View Full Version : HELP!! (nicotine withdrawals)

05-19-2008, 03:25 PM
any suggestions?? im on edge. im seriously going to fucking kill somebody today. holy shit.

background. ive been dipping and smoking since i was 16. ill be 24 in a couple months. i cut out the smoking almost 100% for the past 2 months. im cool without that. but that left the skoal. anyhow, finished my last can last night. decided its time to quit. went the entire day, but now my head is ready to explode. my daily grind has been changed. my body doesnt like it.

help me though. what can i do to forget this shit.

05-19-2008, 03:26 PM
stick something in your mouth.

anything I guess.

Don't ask me. I'm a real man, we don't quit.

05-19-2008, 03:26 PM
Go shoots some pics...I dunno man. I didn't have withdrawals really.

05-19-2008, 03:29 PM
go to a gym and beat up a heavy/black bag, really helps

05-19-2008, 03:30 PM
chew gum bro and eat alot i'm trying it too its killing me everyone around me fuckin smokes....

05-19-2008, 03:40 PM
I really don't want that day to come when i actually HAVE to quit.

Jimmy Up
05-19-2008, 03:45 PM
I just quit dipping too man, STAY STRONG!!! go google "Gum Disease" and "Lung Cancer" should help you bro haha

pr0ject TRUENO
05-19-2008, 03:48 PM
gum works wonders

keep yourself busy

05-19-2008, 03:53 PM
you have an oral fixation...:naughty:

05-19-2008, 04:01 PM
dude... CREME SAVERS HARD CANDY.... FTW. i quit smoking for 2 years because of that stuff...

05-19-2008, 04:10 PM
get medicinal help (wellbutrin/zyban) if you really really want to quit. You will still get the physical withdraw symptoms for a few days though.

05-19-2008, 05:14 PM
masterbate. lol

05-19-2008, 05:17 PM
don't be a quitter.
it's only been 2 months.
1 won't hurt.
imagine how good it'll be!
man, i'm gonna go have one right now.
thanks, bye!

05-19-2008, 05:18 PM
take control of yourself
know that you dont need that shit and it can only lead to death and cancer
dont be that 15 year old girl who cant say no to the big dick of tobacco

and if all else fails smoke meth
that will take the edge off for sure

05-19-2008, 05:18 PM
gum or some hard candy helped me alot. tons of stick pretzels and baby carrots too!

05-19-2008, 05:26 PM
eating is helpful, actually. but i feel like a fucking pig. i dont have any candy or gum or anything. asdkl;fjas;dlkfjas;dlkfjas;dlfjkasd

i think ill go to the gas station and fill up the tank. pick up some candies and shit while im there. lol this sucks. i really want to punch a hole in the wall. :bigok:

05-19-2008, 05:37 PM
i just put on a patch on my arm right now. i hope that helps me to quit too. my craving usually is quite strong that i really cannot sit still and i get irritates very easily.

05-19-2008, 05:43 PM
IDK, I would think gum would help.

But I <3 Grizzly Straight and Wintergreen, so im no help. lol

05-19-2008, 05:51 PM
Buy a Nicoderm Kit or something like it. Need to take your body down slowly off nicotine or your body will make you uncomfortable enough to want to go back. Get the mg size of the amount of cigs a day you would smoke. 21mg patch is a pack a day, then gets smaller from there.

Nicorette or other gums are for people that just need a cig in the morning or after a meal. 4mg for the morning smoker. 2mg for the "meal" smoker.

Then buy some Nicotine Lozenges. Patches and gum are slow release. T take care of the instant cravings get some lozenges. Lozenges are called nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). This is cause they contain a cigarette's worth of nicotine in a lozenge.

Most states have coupons for free and/or discounted quiting suplies.
I didn't go though the links. But, tobacco company's paid millions to states for quitting programs. May as well get something back.
Michigan Quit Line 1-800-480-QUIT (7848)

steve shadows
05-19-2008, 05:51 PM
any suggestions?? im on edge. im seriously going to fucking kill somebody today. holy shit.

I feel the same way and it's only been two days

the next person I see...

05-19-2008, 06:32 PM
alright, im on my 12th creme saver. hahahaha. emptied a half of a bag of red swedish fish also. im not gonna use any patches or anything. after a couple days, it should be a piece of cake. ill be alright. i just cant believe im gonna do it.

it all started with me getting a new pair of rollerblades. shit was killing me, so i wanted to stop smoking so i could actually skate. turns out getting rid of the cigs was easier than i thought, because i could just dip instead. afterall, ive always prefered skoal over cigs. anyhow, figured now was as good as any time to quit. so, here goes. :bigok:

05-19-2008, 06:45 PM
kill yourself?

