait up ripped off.

quotes (just like almost anything you say) are effective if done right. If it's something really played out, like from one of the Judd Appletel (sp?) comedies for instance, then it does show lack of creativity and make you look a bit childish. Whether it makes you more or less of a man in the author's eyes, I could care less.

personally I don't quote, but I've always been more impressed with ppl using quotes from more obscure and/or classical sources. shows you also have a bit more perspective beyond current 'pop culture'. Quoting can be an art form in itself if done effectively.

05-20-2008, 03:41 PM
fuck that.

that dude has the cure, i dont care what anybody says. lol

lol, he's prob going to outlive us all.

05-20-2008, 04:17 PM
Magic Johnson.


ok since this list was made by some schmuck. what is your list?

i know having skid marks is one of them.
chain wallet

05-20-2008, 05:36 PM
fuck that.

that dude has the cure, i dont care what anybody says. lol

Bullshit, he never had it...
Here (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=38538196&blogID=339748141&Mytoken=943215ED-6353-47F0-B6C6C6D8559835AA56990479) is my theory on it.

05-20-2008, 05:37 PM
That list is fucking stupid!

05-20-2008, 07:41 PM
Bullshit, he never had it...
Here (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=38538196&blogID=339748141&Mytoken=943215ED-6353-47F0-B6C6C6D8559835AA56990479) is my theory on it.

hmm..interesting read, but it's hard to say. Ultimately what he did couldn't have been good for his publicity, and him quitting the nba at 32 may not have been a the best financial decision.

If he was worried that divorce could be financially devastating, it would have been far easier to get a prenuptial or simply not get married to begin with. Even claiming that he had herpes would have served the same purpose more or less without all the drama (as you mentioned in another example)

Magic's claim to have HIV might have been more of an emotional decision. Could be that he was simply a suspicious and jealous husband who was worried beyond reason his wife was cheating on him (not out of the question).

But regardless, I wouldn't be surprised at all if the whole thing was just a sham, even if a rather distasteful one. Exactly why, it's really difficult to speculate given the multitude of factors that might have been involved. Personally I'm more inclined to simple explanations. I'm guessing he just got tired of playing basketball (you can still play with herpes but maybe not so much with HIV), wanted out, and preferred to do so all the while getting a lot of attention. note that I have nothing against him either way.

05-20-2008, 08:19 PM
hmm..interesting read, but it's hard to say. Ultimately what he did couldn't have been good for his publicity, and him quitting the nba at 32 may not have been a the best financial decision.

Are you kidding? He OWNS the entire shopping complex where my mom works at, including her store. He's an entrepreneur- if anything, him saying he has HIV improved his stature- there's no such thing as bad publicity.

05-20-2008, 08:24 PM
^^^ Exactly!!!
Do what you do to become a household name, THEN worry about the differences between positive and negative publicity. His philanthropy and other work SINCE has been what kept his name profitable.
Not to mention, an NBA contract 16 years (and 2 labor stoppages) ago was far less lucrative than it is now.

05-20-2008, 09:16 PM
For reference, picture of the guy who wrote the article


Yeah, I wouldn't take advice from a nerd like that.

05-20-2008, 11:22 PM
yea, he looks like he might have a vageen instead of nads.

05-21-2008, 02:51 AM
He looks like the kind of guy that has pink hangers in his closet and potpourri bowls in his living room.

Vision Garage
05-21-2008, 03:40 AM
He looks like the kind of guy that has pink hangers in his closet and potpourri bowls in his living room.

haha. Lisa stop embarrasing me. Ill throw it all out next week! :bigok:

05-21-2008, 05:00 AM
the dude does NOT abide

fuckin fag hating on lebowski

05-21-2008, 08:22 AM
The only thing I can think of is that dumb ass refrigerator pantry rule. I keep enough food around so If I decided to eat at home I can. My dad grew up in the depression and he stocks enough food in his place to feed like 3-4 people for at least a 2 months. Its nuts. I never want to have that much food in my house unless I have at least 2 little munch kins running around.

I do keep a very very full pantry/fridge, although I like to cook frequently and I probably have people over to my house for some food a couple times a week on average.

+me on the cheap beer too. Not that I don't like wacky expensive beer too, because I most definitely do, but that doesn't mean I don't get the urge to tear into a 30 pack of High Life once in awhile.

05-21-2008, 08:38 AM
Im not going to keep enough food around for a three course meal for anyone.. seriously? Three Course Meal?... Maybe if she does the "wiggle" but even then, no.

05-21-2008, 08:43 AM
For reference, picture of the guy who wrote the article


Yeah, I wouldn't take advice from a nerd like that.

this guy shouldn't give advice on shit!! he should add thick ass eyebrows and a missing hairline

05-21-2008, 02:02 PM
msn is full of shit

05-21-2008, 05:56 PM
19. a lap dog of any kind

05-22-2008, 02:26 AM
He looks like a tool...I wanna kick him in the head.

05-22-2008, 11:53 PM
20. Take advice from the 40 year old virgin who wrote the list.