View Full Version : Buying my s13...

11-26-2002, 03:48 PM
Hey guys im seriously ready to go ahead and get my car...
I've test drove a couple s13a and i love em...

Anyways, I was wondering how you can tell if a car has HICAS on it or not... other than when its got the sticker... I want to be able to swing my back end out and try drifiting once i get my car... so I need to know if the car has HICAS, so how do i tell???

Also, do most 240s in Canada have or not have HICAS?

What are common areas where s13s are prone to troubles so i can look for this when buying one? I want to get the best fastback for my money, so gimme any useful info on buying a 240 so i can make a good choice...

Thanks for the help...

Thanks for the help guys...

11-27-2002, 12:30 PM
You would probably get more attention for your post if you put this in the Chat section.  Usually the Wanted to Buy section is if you are looking for an actual car or parts.  Hope that helps a little bit.

11-27-2002, 02:02 PM
drifting with HICAS isnt recommended, the car will constantly try to correct your drift. you would want a hicas canceller as well

not sure about canadian models, but hicas cars have a ton more stuff under the hood, i think it might even say something ther too, i know the chassis codes do have a designations for hicas. you can see the hicas pumps as well under the hood.

i would say avoid HICAS.