05-19-2008, 07:18 PM
kill yourself?

well that would break the habit....

05-19-2008, 07:26 PM
Go out and drift.

05-19-2008, 07:29 PM
buddy of mine took a shot of liquor everytime he had an urge to dip/smoke. He was continiuously drunk for about 2 months and stayed in my apartment playing world of warcraft lolol. But I think he is fine now....

05-19-2008, 07:51 PM
stick something in your mouth.

anything I guess.

Don't ask me. I'm a real man, we don't quit.

funniest goddamn thing i've read all week...nay....month.

But really, dip? Shit I didn't know anyone above the Mason-Dixon touched that gross shit.

good luck kickin it. Gum/Candy really helps. After the first week or so it so it should just be mental...no withdrawals, just getting over the 'social' aspect of it I guess.

05-19-2008, 07:52 PM
i find myself wanting a smoke even worse after all the candy....

05-19-2008, 08:47 PM
yarrr. bed time shortly. its getting more tolerable.
day 1, nearing completion.

05-19-2008, 08:56 PM
Congrats to you Dane! keep it up! ..... im going to go have a smoke. :P

05-19-2008, 09:22 PM
Quitting isn't hard.
Understanding everything you feel after 3 days is in your head is.
So everything your feeling is your body telling you to bitch out.
I'm gonna tell you to sack up and tell your body to get fucked.
Your also gonna drink water when you get the urge to smoke/chew. Don't chew gum with alot of sugar because you'll just get cavities.
Don't eat everytime because you'll just get fat.
Don't remedy the oral fixation with anything other than water or fruits/vegetables.

I quit smoking in the middle of a meet. I handed someone my cigs and said here I don't want these anymore. I drank water everytime I wanted a cig. I would briskly drink a 16.9 oz bottle everytime I normally had a cig. After two weeks of this, I felt fucking amazing because I was hydrated like I was supposed to be, free of tobacco and lungs on their way to healing, and food tasted great.

05-19-2008, 09:47 PM
saving money on your life insurance should be enough to cope with the nicotine addiction

honestly though hit the bags itll help

05-19-2008, 09:48 PM
Buy a Nicoderm Kit or something like it. Need to take your body down slowly off nicotine or your body will make you uncomfortable enough to want to go back. Get the mg size of the amount of cigs a day you would smoke. 21mg patch is a pack a day, then gets smaller from there.

Nicorette or other gums are for people that just need a cig in the morning or after a meal. 4mg for the morning smoker. 2mg for the "meal" smoker.

Then buy some Nicotine Lozenges. Patches and gum are slow release. T take care of the instant cravings get some lozenges. Lozenges are called nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). This is cause they contain a cigarette's worth of nicotine in a lozenge.

Most states have coupons for free and/or discounted quiting suplies.
I didn't go though the links. But, tobacco company's paid millions to states for quitting programs. May as well get something back.
Michigan Quit Line 1-800-480-QUIT (7848)

thanks that was very informative. i just tried my patch today and it kicked in after 2 hours, but goes up and down. but when it goes down, i just try to give few deep breath and that helps.

05-19-2008, 09:49 PM
I love dip, just started a few weeks ago which was also my first time. I hope I don't go down your route and btw do you have gum disease?

05-19-2008, 09:53 PM
lol, no. no gum disease or anything like that. i know people that have dipped for 20+ years with no issues. its just like the old folks you meet that smoke. same shit. it effects all people differently. but yeah, the first time i tried it, i was 14. haha.

thanks for all the positive shit guys. this actually helps. id feel like a fuck if i had to make a post about hopping back on the wagon. hahaha.

05-19-2008, 09:54 PM
yarrr. bed time shortly. its getting more tolerable.
day 1, nearing completion.The first few days will be the worst but just think of that extra money you'll be saving and you need to replace your nicotine habits with something else. Like working out which I think was previously mentioned. After the first week or so its all in your head so just stay focused. Goodluck

Edit-honestly if I had your car I wouldn't even have time to dip at all, its hard to spit in a cup when you're shifting gears

05-19-2008, 10:27 PM
Edit-honestly if I had your car I wouldn't even have time to dip at all, its hard to spit in a cup when you're shifting gears

Have you ever dipped ? You can hold your spit for awhile if your not talking lol.

05-20-2008, 09:34 AM
Do they give out free patches where you live?? in nyc they do i use them for when im to lazy to buy ciggs while at work they help a whole lot..

steve shadows
05-20-2008, 09:37 AM
Quitting isn't hard.
Understanding everything you feel after 3 days is in your head is.
So everything your feeling is your body telling you to bitch out.
I'm gonna tell you to sack up and tell your body to get fucked.
Your also gonna drink water when you get the urge to smoke/chew. Don't chew gum with alot of sugar because you'll just get cavities.
Don't eat everytime because you'll just get fat.
Don't remedy the oral fixation with anything other than water or fruits/vegetables.

I quit smoking in the middle of a meet. I handed someone my cigs and said here I don't want these anymore. I drank water everytime I wanted a cig. I would briskly drink a 16.9 oz bottle everytime I normally had a cig. After two weeks of this, I felt fucking amazing because I was hydrated like I was supposed to be, free of tobacco and lungs on their way to healing, and food tasted great.

very cool that's what Ill do, i did it before.

i only smoke socially, when im tossed like a tin can on the weekends, but I dont want to at all anymore

05-20-2008, 10:14 AM
When I quit smoking, It took about 3 days before I diddnt have a STRONG craving for a cigg. A few nights of restless sleep, along with night-sweats, then the freedom of not having to make special accomidations in every aspect of my life in order to smoke.

I will say that not a day goes by that I dont think I'd like a ciggarette. There are certain things that instantly spark a craving. Its very easy to ignore though.

I dont reccomend substituting liquor for tobacco though.. I've had to give that up and the withdrawal wasnt nearly as easy to go through as the withdrawal from tobacco...

Keep up the good work man. Its worth it.

05-20-2008, 10:15 AM
Try something called chantix. Its a pill that u take and u can smoke as much as u want but in two weeks u will quit. This thing blocks all the nicotine receptors. My friends tried it and it worked. Good luck. I couldnt do it though.

05-20-2008, 12:05 PM
Have you ever dipped ? You can hold your spit for awhile if your not talking lol.
Yea but you still gotta spit regardless.

Kwonza Says
05-20-2008, 03:21 PM
Go eat sunflower seeds keeps ya busey : )

05-20-2008, 03:45 PM
day 2. afternoon cravings are eating away at me. im ok in the mornings. its just the afternoons that are brutal.

05-20-2008, 03:57 PM
Bah, throw in a hoss and call it a day. lmao

Nah, it would be sooo hard to quit.

05-20-2008, 04:27 PM
Go eat sunflower seeds keeps ya busey : )


While I didn't use this when I quit smoking, I heard it helps from other people that did. Plus BBQ sunflower seeds are awesome, they are an addiction of their own haha.

It's best to quit cold turkey before you end up a dead duck, that's what I told myself. Good luck man.

05-20-2008, 06:58 PM
go get the beef jerkey that you can pack in the lip haha, fight the addiction, dont give in, i got faith in ya hah

05-20-2008, 07:43 PM
we call her yolanda.

05-20-2008, 08:17 PM
Do a Google search on Gruen Von Behrens and Rick Bender. Maybe their appearance and story will help you kick the habit for good.

Have you tried chewing shredded beef jerky as an alternative? They're packaged in tins similar to that of chewing tobacco.

Best of luck.

05-20-2008, 09:41 PM
I'm not a smoker, but from what I hear is if you make it past the third day, you're basically home free. I guess you're half way there, keep it up!

05-21-2008, 04:23 AM
day three. this part is easy enough. my biggest fear is when i go to the bar, i always want to smoke. i havnt really been to the bar in a while. i dont really go much in the summer months, because theres so much other shit to do. i save the bar's for the winter time.

got up early today. gonna go hit the skatepark. that usually helps me forget about it completely.

05-21-2008, 10:03 AM
Did you at least get some lozenges?

05-21-2008, 10:48 AM
nope. no lozenges or anything. just some candies.

i tell you though, i dont know if its because i ate too much candy, or that i was super stressed out. but the first night (monday), i didnt sleep for shit. yesterday, i had to work 12 hours. so i basically went to sleep when i got home. that was helpful yesterday. a few more days and i should be without the cravings.

05-21-2008, 10:49 AM
Work out. It helps more than any other one single thing. I swam my ASS off for like 3 weeks, couple hours a day.

As CAPowered said, drinking water works well too.

Remember that after like 48-72 hours, it's all just psychological (which can actually be tougher than physical withdrawal).

I speak from (successful) experience

05-21-2008, 11:14 AM
Go get some bubble gum cigarettes from the ice cream man lol...



MY FAVORITE LOL :keke: :keke: :keke: :keke:

Good thing about them you wont die from them, and you get to chew on them after your done lol.. :yum: :D

05-21-2008, 05:14 PM
i say don't be a bitch, keep smoking.
its the new thing to do, all the cool kids are doing it.
you only live once.

05-21-2008, 05:19 PM
acknowledge that your breath, clothes, living area, and car are starting to smell less like shit
enjoy it

05-21-2008, 07:54 PM
Keep booting, Dane, keep booting!

I'm motivated to pick up a pair this summer now.

It's been...6 years.

05-21-2008, 08:01 PM
Good luck with this stuff, man. I'm so glad I'm not caught up in this yet.

05-21-2008, 08:08 PM
Buy the worst dip possible.... Make yourself hate it. Dip wasn't really a problem for me.... I never really liked it, makes me feel like shit when I do it. Smoking, eh.... Occasional (once a week maybe... most likely less than that)

05-21-2008, 08:11 PM
stick something in your mouth.

anything I guess.

Don't ask me. I'm a real man, we don't quit.amen...

god hates quiters

05-21-2008, 08:32 PM
my boss paid 5 bills to get hypnotized into quitting. no shit. its been over a week already and he hasn't even had the urge to have one....even when all the co-workers and i would intentionally smoke around him and offer him some. he even said that the hypnotist guaranteed him it'd be for life, or else he would either do it again free of charge or pay for therapy

05-21-2008, 10:52 PM
thats weird. ive heard of hypnotists that can do that shit. or are rumored to be able to do that shit.

Buy the worst dip possible.... Make yourself hate it. Dip wasn't really a problem for me.... I never really liked it, makes me feel like shit when I do it. Smoking, eh.... Occasional (once a week maybe... most likely less than that)

i wish i could do that. but theres none that i dislike enough. haha. i love all that shit. infact, i LOVE to smoke also. not helpful.

heres the good news though. its 1am here, and i am tobacco free, for the 3rd day. the icing on the cake for me, is that i went to the bar. i had a few drinks. i got home and had a beer with my brother and his friends. they have cigs, and even offered me some. i turned 'em down. :faint:

i hate being tobacco free. but my body likes it. fucking weird shit. i have to get to sleep, i have a date with the fruit boot park at 11 tomorrow. day 3 nearing completion. according to rumors, life tomorrow should be a bit easier. anyhow, thanks for the support dudes. i almost cracked. but i couldnt think of the shame i'd endure on this forum. not after 3 weakass days anyways. thanks fuckers. :fawk:

05-21-2008, 11:08 PM
my boss paid 5 bills to get hypnotized into quitting. no shit. its been over a week already and he hasn't even had the urge to have one....even when all the co-workers and i would intentionally smoke around him and offer him some. he even said that the hypnotist guaranteed him it'd be for life, or else he would either do it again free of charge or pay for therapy

i always hear about people getting hypnosis to stop smoking and for weight loss. is there any way that shit's legit?

05-21-2008, 11:10 PM
i always hear about people getting hypnosis to stop smoking and for weight loss. is there any way that shit's legit?

lol good point. once you quit smoking, say helllllloooo to excess weight. lol

05-22-2008, 03:14 AM
Fun size candy bars and carrot sticks...or take lots of naps...

05-22-2008, 05:12 AM
I dunno about the weight thing.. depends on how you deal with the cravings, its real similar to the urge to eat something. I remained the same size after I quit.

05-22-2008, 06:12 AM
Just be careful with what you eat. When I quit I gained 30lbs. My friends dad quit smoking and started hitting the booze more. He is now in AA and went back to smoking. Just be careful with what you fill your none smoking void with good luck.

05-22-2008, 08:17 AM
thats a good point. im actually trying to lose a few poinds. this rollerblading thing is supposed to help with that. as long as im out of the house, i dont stuff my face. when i sit at home all day, is when i eat and eat.

05-22-2008, 09:21 AM
i always hear about people getting hypnosis to stop smoking and for weight loss. is there any way that shit's legit?

2 of my uncles got hypnotized to quit smoking... its been like over 5 years and they have not smoked on cigarette. Maybe a cigar every once in a while. But i know hypnosis works for smokers. idk about weight though

05-23-2008, 05:40 AM
its just an oral fixation... stick a toothpick or some gum in there...

05-23-2008, 05:59 AM
I think it depens on the person, similar to how some people can drink occasionally without becoming an alcoholic, and others cannot. When I quit smoking, I primarily just had my mind made up to quit, the withdrawl wasnt really rough for me other than being a little more on edge. For something thats supposedly more addictive than Heroin, it sure was easy to quit.. Makes me wonder how true that is.. anyway,

Are you still off the Snuff?
By now, the tough part is over.

05-23-2008, 07:34 AM
yup, day five. i completely forgot about this thread when i woke up today. haha, but i saw it was bumped back up.